Please review the attached document for further instruction ,
Review the Final Project Description document located in the Learning Resources to ensure you have completed each section of the Final Project.
The assignment:
Craft a 20-page quantitative research plan.
Introduction to Statistics" featuring Jennifer Ann Morrow (5:44)
to download a transcript of this video segment.
In this interview, you will have the opportunity to hear from an expert in the field of statistics, Dr. Jennifer Ann Morrow. Dr. Morrow has a PhD in Experimental Psychology from the University of Rhode Island and teaches graduate statistics at Old Dominion University. During this interview, Dr. Morrow discusses ways to overcome common barriers to learning statistics as well as practical applications for the statistics concepts you will learn in this course. This video will be used in the SPSS Practice activity. To view this video program, use the media player located at the top of this page.
"Introduction to SPSS" featuring Gary Burkholder (33:23)
to download a transcript of this video segment. In this program, Dr. Gary J. Burkholder, Vice President of Academic Affairs at Walden University, outlines the components of SPSS data files and demonstrates the steps necessary to run a simple statistical analysis. This video will be used in the SPSS Practice activity. To view this video program, use the media player located at the top of this page.
You will begin to use this software in this week's SPSS Practice activity
Statistics and SPSS
Web Site: SPSS Student Resource Center
The student section of the
SPSS Academic Resource Center
is your one-stop shop for all your statistics and data-mining needs, including tutorials, reading lists, and training courses.
Web Site: SPSS Technical Support
The SPSS student support site provides a knowledge base and assistance from SPSS Technical Support staff.
Web Site: Web Center for Social Research Methods
This Web site is for people involved in applied social research and evaluation. You'll find resources and links to other locations on the Web that deal in applied social research methods.
Web Site: Choosing the Correct Statistical Test in SAS, Stata and SPSS
UCLA's Academic Technology Services statistics table shows general guidelines for choosing a statistical analysis, and links showing how to do such tests using SAS, Stata, and SPSS.
Optional Resources
Course Text: Frankfort-Nachmias, C., & Nachmias, D. (2008).
Research methods in the social sciences
(7th ed.). New York: Worth

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