gender and equality
The following short essay assignment is designed to help prepare you for an important part of the Final Paper. In this essay, you will do the following:
Choose either the same ethical problem or question you discussed in the Week One Assignment, or a different one from the list of acceptable topics.
Choose either utilitarian or deontological ethical theory to apply to the ethical question.
Explain the core principles of that theory.
Demonstrate how the principles of the theory support a certain position on that question.
Articulate a relevant objection to the theory on the basis of that argument.
Write a five paragraph essay that conforms to the requirements below. The paper must be 600 to 900 words in length (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. The paragraphs of your essay should conform to the following guidelines:
The introduction should be one paragraph, no more than 120 words. This should clearly delimit the ethical problem or question under consideration, and define the essential issues. You may build upon the problem you raised in the Week One Assignment, or you may choose a different topic, but it must be from the list of acceptable topics.  The last sentence of the introduction should briefly summarize the conclusion or position on this issue that you think is best supported by this theory, and succinctly state what the objection will be. Remember that your essay will not be concerned with your own position on this issue, but what someone defending the chosen theory would conclude.
Body Paragraphs
Each paragraph in the body should start with a topic sentence that clearly identifies the main idea of the paragraph. Each paragraph should have at least four sentences.
Theory explanation:
This should be approximately 150 to 200 words explaining the core principles or features of the deontological or utilitarian theory and the general account of moral behavior it provides.
You must quote from at least one required resource that defends or represents that theory. Please view this
list of acceptable resources
This should be approximately 150 to 200 words, and should address how the principles or features of the deontological or utilitarian theory apply to the problem or question under consideration and identify the specific moral conclusion that results from that application.
Your application should clearly show how the conclusion follows from the main tenets of the theory as addressed in the previous paragraph. Please see the associated guidance for help in fulfilling this requirement.
This should be approximately 150 to 200 words raising a relevant objection to the argument expressed in part "b." A relevant objection is one that exposes a weakness in the theory as it applies to your problem, and so you should explain how it brings out this weakness.
Note that this does not necessarily mean that the objection succeeds, or that the conclusion the theory supports is wrong. It may be an obstacle that any adequate defense of the conclusion would have to overcome, and it may be the case that the theory has the resources to overcome that obstacle. Your task here is simply to raise the objection or present the “obstacle”.
The conclusion should be one paragraph, no more than 150 words. The conclusion should very briefly summarize the main points of your essay and must contain a paraphrased restatement of your thesis.
Resources Requirements:
You must use at least two resources to support your claims.
At least one of the resources should be one of the Required or Recommended resources that directly represent the theory you have chosen, and must be drawn from the
list of acceptable resources
The other source should pertain to the particular issue you are writing about, and should be drawn from the Required or Recommended readings in the course, or found in the Ashford Library.
You are encouraged to use additional resources, so long as at least two conform to the requirements above.
The textbook does not count toward satisfying the resources requirement.
To count toward satisfying the requirement, resources must be cited within the body of your paper and on the reference page and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Ashford Writing Center (AWC)
  has two kinds of tutoring available to you.
Live Chat
– If you have writing-related questions about a topic before you draft a discussion post or submit a written assignment, you will now be able to chat live with a tutor for a short (up to 20 minute) conversation. Live Chat will be available Monday through Friday from 10:00-11:00 am and 4:00-5:00 pm (PST).
AWC Live Chat
Email Paper Review
– If you have a draft, partial draft, or even if you’re having trouble getting started, you can complete a submission form and email your paper to the AWC for review.
Writing Tutors will do their best to return your paper with their comments within 48 hours, not including Saturdays and Sundays. Please plan accordingly if you would like to receive feedback before an assignment due date.
AWC Email Paper Review
Carefully review the 
Grading Rubric
 for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
Late Policy:
Written assignments (essays, journals, presentations) are due on the specified days in the course. Written assignments will be subject to a late penalty of up to 10% per day up to three days late. If written assignments are submitted after 72 hours past the due date, instructors can give a penalty up to and including a grade of 0 for the assignment.

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