check attached course syllabus to know the course contents


Course Description:

In this course, students explore the differences between managers and leaders, using a framework for understanding issues involved in both managing and being managed. Students will be introduced to the process of decision-making in a variety of business context and develop skills related to managing groups and teams in a changing, global environment.

Course Objectives:

· Differentiate between managers and leaders

· Contrast the ideologies of managing and being managed

· Develop skills to manage teams in global and multicultural environment

Course Deliverables:

1. Homework Assignments

2. In Class Activities

3. In Class Quizzes

4. Mid-term and Final Exam

5. Project Presentation

Text and Supporting Materials:

eBooks from

Strategic Management, Neil Ritson

Management Basics, Susan Quinn

The Styles, Models and Philosophy of Leadership, Sarah Simpson

Drive: The Surprising Truth about What Motivates Us, Daniel H. Pink (available at

First Break all the Rules, Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman (available at

Leadership: Theory and Practice, 6th Ed., Peter G. Northouse, ISBN: 978-1-4522-0340-9

Optional: Contemporary Management, 8th edition, by Gareth Jones and Jennifer George, McGraw Hill, ISBN: 978-007-8029530

Course Methodology

On-ground courses at UoNA are supplemented with online activities using the Moodle platform allowing students to maximize in-person time in the classroom and support collaborative activities that take place remotely. Academic terms are scheduled to include ten on-ground sessions. In the last week of class, students present course projects to their faculty members and colleagues


Homework assignments will be posted in the Moodle and must be submitted via the Moodle dropbox by the due date. Assignments submitted via email will not be accepted, unless previous permission is obtained from the instructor. Late assignments will receive a penalty as indicated above.

Course Project

A group project on a course-related topic must be presented to the class during the last class session. Students may self-organize into groups of 2-6, depending on class size. Group composition must be submitted to the instructor by the end of the third class session. The project topic must be approved by the instructor by the end of the fourth class session. More guidance will be provided at the first class session. Groups may use any presentation methodology; however, the use of meaningful audio-visual aids is highly encouraged. All group members must participate in the presentation and all group members will receive identical grades. All major components of the project must be submitted to the instruction in Moodle for archival purposes.

Reflection Paper

You are required to write a reflection paper that summarizes your experience in MGMT 515. Consider what you have learned, how or if any learning can be applied to you current job, your thoughts on the teaching methodology used in the class, and any recommendations for improving the course. This is an opportunity to express you honest thoughts. You will not be penalized for disagreeing with the professor or the teaching materials; in fact, a well defended opposing opinion will receive a higher score. This paper may be any length, but at least 1000 words and constitutes 5% of your total grade.

Academic Integrity

Plagiarism is a violation of the integrity of the academic community. Intentionally representing someone else’s work as one’s own or using another’s ideas in a written paper or presentation without appropriate citations and references may result in a score of zero for the assignment or dismissal for repeated offenses. Plagiarism is:

· Quoting directly or paraphrasing the work of others without acknowledging the source;

· Copying text from ebooks or Web pages without citing the source;

· Constructing a paraphrase that closely resembles the original in language and syntax without acknowledging the source; and

· Submitting an assignment in a course which was previously submitted for a grade in another course.



MGMT – Management That Transforms

Class Schedule


Class Date



Readings/ Assignments


Admin: Syllabus, Textbooks, APA style

Lecture : Plagiarism

Lecture : Effective Presentations Using PowerPoint

Videos :

Office Hours

Review syllabus

Acquire required texts


Lecture: Managers and Managing

Lecture: Planner and Strategist

Office Hours

Reading assignment: See Moodle

HW #1 released


Lecture: Evolution of Management Thought

Lecture: Leadership

Office Hours

Reading assignment: See Moodle

Identify project groups by end of session

HW #2 released


Lecture: Managing in Multicultural Environment

Lecture: Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

Office Hours

Reading assignment: See Moodle

Approved project topic by end of session

HW #3 released


Lecture: Organizational Structure and Culture

Lecture: Effective Groups and Teams

Office Hours

Reading assignment: See Moodle

HW #4 released

Mid-term exam released

Extra credit assignment released

HW #1 due by beginning of session


Lecture: Promoting Effective Communication

Lecture: Managing Conflict, Politics, and Negotiation

Office Hours

Reading assignment: See Moodle

Mid-term exam due by beginning of session

HW #2 due by beginning of session


Lecture: Motivation and Performance

Lecture: Continuous Process Improvement

Office Hours

Reading assignment: See Moodle

HW #3 due by beginning of session


Lecture: Control, Change, and Decision Making

Lecture: Managing in a Global Environment

Office Hours

Reading assignment: See Moodle

HW #4 due by beginning of session


Lecture: Human Resource Management

Lecture: Guerrilla Employees

Office Hours

Reading assignment: See Moodle

Final exam released at end of session


Project Presentation

Final exam due by beginning of session

Group projects submitted in Moodle

Extra credit assignment due by beginning of session

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