Use the following template to craft a letter requesting permission from a research site to recruit participants from the site, collect information about the site, or conduct research activities at the site. Note that this document is intended to provide you with sample language to use in your request.
Do not use or request letterhead for this letter. Capella University will not provide you with letterhead for this request.
--------------------------------AUTHORIZATION REQUEST EXAMPLE---------------------------
Research Site’s Official Name
Research Site Name
Research Site Address
Dear [Research Site’s Official Name],
I am working on a doctoral dissertation, entitled, “[insert title].” My research will be overseen by my faculty mentor, [Mentor Name].
My research examines [explanation of research topic and questions]. I will be recruiting [description of targeted population] to participate in my study.
I am requesting permission to conduct my dissertation research at [insert name of site].
Specifically, I am requesting permission to engage in the following research activities:
· [research activity]
· [research activity]
· [research activity]
· [research activity]
· [research activity]
· [research activity]
This project will begin once I have obtained approval from Capella University’s Institutional Review Board (IRB), which will review my study to ensure the adequacy of my plan for protecting participants.
My anticipated projected start date is [date] and I expect that this study will last [enter length of time]
Any data collected will be kept confidential. In accordance with Capella policy and best practices for ethical research, neither participants nor sites will be identified in any report of my findings or in my published dissertation. I will provide a copy of the aggregate results from this study upon your request.
If you have any concerns about this request please contact me at the phone number listed below.
[Researcher’s Name]
[Researcher’s Contact Information]

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