Special Needs Conditions
The term Special Needs includes children with physical, sensory, or cognitive impairments, as well as those with health care needs such as asthma and emotional health issues. The term Disabilities refers to physical or mental impairments that limit a child’s movements,
senses, or activities. Disability describes the person's limitation, their condition and inability;
while handicap refers to the impact the person's disability has on normal life activities.
Conditions Descriptions
1 Visual Impairment Ranges from total lack of vision to correctable vision
2 Hearing Impairment Ranges from total hearing loss to correctible hearing.
3 Learning Disability Average or above intellectually but has difficulty learning. Characterized by attention, memory, and perceptual problems. Difficulties with Language use, writing, reading
4 Neurological Impairment Neuromuscular disorder (such as cerebral palsy) or neurological disorder (such as epilepsy)
5 Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
Inattentive, disorganized, off task; may be overly active and lacking in self-control
6 Orthopedic Handicap May have one or more missing limbs or limbs that do not function properly.
7 Speech and Language Disorders
Speech difficulty may be an articulation problem. Language problems include slow or delayed speech development, lack of comprehension, stuttering, articulation problems, etc.
8 Emotional and Behavioral Disturbances
Unable to adjust, unhappy, has behavior problems
9 Autism Effects communication, imagination, and socialization; child appear to avoid social interaction
10 Giftedness High intelligence and/or creativity and special talents
11 Cultural Differences Child’s culture is not the mainstream model
12 Environmentally Induced Differences
Abusive treatment, malnutrition, cultural differences
13 Intellectual Disability (Note: The term Mental Retardation is politically incorrect, hurtful and dehumanizing.)
Intellectual challenge based on multiple criteria, including IQ score, level of functional adaptive behavior (ie: dressing, toileting, feeding), and level of social adaptive behavior.
14 Polydrug (marijuana, alcohol, tobacco) Exposed (which refers to the use of combined psychoactive substances to achieve a particular effect)
Cognitive, motor, and perceptual deficits. Possible behavior problems. Central nervous system damage.
Parent Involvement
Benefits for children
Children of parents who are involved in their education:
have a more positive attitude about school,
have improved attendance,
and show better homework habits
than do children whose families are less involved.
Benefits for the parent
The parent also benefits from being involved in their child’s education/school. The parent who is involved in
their child’s school:
understands what their child is being taught,
shows increased self-confidence in parenting, (how to become effective parents)
shows more knowledge of child development, (learn more about their children)
has an expanded understanding of the home as an environment for student learning.
is more likely to report that they feel they should help their child at home,
So why don’t parents come to school? Some of the barriers include:
1. Availability - Many parents feel like intruders on school grounds.
2. Awkwardness - Feelings of inadequacy in knowing how to help their children. They may feel that their
assistance is not needed by the teacher/school. The tendency for teachers to communicate only if there is
trouble ALSO may contribute to the parent’s general reluctance to approach the school uninvited.
3. Timing- Time constraints and conflicts in the work schedules. Therefore flexibility is a must for teachers!
These guiding questions can be used by the teacher for self-evaluation:
Does what I am about to do……
1. welcome families as partners in their children’s schooling?
2. communicate clearly with everyone?
3. involve each parent in his or her child’s learning?
4. include clear information about how and why their help is needed?
5. allow for a variety of times and ways to participate?
6. exclude anyone for any reason?
Communicating with Parents: One Way and Two Way Modes of Communication
What is the difference between one way communication and two way communication?
One way= merely informs parents about the school’s plans and happenings.
Two way= requires interactions among participants, allows parents to give feedback to the school on their
knowledge, concerns, and desires.
The ideal is to achieve effective communication. There are a number of strategies to do this.
Examples of One Way Communication:
1. A newsletter is a simple form of one-way communication.
2. Notes and letters (ie: send home a note to let parents know how child is doing). They can establish good
3. Newspapers can help disseminate information effectively
4. District newsletters keep the community up to date on school events
5. Suggestion boxes encourage parents to share their concerns and pleasures with the school anonymously.
6. Handbooks sent home before child enters school are greatly appreciated by parents. They can reinforce
policies, etc.
7. Bulletin boards
Examples of Two Way Communication:
1. Homework hot line. People can volunteer for a set number of hours at a special volunteer number.
2. Computer information line (emails)
3. Telephone calls. If it is impossible to visit a person in person, rely on a telephone call. Beware, however,
that most parents will wonder what is wrong when their child’s teacher calls. This is quite an indictment
of our communication methods; parents are generally contacted only when something is wrong or gone
4. Home visits. Not all parents are receptive to them (afraid teacher is judging home)
5. Visits to classroom. Parents can come and volunteer at special events, regularly, etc.
6. Participation visits. Directions will help a parent feel more comfortable helping in the classroom (in
form of a handbook or brief dialogue)
7. Visits by invitation (“parents of the week”)
8. Student-parent exchange day (have parent come in role of their child to see what school is like)
9. Breakfasts. If you have a cooperative cafeteria staff or volunteers who are willing to make a simple
10. A brief note
11. Talking daily
Developing Relationships with Parents
How might a teacher develop a strong relationship with parents?
1. Let parents know you are sincerely interested in them as individuals. How might this look?
2. Show interest in the family as a whole, not just the child. How might this look?
3. Show interest in their personal interests and problems. How might this look?
4. Provide opportunities for developing social relationships with other families in the school. How might
this look?
5. Listen to their suggestions and opinions.
6. Follow up each written communication or invitation with a call to those who don’t respond.
7. Enlist the aid of parents to contact other parents and to help involve them in the program.
8. Send information home to let parents know what is happening at school.
9. Hold workshops where parents can come together informally. How might this look?
10. Offer programs to help parents know more about developmental needs of children.
11. Enlist the aid of parents in gathering free materials either from their own scrap collections or from
neighborhood businesses.
12. Ask parents to suggest topics for study groups, workshops, trips and programs.
13. Send out newsletters at regular intervals.
14. Invite parents to observe and participate at school. Teachers can create a classroom climate that
welcomes families (it’s a partnership!) Invite parents to share a vocation/job or hobby/interest with the
class. Have a surprise secret reader. Activities like these validate and empower the parents. They help
the connection between home and school form on positive notes.
15. Vary the times and opportunities for family members to become involved. How might this work?
16. Be sensitive to the unique characteristics and circumstances of individual families. How might this look?
How might teachers get parents involved in their children’s education?
1. Prepare parents for what they can expect from their child’s school experience – Parents should be
provided with a handbook, a school year calendar. Parents should know what their responsibilities are.
2. Contact parents frequently and on a regular basis. Keep the lines of communication open and flowing
between school and home. Know and call the parents by name. Talk to them briefly as they leave and
pick up their children.
3. Respect parents for the difficult job they have, the role they play, and the persons they are. Let them
know that you are sincerely interested in them as individuals.
4. Respect the parents’ religious, cultural, social and ethnic backgrounds – this means be supportive of
dietary restrictions, special holidays, and customs that parents choose to share.
5. Listen to parents. Try to hear what they are saying from their point of view. Listen to parents without
judging them.
6. Create a classroom climate that welcomes families (it’s a partnership!) Invite parents to share a strength
or hobby (guitar playing) or vocation (fire fighter) with the class….or have a surprise secret reader.
Activities like these validate and empower the parents.
7. Use frequent, two-way, and clear communication with families. Vary the form of communication. Also
try to get the information in the language they can understand, if possible.
8. Offer varied times and opportunities for parental involvement. Be sensitive to parent diversity. Vary the
times and opportunities for family members to become involved (ie: Dad’s night).
9. Be sensitive to the unique characteristics and circumstances of individual families. Accommodate
working schedules; provide child care for evening activities, etc.
10. Support all parents, even those with differing opinions. Find ways to acknowledge them and what they
are trying to do even though you may disagree with their child rearing practices.
11. Respect the values of families. Social, cultural, and religious differences and a variety of life styles,
child-rearing methods, and educational philosophies are reflected in every classroom. It is important
that parents feel accepted. Focus on the similarities among parents and develop an anti-bias approach to
12. Ask parents instead of telling them. Avoid telling parents what to do. Help parents clarify their goals
for their children and identify the trouble spots. Teachers then encourage and support parents as they
work together to solve the problem. Parents will feel overwhelmed and inadequate if they think they
must change their whole child rearing style.
13. Accept parents for what they are. Parents’ feelings can get easily hurt if they think they are being
judged or criticized by teachers and school personnel. Keep in mind that parents just want to be
accepted for who and what they are. We are good about accepting the individuality of each child – must
transfer that practice to parents.
Conferencing: How to have a successful/productive conference:
1. Schedule conferences on a regular basis.
2. Be prepared.
3. Select a private place free from interruption.
4. Have a clear purpose.
5. Put parents at ease.
6. Use up-to-date- information and examples – cite examples from teacher observations, etc.
7. Be sure to tell parents what children to well, focus on the child’s strengths.
8. Avoid blaming parents.
9. Know where and how to secure community resources and referrals.
10. Make a date for a follow up conference if needed.
11. Write a brief report after the conference.
What is your plan to ensure your parent-teacher conferences are effective?
How can you be prepared?
How can you prepare the physical space in the room?
How should you welcome the parents?
What will you provide to keep the parents occupied while they are waiting for their
How will you adjust the conference to the parent’s level of understanding?
How many objectives will you have for the conference?
How will you summarize and agree upon the results of the conference?
How should you start the conference?
What type of body language should you have?
Will you begin and end on time?
What type of follow up should you have?

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