MT359 Advertising, Promotion, PR: Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies

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Unit 5 Assignment Directions and Rubric

Complete the Assignment: Neuromarketing

At the start of this unit you reviewed materials in Doc Sharing regarding neuromarketing. In your review of the material a number of very important points were raised on the process and why neuromarketing is used and is becoming more a part of the norm. Prepare and submit a three page paper describing the four points you feel are most significant on the effectiveness of neuromarketing and provide at least two references to support your opinion (other than the Doc Sharing materials provided ). Note, these references can be videos.

Assignment Checklist:

1. Read and review the impact of the material in Doc Sharing.

2. Clearly analyze the core of neuromarketing.

3. List 4 significant points on the effectiveness of neuromarketing.

4. Be sure to outline your decision on whether the impact is real or not.

5. Provide at least two references, outside of unit materials, to support your opinion.

Directions for Submitting Your Assignment

Before you submit your Assignment, you should save your work on your computer in a location and with a name that you will remember. Make sure your Assignment is in the appropriate format (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or other), then, when you are ready, you may submit on the Dropbox page.

MT359 Advertising, Promotion, PR: Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies

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Grading Rubric

Weighting Possible Points

Analysis and Critical Thinking

Organizatio n

• There is clear structure to the paper

• There is a central theme or thesis

• It is written for the appropriate audience

• Logical flow of ideas

• Appropriate introduction to the paper or topics being covered

• Logical conclusion that results from the thesis


1. Examine how neuromarketing is impacting the consumers and understanding how and why advertisers use these techniques.

2. Clearly articulate the core of the strategy.

3. Be sure to outline your decision on whether they are on the right track

75% 22

Writing Style, Grammar, APA Format (when assigned)

Style and Coherence

• Sentences are complete in thought

• Sentences are concise, eliminating unnecessary words or phrases

• Sentences vary in structure

5% 2

MT359 Advertising, Promotion, PR: Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies

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• Sentence transitions are present

• Words used are precise, unambiguous and used properly

• There is an appropriate tone for the Assignment

Grammar and Spelling

• Proper use of grammar and punctuation

• Proper spelling

5% 1

Format • Orderly presentation of materials, following general format requirements (Margins, header, footer, font size, general amount of work)

• Use of headings, italics, and other aids (e.g., appendices, tables of contents, when appropriate) to improve the flow of the paper

5% 1

• 1 Proper citation and reference to resources, following APA

5% 2

Content, Focus, Use of Text/Resear ch

Content Overall:

• Purpose of the paper is clear

• All questions/requirements of the Assignment are answered in a substantive manner

5% 2

MT359 Advertising, Promotion, PR: Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies

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• Major topics/theories are stated clearly and are supported by details and analysis

• Content is comprehensive, accurate, and/or persuasive

• Integration of theory and practice

• Research is adequate and up-to- date

Totals 100% 30 points

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