emerge PowerPoint 2010

Cumulative Project 2

Woodstock Walls




Save a presentation

Modify the slide master

Modify text color

Add a footer to all slides

Display slide numbers on all slides

Add a header to notes pages and handouts

Convert text to a SmartArt graphic

Modify font size

Edit text in the Slide pane

Add a text box

Resize a graphic

Insert a shape

Format a shape

Apply an entrance animation effect to SmartArt

Customize an animation

Apply an entrance animation effect to a shape

Modify the timing of animations

Change the layout of a slide

Insert clip art

Position a graphic

Recolor a picture

Insert a SmartArt graphic

Enter text in a SmartArt diagram

Add shapes to a SmartArt diagram

Apply a style to a SmartArt diagram

Insert a picture

Apply a style to a picture

Apply an entrance animation effect to a picture

Project overview

Matthew Del Greco is the owner of Woodstock Walls, an art dealership in Ulster County, New York. Woodstock Walls represents local artists and displays their work in galleries throughout New York State. Matthew is expanding the business by providing add-on tours for local tour companies. These tours include visits to the galleries that display the artists’ works, lectures by the artists, and guided tours of the artists’ studios. In order to expand further, he needs to raise money. You will help Matthew prepare a PowerPoint presentation introducing Woodstock Walls to potential investors.


Emerge_PowerPoint2010_ CP2a_FirstLastName_1.pptx (Note: Download your personalized start file from www.cengage.com/sam2010)


Open the file Emerge_PowerPoint2010_CP2a_FirstLastName_1.pptx and save the file as Emerge_PowerPoint2010_ CP2a_FirstLastName_2.pptx before you move to the next step. Verify that your name appears in the Notes on the first slide. (Note: Do not edit the Notes on the first slide. If your name does not appear in the Notes, please download a new copy of the start file from the SAM Web site.)

On the Opulent Slide Master, change the font color of the title text to Orange, Accent 3.

Add the footer Woodstock Walls and slide numbering to all the slides, including the title slide, and then add Matthew Del Greco as a header on the Notes and Handouts.

On Slide 2 (“Expanding the Arts”), convert the bulleted list to the Basic Cycle SmartArt diagram.

Change the font size of all the text in the Basic Cycle diagram text boxes to 28 points.

Near the upper-right side of the Cycle diagram, insert a text box with the phrase Woodstock Walls Completes the Circle. Change the text to 20 point Trebuchet MS (Body) with Purple, Accent 2 font color.

Adjust the width of the text box as necessary so that “Woodstock Walls” is on one line and “Completes the Circle” is on the second line.

Use the Curved Left Arrow shape in the Block Arrows category to draw an arrow below the text box, and then change its outline color to Black, Text 1 by using the Shape Outline button in the Shape Styles group on the Drawing Tools Format tab.

Animate the Basic Cycle diagram using the entrance animation Grow & Turn.

Apply the option to animate the objects in the diagram One by One.

Animate the text box and the arrow to appear on the screen together when you advance the slide show using the Wipe animation, modified to wipe From Left.

On Slide 3 ("Participating NY Galleries"), change the layout to Two Content, insert clip art of your choice that reflects art (for example, a picture of an artist’s palette or paint brush). If the clip art you chose is a bitmapped graphic, change its color to Purple, Accent color 2 Dark.

On Slide 4 ("Participating Artists"), insert a SmartArt diagram using the Vertical Box List diagram. In the top box enter: Emily Catalan. In the second level text box enter Michael Robins. In the third level box enter Erica Madison.

Add two new shapes to the diagram. In the fourth box enter Rhoda Altman, and the fifth box enter Alex Bard.

Apply the Polished SmartArt style to the diagram.

On Slides 5 and 6, change the layouts to Two Content. On Slide 5, insert the artwork picture in the file “support_Emerge_P10_CP2a_Artwork1.jpg”. On Slide 6 insert the artwork picture in the file “support_Emerge_P10_CP2a_Artwork2.jpg” (both available from the SAM web site). Format both photos with the Reflected, Rounded Rectangle picture style or any other picture style of your choosing.

Animate the images you added to Slides 5 and 6 using the Fade Entrance animation. Keep the default timing of On Click.

Your presentation should look like the Final Figure below. Save your changes, close the presentation and exit PowerPoint. Follow the directions on the SAM web site to submit your completed project.



SAM Projects Office 2010
Emerge EXCEL 2010 CP2a -Training Solutions Learning Centers DO NOT DELETE--> %(1B885A789636ED21-329023A7E9C80211)%
Author Kenya Sheard
Note: Do not edit this sheet. If your name does not appear in cell B4, please download a new copy of the start file from the SAM web site.


Training Solutions Learning Centers
Purpose Yearly tuition report for Training Solutions Learning Centers

Enrollment Report

Training Solutions Learning Centers
2012 Enrollment Report
Office Technology Month Odessa Austin Dallas Lubbock Waco Total
Jan 914 1644 1141 2867 1186
Feb 690 2154 1079 2305 1097
Mar 960 1250 1036 2746 1180
Apr 722 1487 745 2198 1196
May 650 1392 1072 1964 1209
Jun 758 1250 700 3425 1144
Jul 1222 1585 1424 2186 1478
Aug 654 1720 1283 2536 943
Sep 376 1831 1113 3078 1078
Oct 753 1967 1325 2444 1200
Nov 820 1660 649 3217 1271
Dec 634 1190 1070 1917 1280
Auto Repair Month Odessa Austin Dallas Lubbock Waco Total
Jan 776 2631 664 1128 752
Feb 1010 1952 652 1153 997
Mar 709 2000 625 1301 884
Apr 881 2049 735 1178 942
May 961 2715 668 1349 1014
Jun 1020 2370 638 1309 806
Jul 801 2278 690 1183 952
Aug 773 2448 526 1262 852
Sep 794 2497 684 1158 981
Oct 805 2379 654 1084 1071
Nov 742 2507 580 1179 1077
Dec 862 2526 577 1380 1106
Plumbing & Electric Month Odessa Austin Dallas Lubbock Waco Total
Jan 294 750 290 1659 606
Feb 456 854 244 1771 431
Mar 433 853 306 1505 506
Apr 486 925 286 1604 698
May 489 953 331 1592 558
Jun 436 773 321 1815 654
Jul 455 728 321 1547 649
Aug 468 659 323 1634 645
Sep 402 800 339 1622 709
Oct 471 793 305 1773 658
Nov 556 868 429 1275 610
Dec 363 810 216 1610 588

Emerge excel 2010

Cumulative Project 2

Training Solutions




Save a workbook with a new name

Change fill color

Add borders

Change the font

Change the font size

Change the font color

Apply bold

Enter formulas

Create a formula using the SUM function

Fill adjacent cells with formulas

Copy cell contents

Merge cells and center their content

Apply styles

Modify vertical text alignment

Rotate text

Use the Format Painter

Center cell contents

Apply Comma Style number format

Modify the number of decimal places

Format a range as a table

Adjust table style options

Cancel a filter

Modify worksheet orientation

Control page breaks

Add print titles

Add footers to worksheets

Project overview

Ethel Robinson is the Curriculum Director for Training Solutions Learning Centers, a growing franchise that provides tutoring, seminars, training, and classes to prepare workers for today’s jobs. Based in El Paso, Texas she hopes to expand the centers across the country by analyzing which divisions are most successful. She’s been tracking the enrollment for the three main learning divisions: Office Technology, Auto Repair, and Plumbing and Electric in the five centers. She created a workbook that contains the enrollment figures from the past year for the five existing centers and wants you to help format the report.


Emerge_Excel2010_ CP2a_FirstLastName_1.xlsx (Note: Download your personalized start file from www.cengage.com/sam2010)


Open the file Emerge_Excel2010_ CP2a_FirstLastName_1.xlsx and save the file as Emerge_Excel2010_CP2a_FirstLastName_2.xlsx before you move to the next step. Verify that your name appears in cell B4 of the Documentation sheet. (Note: Do not edit the Documentation sheet. If your name does not appear in cell B4, please download a new copy of the start file from the SAM Web site.)

In the Information sheet, set the background color for all the cells in the worksheet to Purple, Accent 4, Lighter 40% and then set the background color for the range B3:B5 to standard Yellow. Add a border line around the range B3:B5.

Change the font of cell A1 to the (Headings) font of the current theme, change the font size to 28 points, change the font color to standard Yellow, and then bold the text. Change the font size of the range A3:A5 to 12 points, and then bold and italicize the text.

Go to the Enrollment Report worksheet. For all three learning divisions, add formulas to calculate the total enrollment for each month, the total enrollment for each learning center (as identified by city), and the total enrollment for each learning division overall for the year.

Merge and center the range A1:H1, apply the Heading 1 cell style, and then increase the font size to 26 points. Merge and center the range A2:H2, apply the Title cell style, and then increase the font size to 20 points. Change the font color to standard Purple for both cells.

Merge and center the range A3:A16, set the alignment to Align Text Right, rotate the text vertically by using the Rotate Text Up command, apply the Accent4 cell style, increase the font size to 20 points, and then italicize the text. Use the Format Painter to apply the same formatting to the two ranges A18:A31 and A33:A46.

Center the text in the range C3:H3. Format the range C4:H16 using the Number group on the Home tab to include thousands separators (,) and no decimal places. Use the Format Painter to copy the formatting in C3:H16 to the two ranges C18:H31 and C33:H46.

Format the range B3:H16 as a table by applying the Table Style Medium 5 table style. Format the ranges B18:H31 and B33:H46 as tables using the same table style.

For all three tables, in the table style options, leave the Header Row and Banded Rows check boxes selected, and also select the First Column and Last Column check boxes for emphasis. Remove the filter arrows for all three tables.

Format the ranges B16:H16, B31:H31 and B46:H46 by setting the fill color for these Total rows to standard Yellow.

In the Enrollment Report worksheet, set the page orientation to Landscape, insert manual page breaks at cells A18 and A33. Modify the page setup so that the first two rows of the worksheet are repeated at the top of every printed page.

Using the appropriate buttons in the Header & Footer Elements group on the Header & Footer Tools Design tab, display the filename in the left footer, display Page page number of number of pages in the center footer, and display the current date in the right footer.

Your worksheet should look like the Final Figure below. Save your changes, close the workbook and exit Excel. Follow the directions on the SAM Web site to submit your completed project.


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