© American Intercontinental University August 2011 Page 1

MKTG205 – Unit 1 Research Guide

Unit 1 Discussion Board To access reference books in the AIU library, click:


 Find Articles & Books

 Scroll down and click “Credo Reference (Credo)”

 Enter the Key Word – marketing and check Sort Results by RELEVANCE

 Click Search

 You will get over 1000 results in this database. These resources come from encyclopedias and dictionaries all over the world. You will select 2 entries TOTAL and read those definitions as well as the one in your text (Chapter 1).

You also have another choice for using a database—see next page. Try using one resources from each of the databases.

© American Intercontinental University August 2011 Page 2

 You may wish to use “Oxford Reference Online (Oxford University Press)” instead of Credo

 Enter your search term – marketing—in Quick Search

 Click Go

 You will get over 200 results in the database. These resources come from encyclopedias and dictionaries all over the world. You will select 2 entries and read those definitions as well as the one in your text (Chapter 1).

After you have read the 3 definitions a few times, then you create your OWN definition. STOP looking at the definitions and think about the 3 definitions. If you are looking at the book or reference book entry and changing a few words here and there, you are NOT LEARNING anything and you are probably copying or editing. With your book closed and the definitions out of sight…that is when you start writing YOUR version.

© American Intercontinental University August 2011 Page 3

Unit 1 Individual Project To access First Research in the AIU Library, click:


 Find Articles and Books

 Scroll down to find FirstResearch

 Conduct secondary research on the industry in which your product/service operates

 Following are the industries for each product/service, and where to find them in First Research. If you have chosen a product or service not listed and have trouble identifying the industry, contact your instructor for assistance.

© American Intercontinental University August 2011 Page 4

Product/Service Industry 3

General Business Chocolate Bar Food and Agriculture  Candy Manufacturing

Laundry Detergent Manufacturing Soap & Detergent Manufacture

Organic Food Product Food and Agriculture  Subcategory depends on type of Food

Local Restaurant, Store or Small Business (cannot be a chain or franchise)

Food and Agriculture  Restaurants OR Retail  Subcategory depends on Type of Store OR Services  Subcategory depends on Type of Service

New “Green Product” Retail  Subcategory depends on type of Product

Traveling Dog Groomer, Car Repair, etc. Services  Subcategory depends on type of Service

Criminal Justice Bulletproof Vests Manufacturing  Medical Supplies & Devices

Security Consulting Company Services  Consulting Services

Kid Safety Training Course/ Products Public Services, Education, Recreation  Education and Training Services

Self Defense Training Public Services, Education, Recreation  Education and Training Services

Information Systems New Educational Video Game Technology & Communications  Entertainment & Games Software

External Hard Drive Technology & Communications  Computer Manufacture  Personal Computing Manufacture

Local Computer Repair Business Retail  Computer & Software Stores

A new Application for GPS Technology Technology & Communications  Search, Detection, and Navigation Equipment Manufacture

Human Resources Team-Building Adventure Course Public Services, Education, Recreation  Education and Training Services

Company Providing HR Training Public Services, Education, Recreation  Education and Training Services

Ethics Training & Courses Public Services, Education, Recreation  Education and Training Services

Biometric Time & Attendance System Technology & Communications  Biotechnology Sector

Visual Communications Website Design Service Technology & Communications  Graphic Design Services

Photography/Video Studio Services  Photo Studios and Commercial Photography

Small PR or Ad Agency Services  Advertising & Marketing

Digital Camera/Software Training Public Services, Education, Recreation  Education and Training Services

Healthcare Administration Oatmeal (or other food product) to reduce cholesterol

Food and Agriculture  Breakfast Cereal Manufacturing

Herbal Products or Nutritional Supplements

Retail  Health Supplement Stores Manufacturing  Personal Care Products Manufacturing

Small Nursing Home Healthcare  Nursing Homes & Assisted Living

Home Healthcare Service Healthcare  Home Healthcare Services

If you wish to work with a Product/Service NOT on this list, please get permission from your instructor. No need to wait for Live Sessions or Office Hours, send an email with the specifics of the product/service. If you do not

receive permission in advance, you may not receive credit for the assignment.

© American Intercontinental University August 2011 Page 5

Background on Course Research Requirements In the business world it is important to use research to strengthen points that you make in presentations and projects. Some assignments will specify particular resources that must be used for the assignment. Marketers must learn to be great researchers using a variety of sources. As a college student, you must steer away from inferior websites with anonymous writers, articles found on consultant websites, materials on sites like QuickMBA.com, MarketingProfs.com, etc. Think of classes this way...you decided to work toward a college degree, why would you rely on what you ALREADY knew before you started the program...shouldn't you ADD to your knowledge base by going out & researching?

You are not permitted to use Wikipedia or any open source website in this course. The goal is for you to acquire new research skills in this class. Almost everyone is adept at an internet search, but most of you are not yet comfortable using the AIU library. This month, you will have the opportunity to discover what a great resource you may have been missing.

APA Papers 1


Unit 1 Individual Project

American Intercontinental University

Unit 1 Individual Project

MKTG 205 – Principles of Marketing


This is a single paragraph, no indentation is required. The next page will be an abstract; “a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the article; it allows the readers to survey the contents of an article quickly” (Publication Manual, 2010). The length of this abstract should be 35-50 words (2-3 sentences). NOTE: the abstract must be on page 2 and the body of the paper will begin on page 3.


Remember to always indent the first line of a paragraph (use the tab key). The introduction should be short (2-3 sentences). The margins, font size, spacing, and font type (italics or plain) are set in APA format. While you may change the names of the headings and subheadings, do not change the font or style of font.

Market Force 1: Description and Analysis of impact on product/service

Introduce the concept and cite the resources DO NOT use the exact words… be sure to indent the first line of the paragraph. Using direct quotes does not show your mastery of the subject.

Market Force 2: Description and Analysis of impact on product/service

Introduce the concept and cite the resources DO NOT use the exact words… be sure to indent the first line of the paragraph. Using direct quotes does not show your mastery of the subject.

Market Force 3: Description and Analysis of impact on product/service

Introduce the concept and cite the resources DO NOT use the exact words… be sure to indent the first line of the paragraph. Using direct quotes does not show your mastery of the subject.

Strategies to Overcome the Threats

Introduce the concept and cite the resources DO NOT use the exact words… be sure to indent the first line of the paragraph. Using direct quotes does not show your mastery of the subject.

Strategies to Capitalize on the Opportunities

Introduce the concept and cite the resources DO NOT use the exact words… be sure to indent the first line of the paragraph. Using direct quotes does not show your mastery of the subject.


Add some concluding remarks-can be a sentence or two.


· If you are not at the end of page 5 with content, your paper is too short (if you used graphs or charts, your paper should be longer)

· Do not insert extra spaces between paragraphs to make your paper appear longer.

· If your paper is beyond page 7 with content, it may be TOO LONG. Discuss length criteria with your instructor.

· Do not change the font or margins to make the paper appear shorter or longer


NOTE: The reference list starts on a new page after your conclusion.

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Updated 3/7/2013 AIU Library

MKTG205 Library Research Guide Because each instructor implements his or her own research requirements, please review the Course Expectations for your particular section of MKTG205 to make sure you are performing acceptable research according to the requirements described by your instructor.

Unit 1

Finding Industry Profiles in First Research First Research is a library database that provides industry profiles which include industry overviews and summaries of challenges, trends, and opportunities an industry faces. To search within the First Research database, follow the steps below. x Click the Find articles and ebooks link on the library’s homepage.

x When the next page loads, scroll through the alphabetical list of databases under the Find articles

and e-books by database heading and look for First Research. Click directly on its title to load the First Research search page.

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x Follow any directions that appear to get to the search page. You may be asked to click continue and/or submit.

x Once the search page for First Research loads, type the product or service you are researching in

the blank search box and then hit search.

x Results will load. Click on the title of an industry profile to access the profile.

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x Use the chapter links on the left side of the page to navigate through the industry profile.

Finding Articles in Business Source Premier Business Source Premier is one of the library’s strongest business resources. It holds academic journal articles, market research reports, industry reports, country reports, company profiles, and SWOT analyses related to all disciplines of business, including the discipline of marketing. To search within the Business Source Premier database, follow the steps below. x Click the Find articles and ebooks link on the library’s homepage.

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x When the next page loads, scroll through the alphabetical list of databases under the Find articles

and e-books by database heading and look for Business Source Premier. Click directly on its title to load Business Source Premier’s search page.

x Once the search page for Business Source Premier loads, type your keyword(s) in the blank search boxes at the top of the page.

x Keywords related to your topic:

x Enter each term before and after the AND in a new search box.

x When you have your keyword(s) in place, click search.

x Results will load. Review them to see if they apply to your research.

Marketing AND product/service Marketing AND environment AND product/service

Advertising AND product/service Consumer behavior AND product/service

Consumers AND product/service United States AND Industry profile AND product/service

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x You will see an icon next to each result stating what type of resource it is.

x When looking through articles, an easy way to see if an article will be useful is to view the abstract, which will give you a summary of the article.

x View an article’s abstract by hovering over the magnifying glass icon to the right of an article’s title.

x Then, if the article seems worthwhile, click on the link for full text.

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Updated 3/7/2013 AIU Library

What is HTML and PDF?

When pulling up results you may find that some offer the full text in PDF and some in HTML. Some

articles offer both.

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. The item will appear similar to a web page. Some formatting may be lost and usually these do not include images.

PDF stands for Portable Document Format. A PDF format looks like a photograph was taken of the

original and scanned. It will have the same margin and font and include images if there were any in the original item.

Sometimes there is no choice. The publishers of the content have opted to make their materials

available in only one format. If you do have a choice, it’s up to you which you prefer!

x Once the full text of the result is open, you will see icons to email, print or save the article.

x If the item is in a PDF format, you may see the link to download:

x If the item is an HTML document, you may opt to save it by using the options available through your web browser. For example, using Internet Explorer, click File at the top right, then select Save As

x If you are saving the article, be sure it is being saved to your computer or flash drive. If you are not asked where on your computer you want to save the item then it will not have saved properly. Use one of the other options. Saving it as a bookmark in your browser will not work.

x Try additional searches by adding or changing your keywords in the boxes at the top of the page.

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x A good place to find some additional keyword suggestions is in the Subjects field found in each result’s description.

Unit 2

Finding Articles in ABI Inform Complete ABI Inform Complete is a comprehensive business database collection covering the many disciplines of business, including marketing. To search within the ABI Inform Complete database, follow the steps below. x Click the Find articles and ebooks link on the library’s homepage.

x When the next page loads, you will see an alphabetical list of databases under the Find articles and e-books by database heading. ABI Inform Complete is the first link in its list. Click directly on its title to load the database’s search page

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x Once you are inside ABI Inform Complete, type your keyword(s) in the boxes at the top of the page.

What is a keyword?

A keyword is a term or phrase related to the topic you are researching. To develop keywords, think of the core ideas of your topic.

x Keywords related to your topic:

x Each term before and after the AND in a new search box.

x When you have your keyword(s) in place, click Search.

x Results will load. Review them to see if they apply to your research.

Marketing AND product/service Target market AND product/service

Consumer behavior AND product/service Marketing AND consumer behavior AND product/service

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x Click on preview to read the abstract or summary of an article.

x Click on the full text link to view the entire article.

x Once the article is open, use the tools at the top of the page to email, print, or save.

x Above the result list, you will see suggested subjects that you might consider for additional searches. Note: Do not click directly on the suggested subjects as the search will not default to searching for full text results.

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Finding Articles in Multiple Databases (Cybrary) The Cybrary search tool allows you to search within multiple databases at one time, including many of our business-related databases. To search within Cybrary, follow the steps below. x Click the Find articles and ebooks link on the library’s homepage.

x A new page will load with a Cybrary search box at the very top and an alphabetical listing of the library's database collections.

x Type keyword(s) into the search box at the top of the page.

What is a keyword?

A keyword is a term or phrase related to the topic you are researching. To develop keywords, think of

the core ideas of your topic.

x Keywords related to your topic:

Marketing AND consumer behavior Marketing strategy

Marketing AND segmentation Competitive advantage

Demographics AND target AND market Segmentation AND target and market

Positioning AND marketing AND strategy Topic/company AND marketing

Topic/company AND consumer behavior Topic/company AND target market

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Updated 3/7/2013 AIU Library

x Enter your keywords in the search box using AND to connect two or more keywords. When you have your keywords in place, click search.

x Results will load. Review them to see if they apply to your research.

x You will see an icon next to each result stating what type of resource it is.

x When looking through articles, an easy way to see if an article will be useful is to view the abstract, which will give you a summary of the article.

x View an article’s abstract by hovering over the magnifying glass icon to the right of an article’s title.

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x Then, if the article seems worthwhile, click the link for full text.

What is HTML and PDF?

When pulling up results you may find that some offer the full text in PDF and some in HTML. Some

articles offer both.

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. The item will appear similar to a web page. Some formatting may be lost and usually these do not include images.

PDF stands for Portable Document Format. A PDF format looks like a photograph was taken of the

original and scanned. It will have the same margin and font and include images if there were any in the original item.

Sometimes there is no choice. The publishers of the content have opted to make their materials

available in only one format. If you do have a choice, it’s up to you which you prefer!

x Once the full text of the result is open, you will see icons to email, print or save the article.

x If the item is in a PDF format, you may see the link to download:

x If the item is an HTML document, you may opt to save it by using the options available through your web browser. For example, using Internet Explorer, click File at the top right, then select Save As

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x If you are saving the article, be sure it is being saved to your computer or flash drive. If you are not

asked where on your computer you want to save the item then it will not have saved properly. Use one of the other options. Saving it as a bookmark in your browser will not work.

x Try additional searches by adding or changing your keywords in the boxes at the top of the page.

x A good place to find some additional keyword suggestions is in the subjects field found in each result’s description.

Unit 3

Finding Definitions in Credo Reference Credo Reference is a database that holds reference books like dictionaries and encyclopedias. This is a great resource to use if you are unfamiliar with a word or topic and would like to learn more about it. To search within the Credo Reference database, follow the steps below. x Click the Find articles and ebooks link on the library’s homepage.

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x When the next page loads, scroll through the alphabetical list of databases under the Find articles and e-books by database heading and look for Credo Reference. Click directly on its title to load the search page.

x When you get to the database’s search page, enter a keyword in the appropriate search box.

What is a keyword?

A keyword is a term or phrase related to the topic you are researching.

To develop keywords, think of the core ideas of your topic.

x Keywords related to your topic:

x Enter your keyword or key phrase in the appropriate search box, click search. Note: For keywords,

search using the first box. Use the second box for key phrases which contain more than one word, for example, vertical marketing. This will allow you to search for the entire phrase, instead of each individual word in the phrase.

Marketing Vertical marketing

Distribution channel Target market

Market segmentation

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x Results will load on a new page. The result heading will tell you the title of each entry and the

resource it is listed in. Click the title to see the entry in its entirety.

x Once you are in the full entry, you will see icons to save, or email it. Saving it as a bookmark in your

browser will not work.

Finding Articles in Business Source Premier Business Source Premier is one of the library’s strongest business resources. It holds academic journal articles, market research reports, industry reports, country reports, company profiles, and SWOT analyses related to all disciplines of business, including the discipline of marketing. To search within the Business Source Premier database, follow the steps below. x Click Find articles and ebooks on the library’s homepage.

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x When the next page loads, scroll through the alphabetical list of databases under the Find articles

and e-books by database heading and look for Business Source Premier. Click directly on its title to load Business Source Premier’s search page.

x Once the search page for Business Source Premier loads, type your keyword(s) in the blank search boxes at the top of the page.

x Keywords related to your topic:

x Enter each term before and after the AND in a new search box.

x When you have your keyword(s) in place, click search.

x Results will load. Review them to see if they apply to your research.

Marketing AND distribution AND product/service Marketing channels AND product/service

Distribution AND channel AND product/service Horizontal marketing AND marketing channel

Vertical marketing AND marketing channel Multichannel marketing system Conventional marketing system

Target market AND retailer Target market AND wholesaler

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x You will see an icon next to each result stating what type of resource it is.

x When looking through articles, an easy way to see if an article will be useful is to view the abstract, which will give you a summary of the article.

x View an article’s abstract by hovering over the magnifying glass icon to the right of an article’s title.

x Then, if the article seems worthwhile, click on the link for full text.

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Updated 3/7/2013 AIU Library

What is HTML and PDF?

When pulling up results you may find that some offer the full text in PDF and some in HTML. Some

articles offer both.

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. The item will appear similar to a web page. Some formatting may be lost and usually these do not include images.

PDF stands for Portable Document Format. A PDF format looks like a photograph was taken of the

original and scanned. It will have the same margin and font and include images if there were any in the original item.

Sometimes there is no choice. The publishers of the content have opted to make their materials

available in only one format. If you do have a choice, it’s up to you which you prefer!

x Once the full text of the result is open, you will see icons to email, print or save the article.

x If the item is in a PDF format, you may see the link to download:

x If the item is an HTML document, you may opt to save it by using the options available through your web browser. For example, using Internet Explorer, click File at the top right, then select Save As

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x If you are saving the article, be sure it is being saved to your computer or flash drive. If you are not asked where on your computer you want to save the item then it will not have saved properly. Use one of the other options. Saving it as a bookmark in your browser will not work.

x Try additional searches by adding or changing your keywords in the boxes at the top of the page.

x A good place to find some additional keyword suggestions is in the subjects field found in each result’s description.

Finding Articles in ABI Inform Complete ABI Inform Complete is a comprehensive business database collection covering the many disciplines of business, including marketing. To search within the ABI Inform Complete database, follow the steps below. x Click the Find articles and ebooks link on the library’s homepage.

x When the next page loads, you will see an alphabetical list of databases under the Find articles and e-books by database heading. ABI Inform Complete is the first link in its list. Click directly on its title to load the database’s search page.

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x Once you are inside ABI Inform Complete, type your keyword(s) in the boxes at the top of the page.

What is a keyword?

A keyword is a term or phrase related to the topic you are researching.

To develop keywords, think of the core ideas of your topic.

x Keywords related to your topic:

x Each term before and after the AND in a new search box.

x When you have your keyword(s) in place, click Search.

x Results will load. Review them to see if they apply to your research.

Product development AND product/service Branding AND product/service

Packaging AND marketing AND product/service

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x Click on preview to read the abstract or summary of an article.

x Click on the full text link to view the entire article.

x Once the article is open, use the tools at the top of the page to email, print, or save.

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x Above the result list, you will see suggested subjects that you might consider for additional searches. Note: Do not click directly on the suggested subjects as the search will not default to searching for full text results.

Unit 4

Finding Articles in Business Source Premier Business Source Premier is one of the library’s strongest business resources. It holds academic journal articles, market research reports, industry reports, country reports, company profiles, and SWOT analyses related to all disciplines of business, including the discipline of marketing. To search within the Business Source Premier database, follow the steps below. x Click the Find articles and ebooks link on the library homepage.

x When the next page loads, scroll through the alphabetical list of databases under the Find articles and e-books by database heading and look for Business Source Premier. Click directly on its title to load Business Source Premier’s search page.

x Once the search page for Business Source Premier loads, type your keyword(s) in the blank search boxes at the top of the page.

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x Keywords related to your topic:

x Enter each term before and after the AND in a new search box.

x When you have your keyword(s) in place, click search.

x Results will load. Review them to see if they apply to your research.

Marketing AND promotional tool Advertising AND public relations

Direct marketing Marketing strategy Marketing model

Internet marketing Social media AND advertising

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x You will see an icon next to each result stating what type of resource it is.

x When looking through articles, an easy way to see if an article will be useful is to view the abstract, which will give you a summary of the article.

x View an article’s abstract by hovering over the magnifying glass icon to the right of an article’s title.

x Then, if the article seems worthwhile, click on the link for full text.

What is HTML and PDF?

When pulling up results you may find that some offer the full text in PDF and some in HTML. Some

articles offer both.

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. The item will appear similar to a web page. Some formatting may be lost and usually these do not include images.

PDF stands for Portable Document Format. A PDF format looks like a photograph was taken of the

original and scanned. It will have the same margin and font and include images if there were any in the original item.

Sometimes there is no choice. The publishers of the content have opted to make their materials

available in only one format. If you do have a choice, it’s up to you which you prefer!

x Once the full text of the result is open, you will see icons to email, print or save the article.

x If the item is in a PDF format, you may see the link to download:

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x If the item is an HTML document, you may opt to save it by using the options available through your web browser. For example, using Internet Explorer, click File at the top right, then select Save As

x If you are saving the article, be sure it is being saved to your computer or flash drive. If you are not asked where on your computer you want to save the item then it will not have saved properly. Use one of the other options. Saving it as a bookmark in your browser will not work.

x Try additional searches by adding or changing your keywords in the boxes at the top of the page.

x A good place to find some additional keyword suggestions is in the subjects field found in each result’s description.

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Updated 3/7/2013 AIU Library

Finding Articles in ABI Inform Complete ABI Inform Complete is a comprehensive business database collection covering the many disciplines of business, including marketing. To search within the ABI Inform Complete database, follow the steps below. x Click the Find articles and ebooks link on the library’s homepage.

x When the next page loads, you will see an alphabetical list of databases under the Find articles and

e-books by database heading. ABI Inform Complete is the first link in its list. Click directly on its title to load the database’s search page.

x Once you are inside ABI Inform Complete, type your keyword(s) in the boxes at the top of the page.

What is a keyword?

A keyword is a term or phrase related to the topic you are researching.

To develop keywords, think of the core ideas of your topic.

x Keywords related to your topic:

Pricing AND product/service/company name product/service/company name pricing strategy

Pricing strategy AND product/service/company name Pricing policies AND Consumer behavior AND product/service/company name

Pricing AND strategy AND product/service/company name

Updated 3/20/2013 AIU Online Library [email protected]

x Each term before and after the AND in a new search box.

x When you have your keyword(s) in place, click Search.

x Results will load. Review them to see if they apply to your research.

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x Click on preview to read the abstract or summary of an article.

x Click on the full text link to view the entire article.

x Once the article is open, use the tools at the top of the page to email, print, or save.

x Above the result list, you will see suggested subjects that you might consider for additional searches. Note: Do not click directly on the suggested subjects as the search will not default to searching for full text results.

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Unit 5

Locating Global Companies To locate companies that operate globally, review annual ranking lists for large companies that often have international operations. The Fortune 500 list holds the United States’ largest corporations ranked by revenue and is created every year by Fortune Magazine: http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune500/2012/full_list/.

Forbes’ annual ranking of the world’s biggest companies provides a list of the largest global companies: http://www.forbes.com/global2000/list/. Sales, profits, assets and market value of global companies are used to compile the list.

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Finding Articles in Multiple Databases (Cybrary) The Cybrary search tool allows you to search within multiple databases at one time, including many of our business-related databases. To search within Cybrary, follow the steps below. x Click the Find articles and ebooks link on the library’s homepage.

x A new page will load with a Cybrary search box at the very top and an alphabetical listing of the library's database collections.

x Type keyword(s) into the search box at the top of the page.

What is a keyword?

A keyword is a term or phrase related to the topic you are researching.

To develop keywords, think of the core ideas of your topic.

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Updated 3/20/2013 AIU Online Library [email protected]

x Keywords related to your topic:

x Enter your keywords in the search box using AND to connect two or more keywords. When you

have your keywords in place, click search.

x Results will load. Review them to see if they apply to your research.

Company name AND competitor Company name AND competition

Company name AND target market Company name AND distribution AND strategy

Company name AND marketing Company name AND pricing

Company name AND pricing AND strategy Company name AND public relations Company name AND communication

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Updated 3/20/2013 AIU Online Library [email protected]

x You will see an icon next to each result stating what type of resource it is.

x When looking through articles, an easy way to see if an article will be useful is to view the abstract, which will give you a summary of the article.

x View an article’s abstract by hovering your cursor over the magnifying glass icon to the right of an article’s title.

x Then, if the article seems worthwhile, click the link for full text.

What is HTML and PDF?

When pulling up results you may find that some offer the full text in PDF and some in HTML. Some

articles offer both.

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. The item will appear similar to a web page. Some formatting may be lost and usually these do not include images.

PDF stands for Portable Document Format. A PDF format looks like a photograph was taken of the

original and scanned. It will have the same margin and font and include images if there were any in the original item.

Sometimes there is no choice. The publishers of the content have opted to make their materials

available in only one format. If you do have a choice, it’s up to you which you prefer!

x Once the full text of the result is open, you will see icons to email, print or save the article.

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Updated 3/20/2013 AIU Online Library [email protected]

x If the item is in a PDF format, you may see the link to download:

x If the item is an HTML document, you may opt to save it by using the options available through your web browser. For example, using Internet Explorer, click File at the top right, then select Save As

x If you are saving the article, be sure it is being saved to your computer or flash drive. If you are not asked where on your computer you want to save the item then it will not have saved properly. Use one of the other options. Saving it as a bookmark in your browser will not work.

x Try additional searches by adding or changing your keywords in the boxes at the top of the page.

x A good place to find some additional keyword suggestions is in the subjects field found in each result’s description.

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Updated 3/20/2013 AIU Online Library [email protected]

Finding Articles in Academic Search Premier Academic Search Premier holds academic journal content related to all subject areas and is designed specifically for academic research. To search within the Academic Search Premier database, follow the steps below. x Click Find articles and ebooks on the library’s homepage.

x When the next page loads, scroll through the alphabetical list of databases under the Find articles and e-books by database heading and look for Academic Search Premier. Click directly on its title to load Academic Search Premier’s search page.

x Once the search page for Academic Search Premier loads, type your keyword(s) in the blank search boxes at the top of the page.

x Keywords related to your topic:

x Enter each term before and after the AND in a new search box.

x When you have your keyword(s) in place, click search.

Business AND social responsibility Business AND ethics

Business ethics

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Updated 3/20/2013 AIU Online Library [email protected]

x Results will load. Review them to see if they apply to your research.

x You will see an icon next to each result stating what type of resource it is.

x When looking through articles, an easy way to see if an article will be useful is to view the abstract, which will give you a summary of the article.

x View an article’s abstract by hovering over the magnifying glass icon to the right of an article’s title.

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Updated 3/20/2013 AIU Online Library [email protected]

x Then, if the article seems worthwhile, click on the link for full text.

What is HTML and PDF?

When pulling up results you may find that some offer the full text in PDF and some in HTML. Some

articles offer both.

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. The item will appear similar to a web page. Some formatting may be lost and usually these do not include images.

PDF stands for Portable Document Format. A PDF format looks like a photograph was taken of the

original and scanned. It will have the same margin and font and include images if there were any in the original item.

Sometimes there is no choice. The publishers of the content have opted to make their materials

available in only one format. If you do have a choice, it’s up to you which you prefer!

x Once the full text of the result is open, you will see icons to email, print or save the article.

x If the item is in a PDF format, you may see the link to download:

x If the item is an HTML document, you may opt to save it by using the options available through your web browser. For example, using Internet Explorer, click File at the top right, then select Save As

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Updated 3/20/2013 AIU Online Library [email protected]

x If you are saving the article, be sure it is being saved to your computer or flash drive. If you are not asked where on your computer you want to save the item then it will not have saved properly. Use one of the other options. Saving it as a bookmark in your browser will not work.

x Try additional searches by adding or changing your keywords in the boxes at the top of the page.

x A good place to find some additional keyword suggestions is in the subjects field found in each result’s description.

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Updated 3/20/2013 AIU Online Library [email protected]

Additional Library Guides and Tutorials

x ABI Inform Complete User’s Guide Learn how to use the library's ABI/Inform Complete database to find information on a variety of business topics.

x Advanced Cybrary User’s Guide This guide shows the advanced features of the library’s electronic resource collection, Cybrary. It illustrates how to retrieve additional results to those that initially come up, narrow your results by date, publication title, type of result, and more. It also shows how to create an account and use the folder features, save your search history, and create alerts. This print version can be printed out or saved to your computer.

x Industry Profiles in the Library

This guide outlines searches for industry information and resources, like full industry profiles, in the library. It includes sample searches in First Research and Business Source Premier. The guide can be saved to your computer or printed.

x Marketing Library Research Guide The Marketing Library Research guide walks you through searches in the library's database collections for material related to the business discipline of marketing. Searches in ABI Inform Complete, Business Source Premier, Credo Reference, and Hoover's Pro are included. The library research guide can be printed out or saved to your computer.

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Updated 3/20/2013 AIU Online Library [email protected]

Contact a Librarian

If you have any questions, or if you need assistance using the library’s resources, please let us know! Contact your campus librarians using the information below.

To receive the quickest response, please be sure to use the contact information for your campus.

Campus Email Phone

AIU Online

[email protected]

877-221-5800 x15721

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AIU London

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+44 (0) 20-7467-5688

AIU South Florida

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The AIU Online Library is also available through the campus instant messaging system.

  • Unit 1
    • Finding Industry Profiles in First Research
    • Finding Articles in Business Source Premier
  • Unit 2
    • Finding Articles in ABI Inform Complete
    • Finding Articles in Multiple Databases (Cybrary)
  • Unit 3
    • Finding Definitions in Credo Reference
    • Finding Articles in Business Source Premier
    • Finding Articles in ABI Inform Complete
  • Unit 4
    • Finding Articles in Business Source Premier
    • Finding Articles in ABI Inform Complete
  • Unit 5
    • Locating Global Companies
    • Finding Articles in Multiple Databases (Cybrary)
    • Finding Articles in Academic Search Premier
  • Additional Library Guides and Tutorials
  • Contact a Librarian

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