Math 125 Pre- Calculus Name:___________________________
Spring 2014, Kenny Shah (Chapter 4)
In-Class Assignment # 5(4.1 – 4.4)
1. An investment decreases by 5% per year for 4 years. By what total percent does it decrease?
2. The amount (in milligrams) of a drug in the body t hours after taking a pill is given by
(a) |
What is the initial dose given? |
(b) |
What percent of the drug leaves the body each hour? |
(c) |
What is the amount of drug left after 10 hours? |
(d) |
After how many hours is there 1 milligram left in the body? |
3. A population has size 5000 at time t = 0, with t in years.
(a) |
If the population decreases by 100 people per year, find a formula for the population, P, at time t. |
(b) |
If the population decreases by 8% per year, find a formula for the population, P, at time t. |
4. find a formula for the exponential function
5. Assume the equations for ,
, and
can all be written in the form
Which function has the largest value for a?
Which two functions have the same value for a?
Which function has the smallest value for b?
Which function has the largest value for b?
6. Assume that all important features are shown in the graph of . Estimate
a. |
b. |
7. A bank pays interest at the nominal rate of 1.3% per year. What is the effective annual rate if compounding is:
8. Suppose $1000 is deposited into an account paying interest at a nominal rate of 8% per year. Find the balance three years later if the interest is compounded
(a) |
Monthly |
(b) Find the nominal and effective rate of the investment.
(c) What does the effective rate mean to you in terms of the application problem.
BUSM 4194 Leading for Change Semester 1, 2014
Assessment Task 1: Leadership Development Report
Writing instructions and Marking Rubric
This assessment task is a REPORT. The RMIT College of Business requires you to use a particular style of writing which involves both the way the report is structured and the way that you acknowledge other people’s ideas used in your work. The structuring of a report is very clearly described in the RMIT Study and Learning Centre Report Writing Skills Online Tutorial available on the BUSM4194 course Blackboard site Your first step in preparing for this assessment task should be to complete this tutorial. Investing time before you start writing will result in a better report. Your second step should be mastering the art of referencing. There are many styles of referencing in use in different disciplines and geographical locations. You are required to use the RMIT Business Referencing System. This is available to you via the Library website, in your course site on myRMIT and is uploaded to the assessments folder in the BUSM 4194 course site. This is a 50 page document but reading it through will be enormously helpful for you in this and future assessment tasks. Make sure that you can clearly distinguish the difference between an essay (page 28 of the document) and a report (page 36). Remember: this current assessment task is a REPORT not an ESSAY. The critical thinking element We want you to be very comfortable with questioning everything you read and hear. Anyone can remember facts and state other people’s views but a far more useful skill is to critically review what you read and hear and decide for yourself how reliable, accurate, applicable, contemporary, objective and fair it is. In this report, your assessor will value the fact that you are able to see both benefits and deficiencies in a particular theory. Make sure you look through the critical thinking exercises in the course site to get a clear understanding of critical thinking! How many references should I cite? There is no right answer to this question because it all depends on what you write in your report. Some statements you make in your report will certainly need a reference to support them.
So, to determine how many references you need to cite, first (as described in the report writing tutorial) draw a mind map of ideas to go into your report and for each idea try to link it to a reference source.
BUSM 4194 Leading for Change task 1 Marking Rubric [sem 1 2014, Singapore]
How will the report be marked?
Your lecturers have already created a marking rubric that will be used to award you a mark out of 50 as the report comprises 50 of the overall 100 marks available in this course.
The rubric is reproduced over the page and will be used as a way of providing feedback to you on how you performed.
The most important thing about the rubric is that it DEFINES what you will be marked on. If you include additional material that is not mentioned in the rubric it will not attract any marks, if you forget to write about something listed in the rubric, you’ll lose marks.
So the rubric is like a “contract” between you and your lecturer. Following the rubric clearly is your best strategy for a good result
1. Explore the Central Michigan University competencies model 2. Identify you current strengths and weaknesses as a leader (or potential leader) within the context
of the CMU 3. Review the leadership theories explored in this course and describe how they relate to you and
your leadership development (again in the context of the CMU model) 4. Create a leadership development plan 5. Seek feedback on your plan from an established leader. This leader can be anyone you know who
holds a leadership position in an organisation 6. Describe how you have incorporated this leader’s feedback into your plan 7. Describe how you will achieve the developments set out in your plan 8. Describe how you will evaluate whether or not you have reached the level of development set out
in your plan
Word limit: 2500 words (not including your reference list or any appendices you may wish to attach)
Due: see due date in assessment tasks folder
Submission procedure: The report must be submitted in both electronic and hard copy. See the submission section in the course site assessment tasks folder for more details
BUSM 4194 Leading for Change task 1 Marking Rubric [sem 1 2014, Singapore]
Report Element Marks available
Marks awarded
You have included a clear description of - and justification for - for your leadership development plan components. You should include:
Explanation of your contextualisation of the CMU Model
5 Did you utilise the whole model or did you focus on a subset of issues within the model? Why?
b Diagnosis of your leadership strengths and weaknesses
5 How did you carry out this diagnosis? What information / journal article / other source will you cite in your report to support the diagnostic process?
c Industry-specific issues (e.g. manufacturing industry vs financial consulting)
5 Considering the industry sector that you work in (or intend to work in) are there any issues that are either unique or especially important?
d Person-specific issues (e.g. gender, age, culture) 5 Your personal characteristics are important in shaping your leadership development. What can you say, for example, about the impact of your gender or your age group or your cultural background or the country / culture in which you are likely the work?
e Timeframe for plan (multi-staged? 2 years? 5 years?) 5 What time frames will you place on various aspects of your leadership development? How soon could you reasonably expect to achieve a leadership development goal?
f Plan evaluation approach(es )
5 How will you know that you’ve achieved the goals set out in your leadership development plan? What kind(s) of data and information will inform this?
Your plan is supported by key theory and practice literature. This literature has been cited and formatted according to the RMIT Business Referencing Guide
15 Which ideas, theories and approaches in leadership have you incorporated into your plan? Which reputable source will you “cite” when discussing these?
There is clear evidence of input to leadership plan from an industry leader.
What did the leader suggest? What did you change as a consequence of the leader’s advice?
5 What did the industry leader have to say about your draft leadership development plan? How have you modified your draft as a consequence? (For example, if the leader you consulted said that your timeframe to achieve your leadership gaols was unrealistically short, did you then extend the timeframe top achieve these?)
Total marks for this assessment task 50
BUSM 4194 Leading for Change task 1 Marking Rubric [sem 1 2014, Singapore]
The School of Management Undergraduate Marking Scale Serious Fail (NN) 0-29% Fail (NN) 30 – 49% Pass (PA) 50 – 59% Credit (CR) 60 – 69% Distinction (DI) 70 – 79% High Distinction (HD) 80 – 100% Attainment Standards for assessment Levels Serious Fail (NN) 0 – 29%
Flawed work – showing evidence of the following:
• Inadequate understanding of the subject in terms of knowledge, skills and application. Minimal reading and inadequate planning.
• Little understanding of underlying principles and concepts, and no effective analysis. • Reflective statements provide an incomplete or inaccurate description of the task, with no
evidence of effective collaboration with others. • Work failed for one or more of the following: non-submission, academic misconduct,
answering a different question from the one asked, poor or incoherent vocabulary, no evidence of correct scholarly referencing.
Fail (NN) 30-49%
Deficient work – showing evidence of the following:
• Lack of academic rigour, with material that is incomplete or irrelevant. • Little evidence of knowledge of the relevant body of knowledge to make a persuasive case. • Failure to review critically, analyse, consolidate and combine knowledge and draw relevant
conclusions. • Reflective statements provide a basic description of the task with no insight into behaviour
or learning preferences for collaborative practice. • Does not demonstrate sufficient grasp of the required scholarly standards in relation to
presentation, with errors, bad spelling or grammar, lack of organisation, insufficient arguments.
• Improper citation of sources and referencing of work. • Late submission.
Pass (PA) 50 –59%
Satisfactory work – showing evidence of the following:
• The subject is covered satisfactorily but the volume of reading is insufficient for Credit. • Reasonable coverage of the relevant body of knowledge but does not review critically,
analyse, consolidate with a high level of insight. • Factual and descriptive rather than carefully argued and analytical style of work. Lacks
evidence of intellectual independence to adapt knowledge in diverse contexts.
BUSM 4194 Leading for Change task 1 Marking Rubric [sem 1 2014, Singapore]
• Conclusions are limited in scope. • Reflective statements provide a nuanced insight into behaviour and learning preferences
and practice in collaboration with others. • English, including spelling, grammar, vocabulary, and communication style is competent and
coherent • Only minor lapses in referencing and/or use of sources. • Work is not well organised or structured.
Credit (CR) 60 – 69%
Good work – showing evidence of the following:
• Broad understanding of the subject or area of practice and has read widely. • Volume of reading of sufficient breadth and depth for a competent understanding of main
issues, underlying principles and concepts but without the comprehensiveness of higher grades.
• Well-developed skills to present critical arguments and competent use of theoretical and technical knowledge with depth in some areas.
• Displays competence in reviewing critically, analysing, consolidating and synthesising the various cases made within a body of knowledge.
• Coherent arguments supported by evidence and illustration from the work of other authorities or by direct empirical analysis, but without the intellectual independence found in the higher grades.
• The work is clearly structured and the exposition of knowledge and ideas is clear and competent.
• Reflective statements provide a thoughtful commentary on the task, learning and relationships with others, ability to critically evaluate relevant theories, but without the self- awareness and self-questioning found in higher grades.
• Clear, coherent and interesting presentation, with responsibility and accountability to deal with questions and criticisms well.
• English, including spelling, grammar, vocabulary, and/or use of sources, and communication style is good.
• Work is fully referenced according to accepted scholarly standards.
Distinction (DI) 70 – 79%
Excellent work – showing evidence of the following:
• Demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge of the subject. • Material is deployed in a disciplined way with sophisticated comprehension of key issues • Demonstrated ability to critically review, analyse, synthesise and apply theoretical and
technical body knowledge in a broad range of areas and diverse contexts. • Shows reasoning and creative skills to use knowledge and awareness to exercise critical
thinking and judgement in selecting and applying methods and technologies in identifying and solving problems with intellectual independence
BUSM 4194 Leading for Change task 1 Marking Rubric [sem 1 2014, Singapore]
• The work is clearly structured and convincingly supported by appropriate evidence, argument or illustration.
• Reflective statements provide a thoughtful commentary on the task with insights into learning and interaction.
• Demonstrates critical evaluation and analysis of relevant theories as a basis for independent lifelong learning.
• Extremely solid, thorough, comprehensive written work, with a high level of academic integrity but without great originality.
High Distinction (HD) 80 – 100%
Exceptional work – showing evidence of the following:
• Highly original or insightful work. • Evidence of formulated and sustained arguments with sophisticated analysis, inferences,
synthesis of material and identifying flaws in published work. • Could not be improved at this learning
BUSM 4194 Leading for Change task 1 Marking Rubric [sem 1 2014, Singapore]
Human Resource Development – Singapore December 2014
The task - Case Analysis
Drawing from theories and models that inform adult and organisational learning, analyse the case below and make recommendations for action.
You may identify a number of issues or concerns in the case. In framing your response to the case it is recommended that you concentrate your efforts on the most critical. It is important that you explicitly establish a link between the critical issue and the relevant literature.
Academic references: You will need to demonstrate that you have a good understanding of the relevant academic literature. While an exact number of academic literature cannot be given, it is expected that you will use between five and eight academic references.
Words: 2,500
Due: 21 March 2014.
Human Resource Development Scenario
Akaline Inc is a Singaporean based petrochemical company. It produces approximately one million tonnes of ethylene per year. The Singapore plant has an enviable safety record and in the last financial year it recorded the following incidents:
1. Fatalities: 0
2. Permanent injury: 1
3. Lost time or restricted capacity to work: 10
4. Minor First Aid: 21
Five years ago Akaline Inc formed a joint venture with a Vietnamese company to build and operate a petrochemical plant in Vietnam. Akaline brings to the joint venture international expertise in operations and plant systems.
The plant was completed approximately eighteen months ago and after an initial period scaling-up it is supposed to be operating a full capacity. While the plant was under construction the Human Resources department was busy recruiting local engineers, operational staff and maintenance personnel. The Human Resource Development team of which you are a member, devised a comprehensive training program for all staff that had been recruited for the new Vietnam plant. The training included occupational, health and safety, standard operating procedures, plant/maintenance operation and where appropriate team leadership. All the new operators and the majority of the new maintenance recruits spent between three and six months at Akaline’s Singapore training facility.
While the Vietnam plant performed according to expectation during the six month scale-up period it has struggled to reach its production targets in the ensuing 12 months. Management based in Singapore have struggled to understand this. One reason could be that during the scale-up stage experienced engineers and managers from Singapore were ‘on-hand’ to assist. Another possibility is that the targets that were set by Singaporean operational management were too ambitious. However operational management were under pressure from executive management to establish those targets given the need to meet the financial targets and satisfy the banks that had provided capital for the Vietnam plant.
It is already apparent that safety is a cause for concern. Two weeks ago one of the plant’s maintenance staff was killed when he entered a chamber and was overcome with ammonia. Four other staff was also injured and required hospitalisation. This was the latest in a series of incidents. An initial investigation revealed that the Standard Operating Procedures that were based on the Procedures used in Singapore were not being implemented in the manner intended. The SOPs covered both operations and maintenance. The maintenance area in particular would appear to require urgent attention.
Senior management in Singapore have decided that urgent action needs to be taken. As a senior HRD practitioner you have been given the task to develop a HRD intervention.
Assessment criteria and their indicative weighting are:
· Analysis of the case – identify critical aspects of the case (6)
· Critical review of appropriate HRD models, concepts or theories (12)
· Evaluation and recommendations (14)
· Clarity of writing (6)
· Appropriate acknowledgement of sources (4)
· Overall coherency and quality (8)
BUSM 1139 Assessment Information
Assessment Tasks
TASK 1: Critical Analysis of case – 2500 word Essay (50%)
Due: Friday 21 March 2014 at 1700 (Singapore Time)
Submission: Electronic submission
The task - Case Analysis
Drawing from theories and models that inform adult and organisational learning, critically evaluate the case and make recommendations for action.
The purposes of this essay:
1. research one or more key aspect/s of foundational human resource development theory and
2. link these ideas and concepts to the key issues that you identify in the case.
Students should note that this assessment task requires a critical and evaluative stance. Those who are unsure about how to take a critical and evaluative stance should visit the RMIT Study and Learning Centre website ( A critical evaluation requires that the writer knows enough about the topic to be able to make informed comment and to apply judgement; therefore evidence of depth of research is important.
Assessment criteria and their indicative weighting are:
· Analysis of the case – identify critical aspects of the case (6)
· Critical review of appropriate HRD models, concepts or theories (12)
· Evaluation and recommendations (14)
· Clarity of writing (6)
· Appropriate acknowledgement of sources (4)
· Overall coherency and quality (8)
Assessment will be undertaken with reference to the ‘course grade requirements’ table listed later in this section.
Note: During the intensive teaching period at the end of January 2014 a number of interactive and formative tasks will be held. You can use these to
· assess your progress especially in terms of key literature about adult and organizational learning
· identify your strengths and weaknesses regarding analysis of literature.
NOTE: Task 2 has two components – Component A and Component B
Task 2 Component A Group Facilitation Exercise (20% )
Due as arranged.
The purpose of the Group Facilitation Exercise is to develop skills in applying various learning theories, design and delivery methodologies for facilitating or presenting to groups. This is also another opportunity for you to develop skills in teamwork and team leadership.
Groups will be formed under the direction of the class facilitator. In larger classes the group may have approximately ten members. Your group will take on the role of a training and development consultancy company. Your group will identify a topic that should be interesting to the audience, but not too complex for a short presentation. After consideration of the adult learning theories and program design and delivery methodologies covered in class, groups will:
· present a 15 minute learning experience to classmates.
· Ensure that all members of the group must be involved in the design and delivery of the presentation,
· Ensure that the audience is engaged in the presentation.
· Use a maximum of 11 power point slides.
· An additional 2 power point slides should be included. These two slides should outline a mechanism for assessing the understanding of the class. Note – you are not required to present this assessment activity during the group presentation.
The group must provide the lecturer with a copy of the session plan before commencing the exercise. The session plan will explain why the group chose particular learning methodologies and link the presentation design to key topics from the text (e.g., such as ’designing training’, ’evaluating training’, ’adult learning’ etc.). Note: minor adjustments may need to be made to the presentation schedule depending on the size of each class.
Criteria for Group Facilitation Presentations
· Timing (between 13 and 15 minutes)
· Clarity of Learning objectives
· Content and professionalism of learning experience – clearly connected with the literature; professionally presented.
· Quality of audience engagement
· Quality of the visual displays (eg powerpoints, posters)
· Quality of the assessment mechanism
Presentations will likely be held during weeks seven and eight. Students who are unable to attend the group facilitation exercise will receive zero marks for that task unless they are able to present to the lecturer a statement signed by all group members attesting to the fact that they completed a fair component of the preparation work AND other suitable documentation or explanation to account for their absence (such as a medical certificate). Students who are unable to attend on presentation day will be required to undertake a supplementary task if they wish to make up the 20% of marks allocated to the group presentation.
Task 2 Component B – 1500 word individual reflection paper (30%)
Due: The reflection paper is due the week following your presentation.
The reflection paper is intended to encourage you to think about the presentation and your own role in the exercise. This assessment task aims to ensure that you engage in critical reflection and knowledge creation (you will learn that this is called ‘explication’).
In this assessment task you need to reflect on your experience in the presentation, both from your perspective as a designer, developer or facilitator, and as an audience member. You will need to:
· discuss the various learning methodologies employed;
· describe those that you find most successful, and those which you may have found difficult;
· summarise what you have learned from the experience.
Those students who have not completed a reflective paper (also known as a reflective journal) before will find guides completion on the course learning hub site. This suggested format is based on the tutorial about Reflective Journals on the RMIT Learning Lab.
1. What happened? (approximately 250 words)
2. Interpretation (approximately 450 words)
3. Evaluation (approximately 500 words)
4. Plan (approximately 300 words)
Criteria for Reflection Paper
· Quality of the description – What happened?
· Quality of the Interpretation – what insights did I gain? How does this connect with previous learnings? What does this mean? How does this connect with learning theories?
· Quality of the Evaluation – what is the value of the experience? Why? So what?
· Quality of the Plan – How might this learning help me in the future (studies, career, life)?
Other Relevant Information
This Course Guide should be read in conjunction with all RMIT Policies. These are accessible on the RMIT Corporate Governance Website.
Students must submit all pieces of assessment to pass the course.
Submission of Assignments
All assessment tasks must include your name in the footer, pages must be numbered.
Assessment Task 1:
Soft Copy only– due by 1700 on 21 March 2014 via the course shell on MyRMIT
· This is considered the official version of the assignment.
· File name: student number_family name Task1.doc
· Include the list of references/bibliography – Turnitin has been instructed to ignore this part of the essay.
· Turnitin small matches – Turnitin has also been instructed to ignore small matches.
Assessment Task 2
A – Group Presentation
Hard copy to local lecturer
B Individual Reflection:
Soft Copy to MyRMIT + Hard Copy to SIM

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