
Competency Number(s) :


Subject(s) :

Topic or Unit of Study :

Grade/ L evel:

Instructional Setting :

( e.g., g roup size, learning context, location [classroom, field trip to zoo , etc. ], seating arrangement, bulletin board displays)


Your State Core Curriculum /Student Achievement Standard (s) :

To view standards: G o to TaskStream Standards Manager under Programs & Resources. Then go to Browse Standards (Standards Wizard). Select your state. S elect standard(s).

Lesson O bjective (s) :

( e.g., what students will accomplish by the end of a single lesson ; needs to align with core

curriculum/student achievement standard)


Instructional Materials:

M aterials needed for the lesson ( e.g., textbook, construction p aper, scissors , PowerPoint, guided note templates )


S upplementary information and/or places where you found information for the lesson


Sequence of I nstructional Procedures/Activities/Events ( provide description and indicate approximate time for each):

Identification of S tudent P rerequisite S kills N eeded for L esson :

(e.g., anticipatory set, schema , purpose of lesson for student s, connections to previous learning)

Presentation of N ew I nformation or M odeling :

(e.g., term definitions , concepts , processes and/or approaches)

Guided P ractice :

( e.g., teacher directed , scaffolding , check for student understanding)

Independent S tudent P ractice :

( e.g., teacher monitored , check for student understanding)

Culminating or C losing P rocedure/ A ctivity/ E vent :

(e.g., review terms, concepts, and/or learning process; establish connection s to the next lesson; check for student understanding)

Pedagogical Strategy (or Strategies):

( e.g., direct instruction, cooperative learning groups, partner work )

Differentiated I nstruction:

D escribe accommodations for such groups as English L anguage L earners, hearing impaired, learning disabled, physically disabled, and/or gifted/accelerated learners .

Student Assessment/Rubrics:

Describe how you will know if students have met the objective(s) for this lesson (i nclude pre - and post - assessment plans formal and/or informal , summative and/or formative , etc. ) .


Total cost of the room Total Services done for the month
Ammenities Qty Used Cost/Unit Total cost Services Qty
Diswashing Liquid 1 0.15 0.15 Departure
Dishwashing Powder 1 0.28 0.28 Service
Laundry Powder 1 0.28 0.28 Linen
Tea Towel 1 0.27 0.27
Bath towels 2 0.57 1.14 Total Services 0
Face towel 2 0.23 0.46
Hand Towel 1 0.32 0.32
pillow cover 3 0.32 0.96
bedsheet 3 0.98 2.94
Bath Matt 1 0.41 0.41
Soap Bar 2 0.14 0.28
Shampooo 1 0.21 0.21
Body Lotion 1 0.21 0.21
Body Conditioner 1 0.21 0.21
Body Wash 1 0.21 0.21
Toilet Paper 2 0.69 1.38
Tissue Box 2 0.86 1.72
Grooming Kit 1 0.19 0.19
Sanitory Bag 1 0.12 0.12
Bin liner 1 0.02 0.02
Housekeeping 1 17.89
Reception2: Reception2: Needs to be updated in reference to the spreadsheet sent by Natalie
Rent 1 31.25 31.25
Electricity 1 5.83 5.83
Note Pad 1 0
Pen 1 0.4 0.4
Milk 1 0.53 0.53
Tea 4 0.032 0.128
Coffee 4 0.14 0.56
Decaff 4 0.19 0.76
Sugar 4 0.12 0.48
Equal 4 0.12 0.48
Salt 4 0.06 0.24
Paper 4 0.09 0.36
Total Cost In a room 70.668
Total Stock order this month
Ammenities Qty in unit Price/Unit Total Consumpltion
Diswashing Liquid 0.15 0
Dishwashing Powder 0.28 0
Laundry Powder 0.28 0
Tea Towel 0.27 0
Bath towels 0.57 0
Face towel 0.23 0
Hand Towel 0.32 0
Bath Matt 0.41 0
Soap Bar 0.14 0
Shampooo 0.21 0
Body Lotion 0.21 0
Body Conditioner 0.21 0
Body Wash 0.21 0
Toilet Paper 0.69 0
Tissue Box 0.86 0
Grooming Kit 0.19 0
Sanitory Bag 0.12 0
Bin liner 0.02 0
Housekeeping 0 0
Rent 31.25 0
Electricity 5.83 0
Note Pad 0
Pen 0.4 0
Milk 0.53 0
Tea 0.032 0
Coffee 0.14 0
Decaff 0.19 0
Sugar 0.12 0
Equal 0.12 0
Salt 0.06 0
Paper 0.09 0
Total Cunsumtion of ammentins/linen 0
Total Avergae cost of a room this month ERROR:#DIV/0!
Differece between the acutal cost and the consumption ERROR:#DIV/0!
Reception2: Reception2: the value should always be in positive

Reception2: Reception2: Needs to be updated in reference to the spreadsheet sent by Natalie





Competency Number(s) :


Activity Title and Subject(s):

Topic or Location in Lesson:



Lesson Objective(s) Activity Relates to :

( i . e ., what students will accomplish by the end of a single lesson )


( i.e., w hat the t eacher w ill d o , what the students will do )

Instructional Strategy (or Strategies):

(e.g., direct instruction, cooperative learning groups, partner work)

( i . e . , what you will do as a teacher to help promote fluency during this lesson)

Explanation and Ration ale for Instructional Strategy :

Learning Activity:

( i . e., what students will do to develop fluency during this lesson)

Explanation and Rationale for Learning Activity :

Students Name:

Lecturers Name:

Unit Title:

Submission Date:

A. Design an original lesson for students in the first, second or third grade (using the attached Lesson Plan Format for each of the following two writing styles: Note: These two lessons should form an integrated unit of instruction.

1. A narrative writing lesson (stressing the telling of a story)

a. Explain how you would use the six traits writing model as an assessment if these students were in your own classroom.

b. Describe two items you would use in your classroom environment to encourage narrative writing.

2. An expository writing lesson (informing the reader of a topic that would include facts, such as book reports or research reports)

a. Describe two items you would use in your classroom environment to encourage expository writing.

B. Design an original activity (using the attached Lesson Activity Format) where students learn an irregular spelling rule (e.g., child/children).

C. Design an original read-and-describe activity (using the attached Lesson Activity Format) where students read one of their writing samples to a peer and then the peer describes the content of the writing to the class. Note: In both lesson plans and activities, students should be encouraged to look for correct punctuation, grammar, spelling, and capitalization of words.

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