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Money and Monetary Policy
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•Forms and Types of Money:
People invented money to overcome the limitations
of barter.
Early money was “commodity money.”
Commodity monies are items used as money that
also have intrinsic use value.
People invented fiat money and credit money to
overcome the limitations of commodity money.
Why do fiat money and credit money have value?
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Functions of Money:
Money regardless of form performs three
important functions in the economy.
Money serves as:
1. Medium of Exchange.
2. Store of Value.
3. Standard of Value.
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1. Medium of Exchange:
Barter requires the double coincidence of wants.
Money lowers the transactions costs of exchange
by serving as the means of payment.
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2. Store of Value:
Money is a convenient way to store part of one’s
Any asset has three important features.
An advantage to money is its liquidity, but liquidity
has an opportunity cost.
During inflationary times it is dangerous to store
wealth in the form of money.
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Risk and Return:
The rate of return on an asset is the total dollar
gain from an asset measured as a % from the
beginning of the period.
The return combines any income with a capital
gain or loss.
Risk measures the variability of returns.
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3. Standard of Value:
Unit of account.
Money is a standard of value for quoting prices.
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M1: Narrow transactions money supply is
called “M1.”
M1= currency + demand deposits
(checking accounts) + traveler's checks.
M1 is currently around 1.1 Trillion $ and
often falling.
About 60% of M1 is demand deposits and
a about 40% is currency.
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Broad money.
M2 includes M1 + liquid assets.
M2 = M1 + smaller savings accounts + small time deposit accounts + money market accounts + other near monies.
M2 is about 4.5 T $.
The relationship between M2 and the economy broke down in the early 1990’s as people pulled money out of savings accounts and put it into financial investments outside of banks that are not included in the money supply.
M2 is no longer a target variable of the Fed.
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$372 billion of currency amounts to over $1,430 for every man, woman and child in the U.S.
Most of the currency in the official statistics is not used in ordinary commerce in the U.S.
Much is held abroad by wealthy people
Some circulates in other countries along with local currencies
Currency is also used in illegal transactions
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Help bring savers and investors together
By using expertise and powers of diversification, financial
intermediaries reduce risk to savers and allow investors
to obtain funds on better terms
A typical commercial bank accepts funds from savers in the
form of deposits
The bank then turns the money around and makes loans to
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BALANCE SHEET Has two sides -- assets and liabilities
Liabilities are the source of funds for the bank
-- Your deposits to a checking account are an example of
Assets are the uses of the funds
-- Loans are an example of a bank’s assets
The difference between assets and liabilities is call its net worth
Net Worth = Assets - Liabilities
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Assets which are not lent out
Banks are required by law to hold a fraction of their deposits as reserves and not make loans with this fraction of deposits is called required reserves
Banks may choose to hold additional reserves beyond what is required; these are called excess reserves
A bank’s reserves are the sum of its required and excess reserves
Reserves can either be cash kept in a bank’s vaults or deposits with the Federal Reserve
Banks do not earn any interest on these reserves
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Monetary Policy:
Monetary policy influences the economy through
changes in the money supply, available credit, and
interest rates.
Monetary policy can be expansionary or
Keynesians see monetary policy working through
the effect of interest rates on investment.
The Fed has three major tools of monetary policy.
What macro goal does the Fed focus on?
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Keep in Mind:
Banks have a tremendous profit incentive to keep
their reserves as close to their required reserve
level as possible.
In most cases banks make loans first and worry
about required reserves later.
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1. Open Market Operations:
Expansionary Monetary Policy: Fed will buy securities, injecting reserves into the banking system. Banks can now create more money and the Federal Funds rate falls.
The Federal Funds rate is the rate of interest charged by banks on interbank loans of reserves.
If the Fed is pumping more reserves into the banking system, the federal funds rate will decline.
Typically the Fed buys securities from bond dealers or banks.
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The Fed Funds Rate:
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Selling Bonds:
How about contractionary policy?
Money multiplier works in reverse.
If the Fed is reducing bank reserves by selling
bonds, the federal funds rate will increase.
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Open-Market Purchases
Federal Open Market Committee
Regional Federal Reserve bank
Private bank
Step 2: Bond seller deposits Fed check
Step 3: Bank deposits check at Fed bank, as a reserve credit
Step 1: FOMC purchases government bonds; pays for bonds with Federal
Reserve check
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–Interest Rates and Bond Prices:
An objective of OMO is to alter the price of
bonds and their yields.
The Fed induces people to sell bonds by
offering high prices for their bonds.
Suppose you own a $1000 Treasury bond that
matures in 30 years and pays $80 per year.
What would the yield of the bond be if the Fed
offers you $1100?
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Bond Yields:
Yield = annual interest payment / price paid for bond.
In example: Yield = 80/1100 = 7.3%.
Interest rates and bond prices move in opposite directions.
If you buy a bond at par ($1000) with an $80 interest payment, the yield is 8%.
If you buy bond at a discount price of $800, the yield is 10%.
If you buy bond at a premium price of $1200, the yield is 6.67%.
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Advantages of OMO:
1. OMO are flexible.
Fed can buy or sell small, medium, or large
amounts of securities and adjust size.
2. OMO can be reversed if Fed overshoots.
OMO can be implemented on a quick,
continuous basis as new information is
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2. Changing Reserve
Affects the money multiplier and the amount of
What should the Fed do to implement
expansionary and contractionary policy?
Powerful, seldom used.
Fed can vary rate on DD between 8% and 14%.
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Impact of a Change in the
Reserve Requirement Required Reserve Ratio
20 percent 25 percent
Total deposits $100 billion $100 billion
Total reserves 30 billion 30 billion
Required reserves 20 billion 25 billion
Excess reserves 10 billion 5 billion
Money multiplier 5 4
Unused lending capacity $ 50 billion $ 20 billion
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The Discount Rate:
The Discount Rate is the rate of interest the Fed
charges on loans it makes to banks.
Banks have two main sources of extra reserves for new
lending or to meet their reserve requirements in the
case of withdrawals.
The "Federal Funds" market is a market where other
banks lend reserves usually for short periods.
Many banks still go to the Fed Funds market even when
the Fed Funds rate is greater than the discount rate.
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Discount Rate:
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3. The Discount Rate, continued: Borrowing from the Fed is for need, not profit. Discount
window loans are a privilege, not a right.
The Fed's attitude toward banks' using the discount
window is often one of discouragement.
Borrowing from Fed is only done as a last resort .
Banks get only a small fraction of their reserves, called
"borrowed reserves" from the Fed.
The importance of the discount rate is as a confirming
signal of Fed policy.
When the discount rate is raised, it is a signal that the
Fed is tightening, and vice versa.
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To stimulate the economy, the
Fed can:
Lower reserve requirements.
Reduce the discount rate.
Buy bonds.
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To slow the economy, the Fed
Raise reserve requirements.
Increase the discount rate.
Sell bonds.
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Problems of Monetary Policy:
1. The Fed lacks complete control over bank
2. Lags.
3. Political pressures on the Fed.
4. Conflicting international goals.
An expansionary monetary policy weakens
the $ and stimulates exports, but may lead
to a capital outflow.
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In the long run, increases in the money supply affect only
prices, not level of output
In the short run, when prices are fixed, our lack of
knowledge about the strength and timing of both
monetary and fiscal policy actions makes it difficult to
execute effective policies
Module 4 - Outcomes
· Module
· Track production to ensure appropriate amounts of inventory.
· Case
· Explain why having either too much or not enough inventory is bad for an organization.
· Identify ways to minimize unnecessary inventory.
· Describe ways to track production to ensure appropriate amounts of inventory.
· Identify ways to minimize unnecessary inventory.
· Explain why having either too much or not enough inventory is bad for an organization.
· TD
· Describe ways to track production to ensure appropriate amounts of inventory.
· Identify ways to minimize unnecessary inventory.
Module 4 - Home
Modular Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this module, the student will be able to satisfy the following outcomes:
· Case
· Explain why having either too much or not enough inventory is bad for an organization.
· Identify ways to minimize unnecessary inventory.
· Describe ways to track production to ensure appropriate amounts of inventory.
· Identify ways to minimize unnecessary inventory.
· Explain why having either too much or not enough inventory is bad for an organization.
· TD
· Describe ways to track production to ensure appropriate amounts of inventory.
· Identify ways to minimize unnecessary inventory.
Module Overview
Welcome to module four. In this module we will be examining production and inventory control and how these two areas are interrelated. As a manager or supervisor in the logistics area you need to be keenly aware of how important it is to have the right amount of inventory available. Keeping this inventory at the appropriate level is like a balancing act....if you are caught short you lose sales, and having excess inventory costs the firm money. Finding the proper level using these decision factors is the key, but the costs associated with both lost sales and inventory carrying costs vary greatly from one organization to the next. Supply chain managers can build models for determining where best to hold inventory and in what quantities.
Module 4 - Background
The following information will give you a good background on the importance of inventory control in the manufacturing process. For this module go to the ProQuest data base and read the articles below for assistance in completing the assignments for this module.
Required Materials
You are not required to read all of these articles but you should choose several, and reading all of them will substantially further your knowledge.
This article discusses effectively managing inventory in the supply chain for the auto industry.
Gould, L. S. (2002, Aug). Effectively managing inventory in the supply chain. Automotive Design & Production; Cincinnati, 114(8), 70-73.
Here is an excellent article on Just In Time (JIT) inventory management.
Steele, A. L. (2001). Cost drivers and other management issues in the JIT supply chain environment.Production and Inventory Management Journal. Alexandria, 42(2), 61-68.
This article discusses how important it is for organizations to have good relationships with their suppliers.
Drickhamer, D. (2001, May 21). Peak performance. Industry Week. Cleveland, 250(8) 36-40.
This article discusses the importance of speed in the internet economy.
Rubin, D. (2001, Jun.). Velocity management rush. IIE Solutions. Norcross, 33(6), 36-40.
This article is used in the case assignment.
Alexander, M., (2001). Factory Floors Go Online -- Pioneering manufacturers close the final gap in their supply chains. InternetWeek, Manhasset.
Module 4 - Outcomes
· Module
· Explain the functions and the evolution of money. Explain how the Federal Reserve System uses certain tools to influence money supply and interest rates. Demonstrate how monetary policy affects personal and business decisions about spending and investing.
· Case
· Explain the tools the Federal Reserve uses to conduct monetary policy. Apply what you have learned about fiscal and monetary policy to identify a variety of past and present government actions.
· Analyze the effect of Federal Reserve policy on the financial health of organizations. Explain differences in yields on debt instruments using the yield curve.
· Discussion
· Discuss the effectiveness of the Chairman of the Federal Reserve.
Module 4 - Home
Modular Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this module, the student will be able to satisfy the following outcomes:
· Case
· Explain the tools the Federal Reserve uses to conduct monetary policy. Apply what you have learned about fiscal and monetary policy to identify a variety of past and present government actions.
· Analyze the effect of Federal Reserve policy on the financial health of organizations. Explain differences in yields on debt instruments using the yield curve.
· Discussion
· Discuss the effectiveness of the Chairman of the Federal Reserve.
Module Overview
Money, which represents the prose of life, and which is hardly spoken of in parlors without an apology, is, in its effects and laws, as beautiful as roses. –Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1844.
We'll examine money—what it is, how it evolved, how it functions, how it can be manipulated, and how it relates to the rest of the economy.
Module 4 - Background
Required Reading
All links validated on June 26, 2013
Bouman, John. () Principles of Macroeconomics. "Unit 9: Functions of Money"
Eveland, JD, 2008. Money and Monetary Policy . Trident University.
Optional Resources
The Structure of the Federal Reserve System . Accessed at the website, February 14, 2011.
Tobin, James. (nd) Monetary Policy . Accessed at the website, February 14, 2011.
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (2007). U.S. Monetary Policy: An Introduction, About the Fed , Accessed February 14, 2011 at Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco website.
Modern Macroeconomics in Practice: How Theory is Shaping Monetary Policy . Accessed February 14, 2011 at Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis website,
Amos, O. (n.d.). Borrowing through the financial markets. A Pedestrian's Guide to the Economy . Accessed December 14, 2010 at the website.
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Glossary of Terms , Web Site. Accessed at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco website,, on December 14, 2010.
Professor Nouriel Roubini (New York University), sometimes referred to as "Dr. Doom" for his rather bleak prognosos on current economic woes) has an interesting online macroeconomics course available at . You might like to follow along with him for another take on our material
Principles of
by John Bouman
Table Of Contents
Unit 1: Fundamental Concepts ...................................... 4
Introduction ....................................................... 4 Section 1: Economics ................................................ 5 Section 2: The Production Possibilities Curve ............................... 7 Section 3: Economic Growth ........................................... 9 Section 4: The Circular Flow .......................................... 13 Section 5: Economic Systems ......................................... 15 Section 6: Important Concepts and Definitions ............................ 17 Section 7: Economics and Critical Thinking ............................... 21
Unit 2: Supply and Demand ........................................ 25
Introduction ...................................................... 25 Section 1: The Law of Demand ........................................ 26 Section 2: The Demand Curve ......................................... 27 Section 3: The Law of Supply .......................................... 32 Section 4: The Supply Curve .......................................... 33 Section 5: Equilibrium Price and Quantity ................................ 36 Section 6: Demand Determinants ...................................... 40 Section 7: The Effect of a Change in Demand on Equilibrium Price and Quantity ... 42 Section 8: Supply Determinants ....................................... 43 Section 9: The Effect of a Change in Supply on Equilibrium Price and Quantity .... 44 Section 10: The Effect of Changes in Both Demand and Supply on Equilibrium
Price and Quantity .................................................. 45 Section 11: Demand versus Quantity Demanded and Supply versus Quantity
Supplied ......................................................... 46 Section 12: Consumer Surplus and Producer Surplus ........................ 49 Section 13: Price Changes in the Short Run and in the Long Run ............... 51 Section 14: The Free Market System and Externalities ....................... 53
Unit 3: Gross Domestic Product .................................... 57
Introduction ...................................................... 57 Section 1: Gross Domestic Product ..................................... 58 Section 2: GDP and Per Capita GDP around the World ...................... 62 Section 3: Real versus Nominal Gross Domestic Product ..................... 64 Section 4: Per Capita Gross State Product ................................ 66 Section 5: Calculation of Gross Domestic Product Using the Expenditure and
Income Approaches, and Net Domestic Product ........................... 68 Section 6: Interpretation of Gross Domestic Product ........................ 70
Unit 4: Business Fluctuations ...................................... 72
Introduction ...................................................... 72 Section 1: Business Fluctuations ....................................... 73 Section 2: The Great Depression of the 1930s ............................. 78 Section 3: The Unemployment Rate ..................................... 80 Section 4: Types of Unemployment and the Definition and Significance of Full
Employment ...................................................... 84 Section 5: Unemployment Rates by States and Demographic Groups ........... 86
Unit 5: Models of Output Determination ............................ 88
Introduction ...................................................... 88
Section 1: Keynes versus the Classicists ................................. 89 Section 2: The Keynesian Model ....................................... 91 Section 3: Consumption and the Keynesian Multiplier ....................... 93 Section 4: The Tax Multiplier and the Balanced Budget Multiplier .............. 95 Section 5: Critical Analysis of the Keynesian Model and the Importance of Savings
to Increase Investment Spending ...................................... 97 Section 6: Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply ....................... 99
Unit 6: Fiscal Policy .............................................. 105
Introduction ..................................................... 105 Section 1: Fiscal Policy ............................................. 106 Section 2: Discretionary Fiscal Policy and Automatic Stabilizers ............... 108 Section 3: United States Federal Government Expenditures ................. 110 Section 4: United States Federal Government Revenues .................... 114 Section 5: State and Local Government Spending and Revenues .............. 120 Section 6: Public Choice Theory ....................................... 124
Unit 7: Inflation .................................................. 126
Introduction ..................................................... 126 Section 1: Inflation Rates Measures .................................... 127 Section 2: The Cause of Inflation ...................................... 129 Section 3: Harmful Effects of Inflation .................................. 132 Section 4: Are Falling Prices Harmful? .................................. 134 Section 5: The Gold Standard ........................................ 138
Unit 8: Federal Budget Policies .................................... 140
Introduction ..................................................... 140 Section 1: The United States Federal Budget ............................. 141 Section 2: United States National Debt ................................. 143 Section 3: Debts around the World .................................... 145 Section 4: Deficit Financing .......................................... 147 Section 5: Budget Philosophies ....................................... 148
Unit 9: Functions of Money ....................................... 150
Introduction ..................................................... 150 Section 1: Functions of Money ........................................ 151 Section 2: Money Supply Measures .................................... 153 Section 3: The United States Banking System ............................ 155 Section 4: Federal Reserve Tools to Change the Money Supply ............... 157 Section 5: Banks' Balance Sheets and Fractional Reserve Banking ............ 159 Section 6: The Process of Money Creation ............................... 161 Section 7: The Significance of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) .. 163 Section 8: Velocity and the Quantity Theory of Money ...................... 164
Unit 10: Foreign Exchange Rates and the Balance of Payments ...... 167
Introduction ..................................................... 167 Section 1: Foreign Currency Exchange Rates ............................. 168 Section 2: Flexible versus Fixed Currency Exchange Rate Systems ............ 171 Section 3: The Balance of Payments ................................... 173 Section 4: Common Misconceptions Regarding the Balance of Payments ........ 176
Unit 1: Fundamental Concepts
What's in This Chapter?
In this unit, we discuss how to define economics and look at what the study of economics is all about.
We study economics to determine how to best increase our nation's wealth. In this definition, wealth
includes tangible (cars, houses, food), as well as intangible goods and services (protection from
violence, clean air, entertainment, leisure time).
The production possibilities curve in this unit shows us the production choices we face given a
certain amount of resources. No matter how abundant our resources are, they are limited, and we
have to make choices regarding what and how much we want to produce.
Section 4 describes the circular flow model. This model paints a simplified picture of the main
economic activities in a country.
In our country and other relatively free-market economies, the decision as to what and how much to
produce is made primarily by the buyers and sellers of the products. The government exerts
relatively little control over prices of products. Section 5 discusses the three main economic systems,
which reflect the various degrees of government involvement: capitalism, socialism, and
Section 6 defines and explains important fundamental economic concepts, such as the fallacy of
composition, the fallacy of cause and effect, economic growth, opportunity cost, positive and
normative economics, and real and nominal prices.
The last section discusses the increasingly important role of critical thinking in economics, and
suggests ways that you can increase your own critical thinking skills.
Unit 1: Fundamental Concepts
Section 1: Economics
The Definition of Economics
What is economics all about? Is it the study of
money? Is it about trade-offs and scarce
resources? Is it about inflation, unemployment,
and government budget deficits? Is it about
eliminating poverty?
All of the above are important topics in the study
of economics.
The main objective of economic research is its
ability to explain how we can most optimally
achieve the highest standard of living. Thus:
Economics is the study of how we can best increase a nation's wealth with the resources
that we have available to us.
Wealth in this definition includes tangible products, such as cars and houses, as well as intangible
products, such as more leisure time and cleaner air.
How Can We Best Increase Our Nation's Wealth?
There is substantial disagreement over how a country can best achieve optimum wealth. Some
economists support considerable government involvement, price controls, and government rules and
regulations. Others believe that government involvement should be minimal and limited to tasks
including the provision of a legal system, military, police and fire protection, and providing certain
public goods. Many believe that a combination of moderate government involvement and private
initiative works best.
Among other issues, there is controversy about the role of profits, consumer spending, savings,
capital formation, compensation and income distribution, and unions. Should we more heavily tax
profits to more equally distribute the wealth in our country? Should we encourage spending and
discourage saving to stimulate economic growth, or should we do just the opposite? Should we limit
CEO compensation? Do unions raise real wages or only nominal wages, and are they harmful to our
economic growth? These are important economic issues, which we will elaborate on throughout the
text. Let's define some important concepts first.
Marginal Benefit and Marginal Cost
When you make choices as a citizen, a business person, a student, or a government official, you
make them, assuming you are rational and you make decisions voluntarily, by comparing marginal
benefits and marginal costs. You will choose an activity (for example, going to school, accepting a
job, or buying or selling a product), as long as your marginal benefit is equal to or greater than your
marginal cost. When you choose to enroll in a college, you expect that your marginal benefit (a
diploma, a better job, or higher earnings) will be at least as great as your marginal costs (the value
of your time, your expenses on books, tuition, and other costs). When you buy a car, you make that
decision because your expected marginal benefits (freedom to travel without having to rely on
others to provide rides, status, and ability to accept jobs further away) are at least as great as your
marginal costs (price of the car, gas, insurance, and maintenance). A firm will make a specific
number of products based on its marginal benefits and marginal costs. It will choose to increase
production as long as its marginal benefit (marginal revenue) is at least as great as its marginal cost.
The Difference Between Macroeconomics and Microeconomics
Macroeconomics includes those concepts that deal with the entire economy or large components of
the economy or the world. The nation's unemployment rate, inflation rates, interest rates, federal
government budgets and government fiscal policies, economic growth, the Federal Reserve System
and monetary policy, foreign exchange rates and the balance of payments are typical topics
discussed in macroeconomics.
Microeconomics includes those concepts that deal with smaller components of the economy.
Demand and supply of individual goods and services, the price elasticity (sensitivity) of demand for
goods and services, production, cost functions, business behavior and profit maximization in various
industries, income inequality and income distribution, and the effects of protectionism (tariffs,
quotas, and other trade restrictions) on international trade are topics covered in microeconomics.
Macroeconomics looks at the bigger picture of the economy. Microeconomics looks at the individual
components of the economy.
If macroeconomics is like studying a forest, microeconomics is like studying the individual trees.
Unit 1: Fundamental Concepts
Section 2: The Production Possibilities Curve
Production Choices
When we study how a country can best increase
its wealth, we must look at its production
behavior. In order to produce, a country must
use its resources, including land, labor, capital,
and raw materials. A production possibilities
curve represents production combinations that
can be produced with a given amount of
Let's say that a very small hypothetical country uses 100 acres of land, 20 machines, and 50
workers, and is able to produce two products: guns and roses.You can think of "guns" as
representing the category of products including weapons, fighter airplanes, tanks, and other military
products. "Roses" represents all consumer products. This country has some choices (possibilities)
regarding how it uses its resources. It can produce 500 units of guns and 350 units of roses (point C
on the graph below). However, it can also, with the same resources, produce 400 units of guns and
500 units of roses (point B). Or it can produce 300 units of guns and 580 units of roses (point A).
Numerous other combinations (for example, points D, E, G or points in-between), are possible.
A production possibilities curve represents
outcome or production combinations that can be
produced with a given amount of resources.
Points on the Curve and Trade-offs
If an economy is operating at a point on the production possibilities curve, all resources are
used, and they are utilized as efficiently as possible (points E, C, B, A, and D). If a country does not
use its resources efficiently (unemployment), then it is operating inside the production
possibilities curve (point G).
Any point on the curve illustrates an output combination that is the maximum that can be produced
with the existing resources and technology. It follows that output cannot increase if resources and
technology remain constant. When economists discuss the concept of scarcity, they mean that
resources are limited and that at any given point in time, production is limited. If an economy is
producing on the curve, increasing the production of one good or a category of goods always occurs
at the expense (opportunity cost or trade-off) of the production of another good or category of
A point inside the curve, for example 300 guns and 350 roses (point G), represents an output
combination that is produced using fewer than the available resources (unemployment), or with all
the resources, but with the resources used inefficiently (underemployment).
Point F is a production combination that cannot be achieved with the existing resources. Over time,
the economy may grow and realize greater production capacities to produce, and we may get to
point F in the future. This will be discussed in the next section.
Increasing Costs and the Concave Shape of the Production Possibilities Curve
The production possibilities curve graphed above bows outward (it is concave). This is because the
production of the last 100 units of output (for example, the production change from 500 units of
guns to 600 units of guns) requires more of a trade-off of roses than the production of the first 100
units of output. In any economy, the production of the first few units is usually easier and cheaper,
because the resources to produce these products are more readily available. For example, a country
that has no orange production and then chooses to produce 100 oranges per year will find it
relatively easy to plant trees in areas that are conducive to growing oranges. However, if total
production of bushels of oranges is at one million per year, and we want to produce another 100
oranges, it is more difficult and more costly, because not as much good land is available to grow
additional oranges. Thus the production of the first 100 oranges costs less in terms of opportunity
cost (cost relative to other goods) than the production of the 100 oranges after one million oranges
have been produced already.
Unit 1: Fundamental Concepts
Section 3: Economic Growth
Causes of Economic Growth
Economic growth occurs when the economy realizes greater production levels. In the graph below,
the curve shifts outward to the right (for instance, through point F from the graph in the previous
section), so that the country's production capacity level rises. For the curve to shift outward,
resources (land, labor, capital, and raw materials) must increase, or we must improve the way we
use these resources (technology). Therefore, economic growth is made possible by advances in
technology and/or increases in resources, including increases in the labor force and capital goods,
such as machinery, equipment, assembly lines, office buildings, factories, roads, highways, and
How does a country increase its capital goods, and how does it achieve these advances in
technology? Let's take a look at increases in capital goods first.
Increases in Capital Goods
Capital goods are produced just like other goods,
such as cars, televisions, or food. If a country is
producing at full employment (operating on the
curve), more capital goods can be produced only
if the country produces fewer consumption goods.
Looking at the diagram in the previous section,
this is reflected by a move from a point on the
curve from the lower right to the upper left (for
example, from point D to point A, or from point B
to point C). A government can encourage more
production of capital goods by, for example,
providing tax breaks for the production of capital
goods, or by increasing taxes on the production or
sale of non-capital (consumption) goods.
Advances in Technology
Advances in technology occur because of
inventions and improvements in producing goods
and services. Inventions and improvements take
place when entrepreneurs have incentives to
produce more efficiently and lower their costs.
When lower costs lead to higher profits and
greater rewards, entrepreneurs are motivated to
continue to improve their production process.
Countries that allow entrepreneurs to keep all or
most of these rewards (by limiting taxation and
government involvement) have been shown to
experience greater rates of technological growth.
Advances in human technology also stimulate
economic growth. When people become more
productive (for example, by gaining skills and
becoming more educated), the production
possibilities curve shifts outward.
Economic Growth and Economic Systems
As we saw from recent recession, we don't have economic growth all the time. However, during most
years, industrialized and mostly capitalist countries such as the United States experience economic
growth. Taiwan, Singapore, Brazil, Chile, the United Arab Emirates, South Africa, Russia and several
other East bloc countries have increased their production capacities significantly during the past
several decades. Recently, China has become more capitalist and experienced record growth. India
has also adopted more capitalist elements into its economy and opened its border to increased free
international trade. These countries' production possibilities curves have shifted out considerably
because of freer markets, increases in capital stock and advances in technology.
Communist (or command economy) countries, such as North Korea, Venezuela, and Cuba, have
experienced far less economic growth than their capitalist counterparts.
In addition, many third-world countries that have struggled with civil strife and governmental
corruption have been unable to shift their production possibility curves outward, because the
political instability has made it difficult for capitalism and free markets to properly function. For
capitalism to succeed, a country needs a stable economic and political climate in which its
government provides essential conditions, such as a just legal system, a just reward system (taxes
and regulations that reward work and entrepreneurship), a proper infrastructure, strong national
security, and protection of individual and property rights. Even the United States has felt the effects
of uncertainty regarding the security of the country. When a country, its citizens, and its property are
not protected properly, it can have a devastating effect on productivity and the motivation of its
people to work hard. As security and stability improve, the conditions for a positive economic climate
Conditions for Economic Growth
With the economic demise of many non-capitalist and often dictatorial statist countries, it has
become clear during the past several decades that certain economic conditions must exist for
healthy economic growth to occur. The free or mostly free countries and areas in our world, such as
Japan, Taiwan, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Hong Kong, Poland, Sweden, South
Korea, and Singapore, have per capita (per person) earnings, that are much higher than the per
capita earnings in statist countries, such as Cuba, Iran, and North Korea. The life expectancy in freer
countries is higher than in statist countries, and even the large majority of the poor in the freer,
capitalist countries live at a level well beyond that of the average citizen in a statist country.
Countries with the highest per capita earnings are characterized by all or most of the following:
1. Strong private property rights. Andrew Bernstein in his "Capitalist Manifesto" states that: "Men
often understand that an individual's life belongs to him and cannot be disposed of by society, but
fail to grasp that his property must similarly belong to him and be protected against confiscation by
society. In fact, men cannot live without an inalienable right to own property. The right to life is the
source of all rights - and the right to property is their only implementation. Without property rights,
no other rights are possible" (page 34).
2. Free markets, free international trade, and a stable price level. Free markets are markets in which
prices of goods and services, as well as wages, rents, interest rates, and foreign exchange rates, are
determined by the interaction of private sector demand and supply.
Free international trade requires a free exchange
of goods and services and resources between
countries. Governments accomplish this by
avoiding protectionism (trade obstacles, such as
tariffs and quotas). A stable price level is achieved
when there is little or no fluctuation in the
country's average price level. The country's
central monetary agency can accomplish this by
keeping its money supply restricted or constant.
3. Non-excessive government regulation and reasonably low levels of taxation. Some regulations are
useful and even necessary as the financial difficulties of the recent past have clearly demonstrated.
The government must enforce clear and effective rules in order to safeguard economic and financial
stability, product safety, and consumer and worker protection. Taxes must be collected in order for
the government to provide its essential functions. But the level of regulations and taxation must be
kept reasonable and limited. Reasonable and cost-effective regulations and taxation encourage
businesses to start or continue production, with rewards that provide incentives for hard work,
innovation, and creativity. High levels of taxation mean that most of a company's or an individual's
earnings are given to the government and there is little incentive for hard work, productivity and
efficiency. Excessive regulations lead to time consuming and expensive business operations. They
discourage business start-ups and can cause businesses to fail or move abroad. An economy can
only be productive if the economic environment is conducive to the development of new ideas and
innovations. This also requires a strong educational system, and the promotion of research and
4. Minimum corruption. A stable and secure environment is an essential condition for a free market
and a productive society. If the government of a country is corrupt or allows corruption by private
groups, and initiates force by taking away citizens' and businesses' private property, then there is no
incentive for potentially hard-working and innovative workers to produce and accumulate wealth.
Why Do Statist Countries Continue to Exist?
If economic growth and wealth accumulation are so much higher in capitalist countries than in statist
countries, why, then, don't statist countries change to capitalism? The answer is that capitalism
requires freedom (economic and political), and statist rulers and corrupt dictators are fearful that
with freedom among their citizens, they would lose their control and position in power.
The Money Supply, Government Spending and the Production Possibilities Curve
The production possibilities curve does not shift outward with an increase in the nation's money
supply or with increases in government spending. If this were the case, we would just need to print
an unlimited amount of money or to increase government spending indefinitely. We will learn in later
units that printing additional money and increasing government spending from an economic growth
point of view can benefit the economy in the short-run, but has distinct economic disadvantages in
the long-run. The only causes of long-term economic growth and outward shifts in the production
possibilities curve are increases in resources and advances in technology. More and better resources
allow businesses to produce more efficiently and effectively, lower costs, increase real incomes and
increase purchasing consumers' power.
Potential versus Actual Production
A country that experiences an outward shift of its production possibilities curve will increase its
potential to produce. This does not mean that the country will increase its actual production. A
country could be at a point inside of the curve and experience unemployment and inefficiency. North
Korea, Iran and several other heavily government controlled states have large amounts of resources.
However, due to limited economic and political freedom, these resources are not used at their
maximum efficiency. Consequently, the real Gross Domestic Products of these countries (a measure
of a country's overall productivity) are far less than that of the United States. As they allow more
capitalist elements and freedom into their economy, they will be able to shift their production
possibilities curves outward, as well as to produce closer to their maximum efficiency level.
Unit 1: Fundamental Concepts
Section 4: The Circular Flow
The Simple Circular Flow Model
An economy consists of many parties who participate in various economic activities. In its simplest
form, an economy consists of buyers and sellers. Sellers are mostly businesses that produce goods
and services. Businesses also buy resources, including land, labor, capital goods, and raw materials.
Households buy consumer goods and services that are produced by the businesses. Households also
provide labor necessary to make these products. Those households that own land, capital (money),
capital goods, and raw materials provide these resources for production.
In the graph below, a simple circular flow diagram shows the economic interactions between
households and businesses. This represents a very simplified picture of how our economy works.
A simple circular flow diagram
The Circular Flow with Government and Foreign Markets
A more realistic picture of our economy includes the households and business activities described
above, and also incorporates the economic interactions of two other main participants in our
economy: government and foreign markets. This is illustrated in the diagram below.
Governments provide services to businesses, households, and foreign markets, and collect taxes to
pay for these. Foreign markets buy and sell goods and services to and from our households,
businesses, and governments.
A circular flow diagram with government and foreign markets
Unit 1: Fundamental Concepts
Section 5: Economic Systems
The Three Economic Systems
1. A laissez-faire economy.
Laissez-faire is French for "let do." It represents a
pure capitalist system, or a so-called price
system, in which the supply and demand behavior
of businesses and households determine prices of
goods and services and factors of production. The
government plays an important role in a pure
capitalist economy, but its role is limited to only
the most essential functions such as providing a
legal system, protecting private property,
providing infrastructure and providing certain
public goods.
2. A command economy.
A command economy is a communist system in
which a country's government determines prices
of goods and services and factors of production.
The government is in control of all of the country's
economic decisions.
3. A mixed economy.
A mixed economy is a combination of the two systems. Most industrialized countries around the
world have mixed economies. The exact mix differs depending on the amount of government
Economic Systems around the World
The United States, Canada, Sweden, England, Norway, Japan, South Korea, Holland, and Germany
are examples of mixed economies. The private sector (businesses and households) plays a
significant role, but so does the government in the form of various types of government spending,
taxation, regulations, price controls, and monetary policies.
During the latter part of the nineteenth century and the beginning part of the twentieth century, the
United States had a laissez-faire economy. In this system, households and businesses had maximum
economic freedom. There was very little government involvement, minimal regulations, and free
banking. The government was only in charge of the most essential economic and political functions,
such as providing defense and national security, providing a legal system, and providing public
goods, such as roads, highways and other infrastructure. The government collected taxes merely to
pay for these essential functions. Prices, wages, interest rates, and other economic variables were
determined by the economic decisions of private businesses and households.
John Maynard Keynes
In the 1920s and 1930s, due to influences from
economists such as Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels,
and John Maynard Keynes and the events of the
Great Depression, industrialized countries
experienced a dramatic change in economic
beliefs about the role of the private sector and a
country's government. Since this time the role of
governments around the world has increased
In 1913, the United States Federal Reserve System was created. Central banks took control of the
country's monetary system. Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, labor unions, supported by
government legislation, gained in influence. Regulations about worker safety, anti-discrimination and
anti-trust laws grew significantly. In 1934, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was formed.
Social programs, such as Social Security, Unemployment Compensation, various welfare programs,
minimum wage laws, and farmer support programs became indispensable. New Deal types of
government spending to create jobs, such as the Tennessee Valley Authority project, became
commonplace. To fund these expenses and to pay for the growing number of government
employees, taxes on individuals and businesses increased considerably.
During the 1960s, the war on poverty added new government programs. During the 1970s,
environmental concerns increased government regulations to fight pollution. During the Reagan and
Bush administrations the growth of some government programs experienced limited growth.
However, President Obama and a majority Democratic Congress have increased the presence of our
government especially in the areas of national health care, energy, education and certain key
industries such as banking and auto manufacturing.
Today's economy is truly a mixed economy. Significant government involvement accompanies a
strong private sector. What the ideal mix is of these components is the topic of many controversial
Unit 1: Fundamental Concepts
Section 6: Important Concepts and Definitions
It is helpful at this point to clarify several concepts, which we will come across throughout our text.
Nominal and Real Values
Nominal values, such as nominal prices, nominal
earnings, nominal wages, nominal interest rates,
and nominal Gross Domestic Product, refer to the
actual dollar value of these variables. A person
who earns $10 per hour in today's dollars earns a
nominal wage of $10. Real values are values in
comparison, or relative, to price changes over
time. You may earn $10 this year and you may
earn $10 five years from now. Your nominal
income remains the same, but $10 five years from
now is not worth as much as $10 now. The real
value of $10 five years from now is less than $10
in today's dollars.
We also distinguish between real and
nominal when we discuss interest rates.
Real interest rates are nominal rates
adjusted for inflation. If you pay your bank
12% in nominal interest, you are only
paying 2% in real interest, if prices are
rising by 10%.
Positive and Normative Economic Statements
Positive economic statements are facts, or statements, which can be proven. Normative economic
statements cannot be proven. They are opinions or value judgments.
A positive statement does not have to be a true statement. The statement could be proven false, in
which case, it is a false positive statement.
Predictions are neither positive nor normative statements. Predictions, such as "The New York Mets
will win the World Series next year," or "Unemployment will fall below 4% next month," are neither
normative nor positive statements. They are predictions unrelated to facts or value judgments.
Examples of positive economic statements are
1. The federal government experienced a budget surplus this past year (this is a false positive
statement, but a positive economic statement nevertheless).
2. When the value of the dollar falls, Japanese products imported into the United States become
more expensive.
3. Legalizing drugs will lower the price of drugs and reduce the crime rate among drug users.
4. The United States does not have a federally mandated minimum wage (this is a false positive
Examples of normative economic statements are
1. The government should raise taxes and lower government spending to reduce the budget
2. We need to try to lower the value of the dollar in order to discourage the imports of Japanese
goods into this country.
3. Our government should legalize the use of drugs in this country.
4. The minimum wage should increase to $8.50.
Ceteris Paribus
This Latin term means "if no other things in the economy change." For example, when college tuition
increases, our chapter on supply and demand predicts that student enrollment (the number of
course sign-ups) will decrease. Economists, indeed, predict this with the condition of "ceteris
paribus," or if no other things in the economy change. But if students' (or their parents' or
guardians') real incomes increase, then college enrollment may increase, despite the tuition
increase. Tuition increases are still predicted to decrease college enrollment, but in this case, other
things in the economy (incomes) did change, and the "ceteris paribus" condition was violated.
The Fallacy of Composition
You are subject to the fallacy of composition if you state that what is good for one is necessarily
good for the entire group. If a college has a shortage of parking spaces for its students, it may be
beneficial for a number of students to arrive very early and secure a parking space. However, if
everyone arrives very early, the parking problem remains an issue.
The Broken Window Fallacy
The economist Henry Hazlitt, in his book Economics in One Lesson, provides another good example
of the fallacy of composition. In Chapter 2, the "Broken Window Fallacy," he describes that when a
person throws a brick through a baker's window, it may seem that this stimulates the economy,
because it provides a job for a glazier (window repair person).
According to Hazlitt, the fallacy occurs when we do not take into account the additional expenditures
due to the replacement of the window. This expense lowers the baker's spending on other goods and
services. If the baker would have bought a suit from the tailor without the expense of repairing his
window, then the tailor loses a job compared to if the window had not been broken. So if the window
is broken, the glazier gains a job, but the tailor loses one. Overall, there is no gain in employment if
someone throws a brick through a window. Additionally, the baker loses, because he is without a suit
compared to if the window had not been broken. Analogously, hurricanes, floods, and wartime
activities do not provide a net gain in employment. They create jobs in one area of the economy, but
take away jobs in another. Overall, they destroy wealth and are harmful to the economy.
The following section, written by the late Bob Russell, former Journalist, Writer, and professor of
English at Howard Community College, explains the Broken Window Fallacy in more detail.
"It is difficult to predict the impact of serious hurricanes on the U.S. economy, but there are a few
things we can conclude. A lot of money and activity that might ordinarily travel to the hurricane
affected areas will go to other areas of the country or the world. For instance, just consider the
impact that these storms have had on the conference and meeting industry,
vacations, sporting events, etc. Many of these expenses are being diverted to other locations. On the
other hand, lots of government spending, insurance claim payments, and private construction
money go to the hurricane-affected areas, mostly to cover reconstruction and rebuilding expenses.
In 2005 all of our pocketbooks were affected by Katrina and Rita especially at the gas pumps. These
increased costs slowed the economy a bit. Fuel, heating, and transportation costs all rose, causing a
reduction in output. Of course, reconstruction of the devastated areas provided a bit of an uplift to
the construction industry and supply lines of repair items, wood and other building supplies,
furniture, etc. Dollars spent on the reconstruction effort is money that will have to be diverted from
money which would have been spent in other areas and with other goals.
This line of thinking provides us with an opportunity to talk a bit about the Broken Window Fallacy, a
fascinating economic theory. It goes like this: If someone throws a stone through a shop window, the
owner needs to fix it.
The cost to do so is, hypothetically, $250, selected to fit with Hazlitts example below. The repair puts
people to work and increases total output. Since this creates jobs, might we do well to break lots of
windows and repair them? Most folks think this is nonsense since, although it would employ labor,
there would be no benefit to the society at large. Yet there are many similar schemes, promoted by
politicians and supported by the general public in the name of JOBS. Long ago, this fallacy was
exposed by the French economist Frederic Bastiat in an essay entitled What is seen and what is not
seen. Bastiat teaches us to understand the economic reality beneath the superficial appearance of
everyday economic life. What is seen is the broken window repaired, the workers working and the
money they spend. What is not seen is that these workers and resources would have been employed
in something else if not for the broken window. What ultimately benefits society is not jobs,
but goods. In this instance, the glass store gains, but the broken window store owner loses (she
probably would have spent the money on something else) and the person that owns the shop that
sells what she would have bought has a loss.
According to the late Henry Hazlitt in Economics in One Lesson, Instead of [the shopkeeper] having a
window and $250, he now has merely a window. Or, as he was planning to buy [a] suit that very
afternoon, instead of having both a window and a suit he must be content with the window or the
suit. If we think of him as a part of the community, the community has lost a new suit that might
otherwise have come into being, and is just that much poorer.
The Broken Window Fallacy endures because of the difficulty of seeing what the shopkeeper would
have done. We can see the gain that goes to the glass shop. We can see the new pane of glass in the
front of the store. However, we cannot see what the shopkeeper would have done with the money if
he had been allowed to keep it, precisely because he wasnt allowed to keep it. We cannot see the
new suit foregone. Since the winners are easily identifiable and the losers are not, its easy to
conclude that there are only winners and the economy as a whole is better off. Overall, the economy
will suffer due to the hurricanes, not benefit as some media pundits have suggested, although the
intensity and duration of the suffering is up for grabs."
From one of Bob Russell's newsletters (reprinted with permission).
What is Good for One Industry is not Necessarily Good for the Country
Let's look at the farming industry as an example of the fallacy of composition. Currently, the United
States government (and governments of many other industrialized countries) supports farmers in the
form of direct subsidies and other programs. These subsidies benefit most farmers and seem to be
beneficial for the farming industry. Many people believe that what is good for the farming industry
must automatically also be good for the entire country. It is certainly possible that this is the case.
However, to automatically conclude this is to suffer from the fallacy of composition. Farm subsidies
and other farm support programs costs the government money. This increases taxes and hurts
citizens. Furthermore, some farm programs (price supports) increase the price of certain agricultural
products to consumers. Some economists also claim that the subsidies to farmers do not even
benefit farmers themselves because it makes them weaker and less competitive in the long run. The
subsidies may help the farmers in the short run, but not in the long run. For more information about
farm programs and their economic effects, see the Principles of Microeconomics text, Unit 6.
Does a Demand Increase Stimulate the Economy?
George Reisman, in his book Capitalism, discusses another example of the fallacy of composition. He
states that an increase in the demand for one product causes a price increase for that product.
Assuming the cost of making the product does not increase, the product's profitability increases.
Does this mean that if aggregate demand (demand for all products) increases, profitability of all
products increases? Well, it depends. If a nation's total nominal income is constant, it is actually not
possible for demand of all products to increase. Demand for one product may increase, but then the
demand for other products must, mathematically speaking, decrease. So prices of some products
increase, but prices of others decrease. The only way for demand of all products to increase is if total
nominal income increases. This is only possible if the nation's total money in circulation increases.
This is possible if the nation increases its money supply. But in this case, prices increase, and if
profits increase, it means merely that nominal profits increase and not real profits. An important
implication of this realization is that if the government decides to "stimulate" the economy by
encouraging people to spend more on consumer goods (by printing more money, or by distributing
money through social programs, creating public works jobs), it does not really increase total
aggregate demand. The demand for one particular good or category of goods (those bought by the
elderly, for example, in the case of higher Social Security paychecks for the elderly) may rise, but the
demand for other goods will have to fall. Nominal (the monetary amount of) spending may increase,
but real spending will not. The only way to increase real profits is to increase productivity. This
lowers costs and decreases prices, which allows increases in real profits and real demand.
The Fallacy of Cause and Effect
Cause and Effect Fallacy
Because A happens before B, A must necessarily be the cause of B.
It is tempting to conclude that if one event occurs right before another, the first event must have
caused the second event. Let's say your basketball team wins its first three games while you are out
with an injury. The fourth game, you are back, and your team loses. You conclude that it is your
fault. Of course, your presence could have something to do with it, but you cannot automatically
conclude this. Other variables may have played a role: the game conditions, the referees, the
opponent, your other teammates' performance that day, the coach's performance (even though the
coach is always right :), or bad luck.
Similarly, in economics, people sometimes conclude that if one event follows another, the other must
have caused the one. The period following World War II has seen a rising standard of living in
industrialized countries around the world. This period has also been accompanied by much greater
government involvement in these countries. Can we conclude that greater government involvement
has caused higher standards of living? It may have contributed, but it would be a fallacy to
automatically conclude this. We must also look at all other variables, such as technology changes
and political and socio-economic changes.
Unit 1: Fundamental Concepts
Section 7: Economics and Critical Thinking
Question Everything
Critical thinking is particularly important in todays Internet society and world of information overload.
Authors, journalists, economists, politicians, talk-show hosts and even Hollywood celebrities and
famous athletes make controversial and sometimes contradictory statements and express their
opinions about social, political, and economic issues. It is useful to read their statements and to
listen to their opinions. However, as educated citizens and critical thinkers, we must question
everything. If we dont, we could end up with laws, regulations, and economic policies that harm our
economy and our country.
When we evaluate a normative statement (for example, we should raise taxes on the rich) or
question a positive statement (for example, if we raise taxes on the rich, then the governments
deficit will decrease), what do we look for? Below are some guidelines.
Critical Thinking Guidelines
When evaluating a statement we must
1. Question the source.
Study the background of the person making the statement. If a union leader provides arguments and
statistics to support her/his claim that trade restrictions are beneficial to the American economy and
that free trade leads to increased unemployment, we need to consider the source. The union leaders
objective is to represent her/his constituency (union workers). Therefore, (s)he is biased and will
make arguments to support her/his union agenda. This doesnt necessarily mean that the union
leader is incorrect. However, when a person is biased, we must be prepared to question the validity
of the arguments. This also doesnt mean that we should not question statements from people who
are not biased. We should, of course, evaluate all statements, but in particular from people who have
an apparent bias.
2. Question the assumptions. An assumption is
information you presume to be true. When in the
1990s Washington, D.C., Mayor Marion Barry
wanted to raise more revenue for his city, he and
his city council decided that imposing a higher tax
on gasoline would do the trick. They made the
assumption that gasoline is a necessary good and,
therefore, inelastic. In microeconomics we learn
that buyers of an inelastic product will not change
their purchases of this product much when the
price changes. Lets say that, for example, the tax
was 30 cents before the tax increase, and people
were buying 1 million gallons per month. Then the
tax revenue to the city was 1 million times 30
cents, or $300,000. The mayor and his council
raised the tax by 10 cents, and they expected
buyers to purchase approximately the same
amount of gasoline after the tax increase. If so,
this would mean that the citys total tax revenue
would now be 1 million times 40 cents, or
$400,000. However, after the tax increase, the
city discovered that total tax revenue actually
decreased (to less than $300,000). It turned out
that their assumption about the inelastic nature of
gasoline was wrong. After the tax increase, many
buyers decided to purchase gasoline in
neighboring Virginia and Maryland.
Far fewer buyers bought gasoline in Washington, D.C. In other words, whereas gasoline in the entire
United States market may be inelastic, gasoline in the Washington, D.C., area alone is elastic.
Several months after the tax increase, Mayor Barry and his council rescinded the 10 cent tax
3. Question how the variables are defined. Economists Card and Krueger conducted what is
now a well-known study about the effects of a minimum wage increase in New Jersey. New Jersey,
several decades ago, had increased its minimum wage by $1. Card and Krueger had noticed that
within a brief period of time following the increase, employment in New Jersey had gone up, despite
the higher wage. Card and Krueger concluded that an increase in minimum wage increases
employment and decreases unemployment. But when other economists questioned this study, they
found that Card and Krueger had used a definition for employment that was questionable. Card and
Krueger defined employment as the number of people, full-time as well as part-time, employed. After
the minimum wage increased, many businesses, in order to cut costs and compensate for the higher
wage, decided to increase their hiring of part-time workers at the expense of hiring full-time workers.
The following example illustrates the flaw in the definition Card and Krueger used. When 500
full-time workers are employed, they work a combined 20,000 hours (500 times 40 hours). When 300
full-time and 300 part-time workers are employed, they work a combined 12,000 (300 times 40) plus
6,000 (300 times 20), or a total of 18,000 hours. Even though Card and Kruegers employment
increased (from 500 to 600 workers), the total number of hours worked decreased (from 20,000
hours to 18,000 hours). If Card and Krueger had defined employment as the total number of hours
worked, they would have concluded that an increase in the minimum wage decreases employment.
Another example of how defining a variable can lead to incorrect conclusions involves the definition
of Gross Domestic Product. Gross Domestic Product is defined as the sum total of a countrys
production of final goods and services. Because of the inclusion of only final goods and services,
most products included in GDP are consumption goods. Intermediate goods are excluded. These are
typically goods exchanged between businesses and include the flour sold by the miller to the baker,
and the screws and machinery parts sold by the parts factory to the car manufacturer or furniture
maker. The sale of intermediate goods, spare parts, and raw materials is an important component of
our economy, and provides millions of people with jobs. However, this economic activity is ignored in
the definition of GDP. To conclude that a countrys total economic activity is made up of mostly
consumption is, therefore, false. It is true that GDP is mostly consumption. However, a countrys
economic activity is more than the items included in GDP. Thus, when economists and politicians
claim that in order to stimulate our economy, we should primarily focus on stimulating consumption,
this is a dangerous conclusion.
4. Question the validity of the statement. A statements validity often breaks down because of
two common fallacies. These fallacies are the fallacy of cause and effect, and the fallacy of
composition. The latter is also called the fallacy of what you cannot see, or the broken window
fallacy (see Henry Hazlitts Economics In One Lesson, Chapter 2).
People suffer from the fallacy of cause and effect when they conclude that just because event A
occurs before event B, that A must have caused B. Event A could have caused B, but it is incorrect to
automatically conclude that A causes B just because A precedes B. For example, European
economists have observed growing technology during the past several decades. They have also
observed growing average unemployment rates in most European countries during the past
decades. Many economists have therefore concluded that growing technology causes greater
unemployment. The fallacy is that they are omitting other variables, which may have caused the
increase in unemployment. Perhaps increases in tax rates, or increases in protectionist measures,
regulations, generous welfare programs, etc., contributed to the rise in unemployment.
People suffer from the fallacy of composition when they conclude that just because something is
good for one group or industry, then it must be good for the entire country. Henry Hazlitts Broken
Window Fallacy illustrates that when a boy breaks a bakers window, it doesnt stimulate the
economy. Hazlitt admits that the glazier (window repair person) gains a job, just like construction
companies gain jobs from natural disasters, such as hurricanes and floods. However, the baker loses
money, because he has to spend $250 to repair the window. He subsequently cannot buy a $250 suit
from the tailor (this is foregone economic activity that you cannot see when the baker has to repair
the window). Analogously, citizens struck by a hurricane (or their insurance companies) now have
less money to spend on goods and services they would have otherwise bought (for example,
vacations, a new car, etc.) had they not needed to repair their houses. Hazlitt reminds us that one of
the keys to economic thinking is to study the effects of economic action on all groups (the glazier,
the baker, and the tailor), and not just one group (the glazier).
5. Question the statistics. Be careful when analyzing statistics. Lets look at the following
example. A business earns a profit of $100 in year 1, and a profit of $120 in year 2. It reports to the
media that its profits increased 20% (a $20 increase as a percentage of the $100 first year profit). In
year 3, profit declines again to $100, and the business reports a decrease in profit of 16.7% (a $20
decrease as a percentage of the $120 profit in year 2). Looking at the percentage changes, it
appears that the business is better off in year 3 compared to year 1 (a 20% increase and a 16.7%
decrease). However, in looking at the absolute dollar changes, we know that the profit is the same in
year 3 compared to year 1. Statistics can be deceiving if incorrect formulas are used or the wrong
calculations are made. For your information, in the above example, a better method of calculating
the percentage change for this business is to apply the so-called arc formula. This formula takes the
change in the profit divided by the average of the two years profits. In the above example, using this
formula, the percentage change is $20 (the change) divided by $110 (the average of $100 and
$120), or 18.18%. Notice that the percentage change is the same whether the profit increased (year
1) or decreased (year 3).
Another example of deceiving statistics arises when looking at changes in income inequality. Lets
say that in 1985 the richest 20% of the income earners in our country earned 49% of the total
income, and that the poorest 20% earned 5%. Lets say that we noticed that the numbers for the
year 2006 changed to 50% and 4%, respectively. Can we conclude that the rich have gotten richer
and the poor have gotten poorer? Looking at the percentage earnings only, this is a correct
conclusion. However, looking at real dollar earnings, or standard of living, the conclusion may be
different. The reason for this is that in 2006, the total income of the country is bigger than in 1985.
For example if the countrys total real income in 1985 is $100 billion (hypothetically), and the total
real income in 2006 is $200 billion, then the poor are making $5 billion (5% times $100 billion) in
1985, and $8 billion (4% times $200 billion) in 2006. In absolute real dollars, the poor have gotten
richer, not poorer.
Statistical conclusions based on short-term outcomes may be erroneous. Both long- and short-term
effects need to be considered. If the United States Federal Reserve restricts the money supply today,
and within the next six months, the nations unemployment rate increases, people may conclude that
a tightening of the money supply causes a rise in unemployment. However, the unemployment rate
may fall after one or two years. When the Federal Reserve restricted the money supply in the early
1980s, interest rates rose in the beginning because of a shortage of bank reserves. However, in the
long run, as a result of the tightening of the money supply, inflation decreased, and interest rates
fell. Unemployment significantly fell thereafter.
6. Think like an economist. Thinking like an economist means doing everything described in 1
through 5 above. Furthermore, economists use marginal benefit and marginal cost analysis. For
example, does it make sense to eliminate all pollution in our society? It would be far too costly to
eliminate every single instance of air, water, or noise pollution. However, the marginal benefit may
equal the marginal cost (the optimum point) when we eliminate, say, 50% of the existing pollution.
When giving the solution to a problem, consider alternative solutions, pros and cons, pluses and
minuses. It is not enough to support an economic program just because it adds benefit to our
society. We also have to ask if the program is the best alternative. In other words, does it add the
most benefit? The United States Social Security program has undoubtedly benefited many people,
including the elderly, widows, disabled, and orphans. However, to ask whether we should support
this program, we must also ask if this program is the best program. Can another program (for
example, a privatized program or a reformed government-controlled program) deliver even more
benefits? In another example, when the government bailed out Chrysler in the 1980s, it prevented
Chrysler from laying off thousands of people, and it appeared to be a success. The real question,
however, is not whether the government bailout was beneficial, but what would have happened if
the government had not spent this money and how many alternate jobs this would have created.
Could this have made the economy even better off?
Proper economic thinkers know to analyze the effects of a policy not just for one group, but for all
groups (a technology improvement usually eliminates some jobs, but overall it creates jobs). And
they know to consider not just the short run, but also the long run (restricting money supply growth
may increase unemployment in the short run, but decrease unemployment in the long run).
Economic thinkers know to use common sense. Does the conclusion of a study violate the general
principles of economics? If the minimum wage increases and employment increases, does this make
sense? Applying the law of demand, it does not. If we do observe an increase in employment in the
real world after a minimum wage increase, what is the reason? Were the definitions of the variables
applied properly? Were the assumptions correct? Was the minimum wage below the market wage
before and after the increase (in which case, an increase in the minimum wage does not change the
actual wage see Unit 2)? Furthermore, economic thinkers do well to be open-minded and
non-judgmental. Look at all the numbers from an unbiased perspective and consider that anything is
possible, regardless of any political agendas you may support, and regardless of what the majority of
the population believes (the majority is not always correct).
Andrew Bernstein quotes Ayn Rand in The Capitalist Manifesto (Bernstein A., 2005, P. 196): The
virtue of rationality means the recognition and acceptance of reason as ones only source of
knowledge, ones only judge of values and ones guide to action. Bernstein continues: This means that
in every aspect of ones life in education, in career, in love, in finances and friendships one must
conduct oneself in accordance with as rigorous a process of logical thought as one can
conscientiously muster. (Bernstein A., 2005, P. 196). Think critically!
See: Bernstein, A. (2005). The Capitalist Manifesto. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America,
See: Hazlitt, H. (1979). Economics In One Lesson. New York, New York: Crown Publishing.
Unit 2: Supply and Demand
What's in This Chapter?
Why do prices of houses, cars, gasoline, and food fluctuate? Why do prices of stocks and bonds
change almost every second? What explains increases and decreases in interest rates? Why does
one gas station charge more than the one across town? Why do teachers and nurses make modest
incomes and television celebrities, famous athletes and corporate CEOs make millions of dollars?
Why is it more or less expensive to travel in other countries as a tourist?
In a free market economy, the answer to all these questions is this: "It is because of changes in
supply and demand." When the demand for a product increases, then the price increases in the short
term, and vice versa. When the supply increases, then the price decreases, and vice versa.
The mechanism of changing prices in a free market economy is powerful. When buyers want more of
a product, and can afford it, they communicate this by buying more of the product. This increases
the product's price. The higher price gives producers an incentive (and the financial ability) to make
more of the product. The subsequent greater supply satisfies the greater need. The greater supply
eventually also brings the price back down for most products (assuming the cost of production
doesn't change). Overall satisfaction and the nation's wealth increase because buyers and sellers
communicate to each other and satisfy each other's needs.
The free market system described above has many advantages and has led to high standards of
living in many industrialized nations. It has some disadvantages, as well. Most economists agree that
the advantages of a free market outweigh the disadvantages.
Unit 2: Supply and Demand
Section 1: The Law of Demand
Price and Quantity Changes
The law of demand states that buyers of a good
will purchase more of the good if its price is lower,
and vice versa. This assumes that no other
economic changes take place. If the price of
apples decreases from $1.79 per pound to $1.59
per pound, consumers will buy more apples.
Ceteris Paribus
The law of demand assumes that no other
changes take place. This assumption is called
"ceteris paribus." If we don't make this
assumption, then it is possible that the price of
apples decreases from $1.79 per pound to $1.59
per pound, and that fewer, not more, pounds of
apples are purchased.
One explanation for this may be that the price of oranges, a substitute product, has decreased more
than the price of apples, so that consumers will substitute oranges for apples. Does this violate the
law of demand? The answer is no. If we had not changed anything else (ceteris paribus), then we
would have seen an increase in the quantity purchased of apples as a result of a decrease in the
price of apples.
Substitution and Income Effects
There are two primary reasons why people purchase more of a product as its price decreases. One is
the "substitution effect." The substitution effect states that as the price of a product decreases, it
becomes cheaper than competing products (assuming the other products don't decrease in price).
Consumers will substitute the cheaper product for the more expensive product, and vice versa. For
example, if apple juice decreases in price, then "ceteris paribus," more people will purchase apple
juice. Note also that fewer people will purchase orange juice, assuming that these products are
The other effect is the "income effect." The income effect states that as the price of a product
decreases, buyers will have more income available to purchase more products, and vice versa. For
example, if someone purchases 4 DVDs per week at $15 per DVD, this buyer's total expenditure on
DVDs is $60. If the price of the DVD falls to $10, the total expenditure for 4 DVDs now equals $40.
This means that this buyer now has $20 more income compared to when the price of the DVD was
$15. In essence, this buyer's real income has increased. This allows the buyer to purchase more
Unit 2: Supply and Demand
Section 2: The Demand Curve
Graphing the Demand Curve
We can graph demand data in a diagram. The two variables we consider are the price of the product
(P) and the amount of the product purchased during a certain period of time (Q). Economists
measure the price of the product on the vertical axis and the quantity on the horizontal one.
A demand schedule and a corresponding demand curve represent the buyer's willingness and
ability to purchase the product. For demand to exist, the buyer cannot merely desire the product,
but (s)he must also be able to afford it.
In the diagram below, two points are plotted for a hypothetical product. At a price of $7 per product,
13 units are sold. At a price of $14 per product, only 6 units are sold. Other points can be plotted and
a line or curve can be connected through these points to arrive at the demand curve. A demand
curve usually extends from the upper left to the lower right. It is "downward sloping."
The above diagram shows that on demand curve D, consumers buy 13 units at a price of $7 (point A)
and 6 units at a price of $14 (point B).
Demand, Utils, Total Utility, and Marginal Utility
The willingness of a buyer to purchase a product depends on the value the buyer expects to receive
from purchasing the product relative to the price. Economists call the value or satisfaction a buyer
receives from a product utility. Marginal utility is the additional value a buyer receives from
purchasing one additional product. Typically, a buyer's marginal utility decreases as the person
consumes more of a product. For example, if you visit the grocery store to purchase oranges, the
marginal utility of each orange decreases, as you purchase more oranges. Let's assume that you
really like oranges, you don't have any oranges at home, and that you haven't had eaten one for a
while. As you enter the store, the first orange looks very appealing (no pun intended) to you. Let's
say for comparison purposes that this first orange is worth 100 utils to you. A util is an imaginary
measure of satisfaction. Because satisfaction differs per person, no one really knows how much a util
is. However, we use utils for comparison purposes. For example, we know that if you have already
bought the first orange, then the second orange by itself does not provide as much utility
(satisfaction) as the first orange. If you already have two oranges, then the third orange does not
provide as much utility as the first or the second orange. Analogously, if you were to buy a car,
owning a car provides you with considerably more utility if you don't already have one, compared to
owning a second car if you already own a car. This illustrates the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility.
The Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
The Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility states that the more you have of a product, the less
satisfaction you receive from buying additional products. Certain exceptions apply. Beer and other
substances, which create certain (un)desired effects after not one, but several servings, may be
subject to the law of increasing marginal utility (at least up to a certain point).
Let's look at an example of the law of diminishing marginal utility and how it determines your
demand for a product. Let's say that you have the following marginal utility values when you buy
Quantity of Gasoline (in Gallons) Purchased Per Month Marginal Utility
1 350 utils
2 250 utils
3 200 utils
4 190 utils
5 185 utils
6 170 utils
7 163 utils
8 159 utils
9 155 utils
10 151 utils
11 147 utils
12 143 utils
13 141 utils
14 139 utils
15 137 utils
16 133 utils
The above table illustrates that if you don't have any gasoline, and you are offered to buy your first
gallon, then your satisfaction increases by 350 utils. If you already own one gallon, and you are
offered a second, your utility increases by 250 utils, and so forth. So how will you decided how many
gallons of gasoline to purchase? The answer to this question depends on the value you attach to
what you have to give up to purchase the gasoline (the price of gasoline). This relates to your
affordability to purchase the product.
Let's assume, for our example here, that the price of gasoline is $5 per gallon. This is the cost to you
and what you have to give up. Money has utility, just like products do. Let's assume that $5 is worth
150 utils to you, and let's assume that this remains constant even as you spend your money
throughout the month (realistically, as you have less money at the end of the month, the marginal
utility of your money increases. But, in our example, for simplicity, we will assume your money to
have constant marginal utility).
Using the marginal utility values in the above table, and knowing that $5 (our hypothetical price of
gasoline) is worth 150 utils to you, how many gallons of gasoline will you choose to purchase?
Answer: 10 gallons.
Explanation: When you buy your first gallon, you gain 350 utils in satisfaction. You only give up 150
utils ($5). You gain 200 utils, so you decide to buy your first gallon of gasoline. Will you decide to buy
your second gallon? You gain 250 utils, while you give up 150 utils. You will decide to buy your
second gallon. You go through the same process through the tenth gallon. The tenth gallon only
gives you 151 utils, while you give up 150 utils. It may not seem much, but you are still gaining one
util in addition to the utils from the first nine gallons. Will you decide to buy your eleventh gallon? It
gives you 147 utils in additional utility, while it costs you 150 utils. If you were to buy your eleventh
gallon, you would lose 3 utils. Clearly, you would not do this, and you would buy ten gallons, but not
What happens if the price of gasoline decreases to $4.50? Let's assume that $4.50 is worth 135 utils
to you. Applying the analysis above, you conclude that you will purchase 15 gallons of gasoline, as
this will maximize your satisfaction.
The same can be done for any other price. Below is a table that indicates these value preferences.
This table also represents your individual demand curve for gasoline.
Your Own Individual Demand Curve
The graph in the previous paragraph shows the market demand for one product. Market demand is
the total demand for a product by all consumers. Total demand is the sum of all individual buyers'
In the next table we look at one individual buyer's demand curve for gasoline.
Price per Gallon Total Number of Gallons Purchased Per Month
(Quantity Demanded)
A graph of this buyer's demand schedule for gasoline looks like this:
The Market Demand Curve
To arrive at the market demand curve we add every individual buyer's demand schedule. For
example, if the market for gasoline consists of 1,000 buyers, then the market demand schedule
looks like as follows (for simplicity, we assume that every buyer's demand schedule is identical to
the individual in the previous table; the numbers in the following table are multiplied by 1,000
relative to the previous table because there are 1,000 buyers):
Price per Gallon Total Number of Gallons Purchased Per Month
(Quantity Demanded)
Based on the numbers in the table above, the graph of the market demand schedule for gasoline
looks like this:
Unit 2: Supply and Demand
Section 3: The Law of Supply
Price and Quantity Changes
The law of supply states that, ceteris paribus, producers offer more of a product at higher than at
lower prices. If the product price is high, the supplier can make greater profits by selling more
(assuming the cost of production is constant and there is sufficient demand). A video game, for
which the demand is high and therefore the price as well, will be supplied at greater quantities
because the higher price makes firms willing and able to supply more.
Income and Substitution Effects
The other effect is the "substitution effect." The supplier's substitution effect states that as the
market price of a product increases, other competing products, ceteris paribus, will become less
attractive to produce. Suppliers will substitute the higher priced product for the less expensive
product (and vice versa). If the market price for Grover, the Sesame Street stuffed animal, increases
in price, and Big Bird does not increase in price, then suppliers will want to make more Grovers
because Grovers are more profitable to produce and sell compared to Big Birds.
Unit 2: Supply and Demand
Section 4: The Supply Curve
Graphing the Supply Curve
A supply curve slopes upward from the bottom left to the upper right of the diagram. At higher
prices, firms are willing and able to sell more than at lower prices. We say that there is a direct
relationship between price and quantity supplied.
An Individual Firm's Supply Curve
The graph in the previous paragraph illustrates a product's market supply curve. A market supply
curve is the sum of all individual suppliers' supply preferences for that product.
Below is an example of one supplier's supply schedule for gasoline. The supplier is willing and able
to sell the quantities at the respective prices.
Price per Gallon Total Number of Gallons Supplied Per Month
(Quantity Supplied)
A graph of this individual supplier's demand schedule for gasoline looks like this:
The Market Supply Curve
A supply curve for the entire market of this product is simply the sum of every individual supplier's
supply schedule. For example, if the market for gasoline consists of 10 suppliers, then the market
supply schedule looks as follows (for simplicity, we assume that every supplier's supply schedule is
identical to the individual supplier in the previous paragraph; compared to the table above the
numbers in the quantity column are multiplied by 10 because there are 10 suppliers):
Price per Gallon Total Number of Gallons Purchased Per Month
(Quantity Demanded)
Based on the numbers in the table above, the graph of the market supply schedule for gasoline looks
like this:
Unit 2: Supply and Demand
Section 5: Equilibrium Price and Quantity
The Market Price and Quantity
In a free and competitive market without government price controls, the equilibrium, or market,
price and quantity occur at the point at which the supply and demand curves intersect. At this price,
consumers are willing and able to buy the same amount that businesses are willing and able to sell.
If the price is below this equilibrium intersection point, a shortage results. If the price is above the
point, a surplus results.
In the graph above, the market is at equilibrium at a price of $11 and a quantity of 9. If the price
were set at $7, a shortage of 7 products results. At $7 the quantity demanded is 13 (from $7 go
straight over to the demand curve) and the quantity supplied is 6 (from $7 go straight over to the
supply curve). Similarly, if the price were set at $14, a surplus of 5 units (11 minus 6) results.
Below are some supply and demand applications, in which we study what happens when the
government, instead of the free market, determines the price.
The Case of Rent Control
Rent control is an example of a price set below the equilibrium point. This is called a price ceiling.
In the graph below, the equilibrium (market) price of a rental unit is $1,800 per month. The city
government wants the rental units priced at no more than $1,000 per month, so that more tenants
can afford to live in the city. The lower-than-equilibrium rent causes the quantity supplied of rental
units to decrease to 700 units, because suppliers have less incentive to build and own rental units at
the lower price. The quantity demanded increases to 1,200, because the lower price encourages
more buyers. This results in a shortage of 500 rental units (1,200 minus 700).
In addition to the shortage, there are other consequences of the government's price ceiling.
Landlords have less incentive to maintain the rental properties, because profits are lower due to the
decrease in the rent. This usually leads to a deterioration of the rental units. Furthermore, due to the
shortage of rental units in the inner city, the demand for properties not subject to rent controls
increases. This increases the price of non-rent-controlled properties. Rent control also makes
discrimination more likely. Hopefully, landlords don't discriminate when they accept tenants.
However, when landlords have a waiting list of
people applying for the lower-rent units, landlords
who want to discriminate can more easily do so.
At market prices, this is less likely to be the case.
As rents are higher, there are far fewer waiting
lists, and landlords are more likely to accept
tenants based on their ability to pay, rather than
on their race, ethnic origin, and lifestyle. Despite
these disadvantages, rent controls are still in
existence in various big cities around the
industrialized world. Politicians often
focus on the short-term social benefits of helping the poor, but are not always aware of the
long-term economic disadvantages. Furthermore, they receive pressure from tenants, who ask for
lower rent and more-affordable housing. Politicians are tempted to oblige tenants' wishes, because
there are far more tenants than landlords.
The Case of the Minimum Wage
The minimum wage is an example of a price set above the equilibrium point. This is called a price
floor. In the graph below, the equilibrium price of labor (the market wage) is $6.00 per hour. The
government determines that it wants firms to hire workers at a minimum of $7.50, so that workers
can earn more money per hour and better afford their daily expenditures. The
higher-than-equilibrium wage causes the quantity supplied of labor to increase to 1,100 workers,
because workers have more incentive to work at a higher wage. The quantity demanded of labor
decreases to 900 workers, because the higher wage discourages firms from hiring workers. This
results in a surplus of workers (unemployment) of 200 workers (1,100 minus 900).
Minimum wage is a hotly debated topic. The graph above predicts that an increase in the minimum
wage causes unemployment. Some studies, however, claim that an increase in the minimum wage
has no significant effect on unemployment. Both studies can be correct, depending on the market
conditions. Below is an example of a case study in which the minimum wage increases, but there is
no effect on employment or unemployment.
The Case when the Market Wage is above the Minimum Wage
Let's say that the equilibrium (market) wage in the New York metropolitan area for a certain type of
worker is $10.00 per hour (see graph below). If the state government of New York raises the
minimum wage from $7.50 to $8.50, the minimum wage will still be below the market wage.
Therefore, there is no effect of an increase in the minimum wage on employment.
The Case when the Market Wage is below the Minimum Wage
If in another state the equilibrium (market) wage is $4.50 per hour, and the state government
increases the minimum wage to $6.50 per hour, then businesses are required to pay many workers
more per hour compared to what they were paying at the market wage. This will increase the
incomes of workers who are able to keep their jobs. And it will lead to unemployment of workers,
because the higher wage decreases the quantity demanded of labor and increases the quantity
Critically Analyzing Minimum Wage Studies
As you can see, the effect of an increase in the minimum wage differs, depending on whether the
market wage is above or below the minimum wage. Another reason for discrepancies in studies on
the minimum wage is that employment definitions vary. Economists Card and Krueger concluded in
their study on the minimum wage that after the minimum wage increased in New Jersey,
employment actually rose. The measure of employment they used was "the number of jobs held by
people." However, another measure of employment, which they did not use, is "the number of hours
worked by people." Using the latter definition, employment decreased. To illustrate this difference,
consider the following example.
Let's say that as a result of an increase in the minimum wage, the number of full-time jobs decreases
by 400, and the number of part-time jobs increases by 500. This can be expected as businesses,
faced with a higher wage, decide to replace full-time workers with part-time workers in order to save
money on benefits and reduce the total hours worked. Assuming that full-time workers work a
40-hour week, and part-time workers work a 20-hour week, the total number of hours worked
declines by 16,000 (400 workers times 40) hours, and increases by 10,000 (500 times 20) hours. On
balance, the numbers of hours worked decreases by 6,000. However, the total number of jobs
increases by 100. As you can see, measuring employment by the total number of jobs (this is how
our nation's unemployment rate is calculated and this is the definition Card and Krueger used - see
Unit 1, section 7 on critical thinking) is deceiving.
Unit 2: Supply and Demand
Section 6: Demand Determinants
Reasons for a Shift in the Demand Curve
Demand can increase or decrease. In this case, the demand curve shifts to the right or to the left,
respectively. The following are reasons:
1. A change in buyers' real incomes or wealth.
When buyers' incomes change, we distinguish between two products: normal products and inferior
The demand for a normal product increases if buyers experience an increase in real incomes or
wealth. If buyers' real incomes increase, they can afford to purchase more electronic devices,
clothes, food, and other products. Consequently, the demand for these products increases.
However, some products may experience a decrease in demand as buyers' real incomes increase.
These products are called inferior products. A person who is forced to eat macaroni and cheese
each day on a minimal budget may choose to buy steak when her/his income increases. This means
that the demand for macaroni and cheese decreases as this buyer's income increases. In this case,
macaroni and cheese is considered an inferior product, and steak is considered a normal product.
Another example of an inferior product is public transportation. Typically, as buyers' incomes
increase, the demand for public transportation decreases (and vice versa).
2. Buyers' tastes and preferences.
As a product becomes more fashionable or useful, its demand increases. Flat screen digital
televisions, cell phones, fat-free mayonnaise and ice cream, online products, and virtual reality
games have gained in popularity and have experienced increases in demand. As some products gain
in popularity, others lose. The demand for the less popular products decreases.
3. The prices of related products or services.
Consider the market for potato chips. The demand for it will go down (assuming no other changes) if
the price of a related good, for example, pretzels, decreases. Potato chips and pretzels are so-called
If the price of a substitute decreases, then the
demand for the other product decreases (and vice
versa). A related good can also be a
complementary product. This is a product
consumed not in place of, but along with, another
product. A decrease in the price of potato chips
increases the demand for potato chip dip. If the
price of a complementary product decreases, the
demand for the other product increases (and vice
4. Buyers' expectations of the product's future price.
If a supermarket announces that toilet paper will become more expensive in the near future, more
people will buy the product now (and vice versa). This increases current demand, and shifts the
demand curve to the right. This will have the eventual effect of actually increasing the real price in
the short run (an increase in demand increases the price). It is a self-fulfilling expectation, a common
phenomenon in economics.
5. Buyers' expectations of their future income and wealth.
When buyers expect their income or wealth to increase, they will increase their demand for normal
products and decrease their demand for inferior products, and vice versa. Many people anticipate
their future increased (or decreased) incomes by changing their consumption habits now.
6. The number of buyers (population).
If the population of buyers of a certain product increases, we experience an increase in the demand
for that product. With the aging of the Baby Boomers we can anticipate a rise in the demand for
products that senior citizens typically purchase (insurance, health care, travel, nursing care). If we
experience another baby boom in the future, the demand for baby products will increase again.
Unit 2: Supply and Demand
Section 7: The Effect of a Change in Demand on
Equilibrium Price and Quantity
An Increase in Demand
Demand changes for any of the six reasons listed in the previous section. Click on the interactive
button below to see what happens to the equilibrium price and quantity (the intersection of the
curves) when demand increases.
When the demand curve shifts to the right (click next), demand increases. The market price
increases, as does the equilibrium quantity (in the short run).
A Decrease in Demand
Click on the interactive button below to see what happens to the equilibrium price and quantity (the
intersection of the curves) when demand decreases.
When the demand curve shifts to the left (click next), equilibrium price and quantity decreases (in
the short run).
Unit 2: Supply and Demand
Section 8: Supply Determinants
Reasons for a Shift in the Supply Curve
Supply can increase or decrease. In this case, the supply curve shifts to the right or to the left
respectively. The following are reasons:
1. An advance in technology.
An advance in the technology of making the
product will lower the cost of producing it. This
means that the firm increases its profits, and it
has more incentive to increase its supply.
2. A change in the price of an input used to make the product.
When the price of an input, such as labor, raw materials, machinery, or land, decreases, the firm
makes more profit per product and is willing and able to increase the supply of the product (and vice
3. A change in taxes, subsidies, or regulations.
Taxing or imposing additional regulations on the manufacturing of a product lowers the supply,
because the total cost of making the product increases. A subsidy, a government grant to a business
or individual, or a reduction in regulations increases supply. Public schools, community colleges, and
public universities receive subsidies from local and state governments. These additional funds allow
schools to supply more courses and hire more teachers and professors than would be the case if
they did not receive government funds.
4. The number of suppliers.
When more firms decide to enter the market, the supply of the product increases (and vice versa). In
some industries, the number of suppliers is controlled by industry agencies, which require licenses,
permits, diplomas, etc. The American Medical Association sets strict requirements regarding the
entry of doctors into the industry. This safeguards a certain level of quality and protects consumers,
but also restricts the number of suppliers, and keeps doctors' prices higher than otherwise would be
the case. These changes shift the supply curve (see next section). A shift in the supply curve is
called an change in supply (not quantity supplied).
Unit 2: Supply and Demand
Section 9: The Effect of a Change in Supply on
Equilibrium Price and Quantity
An Increase in Supply
Demand changes for any of the four reasons listed in the previous section. Click on the interactive
button below to see what happens to the equilibrium price and quantity (the intersection of the
curves) when supply increases.
An increase in supply is illustrated by a rightward (or downward; click next) shift of the supply
curve. This decreases the price and increases the quantity sold.
A Decrease in Supply
Click on the interactive button below to see what happens to the equilibrium price and quantity (the
intersection of the curves) when supply decreases.
A decrease in supply is illustrated by a leftward (or upward; click next) shift of the supply curve.
This increases the price and decreases the quantity sold.
Unit 2: Supply and Demand
Section 10: The Effect of Changes in Both Demand and
Supply on Equilibrium Price and Quantity
A Simultaneous Increase in Demand and Supply
From the previous sections, we know that an increase in demand increases equilibrium price and
quantity (and vice versa), and an increase in supply decreases equilibrium price and increases
quantity (and vice versa). What happens if both demand and supply change at the same time?
Let's analyze the following examples.
Example 1
Problem: Suppose that you know that consumers' incomes have gone up, and that an advance in
technology has lowered the cost of making computers. Assuming that a computer is a normal good,
what will happen to the equilibrium price and quantity of computers as a result of these two
simultaneous changes?
Solution: An increase in consumers' incomes increases the demand for computers (click next in the
diagram below; D shifts to the right). An advance in technology increases the supply (click next
again; S shifts to the right). Consequently, the equilibrium quantity increases because the
equilibrium quantity increases in both instances. The market price will either increase, decrease, or
stay the same, depending on the size of the shifts in the curves. If demand increases more than
supply, then the price increases, and vice versa. If we don't know the magnitude of the shifts, we say
that the price is indeterminate.
Example 2
Problem: Buyers expect videotape prices to increase in the near future, and at the same time, the
government decides to tax the production of videotapes. What effect does this have on the market
price and output of videotapes?
Solution: Current demand increases because buyers expect the price to increase in the future.
Supply decreases because the increased tax makes it less attractive for firms to supply the product.
Therefore, the price of videotapes increases, and the equilibrium quantity is indeterminate. When
both demand and supply shift, one variable (price or quantity) experiences a definite change, and
the other is indeterminate (unless you know the magnitude of the shifts). When only one curve
shifts, both equilibrium price and quantity experience a definite change.
Unit 2: Supply and Demand
Section 11: Demand versus Quantity Demanded and
Supply versus Quantity Supplied
The Difference Between Demand and Quantity Demanded
We learned in an earlier section that as the price of a product increases, the amount purchased by
buyers decreases. This illustrates the law of demand. In a more recent section, we noticed that as
demand increases, the price of a product increases. When you look at these two statements
together, it may appear confusing and contradictory. However, the two statements are both valid. It
is merely a matter of what causes what, and which is the cause and which is the effect. To
understand the difference more clearly, we need to study the difference between demand and
quantity demanded.
Quantity Demanded
If the market price of a product decreases, then the quantity demanded increases, and vice versa.
For example, when the price of strawberries decreases (when they are in season and the supply is
higher - see graph below), then more people will purchases strawberries (the quantity demanded
increases). A quantity demanded change is illustrated in a graph by a movement along the demand
curve. In the graph below we are moving along the demand curve from the first intersection point (Q
= 800 and P = $3.99) to the second intersection point (Q = 1,000 and P = $2.99).
When one or more of the six demand determinants listed in Section 6 changes, then demand
changes. For example, when buyers' incomes increase, the demand (not quantity demanded) for a
normal product increases. Or when the price of a substitute product decreases, then the demand for
the product in question decreases. Or when the number of buyers increases, the demand increases,
and the price of the product increases. An increase in demand is illustrated in a graph by a
rightward shift in the demand curve.
The following graph illustrates an increase in demand:
In the graph above, demand increases as D1 shifts to D2. Quantity supplied increases in the
above case as the equilibrium point shifts along the supply curve from point A to point B.
The Difference Between Supply and Quantity Supplied
The distinction between supply and quantity supplied is similar to the difference between
demand and quantity demanded.
Quantity Supplied
If the market price of a product increases, then the quantity supplied increases, and vice versa.
For example, when housing prices increase (when the demand for houses has been strong), then
more people will want to sell their house (quantity supplied increases). A quantity supplied change is
illustrated in a graph by a movement along the supply curve. In the graph below we are moving
along the supply curve from the first intersection point (Q = 496 and P = $350,000) to the second
intersection point (Q = 578 and P = $420,000).
When one or more of the four supply determinants listed in Section 8 changes, then supply
changes. For example, when technology advances,or the cost of production decreases, supply
increases. An increase in supply is illustrated in a graph by a rightward shift in the supply curve.
The following graph illustrates an increase in supply and an increase in quantity demanded.
The above diagram illustrates that supply increases as S1 shifts to S2, and quantity demanded
increases as the equilibrium point shifts along the demand curve from point A to point B.
Unit 2: Supply and Demand
Section 12: Consumer Surplus and Producer Surplus
Consumer Surplus
In the graph below, the supply and demand curves intersect at an equilibrium price of $5 and an
equilibrium quantity of 120 products. If the price had been $6, buyers would have purchased 110
products. If the price had been $7, buyers would have purchased 100 products. If the price had been
$8, buyers would have purchased 90 products, and so forth. This means that quite a few buyers
would have been willing and able to pay more for the product than they are actually paying at the
equilibrium price of $5. At the equilibrium price of $5 everyone pays that price, including the buyers
who would have been willing to pay a higher price. The difference between how much consumers
value a product and how much they actually pay for it at the equilibrium price is called consumer
surplus. The consumer surplus in the graph below is illustrated by the shaded triangle.
Producer Surplus
Just like there is consumer surplus, there is producer surplus. Producer surplus is the difference
between the minimum price at which producers would have been willing to produce the product and
how much they are actually receiving at the equilibrium price. The producer surplus in the graph
below is illustrated by the shaded triangle.
The total additional benefit to society of trading this product is the sum of consumer surplus and
producer surplus.
Unit 2: Supply and Demand
Section 13: Price Changes in the Short Run and in the
Long Run
Categories of Products
Prices of some categories of goods increase in the long run as demand rises, while others do not.
Here we distinguish between products that are in limited supply, such as land, labor, raw
materials, and sports and performance event tickets, and manufactured products, or ones that are
in nearly unlimited supply in the long run. The latter category of products includes products such as
grocery items, clothes, cars, and electronic products.
Products in Limited Supply
In the long run, prices of products that are in limited supply fluctuate much more with changes in
demand than products that are in abundant supply. Examples of limited supply goods and services
include land, labor, natural resources such as oil, gas and minerals, tickets to major sporting events
(the Superbowl), and products supplied by a monopoly.
if, for example, the demand for land in a certain area rises because of increased population and
increased housing activity, the price of the land will increase. because the supply of land is limited,
the price of the land can remain high for a long period of time as long as the demand remains high.
products supplied by a monopoly are limited because the firm may be the sole owner of a resource,
or the firm may have a patent, a license, or other government approval to be the only supplier. the
limited supply (if the demand is high) will cause the price of the product or service to be high.
Manufactured Products
Prices of products in abundant supply, or so-called
manufactured products (except those produced
by a monopoly), generally do not remain high in
the long run. For example, let's take a look at the
price of cheese. When the demand for cheese
increases, the price increases in the short run. A
higher price of cheese means that profits for the
suppliers will be higher, assuming that the cost of
production remains constant. If the profits to
produce and sell cheese exceed the average level
of profits in other industries, more entrepreneurs
(more cheese suppliers) will enter the industry.
This increases supply and brings the price back
down in the long run. Thus, in the long run the
price will settle at a level where profits are normal
or average and not excessive.
Prices of manufactured products are set such that
they just cover the cost of production, plus a fair
(not excessive) allowance for a profit.
Unit 2: Supply and Demand
Section 14: The Free Market System and Externalities
The Free Market
In a free market economy, prices of goods and services, wages, interest rates, and foreign exchange
values are determined by supply and demand. There is no interference from a government in the
form of price controls, labor laws, or other regulations affecting the market price of the product. A
free market is economically efficient and generally leads to high standards of living. The following
are specific advantages of a free market system.
Note that in a free market system there is an important role for the government. The government
does not interfere with prices, but it has a significant role to play in the areas of protecting private
property, providing essential services such as infrastructure (roads, highways, etc.), providing
oversight of key industries and the monetary system, providing a legal system and defending the
country. So in a free market system, the role of the government is important, albeit limited.
Advantages of a Free Market System
1. Products are priced at their true worth.
The most important advantage of a free market system is that products are priced at their true
"worth." The product's true worth is based on how much buyers and sellers value the product. This is
reflected in the demand and supply of the product (and not on a government-determined price).
When consumers value a product highly, then the demand for this product is high and consequently,
the price of the product will be relatively high. The high price then gives businesses the incentive to
produce the product (because profits will be high) and the consumers' demand will be satisfied. On
the other hand, if a government sets a product's price at an artificially low level, then businesses will
make no profit and have little incentive to produce the product, even if consumers really want the
In order to survive in the market place, producers look for the lowest cost and most efficient means
to produce. A free market system therefore encourages efficient production.
In a free market system, prices of resources are determined just like prices of products. Why do
some celebrities earn very high wages? The answer is that the demand for their services is very high
and the supply of their services (their talent) is relatively low. You may not like that some people
earn this much. However, the high demand increases the equilibrium price (wage). In response, the
high price (wage) encourages some people to excel and satisfy the consumers' demand. This
responsiveness in the price system is what maximizes total economic value in society.
2. Greater incentives to work and a higher standard of living.
A free market with relatively low taxation encourages people to work hard and innovate. This profit
incentive provides competition and entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship leads to creation of jobs and
production of products, which raise people's standards of living. Countries that have limited
government interference in the free market have shown to be the most productive. The standard of
living in politically and economically free, or mostly free, countries is the highest in the world, and
poverty measured in absolute standard of living is the lowest.
3. Greater freedom.
A free market allows people the freedom to choose their occupation and the products they can afford
to buy. Countries that encourage free markets and discourage economic and social discrimination
allow for greater degrees of income mobility. People have opportunities and the freedom to improve
their economic positions through innovation and hard work. Even poor immigrants who come to the
country with nothing but their own courage and determination often succeed and work their way up
the economic ladder.
Disadvantages of a Free Market System
There are several disadvantages of a free market system, including the existence of
1. Income inequality.
In a free market system, a significant degree of income inequality is common. Workers who are more
productive and innovative earn a higher income than workers who are less productive and
innovative. Most people do not like too much income inequality. Governments correct income
inequalities by imposing higher taxes on higher-income households, and by providing subsidies and
government handouts to lower-income households. Despite government handouts, some products
are priced beyond what lower income households can afford. If products are essential for survival
(food, housing, medicine), and the government feels that some households cannot afford them, it
may impose price ceilings. Price ceilings are prices below the equilibrium in the market.
2. Externalities.
Externalities are benefits or costs that are generated apart from the benefits or costs related to the
trade itself. An externality can be positive or negative. An example of a negative externality is
pollution caused by a factory. If a factory pollutes, the polluted area and its residents will suffer. This
imposes a cost on the residents, even though the residents may not be direct parties to the trade of
the product produced by the factory. Since this cost is not reflected in the price of the product,
governments often impose pollution fees or taxes. These funds can then be used to clean up the
polluted area or subsidize the expense associated with the pollution cost. Examples of positive
externalities are health care services, education and training. When doctors, hospitals and
community health organizations provide services (for example, inoculations) to keep people healthy,
it also benefits people who are not using the health services. When fewer people get sick, especially
contagiously, fewer other people get sick, too. In other words, even people not purchasing health
services benefit from health services. Consequently, governments feel justified to collect taxes from
everyone (since everyone benefits) and subsidize health care services.
An other positive externality is education. Education and training benefit society in general, as
relatives, friends, and businesses share in the benefits from the increased knowledge of the trained
individual (assuming this person interacts with these members of society).
3. Public goods and the free rider problem.
Public goods are goods and services provided by the government without a direct charge to the user
of the good. Examples of public goods are public education, public transportation, public roads,
bridges, highways, defense, a legal system, and police and fire protection. In general, it is difficult or
undesirable for these goods to be provided by private businesses. Defense, for example, has to be
provided by a government because it is difficult to charge individuals for this service. Thus, the
private sector may under-allocate resources relative to our needs in the case of public goods.
The problem with publicly provided goods is that some people contribute very little or nothing to the
revenue (taxes) that the government collects. This means that they get to use the service for free,
without any cost. This is called the free rider problem. Even for people who contribute taxes, their
marginal cost of the service is less than their marginal benefit.
Let's take a look at public transportation, for
example. If public transportation were to charge
each user the actual cost of the service, it may
charge, for example, $3 per ride. People will use
the service as long as the benefit of each ride
exceeds the marginal cost of each ride ($3).
However, if the government decides that the cost
of public transportation will be borne by society
and not by each individual user, the following will
happen. Each ride still costs the government $3. If
there are 200 riders, the total cost to the
government is $600. Let's say that there are
6,000 taxpayers contributing to the funds to pay
for public transportation. This means that each
taxpayer contributes an average of $0.10 to pay
for public transportation.
If we increase the number of riders from 200 to 201, the total cost to the government increases by
$3. As the cost is borne by 6,000 taxpayers, the marginal cost for each tax-paying citizen is only
$0.10. For most riders the marginal benefit of using public transportation is greater than $0.10, so
the tendency is for users to over-consume this product, as long as the government continues to not
charge for individual use of the public transportation. This free rider phenomenon is typical of all
publicly provided goods, and is a disadvantage because it leads to overconsumption and inefficiency.
For this reason, most economists support private production, as long as individuals can be charged
for the service separately. Defense, police, and fire protection, by nature, must be publicly provided.
Banking, insurance, and retirement plan services, for example, can be privately provided. Many of
these services are, indeed, provided by the private sector. However, some are not. Some economists
would like to see government unemployment insurance programs (Unemployment Compensation),
government banking insurance programs (the Federal Insurance Deposit Corporation), and
government retirement systems (Social Security) be replaced by private companies. Even the
provision of roads and highways can, in the future, be provided by private companies, as new and
less-expensive computer scanning equipment becomes available.
Free Market Interferences
When a government interferes with the workings of the free market, inefficiencies in the market
occur in the form of shortages, surpluses, misallocations of resources, malinvestments, and business
losses. Government interferences in the area of prices, wages, interest rates, profits, etc. may
benefit some groups or individuals. However, from a macroeconomic point of view, these actions are
usually harmful.
Price Ceilings
A price ceiling is a price below the free market price. Let's say a product's equilibrium price is $10
and the government requires manufacturers to sell the product for $8. Consumers prefer buying the
product at this lower price. However, producers, faced with lower revenue, will have much less
incentive to make the product. Some may produce the product with cheaper ingredients and at a
lower quality to try to bring the cost down to less than $8. Other manufacturers will stop producing
the product. A shortage of the product likely results.
Price Floors
A price floor is a price above the free market price. Sometimes governments require the price of a
product to be higher than the market price. Governments do this to help suppliers. If the market
price is $10, and the government establishes it at $14, then producers have an incentive to produce
more. They will experience higher profits per product. However, the higher price turns away
consumers. Consequently, less of the product will be sold in the market, and surpluses result.
The government's purpose for interfering with market prices is to remedy social problems, such as
poverty and homelessness. Economic evidence shows that this interference is usually accompanied
by other, sometimes more severe, problems in the long run.
Rent Control
In the case of rent control in large cities, the government requires landlords to keep the rent of their
apartments and houses below the free market level. The result is that it becomes unprofitable for
many landlords to invest in property or build additional properties. The rent that the government
allows is not worth the landlord's expenses and investments. Furthermore, it is more attractive for
builders and landlords to invest in areas in which there is no rent control. Consequently, the supply
of properties in the rent-controlled area decreases and shortages occur. The tenants who rent at the
government-controlled price may feel fortunate at first. However, the property will suffer from poor
maintenance because the landlords have no incentive to invest money in it and because there is a
long waiting list of tenants. Rent control also prevents thousands of people from acquiring anything
at all because the artificially low rent discourages potential builders from building additional
Correcting Income Inequalities
The government reduces income inequalities by imposing high taxes on the wealthy and providing
government handouts to the poor. By doing this, the government runs the risk of taking away
incentives for workers to be productive. If a productive worker and a non-productive worker receive
the same rewards (after taxes and government handouts), why work hard?
Given that some functions of government are essential to the effective operation of our economy, it
is essential that government collects at least some taxes. It also seems fair that high-income earners
contribute more to the government than low-income earners. However, a government is wise to
ensure that more-productive workers are rewarded appropriately for their efforts. If a government
redistributes incomes too much by levying high rates of taxation, people lose the incentive to
innovate, produce, work hard, and create jobs. Too much redistribution of incomes leads to a
decrease in employment and a decrease in a country's standard of living, as has been evident in the
failing economies of past and current communist nations.
Unit 3: Gross Domestic Product
What's in This Chapter?
Gross Domestic Product is a measure of a country's production activity. The measure has its flaws,
but nevertheless does a reasonably good job indicating how much a country's economic activity
changes from quarter to quarter and from year to year.
If production increases, it is usually an indication that the economy is doing well and that
unemployment is decreasing and incomes are rising. Knowing GDP is important to the government,
because it can provide a signal that its policies are effective (if GDP is increasing) or not effective (if
GDP is decreasing). Households, businesses, investors and foreign countries also study GDP in order
to make better decisions and plan for the future.
This unit also discusses the difference between real GDP and nominal GDP. Nominal GDP data
includes production and nominal price changes. However, real GDP is the more meaningful statistic
for policy-making decisions, because it adjusts for price fluctuations and targets production changes
Does real GDP measure happiness or standard of living? It may or may not, but it helps if a country is
productive and employment is high. But other factors beyond production play a role. The last section
in this unit focuses on GDP growth and the environment, as well as GDP growth and leisure time.
Unit 3: Gross Domestic Product
Section 1: Gross Domestic Product
The definition of Gross Domestic Product
Gross Domestic Product is defined as the value of
all final goods and services produced in a country
or area during a certain period of time. A final
product is one that is sold in its final form. It is not
a smaller part of another product. To illustrate
how GDP is computed, let's look at a simple,
hypothetical country that produces only two
products: yogurt and economics textbooks. Five
thousand yogurt cups are produced and sold at $1
per cup in a certain year. And one hundred
economics textbooks are produced and sold at
$80 per book, that same year.
Problem: What is the country's GDP in the above example?
Solution: Both products are final products, so both products are included in the calculation of GDP.
The value of the yogurt is $5,000 (5,000 times $1) and the value of the textbooks is $8,000 (100
times $80). Adding the two values together gives us a nominal GDP of $13,000.
Problem: Let's say that the next year, the quantities produced remain constant, but the prices
double. Yogurt now sells for $2, and textbooks for $160. How will nominal GDP change?
Solution: The value of the yogurt cups is 5,000 times $2, or $10,000. The value of the textbooks is
100 times $160, or $16,000. Adding the two values together gives us a nominal GDP of $26,000. It
might appear that our economy improved one hundred percent; GDP is twice as high! Can we say
that the economy is growing? The answer is no. The increase results from an increase in prices, and
not from an increase in production. For that reason, we say that nominal GDP (production times
prices) has doubled, but real GDP (GDP keeping prices constant) stays the same.
Real GDP is a more meaningful statistic for a country because it measures the actual quantity of final
goods and services a country produces. See also section 3 in this unit for more examples of the
difference between nominal and real GDP.
What is Included and What is Excluded in the Calculation of GDP?
The following products are included in the calculation of GDP:
All legally produced final goods and services produced for purchase by consumers, businesses, the
government, and other countries, as well as changes in business inventories, are included in the
calculation of Gross Domestic Product. Final products are those that are consumed or used in their
final stage. For example, a car is a final product. The opposite of a final product is an intermediate
product. A tire bought by Chrysler used in the production of its cars and trucks is an intermediate
good. The ultimate purchase of the tire is not as a tire, but as part of a final product (the car). On the
other hand, if a consumer buys a tire to replace a tire on an existing car, then the tire is considered a
final product and it is included in GDP.
The following products are excluded in the calculation of GDP:
1. Intermediate products.
The argument for not including intermediate
goods is that if they were included, they would
be counted more than one time in the calculation
of GDP. Once as part of the final good, and once
as the intermediate good. If intermediate goods
were included, a tire would be counted as it was
sold by the tire company to Chrysler, and also as
it was sold by Chrysler to the buyer for final
2. Used products.
Any good produced in another year, even though it is sold in the current one, is not included. For
instance, a used car produced and sold in 2005, but resold today, is not included in today's GDP
because the actual production did not take place in this year. The commission of the used car dealer,
however, is included, because that is a productive service provided this year. Another example of a
good that can be sold in one year but produced in a previous year is an inventory item. If Ford
produces a car this year, but does not sell it until next year, it is included in this year's GDP, and not
in next year's GDP. However, the Ford car dealer's commission from the sale of the car is included in
next year's GDP.
3. Financial transactions.
Any transaction not directly representing production is excluded. Examples are financial transactions
such as the purchase of stocks, bonds, mortgage securities and credit default swaps. The
commission a stockbroker earns on the sale of financial instruments is included in GDP. Government
expenditures on welfare and other transfer programs are excluded, as well.
4. Non-reported transactions.
Products, which are difficult to measure, or which are illegal, are excluded. Examples are
do-it-yourself household activities, services not reported as income to the government, prostitution,
drug trade, and other so-called underground market activities.
5. Barter trade.
Barter trade occurs when people exchange products for other products without payment of money.
Examples are barbers exchanging haircuts for legal advise with their lawyers or hotel chains
exchanging hotel services for airline tickets with airline firms. Some barter trade (especially between
large firms) is included, but only if the firms report their economic activities to the government.
The Components of GDP
The following spending components are included in GDP:
1. Consumption.
Goods and services bought by households are called Consumption (C). Examples of typical
consumption goods and services include cars, computers, electronics, haircuts, banking services,
and college courses.
2. Gross private domestic investment.
Goods and services bought by businesses are called Gross Private Domestic Investment (I).
Examples include computers purchased by businesses, forklifts, trucks, business supplies, and
buildings. The investment category also includes purchases of new residential homes and changes in
business inventories.
3. Government expenditures.
Final products purchased by the government are called government expenditures (G). Examples
include weapons, airplanes, construction materials for building roads and highways, and government
office supplies.
4. Net exports.
When other countries purchase our final products, they are called Net Exports (X). The components
C, I, and G include the consumption of domestically, as well as foreign-produced products. Because
Gross Domestic Product measures only production of domestically produced products, net exports
must subtract foreign-produced products. Therefore, net exports equals exports minus imports.
The table below ( shows the breakdown into the components of United States
nominal GDP for the first quarters of 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 (annualized and seasonally
adjusted in billions of dollars). All components of GDP decreased between 2008 and 2009 (except for
government spending), because of the recession that started in the third quarter of 2008. After
2009, the amounts increased in all categories.
GDP Component Total Amount
Percentage of
Total GDP*
Total Amount
Percentage of Total
Total Amount 2010Percentage of Total
Total Amount 2011Percentage of Total
GDP* 2011
Entire GDP $14,150.8 100 $14,075.5 100 $14,446.4100$15,018.1100
Consumption (C) $10,047.0 71.0 $9,955.7 70.7 $10,230.870.8$10,670.971.1
Gross Private Domestic
Investment (I)
$2,056.1 14.5 $1,579.8 11.2 $1,739.7 12.0$1,882.712.5
Expenditures (G)
$2,798.1 19.8 $2,877.7 20.4 $2,955.7 20.53,027.020.2
Net Exports (X) $-705.7 -5.0 $-337.7 -2.4 -479.9 -3.3-562.5-3.7
* Percentages of the four GDP components may not add to 100% due to rounding.
Is Two-thirds of Our Economy Consumption?
The table above indicates that more than two-thirds of our final production is consumption. This
makes many economists conclude that consumption primarily drives the economy, and that if we
primarily stimulate consumption in our economy, then production, employment, and earnings will
increase, as well. This conclusion is deceiving, however. The definition of GDP only includes final
products. But this is merely a definition. In the real world, many other products, in particular
intermediate products, are produced. These products also contribute to a significant amount of
production, employment, and earnings.
The economist George Reisman agrees. In his impressive book, Capitalism, he argues that all
intermediate goods and all capital goods should be included in the calculation of GDP in order to
accurately reflect the importance of all production in our economy. Too much emphasis is placed
upon consumer products in the calculation of GDP. Because of the over-emphasis on consumption in
our economy, our government has adopted spending and taxation policies that favor consumption
and discourage savings (for example, the taxing of interest from savings). Lower savings lead to
fewer funds available for investments to purchase and produce capital goods. As the production
possibilities model in our Unit 1 shows, the fewer capital goods we have, the less capacity we have
to produce products (both capital and consumer) in the future. This will actually lead to a decrease in
our long-term economic growth.
Reisman suggests that we adopt a measure called "Gross National Revenue." This would include the
production of all products, including intermediate products, to more accurately reflect economic
activities in the actual economy.
Unit 3: Gross Domestic Product
Section 2: GDP and Per Capita GDP around the World
Per Capita GDP
Per capita GDP is the value of gross domestic product per individual of a country. If nominal GDP is
$14,660 billion (the approximate 2010 GDP of the United States), and a country's population is 313
million (the approximate 2010 population of the United States), then per capita GDP is $47,200
($14,660 billion divided by 313 million).
Qatar and Luxembourg topped the list in per capita GDP in 2010. The United States was 11th in the
world. The African country Liberia had the lowest per capita GDP (ranked 226th) with $500.
Country/Area 2007 Gross Domestic
Product in Purchasing
Power Parity in Millions.
2007 Per Capita GDP 2008 Gross Domestic Product in
Purchasing Power Parity in
2008 Per Capita GDP2009 Estimated Gross Domestic
Product in Purchasing Power
Parity in Millions
2009 Estimated Per Capita GDP2010 Estimated Gross Domestic
Product in Purchasing Power
Parity in Millions
2010 Estimated Per Capita GDP
World (Gross
World Product)
$ 65,820,000 $ 10,000 $71,610,000$11,000$71,050,000 $10,800 $74,540,000 $11,200
United States $13,840,000 $ 46,000 $14,290,000$47,000 $14,250,000 $46,400 $14,660,000 $47,200
Argentina $ 523,700 $ 13,000 $ 575,600$14,200 $554,500 $13,700 $596,000 $14,700
Australia $ 766,800 $ 37,500 $ 800,500$38,100 $858,800 $40,400 $882,400 $41,000
Austria $ 319,700 $ 39,000 $ 325,000$39,200 $325,600 $39,700 $332,000 $40,400
Bangladesh $ 209,200 $ 1,400 $ 224,000$ 1,500 $243,900 $1,600 $258,600 $1,700
Belgium $ 378,900 $ 36,500 $ 390,500$37,500 $386,700$ 37,100 $394,300 $37,800
Brazil $ 1,838,000 $ 9,700 $ 1,990,000$10,100 $2,021,000 $10,200 $2,172,000 $10,800
Bulgaria $ 86,730 $ 11,800 $ 93,780$12,900 $96,630 $13,400 $96,780 $13,500
Canada $ 1,274,000 $ 38,200 $ 1,307,000$39,300 $1,291,000 $38,500 $1,330,000 $39,400
China $ 7,043,000 $ 5,300 $ 7,800,000$ 6,000 $9,144,000 $6,900 $10,090,000 $7,600
Cuba $ 51,110 $ 4,500 $ 108,200$ 9,500 $112,400 $9,800 $114,100 $9,900
Denmark $ 204,600 $ 37,400 $ 204,900$37,400 $197,700 $35,900 $201,700 $36,600
Egypt $ 431,900 $ 5,400 $ 442,600$ 5,400 $473,400 $6,000 $497,800 $6,200
European Union $ 14,450,000 $ 32,900 $14,820,000$33,400 $14,560,000 $32,200 $14,820,000 $32,700
France $ 2,067,000 $ 33,800 $ 2,097,000$32,700 $2,114,000 $32,800 $2,145,000 $33,100
Germany $ 2,833,000 $ 34,400 $ 2,863,000$34,800 $2,841,000 $34,500 $2,940,000 $35,700
Hong Kong $ 293,400 $ 42,000 $ 307,600$43,800 $305,000 $43,200 $325,800 $45,900
Indonesia $ 845,600 $ 3,400 $ 915,900$ 3,900 $970,600 $4,000 $1,030,000 $4,200
India $ 2,965,000 $ 2,700 $ 3,267,000$ 2,800 $3,679,000 $3,200 $4,060,000 $3,500
Iraq $ 100,000 $ 3,600 $ 112,800$ 4,000 $112,400 $3,900 $113,400 $3,800
Israel $ 184,900 $ 28,800 $ 200,700$28,200 $209,800 $29,000 $219,400 $29,800
Italy $ 1,800,000 $ 31,000 $ 1,821,000$31,000 $1,751,000 $30,100 $1,774,000 $30,500
Jamaica $ 13,470 $ 4,800 $ 20,880$ 7,400 $23,990 $8,500 $23,722 $8,300
Japan $ 4,417,000 $ 33,800 $ 4,348,000$34,200 $4,146,000 $32,600 $4,310,000 $34,000
Kazakhstan $ 161,500 $ 10,400 $ 176,900$11,500 $183,600 $11,900 $196,400 $12,700
Liberia $ 1,498 $ 500 $ 1,532 $ 400 $1,608 $400 $1,691 $500
Liechtenstein $ 4,160 $ 122,100 $5,028 $141,100 Not Available NA NA NA
Luxembourg $ 38,790 $ 80,800 $ 39,420$81,100 $39,740 $80,800 $41,090 $82,600
Mexico $ 1,353,000 $ 12,500 $ 1,559,000$14,200 $1,486,000 $13,400 $1,567,000 $13,900
Netherlands $ 638,900 $ 38,600 $ 670,200$40,300 $665,300 $39,800 $676,900 $40,300
North Korea $40,000 $1,900 $40,000 $1,800$40,000$1,800Not AvailableNA
Qatar $ 57,690 $ 75,900 $ 85,350$103,500 $129,500 $155,400 $150,600 $179,000
Russia $ 2,076,000 $ 14,600 $ 2,225,000$ 15,800 $2,138,000 $15,300 $2,223,000 $15,900
Saudi Arabia $ 572,200 $ 20,700 $ 582,800$ 20,700 $599,500 $23,700 $622,000 $24,200
South Africa $ 467,600 $ 10,600 $ 489,700$ 10,000 $509,800 $10,400 $524,000 $10,700
South Korea $ 1,206,000 $ 24,600 $ 1,278,000$ 26,000 $1,375,000 $28,300 $1,459,000 $30,000
Spain $ 1,362,000 $ 33,700 $ 1,424,000$ 31,000 $1,371,000 $29,600 $1,369,000 $29,400
Sweden $ 333,100 $ 36,900 $ 348,600$ 38,500 $331,600 $37,100 $354,700 $39,100
Switzerland $ 300,900 $ 39,800 $ 309,900$ 40,900 $316,400 $41,600 $324,500 $42,600
Taiwan $690,100 $29,800 $756,100$33,000$741,500$32,300$821,800$35,700
Turkey $ 667,700 $ 9,400 $ 906,500$ 12,000 $887,700 $11,600 $960,500 $12,300
Uganda $ 31,470 $ 1,100 $ 35,880$ 1,100 $40,080 $1,200 $42,150 $1,300
United Kingdom $ 2,147,000 $ 35,300 $ 2,231,000$ 36,600 $2,146,000 $34,600 $2,173,000 $34,800
Venezuela $ 335,000 $ 12,800 $ 357,900$ 13,500 $351,900 $13,100 $345,200 $12,700
Unit 3: Gross Domestic Product
Section 3: Real versus Nominal Gross Domestic Product
Nominal Gross Domestic Product
Nominal GDP is GDP using current quantities and current dollars. It is calculated by multiplying the
number of products by their current prices. An increase in nominal GDP does not necessarily
represent an increase in production. If prices double from one year to another and production
remains the same, nominal GDP will double.
Real Gross Domestic Product
Real GDP is GDP using current quantities and so-called constant dollars. It is calculated by
multiplying the number of products by constant prices from a base year. For example, we can select
the year 2000 as the "base year," and calculate real GDP in other years by using prices from the
year 2000. Real GDP, thus, only measures the changes in the volume of production. This is a better
indicator of economic activity and economic health.
Example Problem: Let's suppose that a very small
country makes only two commodities: pizzas and
cell phones. The country bakes 200 pizzas at $10
each in year 1. In that same year, it manufactures
100 cell phones at $50 each.
In year 2, the country makes 190 pizzas and 110
cell phones at respective prices of $12 and $60
each. Using year 1 as the base year for calculating
real GDP, what are nominal and real GDP for each
The solution is given in the table below:
Production and
Year 1 Nominal GDPYear 2 Nominal GDPYear 1 Real GDP
Using Year 1 Prices
Year 2 Real GDP
Using Year 1 Prices
200 pizzas at $10
each (year 1)
100 cell phones at
$50 each (year 1)
$5,000 equals: $5,000
$7,000 $7,000
190 pizzas at $12
each (year 2)
$1,900 (190 times
110 cell phones at
$60 each (year 2)
$6,600 equals: $5,500 (110 times
$8,880 $7,400
The above table shows that nominal GDP rises from $7,000 in year 1 to $8,880 in year 2. Real GDP
also rises, but not by as much (because of the adjustment for price increases). It is $7,000 in year 1,
and rises to $7,400 in year 2.
The Fisher Formula
Recently, our government has used a different way to calculate real GDP. Instead of using a certain
base year for calculation of real GDP of all years, a so-called "Fisher formula" that incorporates price
and quantity weights from two adjacent years or quarters, is used. These annual or quarterly
changes are "chained" (multiplied) together to form time series of quantity and price indexes. For
more information, click here for Bureau of Economic Analysis GDP calculations and explanations: BEA
( For our purposes, the idea or concept of the difference between nominal and
real GDP is the same whether you use base years or chained weights.
United States Nominal and Real GDP Throughout the Years
The table below shows United States Bureau of Economic Analyis selected annual nominal and real
GDP data for the United States from 1930 through 2010, in chained year 2005 dollars rounded to the
nearest whole dollar amount (in billions). Both nominal and real GDP in the United States have grown
considerably over the decades. Due to the recession, real GDP fell from 2008 to 2009, but grew
again after 2009.
Year United States Gross Domestic
Product in billions of current
dollars (nominal GDP)
United States Gross Domestic
Product in billions of chained
2005 dollars (real GDP)
1930 91 893
1940 101 1,167
1950 294 2,006
1960 526 2,831
1970 1,038 4,270
1980 2,788 5,839
1990 5,801 8,034
2000 9,952 11,226
2001 10,286 11,347
2002 10,642 11,553
2003 11,142 11,841
2004 11,868 12,264
2005 12,638 12,638
2006 13,399 12,976
2007 14,062 13,229
2008 14,369 13,229
2009 14,119 12,881
2010 14,660 13,248
Unit 3: Gross Domestic Product
Section 4: Per Capita Gross State Product
Per Capita Production of the Fifty States and the District of Columbia
A state's yearly production is measured by its Gross State Product (GSP).
The following table includes a ranking by per capita Gross State Product (measured in dollars) of
each of the fifty states and the District of Columbia. This calculation uses current prices. Therefore,
states with relatively high prices tend to have higher GSPs. The cost of living (the price level) in
states such as Alaska, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New York is relatively high. They may be
productive in their own right; however, the high price level inflates their GSP relative to states with
lower prices.
The District of Columbia is ranked first, primarily because of its government presence, combined
with its relatively small population. Alaska has both a high cost of living and a relatively small
population. Delaware's high ranking is primarily because of its strong corporate presence due to its
favorable tax laws.
State or area and
rank in 2006
2006 GSP per
2007 GSP per
2010 GSP per
2010 Rank
1 District of
124,363 126,512 174,500 1
2 Delaware 59,288 56,680 69,667 2
3 Connecticut 50,332 52,096 64,833 4
4 Massachusetts 46,721 47,218 58,108 6
5 New York 46,617 48,706 57,423 7
6 New Jersey 44,885 45,222 56,477 8
7 Alaska 43,748 44,962 65,143 3
8 Colorado 41,798 40,963 51,940 11
9 Virginia 41,702 41,689 53,463 9
10 California 41,663 42,580 51,914 12
11 Minnesota 41,295 41,475 50,396 14
12 Nevada 39,813 40,384 47,222 23
13 Illinois 39,514 39,651 50,328 15
14 New Hampshire 39,616 37,477 47,385 22
15 Maryland 39,161 39,592 51,724 13
16 Wyoming 39,130 40,271 63,667 5
17 Hawaii 38,083 39,034 49,214 18
18 Washington 37,666 40,479 52,403 10
19 Oregon 37,633 38,461 44,447 27
20 Texas 36,920 37,890 45,940 24
21 Nebraska 36,441 37,182 49,778 17
22 North Carolina 36,489 37,133 42,884 31
23 Rhode Island 36,292 36,706 45,000 26
24 South Dakota 35,842 35,619 49,875 16
25 Iowa 35,662 35,871 49,067 19
26 Wisconsin 35,390 34,907 44,105 29
27 Georgia 35,362 35,344 41,711 35
28 Pennsylvania 34,828 35,189 45,323 25
29 Ohio 34,609 34,008 42,035 33
30 Kansas 34,242 34,753 44,310 28
31 Indiana 34,058 32,773 41,169 36
32 Tennessee 34,321 33,784 39,730 41
33 Vermont 34,472 34,225 44,000 30
34 North Dakota 34,446 34,792 47,714 20
35 Florida 33,718 33,512 40,106 40
36 Michigan 33,468 32,918 37,616 42
37 Missouri 33,297 32,590 41,117 37
38 Arizona 33,441 33,578 40,828 39
39 Louisiana 32,923 34,537 47,467 21
40 Utah 32,357 32,484 41,750 34
41 New Mexico 31,986 31,030 35,952 47
42 Alabama 30,896 29,611 36,333 46
43 Maine 30,305 30,324 40,923 38
44 Kentucky 29,842 30,401 37,535 43
45 Oklahoma 29,697 29,545 42,237 32
46 South Carolina 29,642 28,913 35,717 48
47 Idaho 29,545 29,908 34,250 50
48 Montana 27,942 28,237 37,200 44
49 Arkansas 27,875 27,823 40,828 45
50 West Virginia 24,748 24,960 35,053 49
51 Mississippi 24,062 24,458 32,967 51
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2006 GSP.
Unit 3: Gross Domestic Product
Section 5: Calculation of Gross Domestic Product Using
the Expenditure and Income Approaches, and Net
Domestic Product
The Two Approaches to Calculating GDP
There are two ways to calculate GDP: the expenditure approach, and the income approach. Each
method results, if done accurately, in the same GDP amount each year. The expenditure approach is
based on what we spend on final goods and services. The income approach is based on how much
money we earn through the various forms of income.
The Expenditure Approach to Calculating GDP
Goods and services are purchased by four different groups of buyers: consumers, businesses, state
and local governments, and foreign countries. Therefore, GDP can be calculated by summing these
four components:
Consumption (C) + Investment (I) + Government Expenditures
(G) + Net Exports (X).
Examples of Consumption expenditures include spending by households on final products, such as
clothing, televisions, dishwashers, computers, education, banking services, Ipods, cars, and food.
Investment represents purchases by businesses,
such as machines, equipment, company-owned
buses, forklifts, trucks, supplies, and buildings. It
also includes inventory changes. Some goods may
have been produced, but not sold (remember that
GDP measures production, not sales). Investment
in economic terminology does not mean the
purchases of financial products, such as stocks
and bonds. Stock and bond trades are merely
transfers of ownership and do not directly
represent production.
Government Expenditures are expenses by the
government on items such as construction
materials for roads and highways, supplies, tanks,
weapons, school buildings, and stadiums.
Expenditures on welfare programs are not
included, because these expenditures do not
represent production.
Net Exports are exports (products foreign countries buy from us) minus imports (goods we buy
from other countries). Since 1983, United States imports have exceeded exports. Thus, for United
States GDP, Net Exports is a negative number (see also the table in Section 1 of this unit).
The Income Approach to Calculating GDP
Gross Domestic Product can also be computed by adding everyone's reported earnings. If you spend
$10 on a CD, part of that money compensates the people who helped produce and market the CD,
some of it goes to the store, some goes to pay for materials (the blank CDs, the computer, the CD
writer, and software), and a portion includes royalties and fees to the creators of the CD, the
artwork, and the technology. Allowing for indirect taxes (for example, sales tax) and depreciation, we
conclude that computing GDP using the income approach gives us the same value as computing
GDP using the expenditure approach.
The income approach adds these six categories to arrive at Gross Domestic Product:
wages and salaries (w) +
interest (i) +
rent (r) +
corporate profits (p) +
indirect business taxes (ibt) +
capital consumption allowance (cca = depreciation)
Net Domestic Product
Net Domestic Product is gross domestic production minus the value of depreciation. It measures
total production of final products minus what we lose each year due to obsolescence or the wearing
out of machines and buildings. Thus, it is a measure of the net addition to our country's wealth.
Similarly, net private domestic investment is gross private domestic investment minus depreciation.
If a country produces more capital goods relative to ones that become obsolete or worn out, then it
experiences an addition to its capital stock. If businesses produce exactly enough machinery to just
replace the worn out or obsolete capital goods, then the country's capital stock stays the same. If
the country wants to experience economic growth, it can do so by increasing its capital stock. In Unit
1 we discussed that one of two ways to shift the production possibilities curve out is to increase
resources, such as capital goods (the other way is to advance technology). One way to encourage
increases in capital goods is to encourage more savings in the economy. This frees up funds in the
financial markets, which allows businesses to borrow funds for investments in capital goods, as well
as investments in technology and research.
Unit 3: Gross Domestic Product
Section 6: Interpretation of Gross Domestic Product
Real Gross Domestic Measures Production of Final Products
Real Gross Domestic Product measures the inflation-adjusted total or aggregate production of final
products produced in a country during a period of time. The higher real GDP, the more productive
the country is during that year. The more the country produces, the more goods and services its
people enjoy for consumption and production. This usually means that the country has achieved a
higher standard of living. There are a few instances, however, where a higher real GDP does not
necessarily mean greater happiness or a greater standard of living. These instances include
environmental concerns and issues related to lack of leisure time.
Environmental Concerns
If increased production is accompanied by greater
amounts of pollution, then there is a trade-off.
Environmentalists focus on this relationship, and
claim that increased pollution and the depletion of
natural resources lowers people's standard of
living. Environmentalists, therefore, support
halting economic growth in order to preserve the
environment, natural resources, and wildlife.
An alternative philosophy is that even though
economic growth may lead to environmental
damage in the short-term, it leads to a greater
standard of living and, therefore, more resources
to fight pollution, in the long term.
Pro-growth advocates argue that economic growth
allows us to find solutions to environmental and
social problems. Technological advances in the
development of alternative resources, the
production of cleaner products (hybrid cars,
computers that allow online communications,
faxes, etc.), and the development of technology
that conserves resources lessen environmental
problems over time.
There is recent evidence that in industrialized countries, economic progress is best stimulated
through freedom of competition and maximum opportunities for rewards to those who produce and
contribute to technological advances. Certain government functions and regulations are essential for
economic progress. However, in general, less government interference, fewer laws, and lower
taxation, in the long run, have led to a more-prosperous economy and an improved environment.
On some issues such as global warming and the damage to rain forests, however, the jury is still out
and probably will be for some time, as effects from these phenomena may not be evident for many
decades or centuries.
Leisure Time and Stress
Does a higher GDP lead to more stress and a lower standard of living, because workers work more
and enjoy less leisure time? Is there a direct relationship between increased production and
increased work hours?
Contrary to the popular belief that people work
more now than ever before, the past several
decades have seen considerable increases in the
average worker's leisure time. This has been
accompanied by rising real incomes and GDP. An
explanation for this is that as an economy
becomes more productive, businesses can afford
to pay workers higher salaries. Therefore, people
can afford to cut back on their hours, enjoy more
leisure time, and still earn enough to pay for all of
their necessities and a few luxuries.
Two effects discussed in Unit 1 are at work here:
the income effect and the substitution effect.
The substitution effect makes working for a higher
hourly salary more attractive relative to enjoying
leisure time. This makes people work more hours.
The income effect gives people more income when they earn higher hourly wages. This allows them
to work fewer hours and still pay their bills.
For the average worker in industrialized countries, the workweek has shortened. This is evidenced by
the considerable growth in leisure time-related industries. In general, therefore, as a country's real
GDP increases, so does leisure time enjoyed by the average citizen. This means that most people's
income effects outweigh their substitution effects. This leads to a decrease in the average number of
hours worked per person.
Even though most people's income effects are greater than their substitution effects, not everyone
chooses to enjoy more leisure time. Some individuals, tempted by financial rewards, choose to work
many hours each week. These individuals' substitution effects are greater than their income effects.
Unit 4: Business Fluctuations
What's in This Chapter?
Now that we know what GDP is and how it is measured, we are ready to analyze GDP changes.
Studying business fluctuations teaches us that during most years in mixed or capitalist economies
that are politically stable, real GDP rises. Advances in technology, low rates of inflation and interest
rates, taxes and regulations that encourage hard work and innovation, and a solid financial and
monetary system all contribute to long-term economic growth.
This unit will also look at reasons why real GDP decreases at times. We will study the causes of the
most recent (2008) economic downfall.
The concept of "full employment" will be discussed in this unit. Keynesian economists have always
believed that the economy cannot perform better than about 5-6% unemployment. However, during
the 1980s and 1990s, unemployment was frequently close to - and sometimes even below - 4%. At
the same time, inflation rates remained low. This suggests that an economy can grow at a rapid
pace, without causing inflation. John Maynard Keynes predicted that if unemployment drops below
5% in an expanding economy, it would cause inflation. In a later unit, we will see that inflation is a
long-run phenomenon, which is caused by an increasing money supply, not a rapidly expanding
At the end of this unit, we will take a closer look at unemployment rates in countries around the
world and in the various states of the United States, and we will study unemployment rates of
various demographic and ethnic groups in the United States.
Unit 4: Business Fluctuations
Section 1: Business Fluctuations
Recessions, Expansions, Peaks, and Troughs
Business fluctuations are the increases and decreases in economic activity, as measured by
increases and decreases in real GDP. A recession (or contraction) is defined as a decrease in GDP
of at least two quarters (6 months). An expansion is any period of time during which real GDP is
increasing. One full business fluctuation consists of one recession and one expansion. The height of
an expansion (points A, C, and E in the graph below) is called the peak. The lowest phase of a
fluctuation is the trough (points B and D in the graph below).
A typical economy experiences continuous increases and decreases in economic activity. From point
A to B, GDP is falling, and we are experiencing a recession if the decline is at least two consecutive
quarters. From B to C, activity picks up, and there is an expansion. From C to D, the recession
appears more severe, and we may even speak of a depression. A recession in the United States lasts
on average approximately 1 year. An expansion usually lasts on average more than 5 years.
Business Fluctuations in the United States
Below is a table with nominal and real quarterly GDP changes, starting with the first quarter of 1979
(seasonally adjusted rates).
Year and
2000 (Real)
Year and
Dollar (Nominal)
2000 (Real)
1979q1 8.1 0.8 1994q4 6.7 4.8
1979q2 10.7 0.4 1995q1 3.7 1.1
1979q3 12.1 2.9 1995q2 2.2 0.7
1979q4 9.5 1.2 1995q3 5.2 3.3
1980q1 10.1 1.3 1995q4 5.0 3.0
1980q2 0.6 -7.8 1996q1 5.5 2.9
1980q3 8.7 -0.7 1996q2 8.2 6.7
1980q4 20.1 7.6 1996q3 4.7 3.4
1981q1 20.0 8.4 1996q4 7.0 4.8
1981q2 4.4 -3.1 1997q1 5.8 3.1
1981q3 12.6 4.9 1997q2 7.1 6.1
1981q4 2.2 -4.9 1997q3 6.6 5.1
1982q1 -1.2 -6.4 1997q4 4.6 3.1
1982q2 7.2 2.2 1998q1 4.5 3.8
1982q3 4.2 -1.5 1998q2 4.6 3.6
1982q4 4.7 0.4 1998q3 7.0 5.4
1983q1 8.5 5.0 1998q4 8.4 7.1
1983q2 12.5 9.3 1999q1 5.5 3.6
1983q3 12.6 8.1 1999q2 4.6 3.2
1983q4 11.8 8.4 1999q3 6.8 5.2
1984q1 13.6 8.1 1999q4 8.9 7.4
1984q2 10.8 7.1 2000q1 4.3 1.1
1984q3 7.3 3.9 2000q2 10.2 8.0
1984q4 6.0 3.3 2000q3 2.8 0.3
1985q1 8.5 3.8 2000q4 4.6 2.4
1985q2 5.8 3.5 2001q1 1.4 -1.3
1985q3 8.2 6.4 2001q2 5.5 2.6
1985q4 5.8 3.1 2001q3 0.2 -1.1
1986q1 6.0 3.9 2001q4 2.7 1.4
1986q2 3.7 1.6 2002q1 4.9 3.5
1986q3 6.3 3.9 2002q2 3.7 2.2
1986q4 4.7 2.0 2002q3 4.0 2.1
1987q1 6.1 2.7 2002q4 2.5 0.1
1987q2 6.8 4.5 2003q1 4.6 1.6
1987q3 6.8 3.7 2003q2 4.5 3.2
1987q4 10.3 7.2 2003q3 9.3 6.9
1988q1 5.5 2.0 2003q4 5.8 3.6
1988q 2 9.3 5.2 2004q1 6.5 2.8
1988q3 6.8 2.1 2004q2 6.4 2.9
1988q4 8.6 5.4 2004q3 6.0 3.0
1989q1 8.9 4.1 2004q4 6.7 3.5
1989q2 6.6 2.6 2005q1 8.0 4.1
1989q3 5.8 2.9 2005q2 4.5 1.7
1989q4 3.8 1.0 2005q3 7.4 3.1
1990q1 9.8 4.7 2005q4 5.6 2.1
1990q2 5.8 1.0 2006q1 8.6 5.4
1990q3 3.6 0.0 2006q2 5.1 1.4
1990q4 0.0 -3.0 2006q3 3.2 0.1
1991q1 2.7 -2.0 2006q4 4.8 3.0
1991q2 5.3 2.6 2007q1 5.3 0.9
1991q3 4.9 1.9 2007q2 6.5 3.2
1991q4 4.0 1.9 2007q3 4.4 2.3
1992q1 6.7 4.2 2007q4 3.8 2.9
1992q2 6.2 3.9 2008q1 1.0 -0.7
1992q3 5.9 4.0 2008q2 4.1 0.6
1992q4 6.7 4.5 2008q3 0.4 -4.0
1993q1 3.7 0.5 2008q4 -7.9 -6.8
1993q2 4.3 2.0 2009q1 -3.9 -4.9
1993q3 3.8 2.1 2009q2 -0.4 -0.7
1993q4 7.7 5.5 2009q3 2.3 1.6
1994q1 6.7 4.1 2009q4 4.7 5.0
1994q2 7.1 5.3 2010q1 4.8 3.7
1994q3 4.9 2.3 2010q2 3.7 1.7
1994q4 6.7 4.8 2010q3 4.6 2.6
1995q1 3.7 1.1 2010q4 3.5 3.1
1995q2 2.2 0.7 2011q1 4.0 1.9
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2008.
The table above shows that the expansion that began in 1982 lasted through the second quarter of
1990. The recession of 1990 lasted through the first quarter of 1991. Unemployment rose to 7.8%
during this recession. We experienced some stagnation immediately preceding and following the
September 11 terrorist attack in 2001. However, the decline was not for two consecutive quarters, so
according to the official definition, we did not experience a recession in 2001. The next expansion
began in 1991, and lasted through the second quarter of 2008. The most recent recession began in
the third quarter of 2008. Real GDP continued to decline in 2009 and pushed unemployment levels in
some parts of the country past 10%, the highest since 1982. During the most recent years GDP has
increased but not enough to put a dent in the relatively high unemployment rate.
Models about the Causes of Fluctuations
What causes recessions? Are they a natural phenomenon, or can they be prevented? Many
explanations have been given as to why business fluctuations occur.
John Maynard Keynes, whose theories are discussed in more detail in Unit 5, argued that production
does not always equal consumer demand. When demand is not high enough, businesses face
increasing inventories. Businesses then decrease production, and lay off workers. As unemployment
increases and incomes decrease, consumption spending decreases even more. Businesses then
further decrease production, and the cycle continues. Keynes expressed fears that without
government intervention, a recession could easily turn into a depression. This indeed occurred in the
1930s. Interestingly, this is the period of time during which Keynes wrote his most influential works.
Classical economists disagree with Keynes's explanation of what causes business fluctuations. They
don't believe that recessions are caused by overproduction and a lack of consumer demand. They
believe that production in the long run automatically leads to employment and sufficient real
earnings for workers and entrepreneurs. In other words, sufficient supply leads to sufficient demand
in the long run. If there is a surplus or shortage of products or jobs in the short run, the market
corrects this by allowing wages, prices, and interest rates to fluctuate. Lower wages decreases firms'
cost of production, thus helping them to become more profitable in the long run. Lower prices give
buyers the incentive to increase their quantity demanded. Lower interest rates lower firms' cost of
borrowing funds. As the rate decreases, businesses will regain the incentive to borrow and invest in
new technology and capital. Classical economists believe that fluctuations are normal dynamic
phenomena and that the market helps turn recessions into expansions in the long run.
Keynes believed that government intervention is necessary during inflationary or recessionary times.
Classical economists (and related schools) believe that government intervention is harmful to the
economy in the long run. These economists point out that since the government took control of the
banking system in 1913 (establishment of the Federal Reserve System), it has had a history of
increasing the country's money supply considerably almost every year. An increase in the money
supply, as we will see in a later unit, equates to inflation, and is generally harmful to the economy in
the long run. High inflation raises interest rates, which lowers borrowing and investments. This
eventually decreases wages, purchasing power, and the demand for goods and services. During
inflationary times, businesses are faced with lower real rates of return on investments and economic
uncertainty regarding real prices, wages, profits and investments.
According to classical economists, regulations and economic rules are important components of a
well-functioning free market economy. However, excessive government regulations, such as
complicated consumer laws, labor laws that discourage productivity, costly safety requirements,
product restrictions, costly pollution control measures, and protectionist policies (trade restrictions,
such as tariffs and quotas) can contribute to economic slowdowns. Minimum wage and other labor
laws are meant to protect workers and usually serve a sound social purpose. However, if a business's
costs increase without a productivity increase, then the business may lose money and go bankrupt
or move abroad. Anti-trust laws may also harm businesses if they punish innovation and add costs to
business operations (this is discussed in Microeconomics). According to classical economists,
government policies that contribute to increased business expenses and economic inefficiencies may
eventually lead to recessions and increases in unemployment.
The Most Recent Recession
There has been extensive debate about what caused the most recent recession. Some economists
argue that deregulation in the financial services industry encouraged corporations to take excessive
risks which led to numerous bankruptcies when the housing market declined. Others claim that the
regulations in place were adequate, but that there was insufficient enforcement and supervision by
regulatory agencies such as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Federal Reserve, the
Security and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
It has always been an American dream to own your house. It has become one of the core values in
American culture. During the long economic expansion that began in the early 1990s and lasted
through early 2008, economic activity was robust, real GDP increased considerably, incomes rose
and unemployment declined to historic lows. People that owned a home saw their home values rise
sharply. Many real estate speculators (investors) found a quick way to large fortunes and bought
houses aggressively. Families that didn't own a home yet wanted to get in on the act, too. With the
help of government laws, many households found a way to finance a home, even if they couldn't
afford one. Government-supported mortgage companies such as Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae were
given mandates by government officials to encourage households to fulfill their American dream.
Laws were passed that encouraged low-income families to buy a house. Even people without a job
qualified for a mortgage. Many mortgages had favorable conditions (low interest rates), but usually
only during the first few years of the loan. Banks and other financial institutions saw a way to make
considerable profits by issuing large numbers of mortgages to home buyers. Each loan, after all,
brought in revenue from fees, commissions and interest income. Many banks didn't hold on to the
loans they had issued. Banks bundled the thousands of mortgages into mortgage securities and sold
them as investment pieces (similar to mutual funds) to investors who were told that these
mortgages were low risk (highly rated). The Federal Reserve fed this economic expansion of rising
mortgage debt by allowing the money supply to increase.
When in 2007 housing prices began to decline and mortgage holders were in their third or fourth
payment year and no longer able to take advantage of artificially low rates and incentives, the
bubble burst.
Many homeowners foreclosed on their mortgages. Banks and mortgage companies suffered
significant losses because loans were not paid back. Financial institutions and other investors who
had purchased mortgage securities saw the value of these assets decline drastically. Mortgage
security investments worth billions became almost worthless within weeks. Insurance companies
such as AIG had insured many mortgage security instruments (called credit default swaps). In the
case of a security default, AIG would pay the owner of the financial instrument. With foreclosures
and defaults rampant in 2008 and 2009, AIG suffered hundreds of billions of dollars in losses. The
government decided that AIG, along with other large financial institutions, was too big too fail and
provided bailout funds funded by taxpayer dollars or borrowed money. Many corporations were
criticized for paying their managers and CEOs extravagant bonuses and compensation while the
company was losing money and regular employees were laid off. To make things worse, fraudulant
investment operations, such as Bernard Madoff's Ponzi scheme, came to light and forced investors to
lose billions of dollars.
As a result of the financial crisis and the housing market collapse, the financial markets (stocks)
crashed, confidence in the economy deteriorated, and spending (especially on larger purchases such
as cars and luxury items) declined drastically. Real GDP decreased and unemployment increased.
So What Went Wrong?
The crisis resulted from a combination of factors. Many parties in the private sector (households and
businesses) acted irresponsibly by taking on too many risks. Households should not borrow when
they cannot afford to pay back a loan, and businesses should not lend when the borrower has
insufficient funds to pay back the loan. When bundled mortgage securities were traded to investors,
rating agencies should have more carefully assessed the risk of these financial instruments.
Government agencies should have more carefully supervised financial institutions and prevented
them from making overly risky loans. The Federal Reserve should have limited the growth of the
money supply that fueled the artificial boom. Congress should not have encouraged mortgage
companies and banks to make loans to households that could not afford these sizeable loans. It
sounds like a noble gesture to allow everyone to enjoy a big house and live the American dream;
however, these government actions actually artificially drove up housing demand, exacerbated
speculation in the real estate market, and made housing prices eventually and ironically
unaffordable for many. Many families are currently homeless and live in so-called tent cities. The
opposite (homelessness and foreclosures) of what the government intended (homeownership and
the American dream) happened.
What Can We Learn?
Businesses are learning that short-term profit motives don't usually pay off. Businesses need to
make decisions that will help them survive in the long run. This means making solid and sound
investments that carry a reasonable risk. And it may mean forgoing short-run profits in order to
avoid overly high risks so as to survive in the long run. Households are learning that borrowing is
okay as long as they can pay off the loan; borrowing is not okay when there is insufficient income.
Many households are also learning about the virtues of saving. Recently, the savings rate in the
United States increased from .2% to nearly 5%. This may slow economic spending and business
activity somewhat in the short run, but will pay great dividends for our economy in the long run.
Many homeless families currently regret that they didn't save more during the time that they had a
job and a home. If they had saved significantly instead of going into deeper and deeper debt (from
purchases of expensive electronics, vacations, cars, overly expensive houses, etc.), they would have
weathered the economic crisis much better and probably prevented their foreclosure.
The government is learning that they need to more effectively oversee the financial services
industry. There are rules in traffic and there are rules in the business world and they are necessary
to ensure a smooth flow. But the rules need to be strictly and effectively enforced by the
government agencies in charge (Federal Reserve, SEC, FDIC, CFTC, Office of the Comptroller of the
Currency and the Office of Thrift Supervision). Because of the non-profit nature of government, many
government workers have little motivation to work efficiently and effectively. We must insist that
government workers work with as much motivation and productivity as our small business owners in
this country.
The federal government recently spent trillions of dollars bailing out companies and stimulating the
economy. Congressional spending has given us federal deficits now that are much higher than they
already were. This is worrisome because it will lead to higher future taxes and a slowdown in future
economic activity. The Federal Reserve has injected hundreds of billions of dollars in the financial
markets in order to provide liquidity. These injections equate to large increases in the money supply,
especially when the economy begins to expand again. We will see in Units 7 and 9 that this will
equate to high rates of inflation. Excessive borrowing and lending by the private sector helped cause
the current economic crisis. It now appears that excessive borrowing and excessive monetary
expansion by our and many other governments around the world may cause the next one.
Unit 4: Business Fluctuations
Section 2: The Great Depression of the 1930s
Before the 1920s
Before the 1920s, industrialized countries around the world enjoyed free market economies.
Government involvement was limited to mostly essential functions, such as the provision of a legal
system, national defense, the provision of infrastructure (roads, highways, railways, etc.), education,
and police and fire protection.
The Roaring '20s
The 1920s experienced economic prosperity and
low unemployment. Vast growing innovations and
technologies helped propel the economies of
industrialized countries. Business profits and stock
prices reached record highs. Andrew Bernstein in
his book, The Capitalist Manifesto points out that,
due to new technologies and assembly line
innovations, business profits rose by 387%
between 1921
and 1929 (Bernstein A., 2005, P. 377). Industrial production more than doubled, and stock prices of
U.S.-traded firms rose by 385% during this same time. The country was on the gold standard, and
the Federal Reserve System limited its expansion of the money supply, so that prices during most of
the 1920s actually fell. Contrary to common belief, stock prices increased in line with economic
conditions. However, politicians and Federal Reserve officials made announcements that they would
pressure banks to restrict loans to investors buying stock on margin (Bernstein A., 2005, P. 378).
Bernstein continues: "Starting in February of 1928 and continuing throughout 1929, the Fed
continued to raise the interest rate for the borrowings of member banks .... The Fed fixated on ways
to curb otherwise perfectly legitimate stock gains."
Events Leading up to the Great Depression
Many people who purchased stocks during the stock market boom of the 1920s did so with borrowed
money. Some people borrowed 90% (the legal limit at the time) of the funds needed to purchase
their stocks. So a person who purchased $5,000 worth of stocks could have borrowed $4,500 while
putting in only $500 of his or her own money. When the market crashed many stocks lost at least
half of their value. So the person above owned $2,500 worth of stocks while owing the bank $4,500
and losing his or her own equity of $500. Consequently, many people had to sell all of their stock
holdings (further depressing stock prices) and still could not pay back their loans. This put many
banks in financial hardship.
The above set of circumstances is very similar to the recent housing crisis, but instead of borrowing
(too much) money to participate in the stock boom during the 1920s, they borrowed (too much)
money to purchase houses and other real estate during the 1990s and early to mid-2000s.
During the 1920s, even people without stock market investments felt the pain because overall
economic confidence eroded and businesses were reluctant to invest and hire. Bankruptcies ensued
and loans couldn't be paid back. As banks failed, many people lost their life's savings because many
banks did not offer deposit insurance. Problems on Wall Street turned into problems on "Main Street"
and unemployment skyrocketed to 25%.
Governments around the world, influenced by John Maynard Keynes, attempted to correct the failing
economy by increasing their involvement in the areas of fiscal and monetary policy, labor laws, and
protectionism, and by increasing taxes, interest rates, and the national debt.
Bernstein and other neo-classical economists believe that the increase in government involvement in
the economy made things worse in the long run. Bernstein: "Today it is certain that the growing
preponderance of professional economists agree on two broad points: it was government
intervention in some form - not the free market - that initiated the crash and, similarly it was statism
that exacerbated the depression, causing it to last for an agonizing decade, even into the 1940s."
(Bernstein A., 2005, P. 379).
See: Bernstein, A. (2005). The Capitalist Manifesto. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America,
Unit 4: Business Fluctuations
Section 3: The Unemployment Rate
The Unemployment Survey
The unemployment rate is one of the nation's
most important measures of economic health.
Some people think that the unemployment rate is
measured by counting the number of persons who
claim unemployment compensation under state or
federal government programs. However, many
persons are unemployed, yet are not eligible for
unemployment compensation, or their
unemployment compensation has run out.
Therefore, the unemployment rate is published
based on a government survey, called the Current
Population Survey.
There are about 60,000 representative American households in the sample for this survey. The
survey sample may not seem very large, but government statisticians consider the survey a reliable
indicator of unemployment in the United States.
The Accuracy of the Unemployment Rate
According to the official definition, a person is considered unemployed if (s)he is without a job, is
currently available to work, and has actively looked for work in the prior four weeks.
Hidden unemployment exists when someone is out of work, wants a job, but has given up looking
because (s)he has become discouraged. A person who has lost her/his job, but is not looking for
another one, is not counted in the unemployment statistics. This makes some people question the
accuracy of the unemployment rate. Some economists have questioned the accuracy of the
unemployment rate for other reasons.
Underemployment exists when a person accepts a job (s)he does not really want or for which (s)he
is overqualified. Should someone with a law degree who can only find a job as a clerk be counted as
unemployed or underemployed? Should a person who wants to work full-time but can only find
something part-time be counted as partially unemployed? According to the current definition, these
workers are counted as fully employed. On the other hand, there are people who claim to be
unemployed, but are in actuality employed in the underground economy. These include people
working illegally (drugs, prostitution), and those who do productive work, but do not report this
income (for example, a handy person who fixes a friend's basement).
For more information about how the government determines the number of persons employed and
unemployed in our economy, click HERE.
Unemployment in the United States
Below is a table with United States unemployment data from 1933 until 2009. The percentages are
all taken from the June rate of each year, unless otherwise noted. As you can see, unemployment
was high during the 1930s and early 1940s. A few years later, it reached an all-time low, during the
height of World War II, primarily due to the military mobilization of a large part of the United States
labor force. During the late 1950s and early 1960s, the rate increased again. The late 1960s were
relatively healthy economic times. Then in the 1970s, the economy experienced "stagflation," which
means that our economy suffered from increasing unemployment (stagnation) and increasing
inflation. This culminated in post-World War II record unemployment rates in the double digits in the
early 1980s. At this point, the Federal Reserve changed its monetary policy, committed to lower
inflation, and improved the economy. From the early 1980s through 2007, the inflation rate has been
relatively low, and subsequently, the unemployment rate was reasonably low during this period.
The recession that began in 2008 caused the unemployment rate to rise through 2009 and 2010.
Recently it has decreased a little bit, but it remains relatively high at 9.1% (July 2011).
Year (June
U.S. Unemployment Rate Year (June data, unless
otherwise noted)
U.S. Unemployment
1933 24.9 1971 5.9
1934 21.7 1972 5.7
1935 20.1 1973 4.9
1936 16.9 1974 5.4
1937 14.3 1975 8.8
1938 19.0 1976 7.6
1939 17.2 1977 7.2
1940 14.6 1978 5.9
1941 9.9 1979 5.7
1942 4.7 1980 7.6
1943 1.9 1981 7.5
1944 1.2 1982 9.6
1945 1.9 1983 10.1
1946 3.9 1984 7.2
1947 3.9 1985 7.4
1948 3.6 1986 7.2
1949 6.2 1987 6.2
1950 5.4 1988 5.4
1951 3.2 1989 5.3
1952 3.0 1990 5.2
1953 2.5 1991 6.9
1954 5.6 1992 7.8
1955 4.2 1993 7.0
1956 4.3 1994 6.1
1957 4.3 1995 5.6
1958 7.3 1996 5.3
1959 5.0 1997 5.0
1960 5.4 1998 4.5
1961 6.9 1999 4.3
1962 5.5 2000 4.0
1963 5.6 2001 4.5
1964 5.2 2002 5.8
1965 4.6 2003 6.3
1966 3.8 2004 5.6
1967 3.9 2005 5.0
1968 3.7 2006 4.6
1969 3.5 2007 4.6
1970 4.9 2008 5.6
2009 9.5
2010 9.5
2011 9.2
Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2008.
Unemployment Rates around the World
The table below shows the 2007 and 2008 unemployment rates of selected countries around the
world. Note that some less-developed countries do not keep accurate statistics, and some countries
use a different definition to measure unemployment. Thus, comparisons can be difficult.
Unemployment Rate (2007, unless
otherwise indicated)
Unemployment Rate (2008, unless otherwise
Unemployment Rate (2011, unless otherwise
5.6 7.2 9.2
Afghanistan 40.0 35.0 35.0 (2008)
Argentina 8.9 7.8 7.3 (2010)
Australia 4.4 4.5 4.9
Austria 4.3 3.7 4.3
Bangladesh 2.5 2.5 5.0 (2009)
Belgium 7.6 6.5 7.3
Brazil 9.8 8.0 6.5
Bulgaria 8.0 6.3 11.2
Canada 5.9 6.1 7.4
China 4.0 4.0 4.1 (2010)
Cuba 1.9 1.8 1.6 (2009)
Denmark 3.5 2.0 7.4
Egypt 10.1 8.7 9.4 (2009)
8.5 7.5 9.3
France 8.0 7.4 9.5
Germany 9.1 7.9 6.0
Hong Kong 4.2 4.1 4.0 (2010)
India 7.2 6.8 9.4 (2010)
Indonesia 9.7 8.4 7.1 (2010)
Iran 11.0 12.5 14.6 (2009)
Iraq 18.0 18.2 18 (2009)
Israel 7.6 6.1 5.8
Italy 6.7 6.8 8.1
Jamaica 10.2 10.1 11.3 (2009)
Japan 4.0 4.2 4.9 (2010)
Kazakhstan 7.3 6.9 6.1 (2010)
Korea -
Korea -
3.2 3.2 3.7 (2010)
Liberia 85 (2003 estimate) 85 (2003 estimate) 85 (2003 est.)
4.4 4.7 4.5
Mexico 3.7 plus estimated underemployment
of 25%
4.1 5.5 (2010)
4.1 4.5 4.2
Qatar 0.7 0.6 0.5 (2009)
Russia 5.9 plus considerable
6.2 7.6
13.0 male population only (local bank
estimate; some estimates range as
high as 25%) (2004 est.)
8.8 10.8 (2010)
Singapore 1.7 2.3 1.9
24.2 21.7 25.3 (2010)
Spain 7.6 13.9 20.9
Sweden 4.5 6.4 7.7
Switzerland 3.1 3.0 2.9 (2010)
Taiwan 3.9 4.1 5.1 (2010)
Turkey 9.7 plus underemployment of 4% 7.9 9.9
Ukraine 2.5 plus considerable
underemployment. Real
unemployment estimated at 9 to 10%.
3.0 9.2 (2009)
5.4 5.5 7.6
Venezuela 9.1 8.5 8.2 (2010)
Source: CIA World Fact Book, 2011.
Unit 4: Business Fluctuations
Section 4: Types of Unemployment and the Definition
and Significance of Full Employment
The Four Types of Unemployment
Four commonly distinguished forms of unemployment are
1. Frictional unemployment.
People who are in between jobs or students who just completed school and are looking for a job. This
form of unemployment is usually short-lived in nature.
2. Structural unemployment.
People who are laid off because technology
advances or other structural changes in
production took away their jobs. The
horse-and-buggy drivers of the early 1900s lost
their jobs after the automobile became popular
and affordable. Many American steel, auto,
electronics, and textile workers lost their jobs and
became structurally unemployed due to foreign
competition and American companies locating
abroad. This form of unemployment is
permanent in nature. Structurally unemployed people need to find work in other industries and
usually need to receive training and acquire other skills.
3. Cyclical unemployment.
People who are laid off due to a decline in the demand for their product. During recessions, the
demand for cars and houses and other durable products decreases. Workers in these industries lose
their jobs until demand increases again. This form of unemployment is usually temporary in nature.
4. Seasonal unemployment.
People who are out of work and looking for a job during the off-season. Examples include ice cream
vendors during the winter, schoolteachers during the summer (they are considered unemployed only
if they are looking for a job during this time), and ski-lift operators during the summer.
Full Employment and the Natural Rate of Unemployment
Government economists define full employment, or the so-called natural rate of unemployment (also
referred to as the Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment, or NAIRU), as a situation when
all unemployment is structural and frictional. During healthy economic times, there are many jobs
available, and cyclical and seasonal unemployment can reasonably be expected to be zero or close
to zero percent.
Generally, frictional and structural unemployment cannot be expected to equal zero at any time.
Whether in good or bad economic times, there are always some people in between jobs (frictional
unemployment), and there are always technology changes and companies changing locations
(structural unemployment).
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) estimates that the full
employment rate for the United States occurs when unemployment is between 4% and 6.4%. This
portion of the labor force is frictionally and structurally unemployed. In actuality, this estimate varies
based upon the country, the time period, and politicians' economic beliefs.
The definition of full employment is important because governments use this rate to determine how
much they should stimulate the economy and how much they should be concerned about inflation.
Keynesian economists believe that if the unemployment rate falls below the natural rate of
unemployment, the economy is likely to generate inflation. If the unemployment rate increases to
well above the rate, the country suffers from stagnation, and Keynesians recommend for the
government to stimulate the economy.
Classical Economic Beliefs about the Natural Rate of Unemployment and Inflation
Classical economists disagree with the concept of full employment and the idea that low rates of
unemployment can trigger inflation. They claim that unemployment can be low without causing
inflation. Classical economists believe that inflation is caused by persistent increases in the nation's
money supply and that robust economic growth rates and low rates of unemployment are unrelated
to inflation.
Classical Economic Beliefs about Decreasing Structural Unemployment
Classical economists believe that most structural unemployment can be avoided. If people plan
ahead and acquire new, more highly demanded skills while they still have a job, they can more
quickly start a new job when they lose their current one. A teacher may lose her/his job as a lecturer
if new technology, such as online instruction, replaces standard classroom instruction. Knowing this,
teachers are wise to keep up with these technologies while they still have a job, and thus make a
quicker transition into a new field. Workers in all industries face these challenges as technology
changes rapidly. Reluctance to acquire new training and learn new skills frequently leads to
structural unemployment. Government unemployment compensation programs and other social
programs make it easier and financially less urgent for some people not to look for a job during a
certain period of time. For this reason, countries with more-generous social welfare programs usually
experience higher structural unemployment rates.
Unit 4: Business Fluctuations
Section 5: Unemployment Rates by States and
Demographic Groups
Unemployment Rates by State
Unemployment rates in the United States vary quite a bit by state. The unemployment rate in the
nation was 9.1% in May of 2011 . Below is a table with unemployment rates of states that have 2011
unemployment rates significantly different from the national average. The table shows that in 2011
North Dakota, New Mexico, and Nebraska have the lowest unemployment rates. The highest rates
are in Nevada, California, Rhode Island, Florida, and Michigan.
State/Region Unemployment Rate (May 2011, seasonally
United States 9.1
Alaska 7.4
California 11.7
Delaware 8.0
Florida 10.6
Hawaii 6.0
Iowa 6.0
Kansas 6.6
Maine 7.7
Maryland 6.8
Massachusetts 7.6
Michigan 10.3
Minnesota 6.6
Montana 7.3
Nebraska 4.1
Nevada 12.1
New Hampshire 6.9
New Mexico 4.0
New York 7.9
North Dakota 3.2
Oklahoma 5.3
Pennsylvania 7.4
Rhode Island 10.9
South Dakota 4.8
Texas 8.0
Utah 7.3
Vermont 5.4
Virginia 6.0
Wisconsin 7.4
Wyoming 6.0
Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2008.
Unemployment Rates by Group
Unemployment rates in the United States vary significantly by group. Below is a table with June 2008
and June 2011 unemployment rates by selected demographic groups. The table shows that
Caucasians have the lowest unemployment rate, and Black or of African American descent, the
highest. Residents of Asian descent (not listed) also have very low unemployment rates. Among all
groups, teenagers have the highest unemployment rates. Particularly concerning is the high
unemployment rate among Black or African American descent teenagers. Regarding education
levels, it is clear that the likelihood for unemployment decreases among people with more advanced
degrees. People with less advanced degrees are especially hit hard when it comes to unemployment
during recessionary times.
Demographic Group Unemployment Rate
(Percentage), June 2008
Unemployment Rate
(Percentage), June 2011
Total United States 5 9.2
All Women and Men 16 - 19 Years
of Age
19.2 24.5
Men, 20 Years and Older 5.1 9.1
Women, 20 Years and Older 4.7 8.0
Black or African American, 16
years and Older
9.5 16.2
Caucasian or White, 16 Years and
5.0 8.1
Hispanic or Latino, 16 Years and
7.7 11.6
Less than a High School Diploma,
25 Years and Older
8.8 14.3
High School Graduates, 25 Years
and Older
5.2 10.0
Associates Degree or Some
College, 25 Years and Older
4.3 8.4
Bachelor's Degree, 25 Years and
2.4 4.4
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Unit 5: Models of Output Determination
What's in This Chapter?
The theories of John Maynard Keynes became popular after the start of the Great Depression of the
1930s. The economy was experiencing a significant downward spiral, and people were desperate for
a solution. Keynes provided his version: more active government involvement primarily in the form
of increased spending, and an expansive monetary policy by the Federal Reserve System.
Classical economists disagreed with this approach. They believed that government involvement had
already significantly increased during the 1920s and early 1930s, especially in the area of monetary
policy, anti-trust and labor laws, and international tariffs and quotas. They blamed the Great
Depression on errant government policies before and during the Great Depression. Their solution
was less government involvement, less government spending, lower taxes, fewer regulations, and
more reliance on free market corrections.
Unit 5: Models of Output Determination
Section 1: Keynes versus the Classicists
Keynesian Economics
John Maynard Keynes
Click on picture for a brief biography about
This unit describes the Keynesian economic
model. Keynes's model was the most influential in
economics in the twentieth century. It became
widely accepted after the Great Depression, and
was almost universally accepted from the 1950s
through the late1970s. Even some conservative
economists and republicans, such as President
Nixon, acknowledged during this time that "we are
all Keynesians now."
Because of the influence of Keynes, the United States government passed the Employment Act of
1946. Other industrialized countries around the world passed similar acts. It pronounced that it was
the government's responsibility to achieve full employment, stimulate the economy if necessary, and
keep the price level stable. Sections 2 through 4 of this unit elaborate on Keynes's model.
Since the 1980s, the Keynesian model has come under increasing scrutiny. Section 5 of this unit
presents a critical analysis of the Keynesian model and a discussion of classical economic theories
and why classical economists believe that limited government involvement in the economy is best
for the country.
Classical Economics
Adam Smith
Click on picture for a brief biography of
The classical economic model is based on Adam
Smith's Wealth of Nations (1776). Smith's theories
are the foundation for economic schools of
thought, such as classical economics, the
neo-classical and Austrian Schools of thought,
monetarism, and rational expectations. In general,
all of these models support the following:
1. Correction of economic problems by the
Market forces (changing prices, wages, interest
rates, and economic competition) correct
economic problems without government
2. Limited role of the government.
The role of the government should be limited to
only the essential functions: defending the
country, providing a legal system, protecting
individuals' and businesses' properties, and
providing certain public goods, such as roads,
highways, and sewage systems.
Other influential classical economists include David Ricardo (1772 - 1823), Thomas Malthus (1766 -
1834), and John Stuart Mill (1806 - 1873). Neo-classical economics and the Austrian School are
closely associated with classical economics and strongly support a laissez-faire, or free market,
economy. Important neo-classical economists include William Stanley Jevons (1835 - 1882), Carl
Menger (1840 - 1921), and Leon Walras (1834 - 1910). Famous Austrian School economists include
Ludwig Von Mises (1881 - 1973), Eugen Von Bohm-Bawerk (1851 - 1914), Friedrich Hayek (1899 -
1992), and Henry Hazlitt (1894 - 1993). Other advocates of laissez-faire include the American
monetarist and Nobel prize winner the late Milton Friedman (1912 - 2006).
Unit 5: Models of Output Determination
Section 2: The Keynesian Model
Keynes's General Theory
John Maynard Keynes wrote his most important works, Treatise on Money (1930) and his most
famous work, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money (1936), around the time of the
Great Depression. During the Great Depression, many economists and politicians looked for answers
to solve the disturbing output declines and unemployment increases. His economic views led our
government to pass the Employment Act of 1946, which established the Council of Economic
Advisors and made the federal government responsible to intervene in the economy when
Before Keynes
The classical economists, whose thoughts were widely accepted in Western economies before the
1920s, and whose theories have recently gained support again, believed that economic downturns
can best be solved by leaving the economy alone and letting private market forces correct the
problems. A self-correcting mechanism (Adam Smith's "invisible hand") is in place, which allows for
only minimal government involvement in the economy. The classical economists base their
conclusions on assumptions that in a free market, wages, prices, and interest rates are flexible and
adjust according to demand and supply of products, labor and other resources, and money in
The 1930s
With the economic problems getting worse during the 1930s, interventionist economic theories
gained more acceptance. Big businesses and their "robber baron" business leaders began to be seen
as the cause of all economic evil. Thus, people started to look toward the government for answers.
Keynes's theories provided precisely the fuel that activist-minded economists and philosophers of
that time needed to propose government intervention as the solution to economic problems.
Sticky Wages and Prices
According to Keynes, overproduction and underconsumption are the main causes of any economic
downturn. If businesses overproduce during one period of time, they experience surpluses and will
cut back on their production during the next period. Cutbacks in production are accompanied by
layoffs and declining earnings. Keynes did not believe that wages, prices, and interest rates adjust
quickly enough in response to declining conditions. He argued that because of unions and
increasingly large monopoly-like firms, wages and prices do not fall much when demand decreases.
According to Keynes, prices and wages are "sticky" and do not provide sufficient corrections to bring
the economy back to full employment.
Government Intervention
During economic downturns, consumer incomes decrease. These decreasing earnings result in less
consumer spending. Firms find themselves with surpluses, and they subsequently produce less. This
leads to further layoffs and lower incomes. This leads to even less consumer spending. This snowball
effect eventually puts the economy into a bad tailspin and perhaps even an economic depression.
Keynes stated that the only way to stop the ball from rolling is for the government to intervene by
artificially creating demand and raising people's earnings. This can be done by initiating public
works, increasing welfare handouts, or increasing general government spending.
Deficit Spending and Money Supply Increases
Keynes encouraged government politicians to run deficits during recessions (by increasing
government spending and/or lowering taxes) or to print money in order to finance these additional
expenditures. If the government runs a deficit, it borrows money mainly from domestic and foreign
investors by issuing Treasury securities. Treasury securities are loans people make to the
government in exchange for interest and payback of the principal at a later time (see also Unit 8).
According to Keynes, when government spending increases and/or taxes decrease, the total demand
for goods and services in the economy rises, which increases GDP.
If the government chooses to print additional money during a recession, the money supply increases
and interest rates decline in the short run. When interest rates decline, borrowing rises.
Subsequently, spending rises, and GDP increases. The printing of additional money is done in the
United States through the Federal Reserve System and its central banks.
Government Intervention During Expansions
Even though Keynes's theories focus on recessions and depressions, he also mentioned that if during
an expansion an economy is growing too fast, it will cause inflation. In this case, Keynes
recommends for the government to do the opposite: decrease government spending, raise taxes,
and decrease the money supply. This, according to Keynes, slows down the economy and prevents
inflation by decreasing total aggregate demand.
Short Run versus Long Run
Classical economists predict that if the economy experiences problems, prices and wages adjust in
the long run. If a recession decreases business profits, businesses lower their wages until profits
increase again. If a recession decreases demand, businesses lower their prices until buyers buy
again. If businesses and households are not borrowing enough, banks and other financial companies
lower their interest rates. Classical economists predict that the economy always achieves full
employment in the long run. They believe that as long as there is enough production, businesses will
pay enough wages and earn enough profits. This generates purchasing power and enough demand
to purchase all products that are supplied and put just the right amount of people to work to create
full employment.
Because of sticky prices and wages, Keynes did not believe that decreases in demand lead to lower
prices and wages. Instead of lowering wages and prices, according to Keynes, businesses choose to
lay off workers. This increases unemployment. Keynes admitted that in the long run, unemployment
may perhaps lower wages and allow businesses to hire more workers. However, Keynes wanted
short-run solutions. He stated: "In the long run we are all dead." According to Keynes, help is needed
immediately, and the government can provide it quickly in the form of active spending and taxation
policies, and via active monetary policy.
Unit 5: Models of Output Determination
Section 3: Consumption and the Keynesian Multiplier
The Keynesian model is based on the belief that demand drives the economy and that a shortfall in
demand causes recessions and depressions. According to Keynes, if we can find ways to stimulate
consumption and other forms of spending, we will solve the problem.
The Marginal Propensity to Consume (MPC)
Keynes discussed the Marginal Propensity to Consume (MPC). The MPC indicates how much of any
additional earnings a person consumes. If the government increases spending by $1,000, and if the
recipients of the $1,000 decide to spend $800 to purchase goods (let's say, a used car), then the
marginal propensity to consume is 800/1,000, or .8, or 80%.
The Multiplier and the Significance of the Multiplier
This additional spending of $800 turns into additional income for the person who sold the product
(the used car). If this person's MPC is also 80%, then spending (for instance, on a television)
increases by 80% of $800 or $640. This creates income for the person who sold the television. This
person spends her/his MPC of the $640 on goods, and so forth. If the MPC is 80% for everyone in this
economy, then the total amount of additional spending in the entire economy is: $1,000 (the initial
government spending) + $800 (on the used car) + $640 (on the television) + ... = $5,000.
This mathematical sum ($1,000 +$800 + $640 + ....) is 5 times $1,000, or $5,000. The factor 5 in
this equation is called "the multiplier." The $1,000 is the increase in government spending and is
called the "initial spending." The $5,000 is the increase in total spending in the economy.
The significance of the multiplier, according to Keynes, is that an initial amount of government
spending ($1,000 in the above example) can create a total amount of spending in the economy
equal to a multiple (5 in the above example) times the initial amount. Keynes argued that this
additional spending is needed to increase the "equilibrium national income" (for our purposes, we
can think of this as GDP). During a recession, or a recessionary gap, as Keynes called it, an increase
in government spending will result in additional rounds of spending and income necessary to
eventually reach full employment.
Thus, the equation for computing the total spending change in the economy is
The multiplier x the change in initial spending = change in total spending
In the above example:
5 x $1,000 = $5,000
Keynes's formula for the multiplier is:
Multiplier = 1/(1-MPC).
In the above example:
Multiplier = 1/(1-.8) = 1/(.2) = 5.
A greater MPC leads to a greater multiplier.
The Marginal Propensity to Save (MPS)
The counterpart to Keynes's Marginal Propensity to Consume is the Marginal Propensity to Save
(MPS). Savings is defined as income not consumed. If a person receives additional income of $100
and of that (s)he consumes $80, her/his savings must be $20. The MPC in this example is .80, or 80%
and the MPS is .20, or 20%. The MPC and the MPS always add up to 100%, or 1. Furthermore, the
MPS = 1 - MPC, so that the multiplier can also be written as
Multiplier = 1 / MPS.
Examples of How Changes in Government Spending Affect GDP
Example 1
Problem: Let's say that we are experiencing a recession and the government increases spending by
$25 billion. Let's also assume that the MPC equals .75. By how much will equilibrium national income
(GDP) increase?
Solution: Because the MPC equals .75, the multiplier equals 4:
Multiplier = 1 / (1 minus .75) = 1 / .25 = 4.
To get the increase in GDP, we multiply the multiplier by the increase in government spending:
Change in GDP = 4 x $25 billion = $100 billion.
This means that if GDP was, for example, $800 billion before the change, it will be $900 billion after
the change.
Recessionary Gap
Example 2
Problem: Let's say that we are experiencing a recessionary gap of $500 billion. A recessionary gap
is how much GDP needs to increase from the current GDP in order to achieve full employment. Also
assume that the MPC equals .90. How much will the government have to increase spending in order
to close the recessionary gap?
Solution: We know that the increase in government spending times the multiplier equals the increase
in GDP.
So: the change in government spending x the multiplier = the change in GDP.
So: the change in government spending x 10 = $500 billion.
So: the change in government spending = $500 / 10 = $50 billion.
In other words, if the government increases spending by $50 billion, and the multiplier is 10, then
GDP will increase by $500 billion. Since we need to add $500 billion to GDP to achieve full
employment, we will have closed the recessionary gap.
Inflationary Gap
Example 3
Problem: Let's say that we are experiencing an inflationary gap of $200 billion. An inflationary gap
is how much GDP needs to decrease from the current GDP in order to achieve full employment
without causing inflation. Also assume that the MPC equals .80.
Solution: The change in government spending x the multiplier = the change in GDP.
So: the change in government spending x 5 = -$200 billion.
So: the change in government spending =-$200 / 5 = -$40 billion.
In other words, if the government decreases spending by $40 billion, and the multiplier is 5, then
GDP will decrease by $200 billion. Since we need to lower GDP by $200 billion to achieve full
employment without inflation, we will have closed the inflationary gap.
Unit 5: Models of Output Determination
Section 4: The Tax Multiplier and the Balanced Budget
How a Change in Taxes Affects GDP
If an increase in government spending leads to an increase in total spending and GDP, then an
increase in taxes must lead to a decrease in total spending and GDP, and vice versa. When the
government raises taxes, private spending decreases. Keynes noted, however, that the decrease in
overall spending from a tax increase is not as large as the increase in overall spending from the
same amount of a government spending increase. The example in the next paragraph illustrates
The Tax Multiplier
Let's say that taxes increase by $1,000. Therefore, people's after-tax income (income available for
consumption or savings) decreases by $1,000. If the MPC is 80%, then people would have only
consumed $800 of this $1,000. Thus, total spending throughout the economy decreases by 5 (the
multiplier) times $800 = $4,000. This $4,000 is 4 times the change in taxes.
Mathematically, we can prove that the tax multiplier is the negative of the spending multiplier minus
1. In the above example, the regular spending multiplier from the previous section is 5 and,
therefore, the tax multiplier is -4. Thus,
The tax multiplier = - (the regular multiplier - 1)
In the above example:
The tax multiplier = - (5 - 1) = -4
The following applications provide further explanations of this concept.
Examples of How a Change in Taxes Affects GDP
Example 1
Problem: Let's say that we are experiencing a recession and the government decreases taxes by $25
billion. Let's also assume that the MPC equals .75. By how much will GDP increase?
Solution: Because the MPC equals .75, the regular (spending) multiplier equals 4, and the tax
multiplier equals -3.
The spending multiplier = 1 / (1 minus .75) = 1 / .25 = 4. The tax multiplier equals 4 minus 1 with a
negative sign: (-4 - 1) = -3.
To get the increase in GDP, we multiply the multiplier by the decrease in taxes:
Change in GDP = -3 x -$25 billion = +$75 billion.
This means that if GDP was $800 billion before the change, it will be $875 billion after the change.
Recessionary Gap
Example 2
Problem: Let's say that we are experiencing a recessionary gap of $360 billion. A recessionary gap
is how much GDP needs to increase from the current GDP in order to achieve full employment. Also
assume that the MPC equals .90. How much will the government have to decrease taxes in order to
close the recessionary gap?
Solution: We know that the decrease in taxes times the tax multiplier equals the increase in GDP.
So: (the change in taxes) x (the multiplier) = the change in GDP.
So: (the change in taxes) x (-9) = $360 billion.
So: (the change in taxes) = $360 / (-9) = -$40 billion.
In other words, if the government decreases taxes by $40 billion, and the tax multiplier is -9, then
GDP will increase by $360 billion. Since we need to add $360 billion to GDP to achieve full
employment, we will have closed the recessionary gap.
Inflationary Gap
Example 3
Problem: Let's say that we are experiencing an inflationary gap of $200 billion. An inflationary gap
is how much GDP needs to decrease from the current GDP in order to achieve full employment
without causing inflation. Also assume that the MPC equals .80.
Solution: The change in taxes x the tax multiplier = the change in GDP.
So: (the change in taxes) x (-4) = -$200 billion.
So: (the change in taxes) = (-$200) / (-4)= +$50 billion.
In other words, if the government increases taxes by $50 billion, and the tax multiplier is -4, then
GDP will decrease by $200 billion. Since we need to lower GDP by $200 billion to achieve full
employment without inflation, we will have closed the inflationary gap.
The Balanced Budget Multiplier
When the government increases spending by a certain amount and it increases taxes by the same
amount, then GDP will increase by that amount. The following example illustrates this.
Example 4
Problem: Let's say the government increases spending by $1,000 and also increases taxes by
$1,000, and the MPC equals .8. By how much will GDP change?
Solution: The multiplier equals 5 and so the tax multiplier equals -4. Therefore, GDP will increase by
$5,000 from the $1,000 additional government spending (5 times $1,000). And GDP will decrease by
$4,000 from the additional $1,000 in taxes (-4 times $1,000). Thus, on balance, equilibrium income
(GDP) will increase by $1,000 ($5,000 minus $4,000).
Therefore, when the government spends $1,000 and imposes taxes of $1,000, it balances its budget,
while increasing equilibrium GDP by $1,000.
Thus, when the government changes spending and taxes by the same amount, then equilibrium
income (GDP) changes by 1 times this amount. We say that
The balanced budget multiplier = 1.
The balanced budget multiplierimplies that if the government increases spending and taxation by
the same amount, then equilibrium national income (GDP) rises by this amount.
This balanced budget stimulation is possible, according to Keynes, because when the government
receives $1,000, it spends it all. On the other hand, when private citizens receive $1,000, they spend
only a fraction of it (in the above example, they spend 80%). They save the other fraction. Because
savings, according to Keynes, is a "leakage" from the economy, the economy "loses" 20% in
stimulation if private citizens spend it, compared to no loss (no savings) if the government spends it.
Do you agree with Keynes that it is possible to stimulate the economy by, for example, $1 trillion,
simply by raising government spending and taxes by $1 trillion?
Unit 5: Models of Output Determination
Section 5: Critical Analysis of the Keynesian Model and
the Importance of Savings to Increase Investment
Demand Side Economics
Keynes's model is a "demand-side" model. Keynes believes that as long as there is enough demand,
production (supply) will be sufficient and full employment will result. In order to increase demand,
Keynes emphasized that the government needs to increase its spending. The government can obtain
funds from three sources for this additional spending:
1. Printing more money
2. Incurring a deficit (borrowing from the public)
3. Increasing taxes
The Effect of Printing More Money
One of the ways a government can obtain more money for additional government spending is to
print more money. The Federal Reserve supplies additional money to the public primarily through
Open Market Operations; this is discussed in Unit 9. Printing more money is inflationary. It may be
true that initially some people feel wealthier because they are the recipients of the additional
government money. These people can increase their spending relative to what it was before.
However, as soon as inflation takes effect, people will be harmed by rising prices. In the long run
(after the inflation takes effect), the decrease in purchasing power and the accompanying decrease
in demand offsets the initial increase in demand. The harmful effects of inflation in the long run will
cancel out or even outweigh the positive short-run effects of the government spending and money
supply increase.
The Effect of Incurring a Deficit
Instead of the Federal Reserve printing more money, the government can borrow the money. By
issuing Treasury bills, notes, and bonds (all called Treasury securities), the government obtains
money for additional spending. When the government borrows money from the public in this way,
money is merely transferred from the private sector (households and businesses) to the public sector
(the government).
Government borrowing is not inflationary, but it does increase the national debt and increases
interest rates by decreasing the availability of funds in private financial markets. It also raises future
tax liabilities. Critics of the Keynesian model believe that in the long run, the negative effects of
government borrowing outweigh the positive short-run effects.
The Effect of Increasing Taxes
During recessions, Keynes did not recommend an increase in taxes. However, Keynes did mention
that if you want to balance your budget, you can increase government spending and increase taxes
by the same amount and still stimulate the economy (see Section 4). He admitted that if taxes
increase, then private spending decreases. But, according to Keynes, the increase in total spending
from a government spending increase is greater than the decrease in total spending from a tax
increase. Keynes stated that when taxes increase, people would have saved a portion of the taxed
income, had they been allowed to keep it. According to Keynes, this savings constitutes a "leakage"
from the economy.
Keynes's critics, however, believe that savings generates funds available for borrowers in the
financial markets, and eventually becomes another form of spending. Therefore, it is not a leakage.
The Role of Savings
Consumer and business saving is essential to
allow firms to add to production capacities and
create additional wealth. When people save, it
frees up funds, which businesses can use (borrow)
to purchase capital goods. Additional capital
goods beyond what is needed to replace worn out
and obsolete machines allows for greater
productivity. This enables businesses to pay
higher real wages and create greater purchasing
power for consumers.
If people don't save, and they spend all their earnings on consumption, there will eventually be no
funds to purchase capital goods. All the money is spent on cars, food, microwave ovens, clothes, etc.
Businesses will find themselves with fewer and fewer production capacity and eventually with
significantly less production. Less production means fewer jobs, less purchasing power and real
demand, and a regressing economy. Eventually, without savings, the economy loses all capacity to
Say's Law
Jean Baptiste Say was a classical economist who believed that any creation of wealth, production,
and jobs must be initiated at the production side, not the demand side. Only when entrepreneurs
and workers become more industrious and productive is additional real purchasing power created.
This important conclusion is currently known as Say's Law. Say, a French economist, stated that
any supply creates its own demand.
To see Say's Law in a different context, imagine an "economy" with no initial economic activity (like
on the reality television show "Survivor"). There is no production, so there can be no purchasing
power or demand. No government spending or other artificial stimulation of demand can change this
situation and magically create demand if there is no production and no goods exist. Production must
occur first, and then - from the fruits of the laborers' work and earnings - demand follows.
Supply Side Economics
Supply or production creates wealth by combining labor with technology, along with the Earth's
abundant resources. If no money exists initially, the first products can be bartered to create
economic activity. Eventually, a medium of exchange (for example, rocks, or gold and silver) can be
produced to facilitate trade. Once a medium of exchange (money) exists, people can save their
earnings. They can start their own businesses or invest in existing businesses, so that even more
production can occur. Additional production creates additional jobs, which creates additional
purchasing power and subsequent spending. The additional spending provides businesses with more
funds, which, if reinvested, leads to still more production and increased purchasing power.
In conclusion, Keynes supported increases in consumption and other spending in order to stimulate
economic activity. Jean Baptiste Say and other classical economists prescribe the opposite and
encourage savings (up to a reasonable limit). This allows businesses to invest in capital goods and
increase productivity. As a reward for being productive, people's consumption and overall greater
wealth increase. This consumption increase is made possible by the economy's increased production
efforts, not by artificial stimulation of the economy by the government.
Unit 5: Models of Output Determination
Section 6: Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
The Aggregate Demand Curve
In Unit 2, we learned that a demand curve illustrates the relationship between quantity demanded
and the price of one product. Aggregate demand represents the quantity demanded of all products
in a certain country or area at different price levels.
The aggregate demand curve is downward sloping, just like one product's demand curve. It slopes
downward because of the substitution effect and because of the income effect. The substitution
effect states that as the price of a product decreases, it becomes cheaper than competing products,
ceteris paribus, and consumers will substitute the cheaper product for the more-expensive product,
and vice versa. In the case of the aggregate demand curve, we consider all domestic products, so
the substitution effect only applies to the substitution of domestic products for foreign products. In
other words, when domestic products become cheaper, buyers purchase more of these products and
they purchase fewer of the relatively more-expensive foreign products. If we were to consider a
"world demand" curve, the substitution effect would not apply (until we start production on other
The income effect states that as the price of a product decreases, buyers will have more income
available to purchase more products, and vice versa. In the case of the aggregate demand curve, if
the average price level of all products decreases, buyers will have more discretionary income
available. For example, if all buyers purchase 1 million products per week at an average price of $4,
then the buyers' total expenditure equals $4 million. If the average price level falls to $3, the total
expenditure if everyone buys the same number of products now equals $3 million. This means that
buyers now have $1 million more to spend on other products. In essence, buyers' real incomes have
Below is a graph of a typical aggregate demand curve.
A Shift in the Aggregate Demand Curve
The aggregate demand curve can shift for various
reasons. A shift to the right illustrates an increase in
aggregate demand (see adjacent graph). A shift to the
left illustrates a decrease in aggregate demand. The
components of aggregate demand include Consumption
(C), Gross Private Domestic Investment (I), Government
Spending (G) and Net Exports (X). Anything affecting
these components will shift the curve.
Buyers' wealth, incomes, the level of taxes, and subsidies all affect Consumption. For example, an
increase in wealth and incomes increases aggregate demand. This shifts the curve to the right.
Interest rates, expected interest rates and expected rates of return (profits) affect Gross Private
Domestic Investment. For example, if interest rates decrease, the cost of borrowing decreases. This
increases firms' incentives to borrow and invest. This increases aggregate demand.
Government spending is for the most part autonomous. This means that it is not dependent on a
particular variable. The government can decide to increase spending on the military or domestic
programs. This increases aggregate demand.
Net Exports is dependent on the relative prices of foreign versus domestic products and exchange
rates. If domestic prices decrease, then the demand for our products increases. This increases
aggregate demand.
The Aggregate Supply Curve
In Unit 2, we learned that a supply curve illustrates the relationship between quantity supplied and
the price of one product. Aggregate supply represents the quantity supplied of all products in a
certain country or area at different price levels.
A typical aggregate supply curve is upward sloping, just like one product's supply curve. It slopes
upward because of the substitution effect and because of the income effect.
The supplier's substitution effect states that as the market price of a product increases, other
competing products, ceteris paribus, will become less attractive to produce, and suppliers will
substitute the higher-priced product for the less-expensive product (and vice versa). In the case of
the aggregate supply curve, we consider all domestic products, so the substitution effect only
applies to the substitution of the production of domestic products in place of the production of
foreign products. In other words, when domestic products can be sold at a higher real price,
suppliers will have more incentive to produce domestic products versus foreign products (ceteris
paribus). If we were to consider a world supply curve, the substitution effect would not apply.
The supplier's income effect states that as the real market price of a product increases, a supplier
will earn more income (make a greater profit), so that the supplier has more incentive and greater
means to increase production (and vice versa). For example, if all suppliers sell 1 million products
per week at an average price of $7, then the suppliers' total revenue equals $7 million. If the
average price level rises to $8, the total revenue for selling the same number of products now equals
$8 million. Assuming no change in the cost of production, this increases suppliers' income and their
incentives and abilities to produce.
Below is a graph of a typical aggregate supply curve.
A Shift in the Aggregate Supply Curve
The aggregate supply curve can shift for
various reasons. A shift to the right illustrates
an increase in aggregate supply (see adjacent
graph). A shift to the left illustrates a
decrease in aggregate supply.
When input prices (wages, prices of raw materials, interest payments, rent, etc.) decrease, or
technology advances, or taxes decrease, or subsidies increase, or regulations loosen, then it
becomes more attractive to produce, and aggregate supply increases (and vice versa).
Unpredictable events, such as weather emergencies, war, and political instability decrease
aggregate supply and shift the aggregate supply curve to the left.
Keynesian Economics and the Horizontal Part of the Aggregate Supply Curve
The economy is at equilibrium (no product shortages or surpluses) at the point where aggregate
demand (AD) and aggregate supply (AS) intersect. For example, if the economy's aggregate demand
schedule is AD1 and its aggregate supply schedule is AS, then the economy experiences an
equilibrium GDP level equal to GDP1 (see graph below). In the graph below, this GDP is at a
relatively low level, which means that there is a recessionary gap and unemployment. Note that for
low levels of GDP, the aggregate supply curve in the Keynesian model is horizontal. In this case, the
economy experiences a recessionary gap (GDP1) and if aggregate demand increases to AD2, then
the equilibrium increases to GDP2, without an increase in the price level.
Keynesian Economics and the Vertical Part of the Aggregate Supply Curve
In the graph below, if the economy's aggregate demand schedule is AD1 and its aggregate supply
schedule is AS, then the economy experiences an equilibrium level equal to GDP. This GDP is at a
high level, which means that there is full employment. Note that for high levels of GDP, the
aggregate supply curve in the Keynesian model is vertical. The economy experiences an inflationary
gap (GDP1) if aggregate demand increases to AD2. The price level rises without an increase in real
Keynesian Economics and the Upward Sloping Portion of the Aggregate Supply Curve
In the graph below, if the economy's aggregate demand schedule is AD1 and its aggregate supply
schedule is AS, then the economy experiences an equilibrium level equal to GDP1. The aggregate
supply curve at this level of GDP is upward sloping. If aggregate demand increases to AD2,
equilibrium GDP increases, as does the price level.
Keynesian Economics and the Phillips Curve
According to the Keynesian model, when the AD curve shifts in the upward sloping part of the AS
curve (see graph above), we observe a growing economy and a rising price level. Typically, when the
economy grows, unemployment decreases. Therefore, in the upward sloping part of the AS curve, we
observe decreasing unemployment and increasing inflation. This inverse relationship between
unemployment and inflation is illustrated by the so-called "Phillips curve." The Phillips curve (see
graph below) is named after economist A.W.H. Phillips, who published a study in 1958, which
observed the inverse relationship between wage inflation and unemployment in the United Kingdom
from 1861 to 1957.
Classical Economics and the Key to Economic Growth
Classical economics and offsprings of this economic school, believe that the Keynesian model
focuses too much on the short run and not enough on the long run. In the short run, classical
economists acknowledge that an increase in aggregate demand increases equilibrium GDP.
However, if the increase in aggregate demand is triggered by artificial increases in government
spending via increases in the money supply or increases in the nation's national debt, then in the
long run, inflation and interest rates increases. Higher inflation and higher interest rates lead to
decreases in aggregate demand, particularly in the private sector. So while active fiscal and
monetary policy may increase aggregate demand in the short run, they lead to decreases in
aggregate demand in the long run.
The key to economic growth, according to classical economists, is aggregate supply growth. An
offspring of the classical economic school, the Austrian school, believes that the economy can grow
and increase its production capacities while keeping the money supply constant. In Unit 1, we
learned that economic growth is caused by advances in technology and increases in resources. As
the economy grows, aggregate supply increases. In the graph below, this is illustrated by shifts in
the aggregate supply curves from AS1 to AS2, and AS2 to AS3. The equilibrium GDP moves from
point X to Y and from Y to Z. The price level decreases, because the money supply is constant and
production increases (see also Unit 7 for a more detailed explanation of this relationship). Nominal
GDP and nominal incomes remain constant, because the money supply is constant. However, real
GDP increases because production increases and buyers' purchasing power increases due to the
falling prices. Because of the constant money supply, the aggregate demand curve does not shift.
However, quantity demanded increases because of the falling price level and higher real incomes.
Unit 6: Fiscal Policy
What's in This Chapter?
Governments conduct fiscal policy and monetary policy in order to stimulate or fine-tune the
The nation's fiscal policy in the United States is in the hands of the President and Congress. It is the
subject of this unit's discussion. Monetary policy, conducted by the Federal Reserve System, will be
discussed in detail in Unit 9.
Congress and the White House decide how much money to spend on the various government
programs, and they decide how much to tax people, and if and how much money to borrow. The fifty
states, Washington, D.C., and the various counties and municipalities have their own expenses and
sources of revenue. Government spending and taxation policies have an important effect on the
nation's employment, incomes, economic productivity, and economic growth. This unit discusses
proper fiscal policy according to Keynesians, as well as classical economists.
Unit 6: Fiscal Policy
Section 1: Fiscal Policy
Definition of Fiscal Policy
Fiscal policy is a government's attempt to change
economic activity by changing government
expenditures, taxation and borrowing, and lending
policies. A government can choose to change
spending on highways, defense, education, public
works, and social programs. A government can
change tax rates, tax systems, and taxation to
certain groups. If a government spends more than
it receives in tax revenue, it borrows the
Keynesian Economics and Fiscal Policy
The two policies that governments can use to influence the economy are fiscal policy and monetary
policy. Fiscal policy is covered in this unit. Monetary policy is covered in Unit 9. Keynes supported
both policies, but believed that fiscal policy is more effective. According to Keynes, governments
should primarily increase spending when the economy experiences a recessionary gap. He stated
that governments can also lower taxes to stimulate the economy, but he preferred increases in
government spending because governments spend all of their money whereas citizens may save
part of their tax benefits. Conversely, governments should decrease spending and/or raise taxes
when the economy experiences an inflationary gap. Many politicians, influenced by Keynes's
encouragement to run deficits to stimulate the economy, support active fiscal policy. Since
Keynesian economics became popular in the 1930s and beyond, government spending has increased
significantly. Politicians often cater to special interest groups, because it translates into more votes
and possible campaign donations. Consequently, government spending often increases even during
Classical Economics and Fiscal Policy
Classical economists and supporters of classical schools of thought (for example, neo-classical and
Austrian economists), disagree with Keynesian fiscal policy. According to classical economists, efforts
to change the demand side of the economy may benefit an economy in the short run, but causes
harm in the long run. Increases in government spending lead to increases in the money supply, or
increases in a nation's debt, or increases in taxation. Increases in the money supply equate to
inflation. Increases in interest rates lead to decreases in borrowing and decreases in private
spending. And increases in taxation lead to decreases in private consumption and savings.
Keynes argued that a rapidly growing economy during times of full employment causes inflation.
Classical economists disagree. They believe that increases in the money supply equate to inflation,
and long-term increases in the price level are impossible without increases in the money supply.
Classical economists, and in particular the so-called monetarists, believe that inflation can be slowed
or avoided by decreasing the rate of growth in the money supply. Classical economists do not
believe that active fiscal policy is beneficial to the economy in the long run.
According to the classical school, proper fiscal policy is when the government creates an economic
environment in which private properties are well-protected, and households and businesses have
maximum incentive to produce and innovate. Government spending should be limited to defense, a
judicial system, fire and police protection, infrastructure, education, transportation and a small and
efficient administrative system. Taxes should be relatively low and regulations minimal.
Fiscal Policy Lags
In addition to the long-run disadvantages of active fiscal policy mentioned in the previous paragraph,
neo-classical economists and monetarists believe that lags in the economy hamper the effectiveness
of government policy. There are three lags: the information lag, the policy lag, and the impact
The information lag is the period of time during which the economy changes and economists find out
that it changes. For example, if in March of this year the economy slows down, economists may not
receive accurate data to determine the slowdown until June of this year.
The policy lag is the period of time during which the information is received and politicians come to a
decision to take action. If the information about the slowdown is received in June, it may be January
of the following year before politicians change fiscal policy (increase government spending and/or
decrease taxes).
The impact lag is the period of time during which politicians have taken action and the impact of the
action is actually felt in the economy. If politicians took action in January, the impact may not be felt
until April or May.
The three lags combined means that it may take approximately 13 or 14 months from the beginning
of the slowdown until fiscal policy takes effect. At that time, the economy may have already begun
an expansion on its own, and the policy may be counter-effective. This is another reason why
classical, neo-classical, and monetarist economists support limited government involvement in the
Unit 6: Fiscal Policy
Section 2: Discretionary Fiscal Policy and Automatic
Discretionary Fiscal Policy
Discretionary fiscal expenditures are changes in
government spending and taxation that need
specific approval from Congress and the
President. Examples include increases in spending
on roads, bridges, stadiums, and other public
works. Because discretionary fiscal policy is
subject to the lags discussed in the last section,
its effectiveness is often criticized. Automatic
stabilizers, on the other hand, do not need
government approval and take effect
Automatic Stabilizers
Automatic stabilizers are changes in government spending and taxation that do not need
approval by Congress or the President. Automatic stabilizers are expense and taxation items that
are part of existing economic programs.
Examples of automatic stabilizers include
1. Unemployment compensation.
When the economy turns down, the government's expense on unemployment compensation
automatically increases as more people lose their jobs. According to Keynesians, this increase in
government spending prevents the economy from a more severe slowdown compared to what would
occur if no unemployment compensation existed.
2. Subsidies to farmers.
When the economy turns down and farmers struggle, the government's expenses on farmer
subsidies automatically increase. According to Keynesians, this increase in government spending
stimulates the economy.
3. A progressive tax system.
Most industrialized countries' tax systems are set up to tax higher-income individuals and
corporations at higher rates. If the economy slows down, incomes decrease, and people pay less
money in taxes. This decrease in tax (compared to a system without progressive taxes) puts more
money in people's pockets and stimulates private spending.
Active Government Policy and Crowding Out
Keynes strongly supported automatic stabilizers. The advantage of automatic stabilizers is that they
do not suffer from the three lags mentioned in the previous section. Some economists, however, still
question the effectiveness of automatic stabilizers, or any active fiscal policy, for that matter.
Anytime government spending increases, the funds have to come from somewhere. Government
borrowing during recessionary gaps typically increases. Increased borrowing leads to something
economists call crowding out. Crowding out is when government borrowing "crowds out" (replaces)
funds that otherwise could be used by the private sector. The more the government borrows (note
that it borrows from the private sector), the fewer funds are available in the private sector.
Keynesians suggest that instead of borrowing the money, the government can increase its money
supply and, thus, generate funds for the additional spending. However, classical economists believe
that increasing the money supply equates to inflation. According to the classical school, either
method (borrowing from the public, or increasing the money supply), will have long-run
disadvantages. Classical economists believe that active fiscal and monetary policies do more harm
to the economy in the long run compared to the benefits they produce in the short run.
Unit 6: Fiscal Policy
Section 3: United States Federal Government
Federal Government Expenditures
The Obama Administration submitted a nearly
$4 trillion spending budget for fiscal year 2011.
These expenditures, as well as ones of selected
years since 1940, are included in the following
table. The table shows that in nominal terms,
the size of the federal government in 2011 is
nearly 421 times greater than in 1940. After
adjusting for inflation, the size of the
government is still more than 25 times greater
than in 1940. Social Security, Medicare,
Medicaid, unemployment and welfare
programs, and defense have experienced the
largest increases.
Source: White House Office of Management and
Table 3.2Outlays by Function and Subfunction:
Federal Government
Spending Category
2007 2009 2011
National Defense 551.0 661.0 768.2
Social Security 586.2 683.0 748.4
Unemployment and
Welfare (Income
366.0 533.2 622.7
Medicare 0 0 0 375.4 431.1 494.3
Medicaid, Health
Research and OSHA
266.4 334.3 387.6
Interest on the Debt .9 237.1 186.9 206.7
(Net Interest)
Education and training 91.7 79.7 115.1
Veterans' benefits and
72.8 95.4 141.4
Transportation 72.9 84.3 94.5
Agriculture and farm
12 17.7 22.2 25.1
Administration of
10 41.2 51.5 60.7
Natural Resources and
1 31.8 35.6 49.0
General science,
space, and technology
0 25.6 29.4 33.4
International affairs 28.5 37.5 55.2
General government 17.5 22.0 32.1
Community and
regional development
8.5 29.6 27.7 25.7
Commerce and
housing credit
67 2.0 5.1 291.5 17.4
Energy 3.3 -.86 4.7 27.9
* The total does not add to the sum of numbers in the categories listed, because there are several
other small categories of spending not included in this table. See the above mentioned government
website for more details.
The Top Six Federal Government Expenditures
Defense and Social Security are the largest government expenditure. The first "Baby Boomers"
retired several years ago and many more will be retiring within the next decade. Therefore, the
expenses for Social Security will further increase significantly. For information about the Social
Security program, click HERE .
Because of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan and other national security issues, defense spending has
also increased considerably.
Unemployment and Welfare spending includes non-Social Security retirement and disability
spending, unemployment compensation, housing assistance, food and nutrition assistance and other
income security. It was the fourth-largest expense in the 2007 budget. However, due to the
recession, unemployment compensation more than doubled and it moved up to third place in 2009
and 2011.
Medicare, federal government health assistance to the elderly, is the fourth-largest federal
government expense. Further increases are on the horizon ($638 billion in 2016) because of the
anticipated increase in the elderly population.
Medicaid, federal government health assistance to the poor, and other health-related programs have
more than doubled since the year 2000. It is the fifth-largest federal spending item.
Net interest on the debt, the amount of money that the government pays households and businesses
for borrowing from them minus the amount of interest that the federal government receives, is the
sixth-largest federal government expenditure. It fell in 2009 because of increases in interest
received from trust funds and generally lower interest rates. Because of vastly increasing recent
deficits and expected large future deficits, the net interest amount is expected to rise to $562 billion
in 2016.
The Growth of the United States Government
Below is a table, which shows the changes in United States government expenditures (outlays) as a
percentage of GDP during selected years, as well as the recent growth in the federal debt as a
percentage of GDP.
Year Federal Government Outlays as a
Percent of GDP
Gross Federal Debt as a
Percentage of GDP
1935 9.2 N/A
1940 9.8 52.4
1950 15.6 94.1
1960 17.8 56.1
1970 19.3 37.6
1980 21.7 33.3
1990 21.8 55.9
2000 18.4 58.0
2007 19.6 64.4
2008 20.7 69.4
2009 25 84.2
2010 23.8 93.2
2011 (estimate) 25.3 102.6
Source: Economic Report of the President: 2009 Report Spreadsheet Tables
Unit 6: Fiscal Policy
Section 4: United States Federal Government Revenues
Federal Goverment Taxes
Government expenditures are financed for the most part by government taxes. Below is a table that
includes the most important United States federal government taxes and other receipts. The figures
are in billions of United States dollars.
2000 2007 2008 2009 2011
3 79.5
4 68.9 57.1 67.3 66.3 74.1
5 Other 92.0 98.8 91.4 58.8
Source:White House Office of Management and Budget, Table 2.1Receipts by Source: 19342014
Individual income taxes and Social Security taxes are responsible for the majority of the federal
government's tax receipts. Due to the recession that started in 2008, estimated 2009 revenues are
expected to decline considerably. Estimated 2009 expenditures (see previous section) are nearly $4
trillion. This means that the estimated United States federal government deficit (receipts minus
expenditures) in 2009 will exceed $1.8 trillion. No United States government has ever incurred a
deficit of this magnitude.
Social Security Taxes and the Future of Social Security
Social Security or FICA (Federal Insurance Contribution Act) taxes for an individual equal $7.65 of
every $100 earned. The Social Security portion of this tax (6.2%) is subject to maximum earnings of
$106,800 (2009). The Medicare portion of the FICA tax is 1.45%. Employers are required to match
these percentages, so that the federal government really receives 15.3% of each paycheck (up to
the maximum earnings amount for the Social Security component only).
The Social Security program is a pay-as-you-go program. This means that the majority of the tax
collected this year pays for benefits of current retirees. For more information about Social Security
taxes and benefits, visit
The Social Security program has been running surpluses. However, during many years in the past
the federal government spent the surplus as part of its regular operating budget (to make the
budget look more favorable). There is currently a positive balance in the Social Security trust fund,
but many people anticipate that because of the numerous Baby Boomers, who are currently retired
or soon will be retired, the fund is insufficient to meet the demands in the near future.
To fix this problem, either the FICA tax needs to be raised, or benefits need to be lowered. Due to the
inefficiencies of the program and the lack of discipline on the part of the federal government to
invest the money wisely, the idea of phasing in a privatized system is gaining more support.
Privatization would allow each worker to invest all or a portion of the tax in her/his own retirement
account. The government can still require this retirement contribution. However, each person will
have full control over her/his allocation. In order for current retirees and soon-to-retire persons to
continue to receive benefits, a privatization program will have to be phased in very slowly. Concerns
about this plan include the volatility of the stock and bond markets, transition costs to switch from a
public to a private system, and the fear that some people are not knowledgeable enough to invest
their own funds.
The United States Tax System
The United States individual income tax system is a progressive tax system. This means that
households with higher incomes pay a higher percentage in tax. Marginal income tax rates range
from 0% to 35%. The White House proposed to raise the top tax rate on the higher income earners
to 39.6%, but as of this writing (2011), the brackets for individuals and married couples are as
When Your Taxable
Income Is Over:
Your Marginal Tax Rate
When You are Single Is:
When Your Taxable
Income Is Over:
Your Marginal Tax Rate When You are Married and Filing
Jointly Is:
$0 10% $0 10%
$8,500 15% $17,000 15%
$34,500 25% $69,000 25%
$83,600 28% $139,350 28%
$174,400 33% $212,300 33%
$379,150 35% $379,150 35%
Source: Internal Revenue Service (
An individual who earns, for example, $100,000 is in the 28% marginal tax bracket. However, this
person still only pays 10% over the first $8,500 earned; 15% over the amount in the next bracket,
Two frequently discussed tax systems that have been offered as alternatives to the current
individual income system are the proportional or flat tax system, and the consumption tax
The Flat Tax System
Under a flat tax system, everyone pays the same percentage tax. For example, if the tax rate is
20%, then a household earning $300,000 will pay 20% ($60,000) and a household earning $30,000
will also pay 20% ($6,000). Note that even though the rate is the same, the dollar amount of taxes
paid by the higher-income household is higher. Most flat tax systems allow for tax exemptions of the
lower-income households. For example, the plan could stipulate that anyone earning up to $25,000
does not pay any tax. This in effect will mean that a household paying $30,000 will pay 0% up to
$25,000 and then 20% of the remaining $5,000. The total tax for this household then equals $1,000.
Flat tax systems are considered very simple, because they do not allow households to use
deductions in order to lower their taxable income. In the current progressive income tax system,
households are allowed to deduct from their taxable income many expenses, including the interest
on their mortgage, the interest on their home equity loans, certain medical expenses, certain
professional expenses, charitable contributions, certain retirement contributions, and dependent
care expenses.
A flat tax system will have a lower tax rate for most people, but will not allow deductions. For this
reason, industries, such as the real estate industry and the private welfare industry, may not be
happy with the flat tax system. Accountants, tax preparers and government tax auditors will also not
be happy with a flat system, as the simplicity of the system makes many of their jobs unnecessary.
Does this mean that unemployment will rise, as most of the accounting and tax preparation jobs will
be eliminated? The answer is no. Just like throwing bricks through a window doesn't increase overall
employment, complicating the tax system doesn't increase overall employment, either. Yes, a
complicated tax system increases employment of accountants, tax preparers, and government tax
auditors, as glaziers also will gain employment in an economy with many broken windows. However,
the additional savings that households experience from not having to hire accountants, tax
preparers, and not having to pay taxes to the government for the tax preparers will allow these
households to increase their spending on other things, just like the baker is able to buy a suit if his
window is not broken. Households may now be able to afford a hot tub in their backyard. This
certainly sounds more fun than spending this amount of money to have your taxes prepared.
Another characteristic of the flat tax system is that the flat tax rate is lower than the highest
marginal tax rate in the progressive system. This means that as your income increases, you will have
more incentive to work harder and earn more income. This stimulates economic activity and creates
The Consumption Tax System
Under a consumption tax system, everyone will pay taxes on the goods and services they buy,
instead of paying individual income taxes.
For example, when someone buys a $30,000 car,
and the consumption tax is 20%, this person will
pay $6,000 in taxes. This makes the price of the
car effectively $36,000. This may seem like a big
price hike. However, households do not pay any
income taxes anymore, so households'
purchasing power stays the same. In other
words, the real price of goods and services will
remain the same, as households' after-tax
incomes have increased proportionately.
Most consumption tax plans allow for exemptions on certain products, such as essential foods,
housing, and medical care. This means that lower-income households that spend the majority of
their income on these items will, in effect, pay little or no tax. The advantage of the consumption tax
is that no one will have to complete an individual income tax return, because there is no individual
income tax anymore. Taxes will be collected by businesses, who submit the consumption tax to the
federal government, just like they are submitting excise taxes to the federal and state governments
and sales taxes to most state governments.
Another advantage of the consumption tax is that it is more difficult to avoid taxes. Everyone that
buys non-essential and legitimate (legal) products will pay taxes. This includes people who earn their
money in the underground economy (drug dealers, prostitutes, handypersons, and other workers
not reporting their incomes).
The Burden of Tax
The table below shows the percentage of total federal tax dollars and total individual income tax
dollars paid by the various income groups, categorized by the amount of their earnings. For
example, the top 10% includes those households earning more than $113,799, and the bottom 50%
are the households earning less than $33,048 per year. The top 10% of all income earners paid
approximately 70% of all federal individual income taxes. The bottom 50% paid less than 3%.
Income Group Households annually earning: Percentage of Federal Individual Income
Tax Paid
Top 1% >$380,354 38.02
Top 5% >$159,619 58.72
Top 10% >$113,799 69.94
Top 25% >$67,280 86.34
Top 50% >$33,048 97.30
Bottom 50% <$33,048 td=""> 2.70
Source: National Taxpayers Union (, 2008 data (latest available)
Individual Income Tax System Top Rates
Individual income tax rates in the United States have fluctuated significantly over the years. Tax
rates in other industrialized countries have undergone similar changes. Below is a brief historical
account of the main changes in the United States.
In 1913, the individual tax rate in the United States was 1% on taxable income of $4,000 for
married couples. The rate was 7% on incomes above $500,000.
During the first World War, the highest marginal rate was 77%. It came down to 25% following the
Income tax rates rose during the Great Depression. The top rate increased to 75% in 1939, and
reached 91% during World War II.
In 1964, the top rate was decreased to 70%.
In 1981, the top rate was decreased to 50%.
In 1986, the top rate was decreased to 28%. The bottom rate increased from 11% to 15%, and the
system was simplified to two brackets (15 and 28%).
During the 1990s, the top rate rose to 39.6%.
In 2001, the top rate was decreased to 35% and the bottom rate was decreased to 10%. These are
the current rates in 2011.
The Effect of a Tax Cut on the Rich and the Poor
Tax cuts are often controversial because of the effects they have on the different income groups in
our society. The following story is an analogy about our tax system.
An Across the Board Tax Cut - Why it Favors the Rich More
Sometimes politicians can exclaim; "It's just a tax cut for the rich!", and it is just accepted to be
fact. But what does that really mean?
Suppose that every day, ten people go out for dinner. The bill for all ten comes to $100. If they paid
their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this:
The first four persons (the poorest) would pay
The fifth would pay $1.
The sixth would pay $3.
The seventh $7.
The eighth $12.
The ninth $18.
The tenth person (the richest) would pay $59.
So, that's what they decided to do.
The ten persons ate dinner in the restaurant every day, and seemed quite happy with the
arrangement, until one day, the owner threw them a curve. "Since you are all such good
customers," he said, "I'm going to reduce the cost of your daily meal by $20." So, now dinner for
the ten only cost $80. The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes. So, the first
four persons were unaffected. They would still eat for free. But what about the other six, the paying
customers? How could they divvy up the $20 windfall so that everyone would get his 'fair share'?
The six persons realized that $20 divided by six is $3.33. But if they subtracted that from
everybody's share, then the fifth person and the sixth person would each end up being 'PAID' to eat
their meal. So, the restaurant owner suggested that it would be fair to reduce each person's bill by
roughly the same amount, and he proceeded to work out the amounts each should pay. And so:
The fifth person, like the first four, now paid nothing (100% savings).
The sixth now paid $2 instead of $3 (33% savings).
The seventh now paid $5 instead of $7 (28% savings).
The eighth now paid $9 instead of $12 (25% savings).
The ninth now paid $14 instead of $18 (22% savings).
The tenth now paid $49 instead of $59 (16% savings).
Each of the six was better off than before. And the first four continued to eat for free. But once
outside the restaurant, they began to compare their savings. "I only got a dollar out of the $20,"
declared the sixth person. He pointed to the tenth person "but he got $10!" "Yeah, that's right,"
exclaimed the fifth. "I only saved a dollar, too. It's unfair that he got ten times more than me!"
"That's true!!" shouted the seventh person. "Why should he get $10 back when I got only $2? The
wealthy get all the breaks!" "Wait a minute," yelled the first four in unison. "We didn't get anything
at all. The system exploits the poor!"
The nine surrounded the tenth and beat him up. The next night, the tenth man didn't show up for
dinner, so the nine sat down and ate without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they
discovered something important. They didn't have enough money between all of them for even half
of the bill!
And that is how our tax system works.
The people who pay the highest taxes get the most benefit from an across-the-board tax reduction.
Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy, and they just may not show up at the table
anymore. There are lots of good restaurants in Europe and the Caribbean.
Source: author unknown
The Laffer Curve and the Effect of a Tax Cut on Government Revenue
Another tax issue that surfaces from time to time is the effect of a tax cut on government tax
revenue. One may expect that if the government cuts taxes, then government tax revenue
decreases. However, economist Arthur Laffer predicts that at certain tax rates, government tax
revenue increases when the government implements a tax cut, and vice versa. Laffer predicts this
because he believes that if tax rates are high and tax rates decrease, people have more incentive to
work, and the increase in the work more-than-compensates for the decrease in the tax rate. The now
famous "Laffer Curve" (see below) illustrates this phenomenon.
In the graph, this hypothetical country's government receives no revenue at a tax rate of 0%,
because no taxes are paid. Also, at a tax rate of 100%, the government receives no revenue,
because there is no incentive to work. At a tax rate of 30%, the tax revenue reaches a maximum
level of $600 billion. If the country's current rate is 75% (the revenue is $400 billion at this tax rate),
the government will experience an increase in tax revenue of $200 billion, if it were to cut the tax
rate to 30%. Similarly, the government will experience an increase in tax revenue if it were to cut the
rate, if the current rate is at any level above 30%.
Unit 6: Fiscal Policy
Section 5: State and Local Government Spending and
State Government Spending
Total expenditures for all 50 states in the United States was $1,406 billion in 2004, $1,552 billion in
2006 (an increase of 10.4%), $1,635 billion in 2007 (an increase of 5.3%) and $1,826 billion in 2009
(an increase of 11.7%). General expenditures by function rounded in billions of dollars are listed in
the table below.
Education is the single-largest expenditure by state governments, followed by public welfare. The
expense on education is shared by states and counties, with the counties spending the majority of
their funds on county public schools, and the states sharing the burden of financing post-secondary
state education. The programs that experienced large increases in their budgets in recent years
include education, welfare, health, highways, and insurance trusts.
Public welfare expenditures include unemployment compensation payments, food stamps, school
lunch subsidies, and other income maintenance programs.
2004 2006 2007 2009
429 482 515 567
Welfare 339 379 393 437
40 45 48 57
Health 50 51 58 62
86 100 103 107
Police Pr
11 12 13 14
39 43 47 50
Natural 19 20 22 23
and Rec
6 6 6 6
45 48 51 54
on debt
33 38 41 45
Utilities 22 25 24 27
Stores E
4 4 5 5
171 175 182 241
Other 112 124 127 131
Total 1,406 1,552 1,635 1,826
Source: U.S. Census Bureau (
The numbers may not add up to the total due to rounding.
State Government Revenues
Total revenue for all 50 states in the United States was $1,587 billion in 2004, $1,773 billion in 2006
(an increase of 11.7%), $1,993 billion in 2007 (an increase of 12.4%), and $1,124 billion in 2009 (a
decrease of 44%). Because of the recession and the fluctuations in the amount of funding in the
insurance trusts, the tax revenue for many of our states dropped considerably in 2009. Revenues by
type of tax or source rounded in billions of dollars are listed in the table below.
Federal grants are the largest source of income for all states, followed by insurance trust revenue. Of
the tax sources, general and selective sales taxes and individual income taxes provide the most
money for most of the states. All states collect sales taxes, except Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New
Hampshire and Oregon. California has the highest statewide sales tax (7.25%), even though the rate
can vary among local areas as some counties add their own sales taxes. For example, in some parts
of New York the combined state and county sales tax is 9%.
Current charges are fees collected for specific services provided by state governments. Examples
include highway toll assessments, school receipts (lunches, athletic contests, tuition, etc.) and
hospital fees.
General sales taxes are consumption taxes on general items such as food, clothing, electronics,
furniture, etc. Selective sales taxes are consumption taxes similar to federal excise taxes. They are
levied on products such as gasoline, tobacco, alcoholic beverages, and insurance premiums.
Revenue Item 2004 Revenue in
billions (rounded
to the nearest
2006 Revenue in
billions (rounded
to the nearest
2007 Revenue in
billions (rounded
to the nearest
2009 Revenue in
billions (rounded
to the nearest
billion) billion) billion) billion)
394 419 430 478
General Sales Tax 198 227 236 228
Selective Sales
95 106 109 115
License Tax 40 45 47 50
Individual Income
196 246 266 246
Corporate Income
30 47 53 40
Utilities 13 16 17 16
Liquor Stores 5 5 6 6
Insurance Trusts 375 367 520 -394
Other Taxes 31 39 38 37
Current Charges 115 137 141 158
General Revenue
94 118 130 123
Total* 1,587 1,773 1,993 1,124
Source: US Census Bureau (
The numbers may not add up to the total due to rounding.
Local Government Spending
The table below identifies the top categories of county spending as indicated by the number of
full-time equivalent employees in each category in all U.S. counties during 2005, 2006, 2007, and
Category Number of
employees in 2005
in thousands
(rounded to the
nearest thousand)
Number of
employees in 2006
in thousands
(rounded to the
nearest thousand)
Number of
employees in 2007
in thousands
(rounded to the
nearest thousand)
Number of
employees in 2009
in thousands
(rounded to the
nearest thousand)
Elementary &
Secondary -
4,510 4,580 4,680 4,777
Elementary &
Secondary - Other
1,981 2,016 2,082 2,107
PoliceProtection -
609 620 625 642
ospitals 520 530 572 585
Highways 308 307 260 307
Firefighters 297 302 337 348
Public Welfare 275 279 283 284
Judicial and Legal 246 250 250 253
Health 246 250 251 255
243 250 260 267
Higher Education -
188 186 193 208
Higher Education -
132 135 133 139
Parks and
229 233 237 242
Local Libraries 126 128 131 137
Other 1,805 1,819 1,853 1,857
Total* 11,715 11,885 12,147 12,408
Source: US Census Bureau (, and
The numbers may not add up to the total due to rounding.
Education, social services and public welfare,
transportation, public safety, environment and
housing, and general governmental administration
are the most important areas of county spending.
The United States Census Bureau reports that on
average counties spent approximately 14% of
revenues on education services, 11% on social
services and income maintenance, and 6% on
public safety.
Local Government Revenues
Counties receive revenue from a variety of sources. States provide general funding to counties. In
addition, counties collect taxes, including property taxes, sales taxes, individual income taxes, motor
vehicle taxes, real estate transfer taxes, cable television franchise taxes, and hotel/motel taxes.
State law dictates the tax that counties are allowed to levy. The property tax is the single most
important source of revenue for counties. Nearly half of the states allow their counties to collect
sales taxes, which is the second most important source of revenue for most counties. Individual
income taxes are collected by counties only in Indiana and Maryland.
Unit 6: Fiscal Policy
Section 6: Public Choice Theory
Public Choice
In this unit, we have learned about fiscal policy and the expenditures and revenues of the various
forms of government in the United States. The economic theory that studies the effectiveness of
government (public) spending and taxation and the behavior of politicians and legislators is called
public choice.
Public choice became popular after James
Buchanan and Gordon Tullock from George Mason
University published their The Calculus of Consent
in 1962 and it received widespread public
attention after James Buchanan won a Nobel Prize
in 1986 for his public choice research.
Government Failures
Due to the influence of John Maynard Keynes, the focus had been on "market failures" and what the
government could do to fix these. Public choice theorists pointed out that there are also
"government failures." Politicians are no different from private sector participants in that they are
motivated by their self-interest. Politicians' self-interest includes wanting to get re-elected during the
upcoming elections and a need for power and recognition. When voters are satisfied, politicians
generally will get re-elected. Voters are satisfied when their favorite programs are funded and when
tax rates are relatively low. But many voters are not aware of specific funding and programs and
laws, especially if they don't affect them. Some voters simply don't care about many laws and whom
they vote for, because they believe that their one vote will not decide the election outcome.
Special Interest Groups
Special interest groups are groups that have a lot to gain or to lose if a certain law gets passed or
doesn't get passed. For example, auto workers, trade unions, students, teachers, and senior citizens
are special interest groups. These groups have an incentive to know and to vote for a certain law or
government program, because it directly affects their incomes and their lives. For this reason,
politicians cater to special interest groups, even if the action hurts the economy in general. For
example, let's assume that a law (for example, the raising of tariffs and quotas) benefits 50,000
special interest group members (for example, workers in the auto industry). Let's say that if this law
is passed, each member gains $2,000. Then the total benefit to society is $100 million. Let's also say
that this law hurts consumers and exporters of U.S. products (because of protectionist retaliation by
other countries), and the cost is $100 per person. Multiplied by 2 million affected citizens, the total
cost to society is $200 million. Therefore, the total cost of $200 million outweighs the total benefit of
$100 million. From a macroeconomic point of view, the law should not get passed. However,
politicians will likely support the law, because the general population is probably not aware of the
law, whereas the special interest group is, and its members promise the politicians votes and
financial incentives if the law gets passed.
The flat tax system, as discussed in one of the previous sections in this unit, is probably beneficial to
the economy, because of its simplicity and the cost savings to the public due the decreased need for
accountants and government tax workers. However, the flat tax system will not likely ever be
passed, because the current progressive and complicated system is full of exceptions, exemptions,
and deductions favoring special interest groups. As mentioned, politicians benefit from catering to
these special interest groups, and eliminating this characteristic from the tax system is not in the
politician's best interest.
Politicians Favor the Short Run
A politician's term is usually four years, and elections for various positions are held every two years.
This is a relatively short period of time. Subsequently, politicians, in their focus to get re-elected, will
do what is best for the economy in the short run and not necessarily for the long run. A politician,
who has a choice of building a road that lasts 25 years, but costs a lot (raise taxes now), or building
a road that lasts 8 years (no need to raise taxes), will likely choose the latter. However, society will
pay more, in the long run. Most politicians have little incentive to cut long-run costs because it is not
their own money they are spending. They are spending other people's money.
Politicians Form Alliances
Politicians often work together with other politicians to pass projects that may not benefit the
economy as a whole. A politician from Florida may support a costly catastrophe insurance bill and
will ask politicians from the Midwest to support her/his measure, with the understanding that (s)he
will support their bills to subsidize farmers from the Midwest. This "log rolling" or "vote trading" is
common and leads to so called pork-barrel spending. This contributes to harmful and inflationary
government spending and taxation.
The Capture Theory
The "capture theory" states that regulators are "captured" by certain laws and by the people
affected by the laws. In order to become a regulator, the regulator has to be knowledgeable about
the industry that (s)he regulates. The regulator, therefore, has most likely worked in the industry and
still has a network of friends and acquaintances in the industry. Furthermore, the regulatory agency
is often funded by sources from the industry or by Congress, which is influenced by these industries.
Such interrelationships and conflicts of interest often lead to regulations and laws that are not in the
best interest of the country.
The Nature of Non-Profit Offices
Government (and other non-profit) offices submit a budget each fiscal year. The amount of money
allocated in each office's budget is often determined by the amount of funds spent in the previous
year. Subsequently, if toward the end of a fiscal year not all the funds are expended, the members of
the division will spend the funds, regardless of whether the money is spent wisely or not. This causes
a tremendous waste in resources and a level of taxation that is much higher than necessary.
Attempts to Correct Government Failures
Some economists have attempted to correct these "government failures." These attempts have
focused on incorporating more competition between government divisions. For example, transferring
some government services to local governments may help, because voters are more aware of what
their county governments do and what taxes they levy. This allows voters to vote with "their feet." If
they are not happy with the government services and taxes in their county, they will move to the
next county if that county is more efficient and more effective. Rodney Fort and John Baden have
suggested the creation of a "predatory bureau," which is rewarded by reducing the budgets of other
agencies. Other economists have encouraged charging individual citizens for otherwise free
government services. If people are charged for their services, they will be more motivated to
critically evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the service.
Unit 7: Inflation
What's in This Chapter?
Inflation is one of the most important economic factors influencing our nation's economic health. The
strong expansions of the past decades have been in great part due to the low inflation we have
experienced since the early 1980s. Low inflation means more price stability and more certainty for
businesses that their investments keep their value in the future. This increases incentives to invest
and produce.
Low inflation increases consumer and business confidence in the future value of the currency.
People, therefore, have more incentive to save. Greater savings leads to more available funds in the
financial markets. This leads to lower interest rates, which encourages increased businesses
expansions, investments, and innovations.
Low inflation relative to other countries' inflation rates, ceteris paribus, means low prices relative to
foreign goods. This makes our products more internationally competitive and increases our exports.
So what is the secret to avoiding inflation? The answer: Keep the nation's money supply constant or
nearly constant. Many people believe that in order to achieve economic growth, the money supply
needs to increase. This is a misconception. If the money supply remains constant, production and
productivity will rise, given a proper market environment with low inflation, low taxation, few
regulations, and a government that provides the essential services listed in the previous units. If the
money supply remains constant and production increases, the nation's average price level falls.
Contrary to popular belief, falling prices - as long as it is due to increasing aggregate supply - is a
healthy economic situation. Falling housing prices are beneficial as long as they are consistent and
caused by advancements in technology and cost improvements. As explained in this unit, banks
when faced with consistently falling housing prices will adjust their lending practices (for example,
require a bigger down payment).
When a nation's money supply remains constant relative to population growth, total nominal
income will remain constant. However, increased production means lower prices, so real incomes,
real wealth, and real profits increase. This unit elaborates on these ideas and shows that we can
have an expanding economy with falling prices and continuing prosperity, without artificial monetary
Unit 7: Inflation
Section 1: Inflation Rates Measures
Ways to Measure Inflation
Common indices to measure inflation include the Consumer Price Index (CPI), the Producer Price
Index (PPI), and the GDP Price Deflator.
The Consumer Price Index (CPI)
The most common measure of inflation is the CPI, or Consumer Price Index. This figure is a weighted
average of price increases of a typical basket of consumer products. The term "weighted" means
that price increases of products that are bought in large quantities increase the CPI more than
products that are not consumed as commonly. If the price of a commonly purchased product, such
as a movie theatre ticket, increases, it will have a greater impact on the CPI than if the price of an
infrequently purchased product, such as a bag of salt, increases.
The CPI also takes into account the price of the product. For example, a 10% increase in the price of
a car affects buyers more than a 10% increase in the price of a pack of bubblegum.
Government accountants at the Bureau of Labor Statistics include the following categories in the
representative "market basket" of consumer products for CPI calculation purposes: housing (41%),
transportation (17%), food and beverages (16%), medical care (6%), recreation (6%), apparel (4%),
and other (4%).
Please click HERE for a link to a web page from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This link contains
information on CPI changes from 1913 until present. From the table, we can see that, for example,
the CPI index number for January of 1985 is 105.5. The CPI for January of 1986 is 109.6. To calculate
the consumer price inflation rate between these two dates, we take
The difference in the index values/ the index value of the first year
In the above example:
(109.6 minus 105.5) / 105.5 =
4.1 / 105.5 =
.0388 or 3.89%.
The Producer Price Index
The Producer Price Index (PPI) is also a weighted index. It measures price changes of products that
businesses buy.
Please click HERE for a link to a Bureau of Labor Statistics web page with information and data on
the PPI. This link contains information about what is included in the PPI, how it is calculated, and time
series data. Click HERE for a table with changes in the PPI during the past several years. From the
table, we can see that, for example, producer prices increased by .3% during the month of April,
2009. It declined during the previous two months though.
The GDP Price Deflator
The GDP deflator measures price changes of all final goods and services. It is defined as nominal
GDP divided by real GDP. For example, if nominal GDP is $10,000, and real GDP is $9,500, then the
GDP price deflator is $10,000 divided by $9,500, or 1.05.
GDP deflator = nominal GDP / real GDP
In the above example:
GDP deflator = $10,000 / $9,500 =
A GDP deflator of 1.05 means that prices of all final goods and services during this year increased by
.05 (1.05 minus 1). Expressed as a percentage increase, we multiply the decimal by 100 and obtain
a GDP deflator value of 5% (100 times .05).
Problems with Inflation Measures
Calculating the numbers for the various inflation measures is not an exact science. The CPI and the
PPI are based on a fixed basket of goods and services. But how do you compare a price increase of a
product that did not exist several years ago? DVD players and Ipods are relatively recent
innovations. Furthermore, how do you evaluate a product's price increase if the quality of the
product has changed? Today's cell phones are different and can do much more than cell phones
from a decade ago.
As prices change, buyers' quantities purchased change. When gasoline prices increase, buyers may
change to more fuel efficient cars (smaller cars, or hybrids, or electric cars) or public transportation.
The index in the latter year will be overstated if the quantities purchased (in the basket to compute
the index) from a previous year are used.
Unit 7: Inflation
Section 2: The Cause of Inflation
Money Demand and Supply
In the long run, the value of money, like the price of any good, is determined by the demand and
supply of money in circulation. The following example illustrates this concept.
Problem: Let's say that the nation's money supply is $1,000 and that during a short, fixed period of
time, buyers spend all of this $1,000. Let's assume that production during this period is 10 units.
What will be the average price per unit if all 10 units are purchased during this period?
Solution: The average, equilibrium price will be $100 per unit. If the price is $100 and all 10 units are
purchased, then total spending will equal the amount of money in circulation (for simplicity, we will
assume that savings are zero). At a higher price, surpluses occur, because buyers don't have enough
money to buy all 10 units. At a lower price, shortages of the product occur. Surpluses and shortages
in the long run are not stable. They are corrected through price changes (see also Unit 2). A surplus
will make the price come down. A shortage will drive the price up. At equilibrium, the price is stable,
unless demand or supply change.
Problem: If the government increases the quantity of money in circulation (the money supply) by
$200, then the total amount of available spending during this period of time will increase to $1,200.
What will be the average price per unit?
Solution: Assuming no increase in production, the price level will rise to $120 per unit. This equates
to an inflation rate of 20%. Assuming a production increase to 11 units, the average price per unit
will be 1,200/11 = $109. This equates to an inflation rate of 9% relative to the initial level of $100 (or
8.6%, using the arc formula). As long as the money supply increases by a larger percentage than
production, the price level will rise.
Click here for more examples.
Does an Increase in the Money Supply Stimulate Production?
Many economists and politicians believe that a greater quantity of money in circulation is necessary
to stimulate production. The following example illustrates that this is not true and that production
can increase without an increase in the money supply.
What Stimulates Production Increases?
A business that advances its technology and improves its production processes lowers its cost of
production and increases its profits.
An increase in production without an increase in
the money supply will lower prices. In the above
example, if the money supply remains constant at
$1,000 and production increases to 11 products,
then the average price per unit is $90.90.
Critics argue that in the case of a constant money
supply, the total revenue of the producers
remains the same ($100 times 10 products is the
same as $90.90 times 11 products).
So do the producers really benefit from the technology and production improvement?
When looking at nominal terms, total revenue remains constant, so the answer is no. However, when
looking at real terms, the answer is yes. The lower average price level increases the purchasing
power of the total revenue. Revenue of $1,000 can buy more if average prices are $90.90 than if
average prices are $100.
Short Run versus Long Run
Let's assume that the government increases the money supply by printing additional money. This
additional money allows the federal government to increase its spending, for example on roads and
highways. This benefits all road and highway construction workers. Their incomes will increase. Also,
interest rates may decrease, as there is more money circulating in our banking system. These two
effects stimulate the economy in the short run. However, what happens in the long run, and how are
other groups in society affected? The increase in the money supply will decrease the value of money
and lower purchasing power of all economic groups. Higher prices on goods and services will make
people demand fewer goods and services, and will offset any earlier benefits from the road and
highway workers' increased purchasing power. Inflation also causes uncertainty, mal-investments
and higher long-run interest rates, which discourages production and harms the economy in the long
Monetary Policy in the United States
Even though prices could have been more stable or could have even decreased by keeping the
money supply constant, the United States economy has done relatively well during the past several
decades, in great part, because of relatively low inflation since the early 1980s.
Because of the recent financial crisis, financial institutions have been much more cautious about
making loans. This has slowed down borrowing and spending, and caused a slowdown in real GDP. In
an attempt to counter-act this, the Federal Reserve has injected large amounts of money into our
banking system and into our economy. This may temporarily stimulate the economy. However, when
the economy expands again and lending picks up, the money supply will be considerably larger. The
concern is that this will create high rates of inflation.
If the nation's money supply is not stable (too much money in circulation), and the value of money
decreases (inflation), then people will be more likely to spend it more quickly. If, for example, prices
double every week, people will spend their paychecks immediately. If they hold on to their money
until the end of the week, prices will be twice as high. This quicker turnover of the money supply
equates to an increase in velocity (see a more detailed explanation of this concept in Unit 9) and
makes it feel like there is even more money in circulation than there already is. The combination of
too much money in circulation and increased velocity often leads to what is called hyperinflation
(an extremely high rate of inflation) .
Fortunately, the United States has not experienced hyperinflation. The most well-known example of
hyperinflation is 1923 Germany, when prices doubled every two days and a loaf of bread cost
millions of Deutsch Marks. People literally used wheelbarrows to carry money on their way to the
bakery. Other examples of countries that experienced hyperinflation include Yugoslavia (1993),
Hungary (1945), Chile (1972 - 1974), and Argentina (1989).
Unit 7: Inflation
Section 3: Harmful Effects of Inflation
Long Run Consequences of Inflation
The following are six harmful consequences of inflation. Inflation causes
1. Higher interest rates.
Inflation leads to higher interest rates in the long run. Initially when the government increases the
money supply, the increased availability of money lowers interest rates. However, the higher
equilibrium prices and lower value of the money due to the increased money supply leads banks and
other financial institutions to raise rates in order to compensate for the loss of the purchasing power
of their funds. Higher long-term rates discourage business borrowing, which leads to less investment
in capital goods and technology.
2. Lower exports.
Higher prices of goods mean that other countries will find it less attractive to purchase our goods.
This will lead to a decline in exports and lower production and higher unemployment in our country.
3. Lower savings.
Inflation encourages consumption instead of saving. Higher prices induce people to purchase more
products now, before they become more expensive. They discourage people from saving, because
money saved for future use will have less value. Savings are needed to increase funds in the
financial markets. This allows businesses to borrow money for investments in capital goods and
technology. Increases in technology and capital goods create long-run economic growth. Inflation
leads to increased consumption, which discourages savings and slows down economic growth.
4. Mal-investments.
Inflation leads to mal-investments. When prices rise, the value of certain investments increases
faster than others. For example, prices of existing houses, land, gold, silver, other precious metals,
and antiques increase with higher rates of inflation. More money is invested in these assets than
other, more-productive assets during increasing inflation.
However, these assets are existing assets, and
investing in these assets does not increase our
nation's wealth and does not increase
employment. Instead of funds flowing into
ventures that produce additional wealth, it is
invested in assets that do not add to the
country's productive capacity. Investing in
productive and new business ventures is risky,
because of fluctuating inflation. An investor who
plans to invest $2 million in a new business
expects a certain rate of return. If inflation is, for
example, 12%, then the rate of return must be at
least this, lest the investor lose real income. If
the investor is concerned that (s)he cannot
return at least 12% on the investment, (s)he will
not start the new business.
In addition, while existing property owners may enjoy the increase in the value of their assets,
current buyers of property suffer. Current buyers pay for inflated land, houses, and other
commodities. Some workers who could afford to purchase a house ten or fifteen years ago can no
longer do so.
5. Inefficient government spending.
When the government finances its expenditures through the use of newly printed money, it acquires
these funds by simply collecting the profits the Federal Reserve System makes from the additionally
printed money. Experience shows that funds acquired for free are not as carefully and efficiently
spent as funds acquired through greater sacrifice. When the government acquires funds by raising
taxes, there is a certain degree of accountability. When the government acquires funds through
newly printed money, there is no accountability, until citizens become aware of the real cause of
6. Tax increases.
Higher prices lead to increases in taxes. Nominal (not real) incomes rise along with inflation and
push income earners into higher percentage tax brackets. Even though purchasing power does not
increase, a person pays a bigger chunk of her/his income to the government. Property taxes on
houses, land, and other real estate, increase, as well.
Unit 7: Inflation
Section 4: Are Falling Prices Harmful?
Effects of a Constant Money Supply
If no additional money is printed, the nominal value of spending in our economy remains constant.
The only long-run variable that then affects the price level is the total (aggregate) real supply of
products. Thus, if supply increases, prices decrease.
In the short run, it is possible that cost factors, such as the price of imported oil, or other raw
materials, cause prices to increase. However, experience teaches us that these factors fluctuate in
the short run only. It is unlikely that the prices of these resources experience sustained increases,
especially if the countries in which these resources are produced keep their money supply constant.
In fact, it is mathematically impossible for the overall price level in the world to increase if all
countries keep their money supply constant. If the demand for one product increases, the price of
this product can increase over time. However, given a constant money supply, this means that the
demand for other products will have to decrease. Thus, the overall price level must remain constant.
Only a decrease in aggregate supply can increase the overall price level. This is highly unlikely in
stable, free market economies that reward production and innovation.
Given our significant increases in productivity and aggregate supply, if the money supply had
remained constant during the past decades, prices would have fallen. Instead, due to increases in
the money supply, most industrialized countries have experienced increasing prices.
Concerns about Falling Prices
There is concern about falling prices, because of the association of falling prices with economic
depressions. Indeed, falling prices due to a stagnating economy are a bad symptom. However, falling
prices are desired if they fall due to production increases, and not demand decreases. Advances
in technology and lower costs of production enable businesses to lower prices. This allows everyone
to benefit, because real incomes and purchasing power increase. Lower prices do not mean lower
profits for businesses. The overall decrease in the price level occurs because businesses innovate,
experience advanced technologies, and face lower costs of production.
Some economists are concerned that falling prices and expectations of falling prices in the future
slow down current spending. They point at the housing market and notice that in 2008 and 2009
many people postponed their purchase of a house in the anticipation that the price would decrease
in the future. This can indeed be a concern, especially if the drop in prices is temporarily. However, if
prices decrease steadily (as they will do in a constant money supply system), this phenomenon will
disappear as people realize that they do not want to wait forever to buy something that they want
and need. Computers and other high-tech products, such as cell phones and I Pods, have fallen in
price for a prolonged period of time now. These industries have not suffered in sales.
Falling Prices and Increases in the Standard of Living
Andrew Bernstein in The Capitalist Manifesto (Bernstein A., 2005, p.105) describes (with credit to
T.S. Ashton, Henry and Rodney Dale, and Paul Johnson) how in the late eighteenth century many
prices declined as a result of innovations and technology advances.
"The results of such innovations were stupendous. In 1765, half a million pounds of cotton had been
spun, all by machine. In 1785, the powerful Watt and Boulton steam engines were first applied to
spinning by rollers, and in the 1790s steam power was used to drive the mules. Production increased
to the point that by 1812 the supply of cotton yarn was so enormous that its price had dropped to a
mere 10 percent of what it had been previously.
By the early 1860s the price of cotton cloth ... was less than 1 percent of what it had been in 1784,
when the industry was already mechanized. There is no previous instance in world history of the
price of the product in potentially universal demand coming down so fast. As a result, hundreds of
millions of people all over the world, were able to dress comfortably and cleanly at last."
See: Bernstein, A. (2005). The Capitalist Manifesto. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America,
Falling Prices and the Housing Market
Are falling prices in the housing market harmful? Experts warn us about this kind of "deflation" and
the harm it would cause to our our economy. They refer to the Great Depression and Japan as
examples of the harmful effects of deflation. Most experts believe that falling prices are harmful.
The experts are wrong.
Let's apply basic demand and supply theory to see why.
Prices fall either as a result of decreasing aggregate demand or increasing aggregate supply. A
decrease in aggregate demand is a sign that the economy is not doing well, and it is a symptom of
other underlying, structural problems. In this scenario, falling prices are necessary and beneficial to
help the economy and aid in its recovery. As prices fall and businesses do some belt-tightening,
buyers can afford to purchase more products, and this will increase quantity demanded and
Prices can also fall as a result of increasing aggregate supply (technology advances, etc.). As
aggregate supply increases, ceteris paribus (all else remaining constant, including our money
supply), the average price level falls. Here prices fall not because the economy is doing poorly, but
because our advancing technology and improving work habits create more products, thus lowering
the price level.
In the latter case, prices only fall if a nation's central banking system doesn't increase its money
supply, or doesn't increase it very much. If, for example, the money supply increases by 6%, and our
aggregate supply increases by 2%, then, ceteris paribus, prices will likely rise. If the the money
supply remains constant and aggregate supply increases, then prices fall.
Does the Fed have to increase our money supply in order to stimulate our economy and increase
aggregate supply? Some people, including most Fed governors, believe this to be true. However, this
is a misconception. Aggregate supply increases because businesses are naturally innovative and will
look for better ways to produce in order to reduce costs and increase profits, regardless of money
supply increases. Let's study this in more detail.
In a constant money supply economy, by definition and by mathematical necessity, the average
nominal (dollar value) amount of business profits remains the same. However, real (the purchasing
power of) profits increase (due to falling prices).
In the short run, a business that develops a cost-saving production technology will experience
increased production, lower costs and therefore higher nominal and real profits. In the long run, in a
constant money supply economy, the competition copies the cost-saving technology and aggregate
production increases significantly. This lowers prices so that nominal profits of all firms decrease and
approach the pre-innovation amount. However (and this is the key), because of lower prices, real
profits of all firms increase.
The following is a numerical example in a simplified economy that proves this. Assume a money
supply of $100 and twenty firms that produce an aggregate supply of a total of 20 products (each
firm produces one product). Consequently, the average price level is $5 (natural equilibrium). If five
innovative producers double their production, aggregate supply increases to 25, and the average
price level falls to $4. The innovative producers' revenue increases from $5 to $8. Depending on the
cost of the innovation, their profits increase as well. It is highly likely that their real profits increase
because the average price level in the economy is falling (from $5 to $4). In the long run, if
competing firms copy the innovation, the innovate firms still benefit. Aggregate supply increases to
40 (production of all producers doubles), so the average price level falls to $2.50. Each producer's
revenue averages $5 (same as before the innovation), but $5 now buys twice as many products
because average prices are cut in half. In a constant money supply economy, everyone's nominal
revenue remains constant, but real revenue doubles.
People, including our best scholars and our Fed governors, forget that wealth depends on real
income and not nominal income. If I tell you that I'll happily accept working for a $1 annual salary,
you would declare me insane. But if at the same time a house is priced at a quarter and a car at a
nickel, then you'd begin to understand.
Given our ever increasing production (on average at least 2 3% each year), prices should be falling.
Falling prices will also mean significantly lower prices of real estate, including houses. And, unlike
what you read in many newspapers and journals, this is a good thing, as I will explain below.
Why does the Fed keep telling us that we need inflation of 2% or more each year? It must honestly
believe that increasing the money supply helps the economy grow. Or perhaps our government likes
the extra income from the billions of dollars of newly printed money. Or perhaps it means well, but it
just doesn't know any better.
Consistently and predictably falling prices in the housing market are not harmful to the economy.
Look at the computer market. Prices of computers have been falling for decades now, and the
market for computers is as strong as ever. The conventional thought is that if buyers or potential
buyers expect prices to fall in the future, they will wait to buy the product until the price is lower,
say, in 6 months. But why is this not happening in the market for computers and other high tech
products? The answer is that if prices fall consistently, the buyers' psychology changes. Since
consumers know that prices are always falling, they will not wait for a lower price or else they will
never buy anything, ever. For the same reason, buyers of houses will not postpone their decision to
buy a house if they know that prices of houses fall consistently.
Aren't falling prices in the housing market bad for banks? The answer is: not necessarily. But a bank
should ask for a sound down payment (at least 10%) from the borrower, or a payment plan that
makes sure that the borrower's equity is always positive. For example, if prices fall 2% each year,
and the borrower's contribution towards the loan principal is 3% each year, then equity rises by 1%;
the borrower is never underwater and the bank is always covered. But this is common sense
anyway, and these principles should be applied even in our current mostly inflationary climate. It
would have prevented the recent housing crisis!
Inflation, even at low levels, is harmful to our macro economy . It increases interest rates,
discourages savings, lowers our exports, lowers the value of our dollar relative to other currencies,
and creates mal-investments because people invest in gold and other precious metals, antiques,
existing real estate, etc. instead of productive endeavors instead of investing in new production.
Inflation hurts consumers. An inflation rate of 3% is equivalent to putting an additional sales tax of
3% on all products. Sales taxes are especially harmful to the poor because sales taxes are
regressive. Keeping the money supply constant and allowing prices to fall accomplishes the
opposite; it helps every consumer and especially poor households. Forget having to raise our
minimum wage. Real wage increases each year due to falling prices. Falling prices give people
instant and continuous increases in their real incomes. It's like the government giving everyone 2 -
3% back on their purchases each year (assuming a typical aggregate production growth of 2 3%).
The beautiful thing about falling prices for computers is that nearly everyone can afford one now or
at least use one (in schools, libraries, etc.). What an opportunity this creates for our society,
including many poor households, if we could make everything affordable like this.
But doesn't the Fed need to manipulate the economy in case of economic emergencies, as Keynes
recommended? The Fed certainly loves this kind of control. But ask yourself what the reason is for
the seeming necessity of this manipulation. Nearly all of our economic emergencies were caused by
borrowing bubbles and monetary excesses by the Fed. In other words, the Fed is always putting out
its own fires. A constant money supply make these bubbles impossible, and therefore, greatly
diminishes if not eliminates the need for any Fed manipulation.
An increase in the money supply may help the economy in the short run (by increasing liquidity and
lowering interest rates temporarily), but it invariably causes more problems in the long run (by
increasing inflation and increasing interest rates) just the same as a drug addict feels good after his
artificial stimulation. But in the long run he will ruin his life.
Doesn't it make sense to stick to the fundamentals in maintaining happiness in our personal lives?
Eat well, exercise daily, learn skills, invest wisely, diversify, build sound relationships, be true,
honest, etc. Our economy is no different. Instead of artificial and inflationary stimulation, we need
fundamental and essential ingredients for a healthy economy: protection of private property, a
sound, non-discriminating and honest legal system, opportunities and incentives for people to work
hard, innovate and accumulate wealth (keep taxes and regulations limited), and a constant money
supply which promotes increases in, not nominal, but real incomes.
Unit 7: Inflation
Section 5: The Gold Standard
Characteristics of a Gold Standard System
A gold standard is a system in which a certain fixed amount of a country's currency is legally
exchangeable for gold. Because the ratio of gold to the money supply is fixed, the quantity of money
can only grow as much as the supply of gold is growing. Because of the difficulty of mining and
acquiring gold, gold supply growth is typically limited to 1 or 2% per year. If the government adheres
to a pure gold standard, the money would grow by only 1 or 2%, as well.
Properly implementing a pure gold standard provides a better guarantee that inflation remains low
or non-existent for many years to come. It is, therefore, a step in the right direction, compared to the
system we currently have.
According to Andrew Bernstein (The Capitalist Manifesto, Bernstein A., 2005, p. 374):
"An international gold standard is mankind's primary protection against arbitrary expansion of the
money supply by the politicians. Because gold is relatively rare in nature, and its mining generally
involves laborious and expensive work, the money supply grows only gradually. The technological
progress of free men leads to an increase in the supply of goods that generally exceeds the increase
in the supply of gold."
George Reisman in Capitalism notes that "the result would be that prices would show a tendency to
fall from year to year ...this is actually what happened in the nineteenth century, in the generation
preceding the discovery of the California gold fields, and again, in the generation from 1873 to 1896,
that is, during the Inventive Period." (Capitalism, Reisman, p. 107)
A gold standard has its disadvantages. We don't always have total control over the supply of gold in
the world. Occasionally, the supply of gold varies by more than 1 or 2%. During these years, we may
experience instability. Sometimes, countries manipulate the supply of gold to try to create unnatural
swings in the price of gold.
In an ideal world, we do not need a gold standard. If the Federal Reserve is disciplined, on its own, to
keep the money supply constant, we will accomplish the same goals as being on a gold standard,
without the disadvantages of the occasional instability that accompanies a gold standard. The only
fluctuations in the value of the money we will experience will be due to free market fluctuations in
money demand and supply. However, they are generally short-lived in nature.
Benefits of a Constant Money Supply System
A constant (invariable) money supply system is one in which the Federal Reserve or the central bank
of a country holds the money supply constant at all times. This is desirable because it eliminates the
disadvantages associated with inflation. A constant money supply does not discourage spending or
production. We do not need to increase our money supply in order to encourage production. Greater
production takes place because people have a natural human tendency to work and produce in order
to satisfy basic human needs (food and shelter) and to progress and better themselves. Increased
production leads to increased purchasing power. Increased purchasing power leads to increased
wealth, a more comfortable lifestyle, more leisure time, and a higher overall standard of living.
In the above section, we make the assumptions that hard work and innovation are rewarded and
lead to economic growth, even if the money supply stays constant. You may note that in some
countries there is very little economic activity and no economic growth, and that this would not
change even in a constant money supply system. Keep in mind that a constant money supply is a
condition for improved economic health. However, other conditions must be met, as well. These
conditions are listed and described in Section 3 of Unit 1 (protection of private property, elimination
of corruption, etc.).
If these conditions are met, workers,
entrepreneurs, and innovators always have
incentives to innovate and become more
productive. A constant money supply leads to
lower prices and higher real wages. It helps create
a healthy economic climate because people will
have security about the value of their investments
(money doesn't lose value; rather, it gains value)
and have the greatest incentive to save and
reinvest their funds in new capital goods. They
need not worry about erosion of the value of their
future profits. Instead, they can look forward to
further increases in their purchasing power and
their standard of living.
See: Bernstein, A. (2005). The Capitalist Manifesto. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America,
See: Reisman, G. (1996). Capitalism: A Treatise on Economics. Ottawa, IL: Jameson Books.
Unit 8: Federal Budget Policies
What's in This Chapter?
What is the difference between a federal budget deficit and a national debt? This unit defines and
discusses each concept, and describes the relationship between the deficit and the debt.
The national debt has been the subject of many controversies in recent years. Due to the influence
of John Maynard Keynes, countries became more comfortable running deficits during and after the
Great Depression. Keynes recommended for governments to run deficits during recessions, and
surpluses during expansions. Most countries' central governments have run deficits nearly every
fiscal year, even during expansions. The national debt in many countries has skyrocketed as a result
of the recession that began in 2008.
Some people are not concerned about debts and deficits. Others are. How important is it to balance
the budget each year?
Unit 8: Federal Budget Policies
Section 1: The United States Federal Budget
Deficits and Surpluses
A government incurs a budget deficit when it spends more than it receives. For example, if a
government spends $3,800 billion and it receives $2,200 billion from tax revenue and other sources,
it incurs a deficit of $1,600 billion.
A government runs a budget surplus when it receives more than it spends. For example, if a
government spends $3,600 billion and receives $3,700 billion in revenue, it runs a surplus of $100
For up-to-date statistics on recent United States deficits and surpluses, please click HERE, and then
click on the link for the budget figures.
A budget deficit is often confused with a nation's national debt. A deficit (or surplus) is a yearly
figure, whereas a debt represents the accumulation of all past deficits (and surpluses). Debt trends
are covered in Sections 2 and 3 of this unit.
The Clinton Surpluses
Since the 1930s, budget deficits have occurred much more frequently than budget surpluses. After
World War II, only in 1969 and during the latter years (1998 through 2000) of the Clinton
administration did the United States experience budget surpluses. Deficits turn into surpluses when
either government spending decreases or government revenue increases, or both happen. During
the Clinton administration, federal government spending continued to increase. However, tax
revenue increased even more, primarily due to strong economic growth. Economic growth results in
higher incomes and more jobs. This increases the tax base (more people earning more income).
Strong economic growth in the 1980s, 1990s, and recently (until the sub-prime mortgage crisis in the
United States) in industrialized countries has been due in great part due to the following:
1. Low inflation.
From the early 1980s through the first quarter of 2008, the central banks of most countries kept the
country's money stock more restrictive, thus limiting inflation. Low inflation also allows long-term
interest rates to remain low. Low interest rates stimulate business investments as well as consumer
purchases of durable goods.
2. Capitalism and advancing technology.
An economic system that encourages and rewards innovation and technology advances of small and
large businesses, entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, universities, and other research oriented
organizations contributes to economic growth.
The Recent Record Deficits
For a brief period of time, around the time of the September 11, 2001, events, the economies of the
industrialized countries around the world stagnated. This economic slowdown decreased government
tax revenue in most countries. Furthermore, spending increased on defense, homeland security, and
domestic programs, such as Social Security and health assistance. The decreases in revenues and
increases in government spending led to significant deficits during recent years. In the United States,
increased government spending, primarily due to increased spending on the wars in Iraq and
Afhanistan, homeland security, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, bailout funds and stimulus
packages have contributed to even larger deficits. In 2011, the United States is expected to incur a
deficit of nearly $1,600 billion.
Budget Deficits and Surpluses as a Percentage of Gross Domestic Product
Below is a table with data on United States budget deficits and surpluses in billions of dollars from
1980 through 2009. Deficits are expected to be a serious problem in the future, as the recession is
slowing tax revenue and government spending rises. Net interest payments on the debt will rise with
growing deficits. Spending on defense and homeland security will remain high. An additional problem
is that as more and more baby-boomers (the first ones retired in 2008) elect to draw from Social
Security, this program will soon see its surpluses turn into deficits. Furthermore, the Obama
administration plans to expand health care coverage for many uninsured. This will add significant
expenses to our government's budget.
Year Deficits (numbers with a minus sign)
and Surpluses (numbers without a
minus sign) in Billions of Dollars
1980 -74
1981 -79
1982 -128
1983 -208
1984 -185
1985 -212
1986 -221
1987 -150
1988 -155
1989 -153
1990 -221
1991 -269
1992 -290
1993 -255
1994 -203
1995 -163
1996 -107
1997 -21
1998 69
1999 126
2000 236
2001 128
2002 -158
2003 -378
2004 -413
2005 -318
2006 -248
2007 -161
2008 -459
2009 -1.413
2010 -1,293
Source: Office of Management and Budget, 2011
Unit 8: Federal Budget Policies
Section 2: United States National Debt
National Debt Definition
The national debt is the sum of all deficits minus the sum of all surpluses from this and previous
years. The more we borrow each year, the more our debt rises.
Example of a National Debt Calculation
If, hypothetically, a country is running a deficit in year 1 of $250 billion, in year 2 of $300 billion, in
year 3 of $200 billion, and in year 4, a surplus of $100 billion, then (assuming no other deficits or
surpluses) the country's total national debt is
$250 + $300 + $200 -$100 = $650 billion
United States National Debt Data
In the United States, at the beginning of the Reagan administration in 1980, the national debt was
"only" $930 billion (see table below). It then grew to $2,600 billion by the end of his administration in
1988, an almost three-fold increase. It has continued to increase thereafter at a rapid pace during
most years. Currently, in the United States, the increasing burden of the Social Security program,
rising costs of medical programs, defense-related spending, and stimulus and bailout packages are
putting a strain on the government's purse. In 2011, the debt exceeded $14 trillion dollars. In 2012,
it is expected to surpass $15 trillion. For an up-to-the-minute account of our national debt, please
click here: US National Debt Clock.
For a table with United States National Debt figures for selected years since 1945, see below. This
table also includes the debt as a percentage of the size of our economy (as measured by nominal
GDP). The percentage has fluctuated from a World War II (1945) high of 116% to a post-World War II
low of 33% (1980).
Year National Debt (rounded to the nearest
billion dollar - December 31).
Nominal GDP
(rounded to the nearest billion dollar)
National Debt as a Percentage of Nominal GDP
(rounded to the nearest whole number)
1945 259 223 116
1950 257 294 87
1960 290 526 55
1970 389 1,039 37
1980 930 2,790 33
1985 1,946 4,220 46
1990 3,233 5,803 56
1995 4,974 7,398 67
2000 5,674 9,817 58
2001 5,807 10,128 57
2002 6,288 10,470 60
2003 6,783 10,961 62
2004 7,379 11,713 63
2005 7,933 12,455 64
2006 8,420 13,398 65
2007 9,008 14,062 65
2008 9,353 14,369 70
2009 12,816 14,119 90
2010 14,025 14,660 96
2011 14,950 (projected) 14,953 100
National Debt Source: U.S. Treasury Department. For a direct link, please click HERE.
Nominal GDP Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Interest on the Debt
When a country borrows money from its citizens and from foreign investors, it pays interest each
year to them. The interest is similar to a finance charge you pay on a credit card balance if you don't
pay it off at the end of the month. Below is a table with United States federal government total
interest expenses in selected years (this figure does not include interest the federal government
receives on its own investments). In some years, the total debt increases, while the total interest
expense decreases, and vice versa. This is due to interest rate fluctuations. During years when
market interest rates are lower, the government can finance its debt at more favorable conditions.
Year Total Interest Expense (rounded to the nearest billion
dollar, as per fiscal year end)
1990 265
1995 332
2000 361
2001 359
2002 332
2003 318
2004 321
2005 352
2006 406
2007 430
2008 451
2009 383
2010 414
Source: U.S. Treasury Department (
Unit 8: Federal Budget Policies
Section 3: Debts around the World
The Debt as a Percentage of Gross Domestic Product
How does the United States debt compare to that of other countries? Below is a table with debt data
from selected countries around the world. Note that the public debt is shown. This is different from
the overall debt. The public debt only includes debt to the public (households and businesses) and
excludes intergovernmental debt.
The table shows that the public debt as a
percentage of nominal GDP in the United States is
close to the average relative to the public debt of
other industrialized countries. Countries such as
the China, South Korea, Russia, and Algeria have
lower-percentage debts. Italy, Japan, Singapore,
Israel, India, and Egypt have higher-percentage
debts. South Korea, Sweden, and the United
Kingdom have percentage debts that are close to
that of the United States. In a complete list of 126
countries, the United States ranks 65th. In this
list, Japan has the highest public debt (nearly
200% in 2007) as a percentage of its GDP.
Of the countries listed below, 17 countries (63%)
decreased their public debt percentage from 2005
to 2007, 8 countries (30%) increased their public
debt percentage, and for 2 countries (7%) it
remained the same.
Country Fiscal Year 2005 Public
Debt as a Percentage of
nominal GDP
(rounded to the nearest
whole number)
Fiscal Year 2007 Public
Debt as a Percentage of
nominal GDP
(rounded to the nearest
whole number)
Fiscal Year 2008 Public
Debt as a Percentage of
nominal GDP
United States 36 37 70.0
Algeria 30 10 13.80
Brazil 52 44 40.70
Canada 70 64 62.30
China 24 19 15.70
Egypt 105 105 84.70
France 66 67 67.00
Germany 67 65 62.60
Hong Kong 2 10 14.50
India 54 59 78.00
Iran 29 23 25.00
Israel 100 82 75.70
Italy 109 106 103.70
Japan 158 194 170.40
Korea (South) 20 33 32.70
Mexico 17 23 20.30
Netherlands 53 48 43.00
Pakistan 54 54 49.80
Russia 13 7 6.80
Saudi Arabia 44 23 13.50
Singapore 103 101 113.70
South Africa 36 28 29.90
Sweden 50 42 36.50
Taiwan 34 31 30.90
Turkey 68 58 37.10
United Kingdom 41 43 47.20
Venezuela 34 27 17.40
Source: CIA World Fact Book. For a direct link, please click HERE.
Unit 8: Federal Budget Policies
Section 4: Deficit Financing
Financing Methods
Most governments finance deficits through
1. Borrowing funds from the public.
In the United States and other industrialized countries, this is the method through which
governments finance the lion's share of their deficit. Governments borrow funds from the public
(households, businesses, and foreign investors) by issuing government bonds (long-term IOUs),
notes (intermediate-term IOUs), and bills (short-term IOUs). These are nothing more than loans made
by people or businesses to the government. You may have some government bonds of your own,
and perhaps your pension fund or insurance company or financial institution has invested in
government bonds. If so, you have loaned money to the government and are helping to finance the
debt. This is not inflationary, because it constitutes a transfer of money from one economic group
(households and businesses) to another (the government). However, it does decrease the availability
of funds to the private sector. This is called "crowding out." It leads to a decrease in private-sector
spending and a decrease in private investments and economic growth. Crowding out usually raises
interest rates beyond what they would be without government borrowing.
2. Federal Reserve System financing.
The Federal Reserve System (the Fed) buys and sells billions of dollars in government bonds from
the public each day. Recently, during the financial crisis, the Fed also purchased mortgage securities
from the private markets. In Unit 9 we learn that this is called Open Market Operations, and that the
Fed does this to inject funds into (or, if the Fed sells, withdraw from) the financial markets. This
causes a change in the money supply. Mostly, the Fed buys securities from the public, and in this
way, it indirectly finances government spending. The public buys securities from the Treasury. The
Fed buys securities from the public. Thus, indirectly, the Fed buys securities from the Treasury. This
method of deficit financing is inflationary because the Fed pays for the securities with newly printed
Unit 8: Federal Budget Policies
Section 5: Budget Philosophies
Three Budget Philosophies
Economists have varying opinions about how a government budget should be managed. The three
most common budget philosophies are
1. The Annually Balanced Budget.
A government annually balances its budget when, within one fiscal year, expenditures equal
revenues. Most states, counties, and municipalities in the United States are required by law to
balance their budgets. The United States federal government is not required to balance its budget.
Attempts have been made to pass a constitutional amendment to balance the federal government's
budget. These attempts have failed primarily because of the Keynesian belief that the federal
government needs to incur deficits in order to stimulate the economy during economic recessions.
Classical economists believe that governments should balance their budgets each year. Some
economists would even like to go beyond merely balancing our budget. They propose that
governments should incur surpluses and set aside funds "for a rainy day" during healthy economic
times. If the economy experiences a downturn, the surplus money should be used to finance
essential government programs, without having to raise taxes and without causing the
disadvantages of deficits mentioned at the bottom of this section.
2. The Cyclically Balanced Budget.
A government cyclically balances its budget when, within the course of one business cycle,
expenditures equal revenues. A business cycle consists of one expansion followed by a recession.
Keynes proposed that the government should increase its expenditures and decrease its taxes
during recessions in order to create jobs and provide people with more expendable money.
Conversely, he recommended that a government should incur a surplus during economic
Critics of the cyclically balanced budget theory claim that politicians rarely manage to incur
surpluses because it requires decreasing government spending or increasing taxes. In particular,
politicians are reluctant to decrease spending, because taking away funds from programs and
departments is not a popular thing to do.
3. Functional Finance.
Proponents of this theory believe that government budget deficits and national debts do not harm
the economy. Full employment is the main objective, and if it is achieved, a national debt is a
worthwhile sacrifice. Judging from the national debt data in Section 3, this appears to be the
approach taken by administrations of industrialized countries. In the United States, federal budget
surpluses have occurred only an average of one in twenty years during the past six decades.
Disadvantages of Debts and Deficits
While running deficits and incurring debts may have a stimulating effect on the economy in the short
term, it has the following disadvantages in the long term:
1. Deficits cause higher interest rates.
When the government incurs a deficit, it borrows money from the private sector. A decrease in
private sector fund availability increases interest rates.
2. Deficits, if financed by increases in the money supply, lead to higher inflation.
The Federal Reserve System, through Open Market Operations (see Unit 9) purchases bonds from
the public with newly printed money. The public purchases these bonds from the Treasury.
Indirectly, therefore, the Federal Reserve System finances the national debt. Putting newly printed
money into circulation with the public is inflationary.
3. Deficits cause higher taxes in the future.
Unless government spending decreases (which has proven to be a challenging task for any
government), taxes will need to increase if in the future an attempt is made to pay down the
national debt. Even if the national debt is never paid off, the increasing interest payments on the
national debt cause government spending and taxes to be higher as compared to a situation with
little or no national debt.
Unit 9: Functions of Money
What's in This Chapter?
Is money the root of all evil? Should we eliminate money? If we eliminate money, will all evil
disappear? If the answer is no, then money must not be the root of all evil. If we eliminate money,
what economic consequences will this have? What are the functions of money? These questions,
among others, are answered in this unit.
Nearly every country or region in the world has a central bank. The most important roles of a central
bank are to supervise a nation's banking system and to control its money supply. Sections 3 and 4
discuss the role of the central banks and the Federal Reserve (the Fed) System in the United States.
The Federal Reserve Board is in charge of our country's monetary policy. It acts independently from
Congress and the White House. United States citizens do not elect Federal Reserve Board governors.
They are appointed by the President, and then approved by the Senate. The disadvantage is that the
Fed governors are not directly accountable to the voters. The advantage is, however, that unlike
politicians, Federal Reserve Board governors can act independently of what may be the popular
thing to do. They can, therefore, concentrate on long-run policies.
The Federal Open Market Committee is the day-to-day decision-making committee of the Federal
Reserve System. Financial markets around the world closely follow every step the FOMC makes. In
addition to controlling the money supply, it serves many other functions, which are explained in this
unit. During the past two decades, the Fed has done an admirable job of restricting the growth in the
money supply. Consequently, inflation has remained low in the United States.
Fractional reserve banking, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, velocity and the quantity
theory of money are discussed in the last sections of this unit.
Unit 9: Functions of Money
Section 1: Functions of Money
Is Money the Root of All Evil?
Is money (or the love of money) the root of all evil? Some people claim this to be true. Would people
still commit crimes in an economy without money? The answer is "yes". Instead of stealing money,
people would then steal things. Money probably makes it easier to commit crimes, but most people
would agree that even without money, it's human nature and not money itself that encourages some
people to engage in evil acts.
An Economy without Money
Money has existed in many different forms throughout human history: salt, tobacco leaves,
cigarettes, gold, and silver. Today it includes coins, paper bills, and electronic entries. Can an
economy exist without money?
In a barter economy, goods and services are directly traded for other goods and services, and no
money is used. It is possible for such an economy to exist. However, trading is inconvenient and
time-consuming, because buyers and sellers face double coincidences of wants. For example, let's
say that you are a sandal-maker and you would like to buy milk. In order to trade, you would need to
find a person who not only sells milk, but also wants to buy sandals. Then if you find such a person,
you will need to negotiate how many bottles of milk equals one pair of sandals.
With money present, you simply sell your sandals
to anyone who wants sandals and receive money
in exchange. Then with your money you find
anyone who wants to sell you milk at the going
equilibrium price. Money makes trading more
convenient. More trading allows us to increase our
specialization. Greater specialization increases our
standard of living.
The Functions of Money
Money serves three important functions. Money is a
1. Medium of exchange.
Money allows you to exchange any product for money. Then with this money you can buy any other
product. Thus, money makes it easier, more convenient, and less time-consuming to trade.
2. Standard of value.
Without money, it is more difficult to reach an
agreement regarding the terms of trade. How
many oranges are worth one banana? A money
system allows us to put values on the goods and
services we buy and sell. If an orange sells for $1
in the grocery store and a banana for $.50, then 1
orange is worth 2 bananas.
3. Store of value.
By exchanging goods and services for money, you
can accumulate money and increase your wealth.
If you are dairy farmer, you can sell your milk and
butter each season for money, deposit it in a
bank, and save it for future use.
Unit 9: Functions of Money
Section 2: Money Supply Measures
Money in Circulation
In the United States, the Federal Reserve System
and its twelve central banks are responsible for
the circulation of money. In most other countries,
a single central bank controls the amount of
money in circulation. In Europe, the European
System of Central Banks controls the money
supply for the countries that belong to the
European Union. In this unit, we will discuss the
most common measures of our money supply,
which include the Monetary Base, M-1, M-2, and
The Monetary Base
The Monetary Base, or so-called high powered money, includes bank reserves plus currency in
the hands of the non-bank public. Bank reserves are funds held by banks and are not in circulation
with the public. Bank reserves include physical or electronically recorded cash balances held by
banks. Currency consists of banknotes (paper money) issued through the Federal Reserve, and coins
minted by the United States Mint (part of the United States Treasury).
The monetary base is not the same as what economists refer to as the money supply. The monetary
base includes funds held by banks. This money does not necessarily get spent on the purchases of
goods and services (especially if the money does not get loaned out) and therefore does not
necessarily affect economic activity. The money supply measures described in the next paragraph
more directly affect economic activity, because they include funds held by the public (households
and non-bank businesses). There are three money supply measures; the first two are most
commonly monitored and manipulated by the Federal Reserve for policy decision-making purposes.
Official United States Money Supply Measures
The three official money supply measures in the United States are
1. M-1.
M-1 includes all coins and currency in circulation with the public + money in checking or transactions
accounts (demand deposits, NOW accounts, and other checkable deposits) + traveler's checks and
money orders.
A characteristic of M-1 is that it includes money, which you can easily use to purchase goods and
services. It, therefore, directly affects economic activity. Credit card payments and balances are not
included in M-1. When you pay by credit card, you are borrowing money, and not actually paying for
the item you purchased. The money from your transactions account that you use to pay your credit
card balance (or part of it) at the end of each month is included in M-1. The amount of money in M-1
has increased from $140 billion in1960 to more than $1,950 billion in 2011.
2. M-2.
M-2 includes everything in M-1 + savings deposits (amounts less than $100,000) + money market
mutual funds + money market deposit accounts + other short-term money market investments.
Government policy-makers have shifted their focus on M-2 instead of M-1 for monetary policy
decision-making. The deregulation of the banking industry has made the components in M-2 more
liquid, and more people use funds within M-2 to purchase goods and services. M-2 has increased
from approximately $300 billion in 1960 to more than $9,100 billion in 2011.
3. M-3.
M-3 includes everything in M-2 + Large Time Deposits + Repurchase Agreement (RPs) + Eurodollars
+ Institution-held Money Market Mutual Funds.
Large time deposits are savings accounts with more than $100,000 in each account. Repurchase
agreements are forms of savings with collateral (using Treasury securities) backing the loan.
Eurodollars are dollar-denominated savings in foreign banks. Institution-held money market mutual
funds are savings accounts with a high interest rate held by financial institutions, retirement
companies, and insurance companies. The additional forms of money in M-3 are less liquid (not
easily exchanged for cash) than the forms of money in M-1 and M-2. M-3 statistics are not followed
as closely by economists as M-1 and M-2. Consequently, the Federal Reserve has recently stopped
publishing data on M-3.
For historical and up-to-date information on the above-mentioned money measures, please click
Unit 9: Functions of Money
Section 3: The United States Banking System
The Federal Reserve System
The Federal Reserve (the Fed) System in the
United States is a system of federal overseeing
agencies, committees, and banks. The system
was created in 1913, and its original purpose was
for the Fed to be the lender of last resort for banks
that needed financial assistance. This is still an
important function of the Fed. For example, when
our stock markets decline considerably or our
banks face bankruptcies, the Fed can intervene by
making more than the usual amounts of funds
available for banks. This allows for more
borrowing and provides confidence to investors
that the market dip will be short-lasting.
The Fed Board and the FOMC
At the head of the Fed is the Federal Reserve Board. It consists of seven "governors." These
governors, formerly chaired by the well-known Alan Greenspan, and now chaired by Ben Bernanke,
are appointed by the United States President and approved by the Senate for a period of 14 years.
One new member gets appointed every two years. For an up-to-date list of all Federal Reserve Board
members, please click HERE. The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) consists of the seven
board governors, as well as five central bank presidents. For more information about the FOMC,
please click HERE.
Three committees advise the Federal Reserve Board: the Consumer Advisory Council, the Federal
Advisory Council, and the Thrift Institutions Advisory Council. For information about these advisory
committees, please click HERE.
The Federal Reserve Board, in conjunction with the Federal Open Market Committee, acts
independently from Congress and the White House. The chairperson testifies before Congress, but
decisions do not have to be approved by politicians.
To learn more about the Federal Reserve System, you can visit the Federal Reserve System website
at .
The United States Central Banks
The United States banking system includes 12 Federal Reserve central banks and 25 branch banks.
For a listing and map of these federal banks, please click HERE. The Federal Reserve oversees
thousands of commercial banks, savings banks, and other financial institution in the United States.
Economists at the central banks are responsible for providing reserves to member banks,
supervising member banks, clearing checks and gathering statistics, and doing research to help
governments and businesses in their economic decision-making.
The European Central Bank
Next to the central banks in the United States, the European Central Bank is the most powerful
government bank in the world. The formation of the European Union led to 12 European countries
agreeing on a single, common monetary policy, as well as a single currency (the Euro) for these
countries. In charge of the monetary policy for these countries, the European Central Bank serves a
role similar to that of the Federal Reserve in the United States. For a website link and more
information about this powerful bank, please click HERE.
When we discuss the functions and tools of the Federal Reserve in this unit, keep in mind that these
are similar for central banks of other countries.
Unit 9: Functions of Money
Section 4: Federal Reserve Tools to Change the Money
The Federal Funds Rate
The Federal Reserve's objective is to achieve a certain level of reserves (loanable funds) in the
banking system in order to achieve low levels of inflation, low interest rates, and a growing
economy. Beginning in 1995, it began targeting the Federal Funds rate. The federal funds rate is the
interest rate that banks charge each other on overnight loans. The Fed uses this rate as a barometer
of what the Fed thinks is the proper amount of reserves in the banking system in order to achieve
the optimal growth rate for the country. For more information about the Federal Funds rate, please
click here.
Federal Reserve Tools to Affect the Money Supply
The Federal Reserve System attempts to change the Federal Funds rate by changing bank reserves,
and, thus, our nation's money supply. It does so by way of the following three tools.
1. Open Market Operations.
Open Market Operations is the most important and most frequently used of the three tools. Open
Market Operations is the Fed's activity of buying and selling U.S. Treasury and federal agency
securities. Securities include bonds, notes, and bills. All three are "IOUs," or proof that someone has
lent money. They can be actual certificates or computer entries. The difference between the three
securities is the maturity period (the number of years after which the lender agrees to pay back the
loan). Bonds mature between 10 and 30 years; notes mature between 1 and 10 years; and bills
mature within 1 year. Most of the time, the interest rate, which lenders receive, is higher on
longer-term securities and bonds. This is because the longer maturity term carries a greater risk and
a smaller chance that it will get paid back.
The U.S. Treasury, our central government's financial manager, issues the securities to help finance
federal deficits. The Federal Reserve Banks then trade these bonds in order to change the economy's
reserves (money supply). To put more money into circulation, the Fed buys securities from the public
(see diagram below). Recently, the Fed has also purchased mortgage securities in order to prop up
the financial markets as well as to affect the level of reserves. The public receives cash in exchange
for the securities, which puts funds in circulation and increases the money supply. The reverse
occurs when the Fed sells securities. This takes funds out of circulation and decreases the money
supply. The ultimate effect of the transactions illustrated in the diagram is that the Fed "monetizes"
the U.S. government (and recently also private) borrowing and, thus, increases the money supply.
2. Reserve Requirement Policy.
A bank's reserve requirement is the percentage of deposited money that the bank is required to
keep as cash. For most large banks, the reserve requirement on transactions accounts is 10 percent.
This means that a bank must keep $10 in cash or in their account with their Fed bank out of every
$100 deposited in cash. The rest it can loan out.
Banks with smaller amounts of funds in their
transactions accounts are subject to a reserve
requirement of either 0 or 3%. For the exact
amounts, please click HERE. When the Federal
Reserve decreases the reserve requirement, it
allows banks to make more loans. This increases
the money supply. Changing the reserve
requirement is a drastic
measure, which affects billions of dollars in reserves. Consequently, the Federal Reserve rarely
changes the reserve requirement percentage.
3. Discount Rate and Federal Funds Rate Policy.
The discount rate is the interest rate that a commercial bank must pay the Federal Reserve Bank
when the commercial bank borrows money from the Federal Reserve Bank. The more money a
commercial bank borrows, the more it can loan out to its customers. This increases the money
supply. Conversely, the money supply decreases when the Federal Reserve increases the discount
rate and the commercial banks borrow less from the Fed banks. The Fed banks make three types of
loans to commercial banks: short-term, long-term and seasonal. The rates on the short-term loans
are the lowest, and the long-term rates are usually higher. The seasonal loans carry an average rate
of selected market rates. For more information about the discount rate, please click HERE.
The Federal Funds rate is the interest rate commercial banks charge each other on overnight loans.
The Federal Reserve attempts to influence this rate by supplying more or fewer funds to the banking
system. If the Federal Reserve supplies more funds to the banking system, the Federal Funds rate
decreases. This increases the money supply and may stimulate the economy in the short run.
Conversely, if the Federal Reserve decreases funds to the banking system, the Federal Funds rate
most likely increases. This decreases the money supply and slows down the economy in the short
Unit 9: Functions of Money
Section 5: Banks' Balance Sheets and Fractional
Reserve Banking
A Bank's Balance Sheet
To understand banks' reserve requirements and fractional reserve banking, let's study a bank's
balance sheet.
The table below includes entries for a bank's assets and liabilities. Assets are investments and
properties that a bank owns. Liabilities are what a bank owes. A typical bank may show the following
entries on its balance sheet (the amounts depend, of course, on the size of the bank and its specific
Bank T
Assets Liabilities
Vault Cash $1 million Equity $2 million
Deposits with the Fed $9 million Checkable Deposits $70 million
Mortgage Loans $22 million
Consumer Loans $18 million
Business Loans $20 million
U.S. Government Securities $2 million
Total Assets $72 million Total Liabilities $72 million
Note that for the above bank, total checkable deposits (money in transactions accounts) equals $70
million. If the bank's required reserves are 10% of all checkable deposits, then this bank must keep
$7 million in cash or as deposits with the Fed. Its cash plus deposits with the Fed currently equal $10
million, so this bank can still loan out $3 million. This $3 million is called "excess reserves."
Fractional Reserve Banking
For our purposes, in order to understand fractional reserve banking, it is sufficient to consider a
simplified balance sheet, which includes only total reserves and loans on the asset side, and
checkable deposits (funds deposited by the bank's clients into their transaction accounts) on the
liability side.
The following balance sheet shows a bank with $4,000 of deposits, $400 in total reserves, and
$3,600 in loans.
Assets Liabilities
Total Reserves $400 Checkable Deposits $4,000 Loans $3,600
By law, a bank is required to keep a fraction of customers' deposits on hand in the form of cash (total
reserves). This is called fractional reserve banking.
In the above example, the bank has $400 in total reserves. If the Federal Reserve requires the bank
to keep 10% of deposited money, then the bank is required to keep 10% of $4,000. Therefore,
required reserves are $400. Because total reserves are $400, the bank cannot make any further
loans. In other words, the bank's excess reserves are $0.
Our system of fractional reserve banking is built on the assumption that even on a bad day, on
balance, customers typically do not withdraw more than 5 or 10% of deposits. Typically, on an
average day, deposits cancel out against withdrawals. On good days, deposits exceed withdrawals.
A Run on the Bank
What would happen if, on balance, more than 10% of the bank's deposited amount is withdrawn on a
certain day? Or, what if all of the bank's customers decided to withdraw all of their deposited funds
at once (a run on the bank)? In this case, the bank will not have sufficient funds to meet the demand.
This, of course is a serious problem for the bank, and usually requires intervention by the Federal
Reserve System. The Fed can choose to loan the bank the needed reserves, if it believes that the
problem is temporary and can be solved. Or it can suggest a merger with a larger, healthier bank, if
it believes that the bank's problems are more structural and long-lived. In the worst case scenario,
the bank will go bankrupt. In this case, FDIC- (see Section 7 of this unit) insured account holders will
receive their deposited funds up to a maximum of $250,000 per account.
In the next section, we will learn how deposits of new money result in an increase in the nation's
money supply. As we will see, the increase in the nation's money supply is a multiple of the initial
new deposit. This is called the money creation process.
Unit 9: Functions of Money
Section 6: The Process of Money Creation
Changes in the Nation's Money Supply
Let's assume that banks hold on to 20% of all deposits. This means that a new deposit of $1,000 will
allow a bank to loan out $800. This $800 will be spent, then received by person B, and deposited into
bank B. Bank B, in turn, can loan out 80%, or $640. Similarly, bank C can loan out 80% of $640, or
$512. This process continues indefinitely. Thus, the initial $1,000 deposit has created demand
deposits of an additional $800 plus $640 plus $512, etc. Mathematically, it can be proven that the
total increase in the money supply amounts to $5,000 (5 times the initial deposit of $1,000).
In general, the
Change in the nation's money supply = money multiplier x the initial new deposit
(money multiplier times the initial new deposit)
The Money Multiplier
Similar to the multiplier in the Keynesian model, there is a model in the money creation model. The
formula for the money multiplier is
Money multiplier = 1 / required reserve ratio
(one divided by the required reserve ratio)
In the above example:
The initial deposit is $1,000.
The required reserve ratio is 20%.
So the money multiplier is 1 / 20% = 1 / .20 = 5.
So the change in the nation's money supply is 5 times $1,000 = $5,000.
The money multiplier process can be illustrated through the following changes in banks' balance
1. Bank A receives a (new) deposit of $1,000:
Assets Liabilities
Bank Reserves $1,000 Demand Deposits $1,000 Loans $0
2. Of this $1,000 in total reserves, the bank is required to keep 20%, or $200, and it can loan out the
other 80%, or $800. Let's say the bank decides to do so the next day. Then it shows the following
balance sheet:
Assets Liabilities
Bank Reserves $200 Demand Deposits $1,000 Loans $800
3. Let's say that the $800 loan is made to business Z, which spends the money on, for example,
tickets to a baseball game. The baseball franchise deposits the revenue in its account with bank B:
Assets Liabilities
Bank Reserves $800 Demand Deposits $800 Loans $0
4. And after loaning 80% of its deposits, bank B's balance sheet the next day is
Assets Liabilities
Bank Reserves $160 Demand Deposits $800 Loans $640
5. Let's say that the $640 in loan money is accepted by business XYZ, which spends it on a trip to
California through airline QRS. Airline QRS then deposits the $640 in its account with bank C, etc.
6. The total accumulation of money in the form of demand deposits (transaction accounts), an
important component of M-1, equals $1,000 + $800 + $640 + $512 + ... = $5,000.
The multiplier in the above example, 1/required reserves, equals 1/.20, or 5. This number, as we
concluded above, leads to an expansion of the nation's money supply that is equal to five times the
change in the initial deposit. The factor 5 assumes that banks' reserve requirements are 20%. If the
reserve requirement decreases, the money multiplier increases. If the reserve requirement
increases, or if banks choose to hold onto more bank reserves on their own, the money multiplier
For most large banks, required reserves are 10% of transaction account deposits. Some required
reserve ratios are as low as 3%, or even 0%, depending on the nature of the account and the size of
the bank. If the reserve requirement is 10%, and if banks are fully loaned up and customers spend
their entire loan and deposit all their earnings, then the money multiplier equals
Money multiplier = 1 / 10% = 1 / .10 = 10.
Unit 9: Functions of Money
Section 7: The Significance of the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
The Role of the FDIC
The purpose of the FDIC is to insure depositors' funds. In the event that a bank is unable to satisfy
customers' requests for withdrawals, the FDIC will pay customers up to a certain amount per
account. Deposit insurance discourages customers from withdrawing all of their money if the
customers suspect that the bank is in financial trouble. In the event that there is a so-called "run" on
the bank, it will most likely lead to a bank's bankruptcy, because the bank has no more than about
10% of customers' deposits. The other approximately 90% it has loaned out.
It is possible that a bank is very solid, but that customers' perception is that the bank is in trouble.
This perception could turn real if customers' reactions lead to storming the bank, especially if their
money is not insured. The FDIC's strength is to guarantee people that their money is safe (up to a
limit per account), so that a run can be prevented. If the bank is truly in trouble, the Federal Reserve
usually intervenes by loaning reserves to the bank or attempting to find a more-solvent partner to
merge with the troubled bank.
In the 1980s, the FDIC and its Savings and Loans counterpart, the FSLIC, ran into their own
problems. Not only were Savings and Loans banks in financial trouble; the insurance company itself
was in financial trouble. The government decided to intervene by merging the FDIC and the FSLIC
and supplying it (and other overseeing agencies) with government funds to bail out insolvent banks.
Should Deposit Insurance be in the Hands of Private Companies?
Critics of the FDIC state that because it is non-profit, it does a poor job of overseeing and inspecting
banks. Banks are getting away with making risky loans and sometimes even fraudulent loans without
adequate knowledge by the FDIC. Most bank customers do not have any incentive to research a
bank's practices, because they count on the FDIC and other government agencies to do this, and
they know that their accounts are insured by the FDIC up to at least $100,000 per account (during
the financial crisis this amount increased to $250,000).
Private insurance companies may do a better job at overseeing banks, because they are for-profit,
and if a bank engages in improper practices, it will hurt the insurance companies' bottom lines. In
other words, private bank deposit insurance companies have greater incentives to work more
efficiently and do a better job of evaluating bank loans and practices. An advantage to taxpayers is
that private insurance companies are not subsidized by federal or state governments, unlike federal
insurance agencies, such as the former FSLIC and the current FDIC. A disadvantage of private
insurance companies is that during severe times of economic hardship, the insurance companies
may not be solvent enough to sufficiently insure depositors.
Unit 9: Functions of Money
Section 8: Velocity and the Quantity Theory of Money
Velocity is defined as the average number of times a unit of the money supply (for example M-1) is
used for economic transactions during a certain period. If a nation's money supply is $100 and its
citizens spend $600 on goods and services, then the average number of times the $100 was used
during that year is 6.
Velocity Determinants
Velocity is determined by the following factors:
1. The stability of the money.
If a nation's money supply is stable, consumers will spend money according to their needs,
and businesses will invest money based on their future expected earnings. There is not much
reason to believe that consumers and businesses will spend their money more quickly than
the year before. However, if the nation's money supply is not stable (too much money in
circulation), and the value of money decreases (inflation), then people will be more likely to
spend it more quickly. If, for example, prices double every week, people will spend their
paychecks immediately. If they hold on to their money until the end of the week, prices will
be twice as high. This quicker turnover of the money supply equates to an increase in
velocity and makes it feel like there is even more money in circulation than there already is.
This combination of too much money in circulation and increased velocity often leads to what
is called hyperinflation.
2. Transportation and technology advances.
As it becomes easier to transfer and transport money, the money is more quickly available
for re-spending. This increases velocity.
3. The ability for people to save.
When people save, as opposed to hoard, their money, funds become available to businesses
and consumers via financial markets. This increases velocity and leads to greater economic
activity. During an economic depression, many people lose faith in the banking system and
resort to hoarding. This lowers the money supply and lowers velocity.
The Formula for Velocity
Velocity of final goods and services is defined as the number of times we use our money supply in
order to purchase these goods and services during a period of time.
Velocity = Nominal GDP / Money Supply.
Or, abbreviated:
V = GDP / M
In Unit 3 we learned that GDP = P x Q (where P = the nation's average price level and Q = the
quantity of final products produced), so:
V = P x Q / M
After cross-multiplying, we get:
P x Q = M x V
The Quantity Theory of Money
The above equation is the "Equation of Exchange." The right side (M x V) represents the volume of
money exchanged to pay for the left side (P x Q), the volume of goods and services.
The equation implies that there is a direct relationship between changes in the money supply (M)
and changes in a country's price level (P).
Experience in industrialized countries shows that velocity (V) is relatively constant from year to year.
Real Gross Domestic Product (Q) increases by an average of 2 or 3% each year. Therefore, if the
money supply (M) increases by more than 2 or 3% each year, then the price level (P) increases.
The following numerical examples illustrate the effect on the price level (P), given certain changes in
the other variables.
Example 1
Let's assume that in year 1:
P = 5
Q = 20
M = 25
V = 4
Let's assume that in year 2:
Q = 21 (approximately 4.88% increase, using the arc formula)
M = 27 (approximately 7.69% increase using the arc formula)
V remains the same at 4.
Problem: What is the price level in year 2, and how much has the price level changed since year 1?
Solution: Using the equation of exchange for year 2:
P x 21 = 27 x 4
Solving for P:
P = (27 x 4) / 21
P = 108 / 21= 5.14
This means that P increased by approximately 2.76%, using the arc formula [(5.14 - 5) / 5.07)] from
year 1 to year 2.
In the above example, the Fed increased the money supply from 25 to 27. Consequently, the price
level rose from 5 to 5.14. If the Federal Reserve's goal is to maintain price stability (no change in the
price level), and Q and V change in year 2 as indicated above, then the Fed should have increased
the money supply to 26.25 (approximately 4.88% increase) instead of 27. At a price level of 26.25,
the price level remains at 5:
Year 1: 5 x 20 = 25 x 4
Year 2: 5 x 21 = 26.25 x 4
Example 2
Let's assume that in year 1:
P = 8
Q = 30
M = 40
V = 6
Let's assume that in year 2:
Q = 30 (no change)
M = 40 (no change)
V = 5.5
Problem: What is the change in the price level?
Solution: Using the equation of exchange for year 2:
P x 30 = 40 x 5.5
Solving for P:
P = (40 x 5.5) / 30
P = 220 / 30 = 7.33
This means that P decreased by approximately 8.7%.
Example 2 illustrates that, ceteris paribus, if the Federal Reserve keeps the money supply constant,
and velocity decreases, then prices fall.
Unit 10: Foreign Exchange Rates and the Balance of Payments
What's in This Chapter?
A pound of strawberries sells for $3 this week and $2 next week. A dollar exchanges for 105
Japanese yen this week and 100 Japanese yen next week. Strawberries decrease in price when they
are in season and the supply is greater. The dollar decreases in value when the demand for dollars
relative to the yen decreases. In a free market system, currency values change the same way as
conventional products like strawberries. Their prices are determined by supply and demand.
If a government keeps the value of its currency constant (fixed) relative to another country's
currency, it is similar to a government keeping the price of strawberries fixed for a period of time.
Shortages occur when the price is set below the free market price, and surpluses occur when the
price is set above the equilibrium. A freely fluctuating exchange rate system is more effective and
economically efficient than a government-controlled, fixed-exchange-rate system. In a freely
fluctuating exchange rate system, there are no long-run shortages and surpluses, and there is no
need for central bank intervention. The first part of Unit 10 elaborates on these concepts.
The second part of Unit 10 describes the balance of payments. This is an estimate of the currency
flows from and to other countries. The balance of payments is divided into the current account and
the capital account. The current account includes all the day-to-day inflows and outflows of money:
money exchanged for imported cars, computers, food, consulting services, tourism, securities
investment earnings, and gifts. The capital account includes the inflows and outflows of money
involving purchases of financial investments, such as real estate, stocks, bonds, and foreign
currency. Misconceptions about the trade deficit are discussed in this section, as well.
Unit 10: Foreign Exchange Rates and the Balance of Payments
Section 1: Foreign Currency Exchange Rates
Purchasing Foreign Currency
Most countries exchange many goods and
services with other countries. Usually, before a
product can be purchased from a foreign country,
the buyer needs to buy the foreign country's
currency. For example, a United States business
purchasing German cars must first buy Euros
before it can pay the German exporter for the
The values of most currencies fluctuate on a daily basis. For example, a U.S. dollar may exchange for
131 Nigerian Naira today, while tomorrow it could exchange for 135 Naira. For a currency converter,
please click here.
How Do Fluctuations in Exchange Rates Affect Imports and Exports?
Fluctuating exchange rates affect what an importing business pays for the foreign product. For
instance, if the value of the Nigerian Naira relative to the U.S. dollar falls, then Nigerian products
purchased by American businesses become less expensive. The following example illustrates this.
Let's say that this month an American oil importing company purchases 100 barrels of Nigerian oil.
The following amounts are given (hypothetical data):
Nigeria sells its oil for 10,000 Nigerian Naira per barrel.
$1 exchanges for 131 Nigerian Naira.
Therefore, one barrel sells for 10,000 divided by 131, or $76.34.
Therefore, 100 barrels of Nigerian oil costs the U.S. company 100 times $76.34, or $7,634.
If next month the U.S. exchange rate becomes 135 Naira per dollar, the following happens:
Assume that Nigeria still sells its oil for 10,000 Nigerian Naira per barrel.
$1 now exchanges for 135 Nigerian Naira.
Therefore, one barrel sells for 10,000 divided by 135, or $74.07.
Therefore, 100 barrels of Nigerian oil costs the U.S. company $7,407.
Compared to the month before, the U.S. importing company is paying less for the 100 barrels of oil.
The above shows that if the U.S. dollar increases in value (we receive more of their currency per
dollar), then the price we pay for the foreign product decreases. If the U.S. dollar decreases in value,
then the price we pay for foreign products increases.
The following is an example of a foreign country purchasing a product from the U.S.
Let's say that this month a Japanese software-importing company purchases 500 DVDs from an
American company. The following amounts are given:
The U.S. company sells its software for $40 per DVD.
$1 exchanges for 120 Japanese yen.
Therefore, one DVD costs the Japanese importer $40 times 120 Japanese yen, or 4,800 yen.
Therefore, 500 DVDs cost the Japanese company 500 times 4,800 yen, or 2.4 million yen.
If next month the U.S. exchange rate becomes 125 yen per dollar, the following happens:
The U.S. company still sells its software for $40 per DVD.
$1 exchanges for 125 Japanese yen.
Therefore, one DVD costs the Japanese importer $40 times 125 Japanese yen, or 5,000 yen.
Therefore, 500 DVDs cost the Japanese company 500 times 5,000 yen, or 2.5 million yen.
Compared to the month before, the Japanese company is paying more for the imported products.
The above shows that if the U.S. dollar increases in value (we receive more of their currency per
dollar; they receive fewer of our currency per yen), then the price that foreign countries pay for a
U.S. product increases. If the U.S. dollar decreases in value, then the price a foreign country pays for
U.S. products decreases.
China's exchange rate policies have come into the news lately because its government has been
accused of manipulating its value. The Chinese government has kept its currency, the yuan
renminbi, artificially low in order to make its exports less expensive. As the above example
illustrates, if a country's currency decreases in value, its products become less expensive to foreign
countries. The United States and other countries have complained to the Chinese government and
asked it to allow the yuan renminbi to fluctuate according to free market forces.
Exchange Rate Determinants
Exchange rates in free (flexible) markets fluctuate with changes in supply and demand for the
currency. The main determinants of demand for and supply of a currency are a country's economic
and political stability, its inflation rate, its real return on investments, and speculators' expectations
of the future value of the currencies. For example, if a country experiences a low rate of inflation and
economic stability, then foreign countries will be more likely to invest in that country and purchase
their products. This increases the demand for the country's currency and raises the value of its
currency. A higher real return on investments also increases demand for a currency, as investors will
purchase more of the country's stocks and bonds (or other investments) due to the higher rate of
An Increase in the Demand for a Currency
An increase in the demand for a currency will increase its value, and vice versa. The graph below
illustrates an increase in the demand for dollars relative to the Euro. This leads to an increase in the
value of the dollar relative to the Euro. The equilibrium value of the dollar increases from .80 Euros
per dollar to .90 Euros per dollar.
An Increase in the Supply of a Currency
An increase in supply of the currency will decrease the value of the currency, and vice versa. The
graph below illustrates an increase in the supply of dollars relative to the Euro. This lowers the value
of the dollar relative to the Euro. The equilibrium value of the dollar decreases from .90 Euros per
dollar to .80 Euros per dollar.
Unit 10: Foreign Exchange Rates and the Balance of Payments
Section 2: Flexible versus Fixed Currency Exchange
Rate Systems
Flexible Exchange Rate Systems
Most countries allow their currencies to fluctuate
in value relative to foreign currencies. The
currencies will fluctuate based on demand and
supply forces, similar to demand and supply
changes in the market for products. An increase in
the demand for housing will increase the value
(price) of houses. Similarly, an increase in the
demand for the Australian dollar will increase the
value (price) of the Australian dollar.
Depreciation and Appreciation
Depreciation and appreciation are changes in the values of currencies within a flexible exchange
rate system.
If the supply of dollars increases, or the demand for foreign currencies increases relative to the
demand for the dollar, then the value of the dollar falls. We say that the dollar depreciates.
If the demand for dollars worldwide increases, then the value of the dollar rises. We say that the
dollar appreciates.
Example 1
Before U.S. dollar depreciation:
$1 = 100 yen
After U.S. dollar depreciation:
$1 = 85 yen
Fixed Exchange Rate System
Some countries prefer to keep their currency values fixed relative to other foreign currencies. For
example, if 100 units of a foreign currency exchange for $1, and the two countries decide to keep
their currency values fixed for a period of time, we speak of a fixed exchange rate system.
Devaluation and Revaluation
If after a certain period of time, the two governments decide to change their "fixed" values then we
speak of revaluation and devaluation. If a currency increases in value in a fixed system, it
revaluates. If a currency decreases in value in a fixed system, it devaluates.
Example 2
Before devaluation:
$1 = 2 PHP (Philippine Peso)
After devaluation:
$1 = 1.5 PHP
Advantages and Disadvantages of Fixed Exchange Rate Systems
In a fixed exchange rate system, the currencies are fixed for a certain period of time (for example, 6
months, or a year). An advantage for importers and exporters is that there exists more certainty for
import and export businesses, tourists, or anyone else engaging in international trade, in knowing
what the currency values are within this period of time. A disadvantage of a fixed exchange rate
system is that the currencies usually do not have their true market value. Therefore, surpluses or
shortages occur.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Flexible Exchange Rate Systems
In a flexible exchange rate system currency values change on a daily basis. The disadvantage is that
this creates uncertainty for importers and exporters when it comes to planning for future trades.
Note, however, that buyers and sellers of currencies can "hedge" against (protect themselves from)
fluctuating exchange rates. If a U.S. business needs 1 million Japanese yen 2 months from today,
then it can go to the currency futures market and buy the Japanese yen at a rate agreed upon today.
This way, they fix the value of the currency they buy or sell for a certain period of time. Futures
markets can, therefore, provide certainty regarding the future value of the currency even in a
flexible system. Most economists, therefore, prefer a flexible exchange rate system over a fixed
exchange rate system, because a flexible exchange rate system has the following advantages:
1. The currency has its true market value.
The value is determined by the supply and demand of suppliers and buyers. If buyers place a
high value on a currency, its demand increases and the value of the currency increases, and
vice versa.
2. There are no long-term surpluses or shortages of the currency.
The market will always correct short-term surpluses and shortages by allowing the value to
3. No government central bank interference is necessary, and no central bank losses
In a fixed rate system, a central bank is forced to intervene in order to keep the rate fixed.
These currency manipulations are costly, especially after a devaluation or revaluation of the
fixed rate. If the market demand for dollars increases, then the market price of the dollar
increases. In a fixed system, the government does not allow the market price to rise, and a
shortage of the dollar occurs in the market. Speculators then anticipate that at some point in
the future, the governments will increase the fixed value (revaluation). This expectation
further increases the demand for the dollar. Eventually the pressure on the dollar becomes so
strong that the governments, indeed, do revaluate (increase) the value of the dollar. Before
the revaluation, the central banks had been purchasing the weaker currency and selling the
stronger currency in an effort to avoid shortages and surpluses. After the revaluation of the
stronger currency, the central banks experience significant losses due to the decrease in the
value (devaluation) of the weaker currency they had been purchasing.
Unit 10: Foreign Exchange Rates and the Balance of Payments
Section 3: The Balance of Payments
A Country's Inflows and Outflows of Funds
Countries that engage in international trade experience
inflows and outflows of products, services, currency
purchases, and investments. The accompanying flows of
money used to pay for these transactions are recorded in
an accounting system called the balance of payments.The
balance of payments consists of two main accounts: the
current account and the capital account.
The Current Account
The current account records the more common, daily, international transactions. It is subdivided
into the following four smaller accounts:
1. The merchandise trade account.
The merchandise trade account includes imports and exports of tangible products, such as cars,
computers, clothes, and televisions. If a country imports more tangible products than it exports, it
experiences a trade deficit. If it exports more tangible products than it imports, it experiences a
trade surplus.
2. The services account.
The services account includes flows of international money payments for services such as
transportation, insurance, banking, consulting, and tourism.
3. The investment income account.
The investment income account reflects United States investment earnings from foreign stocks,
bonds, and real estate, minus foreigners' investment earnings from United States stocks, bonds, and
real estate.
4. The transfer payments account.
The transfer payments account includes gifts from American citizens to friends or relatives living
abroad and vice versa. It also includes retirement payments (for example, a Social Security check) to
a person living abroad, and vice versa.
A Debtor Nation
A country is called a "debtor nation" if its current account is negative. The United States became a
debtor nation in the early 1980s, primarily because its merchandise trade (exports minus imports)
account became negative. Unlike popular belief, as we will see in the next section, this is not
necessarily a bad thing for the country's overall economy.
The Capital Account
The capital account includes the following three sub-accounts all dealing with purchases and sales
of financial assets, foreign currency, and real estate:
1. The foreign direct investment account.
The foreign direct investment account includes changes in direct investment transactions, such as
land, buildings, and businesses.
2. The portfolio investment account.
The portfolio investment account includes changes in government and private equities (stock shares)
and bonds purchases. In the current account, we include investment income, whereas in the capital
account, we include the actual purchases of stocks and bonds.
3. The other investments account.
The other investments account includes transactions in private currency and bank deposits.
Some reports of the capital account include the official reserve account. However, the quarterly
and yearly changes in this account are usually close to zero, so that this account is frequently not
reported. The official reserve account includes official government-held gold reserves, government
foreign exchange reserves, and strategic defense reserves (SDR), such as the strategic petroleum
The Balance on All Accounts is Zero
The balance on the capital account is the sum of the changes in the four capital account
sub-accounts. This amount should equal the negative of the balance on the current account. If it
does not, there is a statistical discrepancy. Given the size of the money flows and the difficulty in
measuring the millions of international trade transactions, the discrepancy can be a substantial
number. After taking the statistical discrepancies into account, the balance on all accounts combined
is zero.
Please click HERE for the latest Bureau of Economic Analysis statistics on the United States Balance
of Payments. As an example, below please find a summary of this information for the first quarter of
United States Balance of Payments, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Data for Q1, 2011 in
Millions of Dollars
Current Account
Exports of Goods 361,334
Imports of Goods 543,786
Merchandise Trade Balance
Exports of Services 144,883
Imports of Services 103,228
Services Trade Balance +41,655
Investment Income Receipts 178,009
Investment Income Payments 123239
Investment Income Balance
Net Transfers of Government and Private Grants
and Other Transfers
Current Account Balance -119,274
Capital Account
U.S.-owned assets abroad, excluding financial
Foreign-owned assets in the United States,
excluding financial derivatives
Financial Derivatives n.a.
Capital Account Balance +181,854
Statistical Discrepancy -62,580
Balance of Payments 0
Source: United States Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2008
Unit 10: Foreign Exchange Rates and the Balance of Payments
Section 4: Common Misconceptions Regarding the
Balance of Payments
Common BOP Beliefs
Three common misconceptions regarding international trade and the balance of payments are:
1. A trade deficit is always bad.
A merchandise trade deficit means that a country's merchandise imports exceed its merchandise
exports. There are two possible explanations for a trade deficit:
Situation 1. Country A is economically weak and has low productivity, and therefore, its exports are
weak. Country A is forced to import, because its own productivity is low. It has a trade deficit by
necessity, not by choice.
Situation 2. Country B is economically strong and has a great amount of purchasing power. Country
B voluntarily chooses to import, because its purchasing power is high and its economy is strong.
This country's trade deficit is actually a symptom of its strong economic health. This kind of trade
deficit gives no reason for concern, and does not require changes in economic trade policy.
2. We should protect our domestic industries to improve our balance of payments.
If we protect our industries by imposing tariffs and quotas on foreign products, other countries will
protect theirs. This will lower our exports. The result is a loss in specialization and a decrease in our
standard of living.
According to the Austrian School economist, Henry Hazlitt, imports are additions to our country's
wealth. If we are able to increase our goods and services from abroad, it increases our quantity of
goods and wealth. Real goods are obtained in exchange for paper money. We have the purchasing
power to do it, and can feel fortunate to enjoy goods that we either cannot produce, or cannot
produce as efficiently.
Proponents of tariffs and quotas criticize countries that sell their goods to us at below-market prices.
According to Hazlitt, the argument that these countries sell their goods cheap (dump) in order to
obtain a monopoly position in that industry usually is of no concern in the long run. In the long run,
the potentially high monopoly price will attract competition and will negate the effects of the
monopoly forming. Low foreign prices should be welcomed, because they lower the general price
level in our country and free up purchasing power for consumers to purchase other goods, including
domestic ones.
Protectionism leads to less specialization and less competition, and this leads to less efficiency and
lower overall world-wide production.
3. We should discourage foreign investments into our country.
People believe that it is undesirable for foreign companies to purchase domestic real estate,
businesses, stocks, bonds, etc. However, it is often a sign of a strong and stable economy, and it can
be considered a compliment that foreign investors want to risk their savings in our economy.
Furthermore, the additional capital provides funds for the expanded business operations, and results
in greater employment. The argument that it would give foreign investors too much control over our
economy is debatable, because most business owners are driven by economic motives and a desire
to expand their wealth and not to upset any political or cultural balances. In this age of terrorism,
countries do want to watch out for foreign investments motivated by political mal-intentions. If such
investments do take place, it is the government's responsibility to immediately freeze and confiscate
the foreign assets.
Economic Interdependency Strengthens Political Ties
Economic interdependency strengthens, not
weakens, political ties. International trade may be
the single most important deterrent of political
and military conflict. Countries that have strong
economic ties are unlikely to engage in conflict,
because their economies have too much to lose if
they go to war. Economists, therefore, encourage
strong international economic ties and a free
exchange of products and resources.
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- Table of Contents
- Unit 1: Fundamental Concepts
- Introduction
- Section 1: Economics
- Section 2: The Production Possibilities Curve
- Section 3: Economic Growth
- Section 4: The Circular Flow
- Section 5: Economic Systems
- Section 6: Important Concepts and Definitions
- Section 7: Economics and Critical Thinking
- Unit 2: Supply and Demand
- Introduction
- Section 1: The Law of Demand
- Section 2: The Demand Curve
- Section 3: The Law of Supply
- Section 4: The Supply Curve
- Section 5: Equilibrium Price and Quantity
- Section 6: Demand Determinants
- Section 7: The Effect of a Change in Demand on Equilibrium Price and Quantity
- Section 8: Supply Determinants
- Section 9: The Effect of a Change in Supply on Equilibrium Price and Quantity
- Section 10: The Effect of Changes in Both Demand and Supply on Equilibrium Price and Quantity
- Section 11: Demand versus Quantity Demanded and Supply versus Quantity Supplied
- Section 12: Consumer Surplus and Producer Surplus
- Section 13: Price Changes in the Short Run and in the Long Run
- Section 14: The Free Market System and Externalities
- Unit 3: Gross Domestic Product
- Introduction
- Section 1: Gross Domestic Product
- Section 2: GDP and Per Capita GDP around the World
- Section 3: Real versus Nominal Gross Domestic Product
- Section 4: Per Capita Gross State Product
- Section 5: Calculation of Gross Domestic Product Using the Expenditure and Income Approaches, and Net Domestic Product
- Section 6: Interpretation of Gross Domestic Product
- Unit 4: Business Fluctuations
- Introduction
- Section 1: Business Fluctuations
- Section 2: The Great Depression of the 1930s
- Section 3: The Unemployment Rate
- Section 4: Types of Unemployment and the Definition and Significance of Full Employment
- Section 5: Unemployment Rates by States and Demographic Groups
- Unit 5: Models of Output Determination
- Introduction
- Section 1: Keynes versus the Classicists
- Section 2: The Keynesian Model
- Section 3: Consumption and the Keynesian Multiplier
- Section 4: The Tax Multiplier and the Balanced Budget Multiplier
- Section 5: Critical Analysis of the Keynesian Model and the Importance of Savings to Increase Investment Spending
- Section 6: Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
- Unit 6: Fiscal Policy
- Introduction
- Section 1: Fiscal Policy
- Section 2: Discretionary Fiscal Policy and Automatic Stabilizers
- Section 3: United States Federal Government Expenditures
- Section 4: United States Federal Government Revenues
- Section 5: State and Local Government Spending and Revenues
- Section 6: Public Choice Theory
- Unit 7: Inflation
- Introduction
- Section 1: Inflation Rates Measures
- Section 2: The Cause of Inflation
- Section 3: Harmful Effects of Inflation
- Section 4: Are Falling Prices Harmful?
- Section 5: The Gold Standard
- Unit 8: Federal Budget Policies
- Introduction
- Section 1: The United States Federal Budget
- Section 2: United States National Debt
- Section 3: Debts around the World
- Section 4: Deficit Financing
- Section 5: Budget Philosophies
- Unit 9: Functions of Money
- Introduction
- Section 1: Functions of Money
- Section 2: Money Supply Measures
- Section 3: The United States Banking System
- Section 4: Federal Reserve Tools to Change the Money Supply
- Section 5: Banks' Balance Sheets and Fractional Reserve Banking
- Section 6: The Process of Money Creation
- Section 7: The Significance of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
- Section 8: Velocity and the Quantity Theory of Money
- Unit 10: Foreign Exchange Rates and the Balance of Payments
- Introduction
- Section 1: Foreign Currency Exchange Rates
- Section 2: Flexible versus Fixed Currency Exchange Rate Systems
- Section 3: The Balance of Payments
- Section 4: Common Misconceptions Regarding the Balance of Payments

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