Literature Review 1
How iPods can be optimally used to meet the needs of learners
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Problem Statement
Review of the Research
Technology has completely acquired over the rapid pace of trends in our society as well as across the globe. It is very true that the advancement of science has developed several products as vital contributions in our community to make our life much easier while the decline in the hurdles of our path. If we look around the cell phone (mobile) it has been more of a necessity among us rather than a choice. According to the recent primary and secondary data the figures reflect that almost 92 percent of the people across the globe use cell phone for acquiring their basic needs of the life to have long conversations with their family and friends along with the important calls to stay in touch with all their known individuals. Where ever you go even the drivers and poor people’s you can find them using cell phones but still we can figure out a line of difference with the use of the phone. Now a day we can find various categories of phones comprises of GSM, CDMA, Multimedia, basic phones, etc. IN out present scenario we can find that the youth are more over being friendly with the latest trends of touch screen technologies of mobile phones as well as the several described products of tablets, iPhones, etc. Which has been launched from the past several years but a novel generation of educational tools has funded those for the creative use and instantaneous admissions of the students to contribute their wealth of online resources. Those products has been advertized as “revolutionary” devices in our generation that embrace the immense potential for the proper transformation of learning’s. One of the principle benefits or the major circumstances of the adoption of such device is the characteristics reflected by them to facilitate the concept of learning skills anywhere, anytime across the nations. This permits a shift which has driven the industry study era replica where the classroom is the inner place of learning driven by lecturers as well as restricted to the lessons taught within the school on a regular day.
Problem Statement
While structuring the mobile devices the firms has to process various steps to compute the devices together and activate a production of successful products, the present trends of students who are being organized by mobile devices, the teacher is no longer present at the center of the learning procedure where as the instructional time for the studies may vary and can exceed than those of the school days. The vital key center areas of this statement were -
• Relevant data are provided to the schools to permit the decisions of informed purchasing.
• Identifying grave consequences of tablet technologies for teaching and Learning
• Identifying suitable opportunities for specialized learning for teachers
The other relevant query being raised were not much essential but focuses on the proper determination of parent questions and their concerns in relation to the young students making them more familiar and adopting the mobile touch device technologies in their regular life beyond the contexts of school to enhance their learning skills. As we know each of the causes are influenced by the probability factors same is followed with the above mentioned trend the probability for the mobile device portability for the users along with its access to a broader context followed by the flexible source of learning materials depend upon the use of consumers. The source of learning materials in those devices is much than those tendered in the settings of a contemporary classroom for an active session with the direct interaction of teachers and students. The device follows lack of applications which can be accepted by the users for learning purpose. Within the excess of 500000 mobile applications within the given gadgets available for downloads from the App Store, teachers have the admission to a profusion skill of learning materials for their effective use, for an example the iPod.
Review of the Research
Each and every success can only be acquired by the smart work of an individual, with a similar instance in the adoption of technologies in our life just acts as an inducer to influence the pace of our growth. They work as a catalyst to influence the learning skills of an individual and help them to grab the knowledge with much easier and friendly prospects with an active interaction with the help of the media (entertainment) to acquire more of the interest while learning especially for the students. We have met several of evidence in our life to propose the use of various applications for acquiring the major potential to sustain the learning process. (Shuler, 2012) On the other hand we have rarely found any research to corroborate those assertions concerning tablet technologies till date which are actualized in the real classroom settings. The limited study has been demeanor on our generations more probability for youth students to make an effective use of touch screen devices in their daily life for the actual impact of education.
Apart from those we have also marked that the research has not succeeded to continue with the high speed with the surfacing of apps regardless of an ‘app culture’ which are emerging for the inception of the iPhone since 2007. (Purcell, Entner & Henderson, 2010; The NPD Group, 2010). The various drought of experimental evidence to corroborate those educational apps are much expensive for learning in spite of the preponderance of apps promoted as ‘educational’ (Shuler, 2012)
This particular assessment seeks out to provide evidence-based information in terms of the practical and technical allegations of the organizing mobile devices (iPads) in classroom surroundings and their succeeding impact on teaching and learning. While adding up its impact, it discovers students’ and teachers’ perceptions and makes use of mobile devices along with offering a methodical analysis and classification of educational apps. It seeks to relate the up-and-coming body of literature on the effective execution of tablet technologies in the classroom settings.
Moving across the nations we can find several schools and colleges who have already acquired the considerable numbers of iPads and other mobile devices devoid of being conscious because of their implications while arrangement or the pedagogical consequences.
The object of this study was to offer consistent advice concerning:
(i) The inferences of mobile tools for teaching and learning; and
(ii) The scientific and logistical processes for efficient deployment and management of the devices in school settings,
We have come across several methods to be implemented in the evaluation of the efficiency the most common one is followed along with the multiple data sources which were employed to avail descriptive information about the contents and technical and logistical performance related to iPads, along with the most effective way to identify the interference while teaching and learning. After acquiring over an inclusive set of data the lesson scrutiny of the iPads in use by students and teachers with respect to the online surveys, we came across to know that several teachers, student, parent and principal, semi structured interviews followed with the digital work samples and questionnaire to be filled for grabbing tier feedbacks for the various samples followed with student and teacher blogs, and an ‘app matrix’. After an efficient view of those multiple data analysis, the evaluation responded positively towards the persisting themes which were already assured in the theme matrix readers.
It was prudence against generalizing or interpreting the actual findings according to the given proposals of the policy. On the other hand this effective result after its evaluation provides us the significant insights into how any of the particular type of mobile device such as iPad can be positioned and could be further utilized in the primary classrooms along with their effective forces driving towards the latest trends of teaching and learning. According to the evaluated result the outcomes for the future expects that this document will provide an available evidence based data and the effective direction responding in favor of the excellent plans to be implemented in the practice of iPads in the contexts arranged in schools and the various other analogous environments of learning.
Key findings relay to a couple of extensive areas:
1. Teaching and learning inferences: it reflects the precise impact of an effective preparation and planning followed by learning which has to be arranged by the teachers, which devotes its insight in favor of the learning for students along with the apprehensions and needs demanded by pedagogy and parents.
2. The other contribution follows the technical and logistical deliberations of a particular planning and preparation implemented by a teacher. It was recognized that the iPad positioned additional commands on teachers’ planning and grounding time.
After spending significant time for the proper evaluation of data and procuring the educational apps, formative relevance to the curriculum and then the installation of apps are followed on person student devices. The iPads were utilized in an innumerable of ways across most KLAs, but still we can find out the propensity for the educators to map the efficient use of the iPads to the curriculum offered for the respective students. This possibly will be regarded as an antiquated approach in a various possible ways.
Learning Content
The prior examination of the apps utilized in the field of study divulged that there were a number of alignments between the learning content prescribed syllabus files and apps accessible in the store of iTunes App’s. The evaluated result disclosed that 43% were open as informative, games-based apps, regardless of teachers stating that they favored the best possible content-creation, ’productivity’ apps. The various proposals by the teachers favored for the use of informative games-based apps were appropriate for the prescribed aspects of the curriculum which commands the rote memorization of facts for instance spelling and multiplication facts. The proper stipulation of instant feedback, a component of competition and the capability to lay down different levels within games-based apps, was appealed to resemble the students and teachers together. On the other hand, teachers reflect their perception that the most favorable use of the iPads was attained when students employed content-creation ‘productivity’ apps as these apps enlarged the higher order thinking skills and offered a creative and individualized opportunities for each student to articulate their understanding. The content-creation apps in addition also provide opportunities for the students towards the raised collaboration between them.
The recently examined pilot study design contributes a lot of design attributed for the iPad which offers the learning affordances. Findings designated that both teachers and students considered the iPads supported and add to student learning. These evidences were actualized as of the ways in which the teachers positioned the devices and implanted them in genuine and rich learning experiences, In the synopsis, this study provides a number of evidence to sustain all the claims that iPads improve the engagement and motivation skills of a student, along with the advanced facility of face-to-face and online teamwork amongst students, personalize learning and the improved outcomes of learning.
Teachers has described these gains in a wider prospects followed by several factors: the portability of the tool; teachers’ ability to easily discriminate instruction to cater for personal learning needs and preferences; the effortlessness with which students could create professional and artistic digital artifacts and suitable apps to scaffold and recompense for students’ emerging skills, for example, the prognostic text function for retaining the spelling skills; a strong logic of student possession of learning; and the most effective implementation of the metaphor that the iPad was a ‘tool for learning’.
The incorporation of an assortment of peripheral technologies contained by one device such as still and video camera, internet access, voice recorder, its instinctive design and easy interface and integration of apps, touch screen function and multimedia capability were also identified as differentiating the attributes of the iPad with the facilitated learning.
Teachers engaged in the study reported that they espoused more student-centered and innovative advances when by means of the iPad. There was confirmation that teachers used the iPads to adapt and redefine student learning, by utilizing the transformative pedagogical replicas. They in addition also identified that the synchronous employ of a variety of peripheral devices for instance a video and still camera and voice recording amenities, invites new opportunities for students to reveal their learning by using a choice of multimedia.
By the use of iPad it also effected in an add to in students sharing digital work, by means of the interactive whiteboard (IWB) in a lot of instances and this offered opportunities for the teacher to make available continuing, just-in-time feedback and in addition assemble cumulative assessment data. As an instinctive device, the iPad acts as a channel for the additional imaginative pursuits and exploration of new pedagogical approaches in our modern world.
The study recognized major school infrastructure deliberations related to wireless devices, fixing iPads for an interactive whiteboard (IWBs) and the acquirer of peripheral devices for instance those protective covers and headphones.
Moving ahead with the depth, the findings have also pointed toward the noteworthy decisions which should be initiated regarding the majority of time, well-organized method of installing and updating apps in accord with iTunes licensing terms and conditions. The study also enlightened the essential components for future teacher professional learning regarding the make use of those mobile devices in a regular basis. As the iPad is an instinctive device, the stress needs to be on educational approaches and task design, rather than on the technical features of by means of the device.
Finally I would like to highlight that the key proposals in this paper are summarized below, which synthesis the proposals and implications of these gadgets for the key requirement of teaching and learning along with the additional research work which reveals the several outcomes and benefits of adopting such trends in our curriculum for the advancement of kids.
School Administration
As we know that schools and colleges play a vital role to shape the future of a student accordingly hence it is the initial responsibility of schools to oblige and take a careful decision in relation to deploying and sharing iPads across classrooms. As they are first and foremost designed as a single-consumer device which is not sustained centrally by DEC (at the time of publication of the evaluation), substitute technical and support models need to be deemed prior to their implementation to prevent the hurdles and queries of parents.
• Schools are obliged to budget for additional costs further than the initial outlay for iPad devices to make certain they are effectively implemented in the classroom.
Infrastructure charges and teacher specialized learning are two imperative components.
• Schools and administrators require to carefully consider how to store and share student content generated on mobile devices.
Teaching and Learning
IPads want to be considered as an educational device that can support learning. They have the probable to manage to pay for new opportunities towards the learning trends if accompanied by student-centered pedagogies and genuine learning experiences. Given the prevalence of apps available in the iTunes App Store, teachers just need to make grave and informed decisions when selecting those apps.
Parents necessitate evidence-based information in relation to the safety and effective use of the mobile devices, which were chosen where to search for quality apps and propositions for a ways. These devices can be employed at home to support learning. In exacting, parents articulated a want for alternatives to ‘game’ apps, with a first choice for their children to make use of learning apps. Parents are as well looking for the updated information in relation to the impact of these tools which are being implemented on student learning and development.
Professional Learning
As they are an instinctive device, inadequate technical training is necessitated to put into practice iPads, apart from overt instructions on how to set-up the devices and iTunes accounts. On the other hand, professional learning is supposed to persuade teachers to reflect towards the educational approaches that best optimizes the iPad’s which can be used in the classroom. Professional learning opportunities also necessitate to center on directing teachers how to locate and evaluate the educational value of apps.
• Origin of a systematic process for evaluating apps is proposed (as stated previously, the app selection rubric may assist in this process).
• Teacher education on copyright guidelines within a digital environment is critical to enable them to make available students with pertinent 21st century skills.
• Explicit training possibly will be necessitated by DEC curriculum advisors on the best ways to implement iPads in their vicinity of expertise as there is immense variation in how the iPads are implemented transversely the curriculum and the availability of apps for precise subject areas.
Further experimental research is necessitated to enumerate the several benefits of mobile technologies on the student learning ends. Longitudes and empirical data are necessitated to explore the broader educational force of iPads on student learning. Moreover the upcoming features to lock the devices for the students to operate only the limited sources of app have created a more positive response from the parents to influence the adoption of such devices for their children’s and to implement them with their regular curriculum activities for their advancement with respect to the modern times of our century.
While concluding the entire scenario I would like to tell you that the further more tests are supposed to be conducted by the early on year’s students and secondary years student to resolve all the queries and figure out if the above mentioned findings from the given study are replicated with a wider prospects for the students or not. According to the given updates the release of Apple’s latest educational series of iPad offerings in January 2014 which reflect the advanced features of books up and the book's Author, along with the additional researched data which is required to scrutinize their usefulness in an effective classroom. Moving ahead with the given prospects the alliance of these devices with student centered approach will surely be raising the demand for an additional investigation for the extension of continuous renovated App for the student to update their lifestyles with the modern trends for an effective learning inside and outside of the campus.
Moreover one must say that there is an immense dire need for the apps which goes further than the drill and practice just like mock drills along with the games- founded paradigms to influence the behavioral and learning skills of a student together. Developers need to design apps that are vastly different to the design of ‘skill-and-drill’ software that has recently influenced the controls for most of the educational market. Touch devices in our present days represent unique opportunities for enhancing students’ understandings of abstract concepts through the presentation of dynamic representations, opportunities for embodied learning and the inclusion of interactive elements. Finally I would like to recommend all the education providers to adopt this system for their organizations to influence the learning skills of their student effectively.
1. AACTE (Eds.) (2008). The Handbook of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Educators, New York: Routledge.
2. Barseghian, T. (2011a). Algebra, meet the iPad: A year-long study explores learning with the tablet. Mindshift. Retrieved December 30, 2011
3. Brown, J. S. (2010). A New Culture of Learning. NMC Summer Conference, Closing Keynote. (2010)
4. Chiong, C., & Shuler, C. (2010). Learning: Is there an app for that? Investigations of young children’s usage and learning with mobile devices and apps. New York: The Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop.
5. Purcell, K., Entner, R. and Henderson, N. (2010). The rise of apps culture. Washington, DC:Pew Research Center’s Internet and American Life Project.
6. Shuler, C. (2009b). Pockets of potential: Using mobile technologies to promote children’s learning. New York, NY: The Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop

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