Name:_____________________________ Final Score:____________
Stock Simulation Project Rubric (Revised Fall 2011)
Minimum Transaction Requirements (30 Points) Advanced Satisfactory Needs Work
Transactions 3 buys (5) Did not meet minimum requirements
3 Sells (5) Did not meet minimum requirements
Investment Invested 80% of finances (10)
Did not invest majority of money
Time Started Early (5)
First stock bought on: Did not comply
Ended Late, no stocks in portfolio (5)
Last stock sold on:
Did not comply
Section Score: Comments: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
Essay Requirements (70 points) Advanced (5) Satisfactory (3) Needs Work (1) Strategy #1 Content (5)
Organizes material in a clear, appropriate, and precise manner. Article is well developed and has more than enough information to inform the reader. Price bought/sold; total profit/loss for that security
Organizes material in an appropriate manner, but may lack some clarity or consistency. Presents basic information but may have extraneous material. Fairly well developed and has enough to inform reader May have some of the information regarding Price bought/sold; total profit/loss for security
Little evidence of a cohesive plan. Little or no description or detail. Ideas seem scrambled, jumbled, or disconnected. Little development and minimum information Used details may be the wrong details or may not help explain topic
Analysis (5)
Analyzed what happened and rationalized why stock went up/down; discussed strategy
Discussed what happened but may not have rationalized why stock went up/down; and/or discussed strategy
Did not analyze strategy.
Strategy #2 Content (5) Organizes material in a
clear, appropriate, and precise manner. Article is well developed and has more than enough information to inform the reader. Price bought/sold; total profit/loss for that security
Organizes material in an appropriate manner, but may lack some clarity or consistency. Presents basic information but may have extraneous material. Fairly well developed and has enough to inform reader May have some of the information regarding Price bought/sold; total profit/loss for security
Little evidence of a cohesive plan. Little or no description or detail. Ideas seem scrambled, jumbled, or disconnected. Little development and minimum information Used details may be the wrong details or may not help explain topic
Analysis (5)
Analyzed what happened and rationalized why stock went up/down; discussed strategy
Discussed what happened but may not have rationalized why stock went up/down; and/or discussed strategy
Did not analyze strategy.
Strategy #3 Content (5) Organizes material in a
clear, appropriate, and precise manner. Article is well developed and has more than enough information to inform the reader. Price bought/sold; total profit/loss for that security
Organizes material in an appropriate manner, but may lack some clarity or consistency. Presents basic information but may have extraneous material. Fairly well developed and has enough to inform reader May have some of the information regarding Price bought/sold; total profit/loss for security
Little evidence of a cohesive plan. Little or no description or detail. Ideas seem scrambled, jumbled, or disconnected. Little development and minimum information Used details may be the wrong details or may not help explain topic
Analysis (5)
Analyzed what happened and rationalized why stock went up/down; discussed strategy
Discussed what happened but may not have rationalized why stock went up/down; and/or discussed strategy
Did not analyze strategy.
Changes/ Lessons learned (10)
Reflected on project and submitted reasonable revisions
Reflected on project and submitted revisions
Did not reflect on project
Mid-point stock check (10)
Completed and include d on time (10)
Completed and included (7)
Did not do, or incomplete (5)
Advice (5)
Gave advice on stocks and project to teacher
Did not give advice on stocks and project to teacher
Construction (10) Grammar and spelling correct (10)
Grammar and spelling mostly correct (7)
Several grammar and spelling mistakes (5)
Directions (5) Followed Directions Completely
Mostly followed directions Did not follow directions
Section Score: Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________
Project Overview
For your Business Capstone Project you will examine and present solutions to a problem that's occurring in today's business world. The project will focus on a key business problem/issue, to be researched and analyzed by you with a recommended solution(s) presented.
You will play the role of a consultant hired by a fictitious company, MovieFlix, a company that provides subscription service for on-demand Internet streaming media in the U.S. MovieFlix also provides flat rate DVD-by-mail, where DVDs are sent via postal mail to customers.
MovieFlix is experiencing several issues that are not uncommon to the business industry. They have hired your consulting firm, Rasmussen Consulting, to analyze and help them solve one of their problems. Rasmussen has assigned the case to you and you will serve as the consultant on this project.
You use these weekly assignments to assist you in preparing your final deliverable, which is a proposed solution and plan.
You will select one of the following business problems for your project:
· Mismatch between the skills needed from employees and the talent available. There is a perceived shortage of talent in the market.
· Shortage of talented employees due to people finding employment overseas.
· Integrity - employees, and company executives have decided to cut corners, omit information, lie, steal, and deceive to get ahead.
· Cash, borrowing, and resources management - the company is having a problem managing their cash flow; capital expenditures and receivable collections are draining their cash.
· Increased competition in the marketplace.
· Marketing and Customer Loyalty - challenge to market to potential customers effectively and retain existing customers.
· Uncertainty - short-term focus due to economic uncertainty; lost focus with long-term planning in favor of shorter-term goals.
· Problem Solving and Risk Management - problem with identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks.
· Finding the right staff - finding the right staff, retaining them, and ensuring they buy into the vision of the business
Time Line
Week |
Assignment |
01 |
Business Problem |
02 |
Business Letter |
03 |
Business Ethics |
04 |
Strategic Planning |
05 |
Team Building |
06 |
Budget |
09 |
Management Information Systems |
Your final deliverable is a business proposal addressed to your instructor that outlines how your chosen business succeeds in solving a problem or creating an opportunity. In this proposal, you comment on each of the business areas or challenges that are outlined in the time line above (e.g. business ethics, team building, and so on). The proposal should include adequate research to support your decisions about these areas or challenges.
Due Date
Your final project is due Module 09. There will be individual assignments along the way. The assignments and modules that are due are noted in bold in the time line below. As you can see, your first assignment "Business Problem" is due this module.
The proposal should include a title page and references cited in APA style. You can access APA guidelines on the Resources tab. You should also check all of your work for proper mechanics with regard to spelling, punctuation, grammar, and sentence structure.
Each assignment leading up to the final project is evaluated and graded independently. Your instructor will provide specific grading criteria for each step of the project prior to its due date.
For Further Questions
If you have further questions throughout this project, please ask your Instructor. Post ideas and questions for your classmates in the General Course Questions forum in the Getting Started folder of this course.
Stock Simulation Project Economics Welcome to the stock simulation project. To get started you will need to go to the following website:, and go to games (upper right corner). From there if you click join, (upper right corner of game box) it will take you to the login page. You will need to register for a free account. Once you are logged in click join and enter the password that I have given you.
Stock Simulation Grading Criteria
Minimum Transaction Requirements (30 points): This should be address in the first part of your paper. You can type the number and this list the required information. 1) You must have at least six transactions in your history. Your transaction history should show
that you bought and sold a minimum of three different stocks. List the three stock that you are analyzing and tell me the dates when you bought and sold them.
2) You must invest at least 80% of your finances. Since you are given $100,000. This would mean $80,000. Tell me how much you have spent. (Buying power tells you have much you can spend and cash borrowed let’s you know that you spent your 100K and you are now purchasing on the margin.
3) You must start investing early (within the first week) and end late (within the last two
weeks). Tell me the date and the name of the stock you first purchased and the date and name of the last stock sold.
Start Date: Essay Requirements (70 points): 1) Your essay must be typed and must address the following questions:
a) Explain and analyze three different strategies. Remember one of the strategies must be a research strategy. Remember this is done before you buy the stock. You must mention the stocks and rationalize the reasons that it went up or down. You should also analyze each strategy and discuss what you learned from them. Things to included: Price bought, price sold, total profit/loss for that security, what happened?
Research: list the url for internet research site, you can mention the annual report from class (or outside class) and the year of the report, if you used value lines list the company and the page numbers and year of the issue.
b) Discuss what you would do if you could do the simulation over again. c) Ask three people in the class about their stocks (3), their strategies, (3) and their
results for those stocks. (this was done for the midpoint check, use the information gathered in this section).
d) Give Mr. Holcomb advice on improving this project.
2) Although I acknowledge that this is not an English class, your essay should be
grammatically correct and should be multi-paragraphed. For your own safety, I would advise you to photocopy your stock simulation before your submit it to me. Also, I would print out a copy of your own stock page and history in case we have technical difficulties with the site. Due date: _______________________ at the beginning of the period. If you do not turn in your stock simulation in on time, you will be penalized one grade per day. Stock Simulation Strategies Remember, you must have at least 3 different strategies. Some possible strategies that you may use (you can pick 2): -Newspaper (Current Events) -Selling short (cannot sell short for over $50,000) -Throw a dart -Talk to parents -Talk to broker or friends -Penny stocks -L.A. Times rankings -All time highs and all time lows -Familiarity with the product -you can add on to this list if you wish You must use one of the following research strategies: -Value Lines -Annual Reports -Research from the Internet Revised 1/2015

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