PSY111 Emotion & Motivation Case Analysis Rubric – 100 Points
Student Name_______________________
Excellent/Exceeds Expectations |
Good/Meets Most Expectations |
Incomplete/Meets Partial Expectations |
Points Possible |
30-28 |
27-22 |
21-1 |
(30 points) (a1) For first employee, select and explain how one of the theories/models applies to describe employee's motivation. |
Complete discussion of how motivation theory/model describes employee. Fully supports description that demonstrates investigation of major theories of motivation. |
Describes how one of the theories/models describes employee's motivation. Needs minor additional detail or support to be complete. |
Partial description of how theory/model describes employee's motivation OR incorrect use of a model. Needs significant detail or support to be complete. |
Feedback Comments:
Points Possible |
30-28 |
27-22 |
21-1 |
(30 points) (a2) For second employee, select and explain how one of the theories/models applies to describe employee's motivation. (Different model than used on first employee.) |
Complete discussion of how motivation theory/model describes employee. Fully supports description that demonstrates investigation of major theories of motivation. |
Describes how one of the theories/models describes employee's motivation. Needs minor additional detail or support to be complete. |
Partial description of how theory/model describes employee's motivation OR incorrect use of a model. Needs significant detail or support to be complete. |
Feedback Comments: |
Points Possible |
10 |
9-8 |
7-1 |
(10 points)
(b) Consider how emotions influence motivation. Explain which emotions might decrease motivation, and which emotions might increase motivation. |
Considers fully how emotions influence motivation to explain the range/variation in human thoughts and behavior. Considers and discusses all items indicated in directions. Fully supports description. |
Discusses how emotions influence motivation. Considers and discusses most items indicated in directions. Needs minor additional detail or support to be complete. |
Partial discussion of how emotions influence motivation. Considers and discusses some items indicated in directions. Needs significant detail or support to be complete. |
Feedback Comments: |
Points Possible |
10 |
9-8 |
7-1 |
(10 points) (c) Discuss how an individual or organization uses knowledge about the motivation theories and models to increase motivation within the workplace. |
Thorough application of theory to real-life settings. Describes how an individual or organization could use knowledge about motivation theories and models to increase motivation within the workplace. Fully supports description. |
Considers how an individual or organization could use knowledge about motivation theories and models to increase motivation within the workplace. Needs minor additional detail or support to be complete. |
Partial application of how an individual or organization could use knowledge about motivation theories and models to increase motivation within the workplace. Needs significant detail or support to be complete. |
Feedback Comments: |
Excellent/Exceeds Expectations |
Good/Meets Most Expectations |
Incomplete/Meets Partial Expectations |
Points Possible |
10-9 |
8-7 |
6-1 |
(10 points) Writing Mechanics sentence structure, run-ons, fragments, agreement, punctuation, capitalization, spelling, etc. |
Demonstrates knowledge and use of writing mechanics, enhances the readability |
Demonstrates knowledge and use of writing mechanics but with errors that may detract from the readability |
Difficulties with readability due to inappropriate use of writing mechanics |
Feedback Comments: |
Points Possible |
10-9 |
8-7 |
6-1 |
(10 points) Writing Organization Coherence: all writing fits together, makes sense, and flows in effective order – beginning, middle, end
Clarity: all writing is consistent and logical |
Coherence: Well organized and purposeful writing; has beginning, middle, and end; strong and appropriate transitions Clarity: Expresses ideas clearly and logically
Coherence: Sequence of information difficult to follow; lacks a clear beginning, middle, and end; few or inappropriate transitions Clarity: Attempts to express ideas clearly; sometimes difficult to follow |
Coherence: Unclear; lacks beginning, middle and end; fails to use transitions appropriately
Clarity: Disjointed connection of ideas; difficult to follow |
For each requirement not completed, points(s) will be deducted as explained below. (Maximum Deduction 10 Points) |
Requirements for basic APA document formatting and citations (Maximum Deduction 10 Points) |
Your assignment requires the following: - Name at top of document (-1 point) - 1 inch margins (-1 point) - Times/Times New Roman font (-1 point) - 12 point font (-1 point) - Double spaced (-1 point) - Informal citations within the worksheet (-1 point) - Informal list of references (-2 points) - Quotation marks when directly quoting a source (-2 points) |
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