Running header: RESEARCH
Research Topic
Mixed racial and cultural groups are growing in the United States. Should each group expect to be treated as a separate entity, or should residents of the United States be considered Americans without the hyphen?
Initial Research
America is knows and the land of opportunities and this has prompted very many people to join the American society, there is a common saying that America is a nation of immigrants and perhaps this can not be very far from the truth. Form research, you realize that it is difficult to say who a Native American is because most of the Americans have their ancestral roots somewhere else. The fact that the Americans society is made up of diverse people means that there has to be a way of differentiating the various groups and that is why we have terms like African- American , which leads to the question, would there be just American or we should have American-something else?
Very year many people come to America as students or through the green card while others come as expatriates and with time, they become permanent citizens, when this happens, they become important contributors of the nations GDP, to many this makes them to be Americans. It is for his reason that a study is required to address this issue. This study will seek to examine these from various perspectives.
Proposed Thesis
All Americans are equal because they contribute to the nation’s GDP, and they should just be called Americans.
Hellen, J. (2003).Research Methods. Nairobi: Longman
Mugenda, M. (2001). Introduction to research. London: Macmillan
Brigit, H. (2003). Quantitative Methods .New York: NYP
Running header: RESEARCH
The Diversity Challenge in America
Brianna Williams
English Composition
James Welsh
Ashford University
The Diversity Challenge in America
Annotated Bibliography
Fu, V. K., & Wolfinger, N. H. (December 01, 2011). Broken Boundaries or Broken Marriages? Racial Intermarriage and Divorce in the United States. Social Science Quarterly, 92, 4, 1096-1117.
According to various studies, it is evident that racial intermarriages have consequences based on marital stability. However, none of these studies controls racial differences in divorce risks, and this appropriately identifies the effect of intermarriages among races. The article develops a model that identifies the consequences of crossing racial boundaries in marriages. It is determined that the intermarriage Latino-white marriages were more than the Africa-white marriages. Intermarriage is determined as an important deficiency of the research providing precise resolution. Although the rates of Latino American marriages are higher, the great instability of the marriages indicates that the boundaries are still resilient.
WANG, Q. I. N. G. F. A. N. G. (September 01, 2010). Immigration and Ethnic Entrepreneurship: A Comparative Study in the United States. Growth and Change, 41, 3, 430-458.
According to the Singer typology, there are diverse types of immigration the serve as gateways to many individuals. According to the article, it is evident that the conditions of the metropolitan areas have an impact on ethnic labor force across ethnicity and gender. Through a research of 5% of the 2000 Integrated Public Usable Micro data Sample and the regression strategy, this article demonstrates that diverse types of immigration gateways have a great impact on the value of ethnic entrepreneurship. it is evident that the white and blacks, are lucky to develop businesses in their new migration destinations. However, there are differences that contribute to the interaction effects of gender and regional labor markets. These are the most significant issue of r blacks and Asians and such interactions usually shape gender divergence in business ownership in ethnic groups.
Williamson, J. (March 08, 1980). New people: Miscegenation and mulattoes in the United States. Social Science Quarterly, 92, 6, 475-981.
Based on the article, it is evident that there are insightful analyses that occur based on the miscegenation of American whites and Blacks from colonial period to the present. However, the group knows as “New people”, have interracial association and this is one of the numerous reasons why miscegenation has affected the national culture. It is noted that the American blacks are identified as of mixed ancestry; this has marked the beginning of mulattos’ history and culture. The article emphasizes that this has been a definite way to determine the experience of the mulattoes. According to Williamson, he focuses on the aspect of color that has separated the blacks, whites and the mulattoes in history. The effects of the increased ambiguity of these aspects have been speculated on the future of the American society.
Doane, A. W. (June 01, 1997). DOMINANT GROUP ETHNIC IDENTITY IN THE UNITED STATES: The Role of “Hidden’ Ethnicity in Intergroup Relations. Sociological Quarterly, 38, 3, 375-397.
The article focuses on various issues that concern the nature of dominant group ethnicity in the United States. According to dominant groups, ethnicity is viewed as a less visible and salient aspect of dominant status. The concealed ethnicity has resulted to systematic underdevelopment of the race and ethnic relation associated to the analysis of dominant ethnicity. The nature of dominant groups has been identified as a factor that facilitates the attempt of dominant groups that hold high positions in ethnic stratification. The article also focuses on the consequences of the race and culture changes in the United States.
Osei-Kofi, N. (February 01, 2013). Mixed, Blended Nation, and the politics of multiraciality in the United States. Critical Discourse Studies, 10, 1, 32-46.
This article focuses on the issues on multiracial shape, and reflection and the challenge of dissertation of race. According to the article there are various functions of photographic narratives that develop visibility and legitimacy to multiracialism. The historical and contemporary themes and tensions in image based endeavors to trouble notions of racial differences.
Running header: RESEARCH
The Diversity Challenge in America
Brianna Williams
English Composition
James Welsh
Ashford University
According to the research, annually, many individuals relocate to America as students or through access to green cards. Other individuals expatriate and after a period, they become full citizens of America. When this act occurs, all the individuals contribute to the nation GDP, and according to the conclusion of many, they are American citizens (Williamson, 1980). This study aims at addressing the issues that arise, and it also examines the aspects of race and culture on diverse perspectives.
Mixed racial and cultural groups in the United States have been described as one of the most important aspect discussed. It is evident that mixed racial relationships have the tendency of increasing globally, but it is more in the United States (Fu and Wolfinger, 2011). There are diverse individuals who elaborate on the case that the groups are supposed to be treated as distinct entity or if they are considered as ethnic Americans. However, although mixed racial and cultural groups continue to increase in the United States, it seems that majority of the individuals have the concept that separate ethnicity will remain prevalent in the United States.
However, when they encountered with by factors affecting other countries it is evident that they consider themselves as African-American or Mexican American and Asian American. Majority of the Americans have multiple identities whereby this factor identifies their ancestral origins, communal association and tribal aspects. This is based on the fact that there are diverse ideological aspects of both culture and race. However, individuals do not change their ethnicity since it is considered fashionable, but they may also emphasize diverse aspects based on their circumstances.
The United States has been a strategic location which is better through the classification of an ethnic background for various reasons (Doane, 1997). This also focuses on an accurate report of their parent’s origin and ethnic backgrounds. In diverse cases, the knowledge of their ancestral origin has improved along diverse families and communities although in some cases, the narratives tend to be suppressed and forgotten in history, resulting to racial variance among the individuals.
The racial and ethnic makeup of the American individuals increases over period of time. It has been noted that new immigrants from both Asia and Latin America has been as a large measure that focuses on cultural and the diversity of the American population over the past couple of years (Williamson, 1980). The difference of racial and ethnic groups has developed because of the increased intermarriages and the developing numbers of individuals with a mixed ancestry. The description of the racial and ethnic composition of American individuals has varied accounts and interpretation.
It is worth noting that individuals have diverse identities that focus on their complex ancestral origins and tribal associations. It is evident that individuals do not change their ethnicities due to personal preferences but because of diverse aspects based on their varied circumstances. An example is an individual who has Mexican relatives; they are identified as Hispanic, and also American in other countries (WANG, 2010). There are possibilities that exist in the saved data because of the opportunities based on varied responses of diverse census question of race and ethnicity.
The ethnic and racial landscape developed in the 19th century (Osei-Kofi, 2013). However, through continental expansions has been a home for Native Americans and individuals with mixed origins. There are successive waves of European and Asian origin, and this has been one of the contributing factors of the high populations. The track of mixed and unmixed individuals in America has been determined through historical and contemporary data. However, one of the shortcomings of the data is the fact that there is a difference in settlement rates and intermarriages. It has been noted that slight differences and assumptions based on relative magnitude of the research program has been termed to create a difference in ancestral origins based on the contemporary American population.
There are great obstacles in the description of ethnic development of American individuals relies on the assumption of most individuals having the ability to give a detailed report based on the origins of their families and ancestors (Doane, 1997). The only groups that are involved in the support of continued collection of racial and ethnic data entails of racial bureaucrats and other groups that are interested in racial and ethnic perspectives. The organizations state that the identification of individuals in a certain race is vital in redressing of past injustices. The federal government is supposed to collect and utilize data with an aim of developing racial and ethnic programs, which have affirmative quotas set aside for the groups. These groups usually entail of recent immigrants, and non citizens. It would be a fair nation if individuals were not judged based on their racial and ethnic backgrounds.
In conclusion, it has been noted that the American individuals require legislation that hinders that federal government from the collection of racial and ethnic information concerning the classification of American citizens by their race and ethnicity (Williamson, 1980). This also focuses on the data collected through census information. However, according to the research, exceptions occur based on law enforcements and medical research purposes.
Doane, A. W. (June 01, 1997). DOMINANT GROUP ETHNIC IDENTITY IN THE UNITED STATES: The Role of “Hidden’ Ethnicity in Intergroup Relations. Sociological Quarterly, 38, 3, 375-397.
Fu, V. K., & Wolfinger, N. H. (December 01, 2011). Broken Boundaries or Broken Marriages? Racial Intermarriage and Divorce in the United States. Social Science Quarterly, 92, 4, 1096-1117.
Osei-Kofi, N. (February 01, 2013). Mixed, Blended Nation, and the politics of multiraciality in the United States. Critical Discourse Studies, 10, 1, 32-46.
Williamson, J. (March 08, 1980). New people: Miscegenation and mulattoes in the United States. Social Science Quarterly, 92, 6, 475-981.
WANG, Q. I. N. G. F. A. N. G. (September 01, 2010). Immigration and Ethnic Entrepreneurship: A Comparative Study in the United States. Growth and Change, 41, 3, 430-458.

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