[email protected]
Mobile: ( 229)444-4444
Current Address Permanent Address
905n Willow Ave apt c10e Alfintas block#4 street#9
Cookeville,Tn 38501 house#86/27 Kuwait
An employment opportunity in a computer science related field
Tennessee technology university,TN B.S Mechanical engineering; Minor: Computer/Business
GPA:3.5-Dean’s list 6 semesters May,2017
Relevant Experience
Kuwait Oil Company
Oil, Gas, Project Management, design, technical specification, quality, health, safety, environmental, detailed design, conceptual, project audit / review, Optimization, plant performance, equipment specification, Sizing, process system components
Company Profile. They are involved in processing, storage& administrative facilities. Many projects are underway to search for new reserves in the area as well as improve the utilization of the existing hydrocarbon reserves.
Area in Major
ENGR 101 Foundations of Engineering
EMTH 118 Engineering Mathematics 1A
EMTH 119 Engineering Mathematics 1B
PHYS 101 Engineering Physics A: Mechanics, Waves and Thermal Physics
EMTH 171 Mathematical Modelling and Computation
ENGR 102 Engineering Mechanics and Materials
1. Programming experience- C++,JAVA,C#,XML and Web Development
1. . Writing skills, ability to efficiently produces concise, organized reports, labs and memos.
1. Public speaking-Finalist in Senior high school, Public speaking competition gained confidence and learn to engage audience with my creative speeches.
Kuwait Oil Company July 2017-Present
· Initially work as trainee in Kuwait Oil Company
1. Now I am working as Mechanical Engineer in Kuwait Oil Company my responsibilities to enhance the productive ability of machines and also guide the under trainee to become a best engineer in future.
Team Work
1. Ski Club Sep 2012-Present
1. Intramurals-Captain of basket ball and softball team
1. National Union Of Kuwait Students