Concepts of Applied Behavior Analysis
Discussion Post Rubric
Overview The discussion posts in this course are slightly different than in previous courses. The aim is to utilize all of the information provided in a thoughtful, synthesized argument. Each post should be unique and avoid a summary of the readings. Artificial intelligence, such as ChatGPT, is not permitted. Although many students will still use this resource, it almost always is obvious and scores on other assessments in the course will reflect unoriginal posts.
Length of the post While exceptionally long posts are not automatically more scholarly, to synthesize philosophical information thoroughly, these posts are expected to be a bit longer than in other applied courses. Also, citations and article titles do not count in the word count. Please use APA format for references and citations.
Grammar, usage, and spelling The University of West Florida students receive free access to Microsoft Office and Grammarly. These are expected to be utilized to provide feedback on student writing before assignment submission.
Referencing Sources Students are expected to cite all assigned readings within the module that a discussion post is assigned. They are also expected to find an outside source that is eligible and academic.
Promotes Discussion At this level, high academic standards in scholarly writing are expected. Students promote discussion by contributing ideas and support, not summarizing assignments.
Demonstrates Application The course aims to take the philosophical discussions of behaviorism and apply them to everyday activities. Again, a summary of the readings will not provide insight into how behaviorism is apparent in applied behavior analysis.
Response to Peer A response to a peer is expected by the following week. The response should contribute to the conversation or challenge ideas. Simply stating “I said the same thing!” or “I really enjoyed the points you made” will result in zero points.
Scoring Breakdown
Category 10 points 5 points 0 points
Length of Post At least 200 words. 150 – 200 words. Less than 150 words.
Grammar, usage, and spelling
No more than 1 error. 2 – 4 errors. More than 4 errors.
Referencing Cited all the assigned readings and included an academic, outside reference.
Missed 1 assigned reading or the outside reference was not academic or ineligible.
Did not cite an outside reference and/or missed more than 1 assigned reading.
Promotes discussion
The author produces content beyond a summary and applies it to a logical argument. The author’s post clearly responds to the assignment prompt, develops ideas cogently, organizes them logically, and supports them through empirical writing. The author’s post also raises questions or stimulates discussion.
The author’s post responds to the assignment prompt but relies heavily on definitional explanations and does not create and develop original ideas and support them logically. The author’s post may stimulate some discussion.
The author’s post does not correspond with the assignment prompt, mainly discusses personal opinions, irrelevant information, or information is presented with limited logic and lack of development and organization of ideas Does not support any claims made.
Demonstrates Application
The author is able to apply content to an example or real world application The author’s post clearly demonstrates application and relationship to the week’s assigned reading/topic.
The author’s post refers to the assigned topic/reading tangentially but does not demonstrate application.
The author’s post does not demonstrate application of the week’s assigned topic/reading.
Response to Peer Timely and thoughtful response to peer.
Missed the due date or provided a generic statement to the peer.
Missing response.
- Concepts of Applied Behavior Analysis
- Discussion Post Rubric
- Overview
- Length of the post
- Grammar, usage, and spelling
- Referencing Sources
- Promotes Discussion
- Demonstrates Application
- Response to Peer
- Scoring Breakdown

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