alert("JavaScript works!");
Project 3
In this space you should provide a short (one paragraph) explanation of your theme and why you chose it.
You may also use this space to explain any elements of your code story that may not be entirely clear. For example, if your theme is thirteenth century Italian poetry, not everyone may be familiar with that.
Don't forget to replace all of the capitalized elements in this template with your information. Your term number should be in a yymm format, including the year and the month.
html { background-color: #E1DFD3; } body { font-family: "Lucida Grande", "Arial", sans-serif; margin: 1.5em auto; padding: 1.5em; background-color: white; color: #4D4B39; max-width: 35em; border: 0.75em solid #A6A59C; line-height: 1.5em; } p { margin: 1.5em 0; } h1 { background-color: #4D4B39; color: #E1DFD3; font-size: 200%; padding: 0.75em; margin: -0.75em -0.75em 0.75em -0.75em; } h2 { background-color: #4D4B39; color: #88a75d; font-size: 150%; padding: 1em; margin: -1em -1em 1em -1em; } h1 + h2 { margin-top: -2em; padding-top: 0; }
Topic % Excellent (100%) Good (75%) Fair (30%) Poor (0%)
Coding RequirementsCoding RequirementsCoding RequirementsCoding RequirementsCoding RequirementsCoding Requirements
Completeness 15 All required elements are present, correctly declared and de!ned, with descriptive names.
Up to three missing elements or poor names.
Up to !ve missing elements or poor names.
More than !ve missing elements or poor names.
Encapsulation 15 All variables and functionality are scoped according to logical need and encapsulation principles.
Up to three examples of poor or questionable encapsulation.
Unable to demonstrate understanding of proper encapsulation. Unable to demonstrate understanding of proper encapsulation.
Logic 15 There are no logic errors present in the code, and elements "ow logically.
Up to two logic errors are present, or some illogical steps.
More than two logic errors are present, or element soup. More than two logic errors are present, or element soup.
Syntax 10 There are no syntax errors, and syntax conforms to taught style.
Nonconformant syntax or up to two syntax errors.
Up to !ve minor syntax errors.
Clear problems with syntax.
Flowchart RequirementsFlowchart RequirementsFlowchart RequirementsFlowchart RequirementsFlowchart RequirementsFlowchart Requirements
Completeness 15 All required elements are present, of the correct type, and are used correctly.
Up to two mistyped or missing elements, or minor sequence problems.
Up to !ve minor element problems.
Clear problems with "owchart elements.
Logic 10 Flowchart accurately portrays the code and story.
Up to two minor variances from the story or code.
Up to !ve minor variances from the story or code.
Flowchart seems unrelated to story or code.
Support Details 10 Supporting details are present, clear, and well placed to support the "owchart.
Up to two missed support details (assumptions) or minor placement problems.
Up to !ve missed or misplace support details.
Flowchart has little or no supporting detail.
Story RequirementsStory RequirementsStory RequirementsStory RequirementsStory RequirementsStory Requirements
Coherence 5 The code tells a story that is not di#cult to follow.The code tells a story that is not di#cult to follow. The story is disjointed, but an e$ort has been made.
Little to no attempt has been made.
Investment 5 The theme and story show creativity and personal investment.The theme and story show creativity and personal investment. Some lack of creativity or investment.
Little to no attempt at creativity or investment.
Be careful: your !nal Professionalism grade is a$ected by your Story deductions.Be careful: your !nal Professionalism grade is a$ected by your Story deductions.Be careful: your !nal Professionalism grade is a$ected by your Story deductions.Be careful: your !nal Professionalism grade is a$ected by your Story deductions.Be careful: your !nal Professionalism grade is a$ected by your Story deductions.Be careful: your !nal Professionalism grade is a$ected by your Story deductions.
Rubric: Project 3! Scalable Data Infrastructures
Due: Thursday, Week 3

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